Monday, October 24, 2011


Today was in a way...weird man!  But lessons always learned.   Earlier this morning had a chance to finish up this documentary I was watching on "The Real David Beckham".  The world renowned soccer player who now resides over here in the states, specifically over in Los Angeles, my future home.  It was very cool to watch because the doc was filmed around the year 2000/2001, so even though him and his wifey were together, you had a chance to watch them still in their "young puppy love" days of marriage.  More on that later...It was filmed over in England, and what made it even more unique and cool was the access into their home, Manchester United athletic fields, photo shoots, book signings (by the way his autobiography was one of the best I've read, check it out) and the cameras even followed him into this dude's Mercedes Ride as he drove from venue to venue to do his thang.  I love it when people invite you into their world, whether its by video, or conversations, or blogs (cough, cough), it gets me going because you can learn so much not only from the person's words and actions, but you learn about life itself.  That's sexy to me...yea, I truly love to enjoy life, and I can dance the night away with anyone, but a compelling evening of conversation at Books and Books can stimulate me as well.  I'm really starting to believe that you know when you find true love when that person can make love to your "mind, body and soul."  Not just one or two of them, but all three.   Hopefully, whoever, if anybody, who read that, won't ever forget it, cuz its true.

David Beckham.  One of my style icons, I love the European style and basically the way of life over there...but I give much respect for how he's carried himself under the spotlight.  It's not easy when all eyes on are you (boy I should play that 2pac right now!).  What u wear, what route to take...all those things come with the territory I guess.  Having Posh Spice with you helps out a lot.  And from what I'm seeing, true love can do some wild stuff.  I talk from the single free-agent point of view, but as my Grandpa Roy once said about love, "If its good, it's really good...if its bad, it's REALLY bad!"  He used to talk about checking out the blood line of the people I get involve with...that old southern thinking, YET it has some merit, I believe...if folks get angry easy, can't handle the pressure of everyday life, don't think positive or let themselves go once the got their "catch of the day".  These are serious issues that are out here.  Why not tell it like it is, and that goes for men and women, girls and boys.  Heck my young cousins are experiencing wild stuff in high school and stuff, so why would I hold back experiences that the Lord brought me threw??  I mean like, have...see I was just gonna fulfill this diary on 2night on a chill tip, now I'm starting to feel it some, so let's get loose.

I was watching a message presented by Mr. Ron Carpenter on 2day, and he made a comment on something I've been thinking about for so long on how, "Mediocrity is becoming acceptable" in society today.  (C Hagg I'll never forget u discussing that bro!)  We getting used to it on every level.  A hooper avg. 15 points a game in high school and he wants to go straight to the pros?!  U avg. 15 in high school how u gonna avg. 25 against the pros?  We get (I did say WE) , get used to the same stuff, same places to eat and same relationships that a mediocrity type of life begins to get "comfortable".  But Lil Weezy and 'Face said it best when it comes to that comfortable mindset .  Oh boy, getting happy here cuz I know it's true.  We should all strive to be around folk who make us better whether in a platonic sense or in a Walt "Baby" Love  sense.  I'm talking to myself now, it is our diary entry took me a looooong time to realize that sometimes if things don't work out, you shouldn't take it personal .  You think like how could this person not want to be a part of this "lifestyle".  Everybody doesn't like apples, some like oranges, some folks may even like bananas in which u definitely better be on guard!  But jokes aside, getting back to the mediocrity thing don't settle just because u know.  Trust me it can be difficult being single or going o...what the heck, are their still mesqitoes on my back? In october?? dag...going out with just the fellas or having girls night the way these "Occupy Wall Street" things going on have to be the ultimate pick up spots right now! And u don't have to pay a cover...what!!

Be you though.  If u like rib tips, u probably ain't gonna mix it well with a vegan.  Just be you.  If one speaks spanish almost exclusively, its gonna be tough if u don't speak any (trusssssssst me on this one fellas...this one time at Pollo Tropical...I better not tell that one yet)  Just be you.  Real quick, I recall a while ago, me talking with this one dame on sports.  Conversation was good and I was about to hit her with that Tyrese swag. On the somehow we got to talking about baseball.  My favorite team is the San Francisco Giants....4 Life!  She got to talking about Barry Bonds (my favorite baseball player of all-time).  And the steroid thing and stuff and inside I'm like, "stop homegirl...please just stop!"  As my guy once said, "the air was going out of the balloon like phewwww!!!"  Now it got me thinking could I date someone who doesn't like the Giants maybe...a hatred for my guy BB, I'll tell u why.  There are some areas in our lives which are sacred like our heart and blood u know and it varies with everyone.  One aspect that puts u on the "2k11 Do Not Call List" is when u start bashing them Chicago Bulls of 80s and 90s.  And definitely my G-Men, specifically Barry Bonds.  As a child used to stay up to 1 O'Clock in the morning just to watch them guys.  The fam, my Pops in particular used to hit them up whenever they came to town.  Sitting in 35 degree weather in hot chocolate, sitting on rooftops at Wrigley Field repping the Giants orange and black, watching BB hit homer in Comiskey against the White Sox, so many stories PLUS my room at home is filled with Barry Bonds memorabilia namely action figures and stuff.  The G-men has my heart.  So no matter how "saucious" a doll looks, how can I truly feel her when she has such a violent opinion on my guys.  She hates Barry Bonds yet if (seriously doubt it at the crib, just out of respect), but if a little twister would to break down in my room, me looking at Bonds' figurines with her...naw...Heck, the figures may dag gone turn their back on me on some Child's Play type of freakiness!  I've said enough, but I know somebody feels me totally on that.

 I love all types of folks, colors, sizes and looks of people, u'll be surprised.  But when it's time to get serious bout some things.  Be you...and don't settle anything less that what u consider to be the best 4 u!


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