Monday, November 14, 2011

Who's the fairest of them all?

Is She the Fairest of them all?
It's 7:28 am, Chante Moore is banging on the computer and I got a LOT to say, let's get to it.

It is very rare that I meet someone who you can put into the conversation of The Most Beautiful.  Just to get into that convo, for someone like myself is truly amazing in and of itself.  I gonna write this thang, so Oregon Bear with us:

Last night, I was at American Airlines Arena for this Taylor Swift concert.  The crowd was 97% female which isn't a stretch by any sort, maybe an underestimate.  Anyhow, as I was there I saw this woman approach the door to enter in.  As I saw her, I was like, 'huh' who's this?  She presented her ticket to the ticket takers and then she opened her mouth.  As she was talking, I became more enthused about what she was saying.  She came in saying "Hello" and stuff.  She discussed how she was from California.  I later found out she was from Beverly Hills to be specific.  So that really perked my ears, because I love that area, and Cali girls for sure.  She discussed how she loves Miami, and how its a culture of itself.  How people separate Florida and Miami, which is true b/c I just read an article on a restaurant who was expanding in LA, some states and Miami.  I thought it was interesting they didn't say Florida in the same tongue as the states, but mentioned Miami.  Cute stuff.   She stated how ...oh man, Angie Stone's "Wish I Didn't Miss You", good days there...she stated how you can't take the Cali out the girl.  She lives across the street from the arena so she must live in one of those super high-rise condos that were recently built.  Also, she mentioned her late husband, and as she walked to the elevator she asks if the Triple A had a Starbucks inside.  A few laughs about that, cuz evidently there's one in the Staples Center in Los Angeles.  But there was something to this woman...

You know there's more to this story.  When she walked in she had on these Red Riding Hood Grandma glasses, with a scarf, an Alberto Makali type top, blue jeans, with some heels, and other than that I wasn't really paying attention.  Very attractive, but what got me was her hair.  She had, this is tough to describe, a light blond curly hair, that bordered being gray-haired.  As fate would have it,  after the show she came back down to where I was working.  Just as I suspected, she was an undercover babe!  This time she wasn't wearing her glasses, her face was naturally beautiful.  She began to talk about her coming over to the arena, and how she was thinking about coming to the Jay-Z/Kayne West concert on the 15th.  Go figure!  But how she talked was like she's got "it".  That quiet confidence, which is attractive and beautiful at the same time.  I looked at her hands, and I got more amazed because by their look I would have to say she was about 46 yrs. old.  No lie, I still am like what???  It's good to see someone actually be a woman yet a gal who likes to enjoy she walked out the doors, I knew she was unique, and definitely some1 I put in my top 5 of The Most Beautiful.

So I must've just been in my Valley Girl blonde girl as I thought that she's in the talk of The Most Beautiful?  But little did I know another candidate was working right next beside me!!  What's going on...

After the aforementioned woman left, one of the security people came over and began to talk to us.  She was short in statue, has a down-south, "mother tha sequel", look to her, with very short gray hair, but her spirit.  She began to talk how she used to live in LA, in the neighborhood of Inglewood.  She said she moved from Miami to Los Angeles for the simple reason of wanting to see some real life "gang-bangers"!  She met the gangsters, the bloods.  They even gave her a red sweater cap to wear!  You absolutely can't make this stuff up...She tells of her living out there, the old Forum where the Lakers used to play, wild stuff.  So as I'm hanging on EVERY word she's speaking she begins to tell the story of how she used to work for Warren Beatty, the actor.  Her story sounded like a book out of Hollywood's history books, how she took care of his mother (that was her job), telling of the hills out in California, Mulholland Drive out there, just crazy stuff.  She then goes on to tell me of working for the owners of Lender's Bagels, down here in Miami.  Her travels abroad and stuff.  Europe and even more specific the islands of Jamaica, in which she went down there because she wanted to see a real-life "rasta".  This was too much to comprehend this evening...

So I learned so much from these two woman.  The first one:  I love a gal who has a natural, appealing, yet inviting presence about her.  Also, one who takes care of herself, and trust me we could tell that her spirit was so youthful, and just a beauty.  The second woman, also had sexy beauty, and taught me to live life on the edge.  Like I wanted I did.  No questions asked.  Love that attitude.  BOTH had an inner beauty that exemplified and enhanced their outer beauty.   That doesn't happen too often...I'm fortunate to actually see it manifest.  Thanks, Lord.

Now, I'm not done by any stretch of the imagination, we have a lot to write on this subject, so if somebody happens to read this, u can stop right now.  We are definitely not.  Our diary is about to get more juicy by each word....

So all this in coinciding with all these females I'm and seeing and literally seemingly bumping into.  What constitutes beauty.  I talk to God a lot about is it really possible to find someone who may really tickle or fancy.  Sometimes I think that I've seen too much.  That's just reality of all the people we've come upon and
the situations we've been in.  It's "story time" once again:

I remember this one time, I used to have a gig in which I answered phones and stuff.  Outside calls as well as inside calls.  Heck, it was at Nordstrom, might as well tell sometimes u never know who u're talking to. So this one time, I kept on getting calls from this girl/woman, and for the sake of the story I'll call her DP.  So, she would always introduce herself, and that was mad cool.  She have us dial a number for her, this and that.  Started to get a cool vibe with each other only by phone.  So one time, she was like, "I'm gonna have to meet you one day."  I was like, "you definitely have to" , la-dee-da...So this one time, I was answering calls and talking to her, and she was like, "I'm gonna stop by to see you".  We were like, "cool, whatever" , you know. As we were alone reading one of our many great reads, the door opens and we hear, "Hey, Austin, I'm DP".  I'm like, "good to meet u" and she was off.  It was super brief, like split-second stuff.  After the "one-minute man"stunt, I thought I knew she was super cool just by talking to her, but she's really an attractive woman.  There's nothing like talking to somebody, then after meeting them, they exceed your prior thoughts and feelings about them.  Nothing!!...But we was cool.

So a little time past.  Still talked to her over the phone, her name was unique too.  Anyhow, this one day arrived, and I was just chilling.  Dressed in our usual I guess, anyway, I was reading a book again, when the door opened and as I looked up, and for a split-second I was like 'whoa'.  DP simply opened the door and said, "Austin, you look nice today." And she closed the door, and walked away past our window.  I ducked back into our book and was like, that was cool of her.  But what I could not and still can't get out of my head was how good she looked.  Not joking!  She had black hair with some really attractive brown eyes, but I usually don't do this , but I gotta tell the story.  Got to...she was wearing this open low cut blouse, that made her bust, just pop out , up to her face really.  An amazing sight, tough to describe!  But she looked heavenly and if that was the last image I saw before I died, what a way to go out!  So I got to thinking...was she flirting with us?  She looked so good, perhaps she wanted us to look at her that day.  Make a brotha want to bite his fist...but of course, being the vet we are, we was cool! C'mon now...

There's of course more to this one evening she happened to work the closing shift, as did we.  I think the store was closed, and we met somehow in the hallway.  She said that she was on her way out the door or something, so I asked her where she lives or something.  She said she lived in South Beach.  And I'm like, "no way, that's where I live".  I asked where she lived , she was like on 13th and Collins, I said I live "off Jefferson".  I said if she needed a ride we could drop her off.  She was like, 'really'.  She accepted.  There was no way we was gonna let her take the Metrorail to a Metrobus, at this time of the night, when I'm going the same way.  What kind of man would I be, if I allowed that?  For I got my stuff and was out the doors.  As we were walking, just got to talking about stuff.  The South Beach life, all this and that, basic stuff. She's a southern belle who's lived in California for some quality time. (What is up wit us and these California/LA chicks?!)  We talked and had a good time, dropped her off at the busy intersection of Collins., and was like, "we'll holla".  I got home that night, and was like DP is real peeps.  Then as we laid on our bed, I need to clear that up, as I laid on my bed, a thought hit us like DP was someone I wanted to get to know, and low and behold, not only did I get that opp, this woman was in our car!?!  Wouldn't have guessed that will be happening, oh well...

In our initial drive home, DP stated that she was "married", and talked about her husband.  I had my 'stoned' look on our face when she told us that.  Thinking, she's married, I really don't want know trouble, definitely if I drop her off and her man sees who dropped her off.  Folks are crazy nowadays!  But both of us were cool knowing this in just helping her out, we both know the situation...the next day, DP came in , and we worked that late night shift, and before the store closed I got a call, "hey austin, can I get a ride?"  "Of course."  Not gonna turn her down, I care about a soul, especially that of a cool woman.  This happen several more times, and while we were walking down Ponce De Leon Blvd. to get to my ride, and definitely as both of us were taking those memorable trips back to the neighborhood, the conversations began to get more deeper.  Like a scary deep, like when u know, something can jump off at any moment.  We discussed: our jobs, the beauty industry, Miami, Halloween (when she said she saw people's eyes turn scary "red" down on Lincoln Road), Los Angeles, her southern upbringing (Alabama I think), I even asked her about this girl I had a 'serious' eye on and DP said she was a typical young girl who was self-absorbed into herself (appreciated that), talked about interracial dating/marriage, just a whole lot of great convo stuff.

We digging each other but once again, she's married.  The toughest day was this one day, she came for us to take her home and she wore these camouflage pants with a white top.  She dropped her stuff off, and then went to the bathroom, and all I could think was like, this is gonna be a tough trip home cuz anything could happen. En-e-thang! If mind is not mistaken that was the infamous trip...we began to walk the street as usual, and as we were walking this strange guy walks past and says something stupid to DP and she just pass it off as if guys hit on her and say dumb things to her all the time.  I wanted to New Jack that dude up!  We keep walking...she had this attractiveness about her, a cool personality that showed, along with a super sexy face and stuff, she was right.  And...she was 36yrs old.  Which shocked the Joe Public  out of us!  She looks in her 20s...wild man.  So on this trip, we continue to talk about life and stuff when on the A1A near Jungle Island and the Children's museum, traffic came to a serious halt. I just remember us talking and laughing as it took literally 1 hour for us to go like 1.5 miles.  And the drivers were in pure M-I-A form clowning as traffic was in a stand still.  Music was bumping, this one guy was driving with half his body outside the driver's window while he had his hand on the steering wheel!  Ghetto as heck in his throwback Chevy.  Was this a "Sitttin' Sidewayz" video being made out here?!  ("Big bank take little bank!!" Lol!)  I felt like everybody was watching us though, wild...but no kissing or making out, even though I felt it, I don't play wit marriages.  If she was single...what!!!

But somehow, DP ended moving like she said she was going to.  Going back to Cali...she was so fed up about stuff, she said she was going to leave with or without her hubby.  Think she went without, and now I can't even find her.  Oh well...God knows.  And now u see why we are who we are.  Maybe I need to go older, age ain't nothing but a number.  But all these women made an impact on our life, and in their own way can make a case in Austino's "The Most Beautiful"...I really seeing even more candidates more than ever recently, our trip to FTL was sick, everywhere it we are getting close to something....perhaps we're getting close to the winner!


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