Friday, November 25, 2011

The Coolness.

The Legend Himself!
Ok, I'm gonna get straight to it, because I have a lot to write about and we want to speak about what's been going on in our life, the last several days....Wow!  It'll be amazing if I could actually write something because these last few days have literally seemed like a hazy blur!  I remember stuff, yet u know how your brain feels when you attempt to think upon what has transpired in the last few hours or nights.  Its like your mind doesn't even want to go there, but all you know is that you've had one heck of a time, and a joker smile never leaves your face as you think about it.

Been working some unique hours, doing some "black market" activity to support my "habits" eating, and paying bills.  Been even working late into the night.  But you gotta "do whatcha gotta do" ya dig.  Big shout outs to my guys big Herbie Baby (love u bro!), and to K Squared and his bro and fam for the hospitality.  I'm a notoriously known loyalist when I consider those who have looked out for us past or present.  The last few days, have done nothing to enhance that quality within.

Had a chance to talk to tha crib on Thanksgiving.  Actually my Pops' birthday (the 24th).  Always a blessing.  Moms and bro up north...this is the time of the year, u kinda miss the crib.  Now do I miss the snow?  I'll have to think about that.  That Kobe Number in inches can put it on you!  Having to walk backwards, heating up the ride, and stuff.  It's still amazing, walking around with tanks, and no shirt on down here.  Interesting...speaking of which the M-I-A is really becoming the place to be right now.  I've said it once, but all this activity and events going on.  Visitors from all over the globe...Art Basel is about to jump off, and if my Moms is talking about it all the way up in Indiana, a week and an half before the party, literally jumps off, u already know its going to be wild.

I absolutely love art and being creative.  I love to draw, it releases dreams of ours.  I remember being younger, sitting in front of the TV watching Bulls basketball games, just with our drawing notebook of us in a commercial or having our own shoe.  I know its weird, but hey I used to eat glue when I was younger and I thought everybody used to do that as well!!  Let it be noted there is a difference between Elmer's and like Dollar General generic brand.  It's like the difference between Steak-Ums and that Ribeye.  But I love design and colors, our place is like Color Splash on HGTV.  I'm just not an black/white kind of guy.  I think it reflects your personality some.  People don't understand what a pinch of color salt can do to your mood.  DJ cue up The Whispers "In The Mood" to show how we get down!...One thing people don't know about me is that I have a secret fantasy of becoming a cartoonist.  I love to draw and create goofy pictures and with the stories running through our head, it'll be crucial!  Maybe I can have a character like the coolest dude, Snoopy.  That would be wild.

This is an honest statement, I don't know if anyone walking this earth has met more 'cool' people than me these last few days.  Its been wild, some I don't even know.  I got out of my car and began to walk to my apartment building where these two girls were walking down the sidewalk, seemingly coming from the beach. I could hear them speaking Spanish in a South American accents.  One had a beach bag on her shoulder, the other gal had a 24-pack of Corona on her right shoulder.  U can't make this up!  Telling I kinda let them walk by and the gal hurling the Corona stuck her fist out to give us "dap".  We did give her a fist pound and kept walking and I was like, that's the kind of gal I like there.  Just mad cool, mad cool....Shout outs to Tasha  and Casey (U got ur wish ur in our galaxia now girl!) , but both of them were mad classic!  There's just nothing like meeting people and especially girls who look good, have money and/or confident YET are just so down to earth and cool.  It shows.  I came upon this shorty who may have looked like a, I don't know, a Victoria Secret type of model, but I was like, "Eeew."  Just how she was talking wit us, I was almost gonna hit her with that, "biscuit above breakfast" line my Grandad used to say.  She thought she had the Look , but c'mon now.  I'ma leave it at that.  I know of this one girl, who is super sexy cool, that I'm one day gonna tell her, and write about.  But, the time isn't right,'ll happen though.

Jury duty, uggh!!  How can the government summons us for this thang.  I wasn't even involve with this stuff in Jr. High, when we had meetings every week with some of our fellow classmates.  I'll never forget that one meeting where one of my teammates and this 8th grade class representative got to fighting in the cafteria during the meeting!  And they say the Senate is wild.  I probably shouldn't even be talking about this but, its our life, and one day we will all look back and laugh, be like "remember when".  Few other tidbits...I love crepes...sleep is underrated...and overrated..."Fun" factor is the absolute #1 factor I consider in future friends and mates....I seen a car cut off an oncoming siren-blowing ambulance which had me rolling while riding in Pembroke Pines yesterday... N.E.R.D is my favorite band....who to take to this upcoming concert of a lifetime?...Sacrifice. Check. Playtime. Present.

Its on and episode and playlists are a coming.  Sorry for the delay, it's worth the wait, promise!

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