Friday, November 11, 2011

Let's Ride.

Fun Factor!

Yessir!  Just completed another episode on our Austino Galaxia Video Channel.  It is season 2.  And it's the best season yet.  Blackstreet's "Before I Let You Go" is pumping through the speakers, as I write this so let's just do the thang.  As I suggested in our video blog, I hope everyone begins to keep a diary of some sort.  It helps out in so many ways...especially as you look back at how you've grown, special days and moments, ur emotions, its cool and easy and very inexpensive.  You want to leave some kind of legacy here on earth, and that's a hard copy jewel.  It's nothing like kids or love ones or whomever picking up a diary or reading a website (cough, cough) and actually seeing the evidence of a person's life.  They can be like, "My mommy wrote this..." or "that's what that person was REALLY feeling when he felt like the world was closing in on him".  Its classic material.  Try it!  You won't regret it, promise.

2day was weird, is it me or does there seem to be a crazy feeling in the air, it might just be me.  Time is flying by so fast.  Fridays feel like Saturdays, kids are acting like psuedo-grown folks, and I still don't know what I'm going to eat or get into tonight.  Had these bomb chicken wings the other day from Miami Subs wit chipotle sauce, man a brotha wanted to and almost ate his fingerz.  Good stuff 4 real.  Speaking of which Twitter was filled with some on today talking bout:

- 'If u allow ppl 2 make more withdrawals than deposits n ur life, u will soon b out of balance & n the negative.  Knw when 2 close the acct.' (@DwyaneWade)

- '...the arrival of an enemy can signal the end of one season and the beginning of another!'  (@roncarpenter)

Love the inspirational words from people from ALL walks of life.  Facebook shout out to 'Scant" and B Kennedy on the MC Elston vs. Rogers Hoops debate.  Dudes are wild.   What if ?  That is a question that can be fun, as in our case, but can also hurt your future if don't look out.  Doing our best to live without regrets, and don't really have any.  But there are times when u just lay in bed and think bout life and where it's going or where it's been.  Life is so short, must live it up to the fullest and ride out.  The car pictured is one of my toys I wanna get.  The Ferrari in purple, with tan interior.  It'll be a nice toy to have fun in...but u first have to put the work in.  Even when u don't want to...these are the days when u're like, I just wanna be chilling or hanging out on the block.  But u have to go to work or for some have to go to class/school.  Work hard, Play Hard.  Sometimes I think this song is about me.  Shoot...nobody has a clean comments on Kayne's and Rick Ross' "Live Fast, Die Young"?  C'mon folks, let's chill wit some of the language, I'll be the first to admit that cussin may have its place here or there, and if I've been known to have an "F" in my verbal report card but respect peeps.  Anyhow, that one day may describe my life.  Not depressed, but I want to LIVE not exist...ya dig!!

Isn't is great to get to know a person?...Drake sampled my boy Jon B. on his "Cameras" song.  B.'s my boy (as if u didn't know) and the Jon B. song he sampled was "Calling on You" from his 2001 "Pleasures U Like" classic album.  Cool!'s amazing how someone can go back and bring 'greatness' to the forefront.  U just never know.  Personally, I know all of us are just actors and actresses on this grand stage.  This whole diary/blog thing could be for the now, but I really think its for the future.  I wanna capture the ride to the "top" if that thing exists.  That's why it cringes me when people don't wanna have fun in life or don't wanna kick it.  Because I know how short life can be, and I KNOW that certain opportunities come along every day.  It's like being passed in a draft...not winning the Oscar...or a guy picking another girl to dance with, even though ur a professional one who's starred on...You just never know who you may be talking to on a daily basis.  Could be a future President, Movie Star, Doctor...potential is within all of us, sometimes it just needs a push and chance to shine.  And when it does...I guess I'm just so weird that some of the smallest things gets me going, and pushes us to that level I need to be at.  Sometimes we feel a little bored and need a wake up call to let us focus on what's at hand.  I'm not the only one who feels this way.  Challenges in life are sometimes so small but they can add up to Big success.  I really want to get loose but...not tonight.  Let's just say...I asked the question via twitter, "What pushes a person more luv or hate?".  Good question.  Luv motivates u to be good, I starting to think 'hate' can be used u to be great.

This is long, but my diary is my diary.  Not for show, it's my heart at the moment.  Remember Jenny Jones?  Yes, that one.  She...I'm not gonna write that.  I'm learning to cherish challenges, some are even made up!  Talk with yourself...if u don't think u're beautiful/fine/sexy/fit/smart/can sing who will.  I think we all should think of one thing nobody on this earth can do better than you.  Mine is having fun.  More can dish cash perhaps, debate on politics better, maybe even have better tests scores, but I KNOW that when it comes to having FUN...smh.  All of us are blessed with talent.  This is who we've become, that purple ride pictured up above.  Even though, I'm going 45mph on the highway (is anything sexier than a fast sportscar going slow on the road?!!), sooner or later it's gonna take off.  It's not a question of "if" but "when".  In the car, u can't take everyone wit u, it's only a two-seater.  The question is who wants to ride.  Who is really down and willing to risk a ticket for some fun.  It is a risk...but oh, the story you'll have to tell.  And u better tell the truth, the whole truth and nothin' but tha truth!!

Here's a throwback from Q-Tip for today's diary.
Tell ur story.

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