Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Park Place Life.

I'm just recovering from being a little out of myself.  Things can happen, briefly that can change your demeanor, and it can happen ever so quickly.  One moment, your chillin' laughing and joking about things, the next minute, you can feel like your about to grap a pillow and scream!  This is my diary, so might as well keep it real.  And I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.  My turn of emotions, had to do with money being extracted...ok, maybe that's too harsh a word, money leaving my account, unknowingly, for something I didn't want it to leave.  Whatever, might as well keep it real in our thang, Sun Pass (those of you who live in Florida know the deal) taking bon bons from my account when I didn't want them too.  Now I know I'll never get an endorsement deal for them when I become famous but I want the whole austinogalaxia experience to show.  Anyhow, it was $25 taken from my thingy, but still...I'm paragraph.

Am I cheap?  Or fugal?  I remember back in the day going shopping with my dudes and we'll have a Lucy Ball just going out and to malls to get our spend on.  Was blessed to have several bengie's in our pocket and the only, and I mean ONLY thing I was concerned with was have $1.40 to get through the tolls to get back to the spot!  No lie, it was serious.  Don't know why I'm writing this, maybe someone can relate, for a while there I could've been and should've been on MTV's True Life "I'm a Shopaholic" episode.  It got to a point that when I was in college, I used to not only colorize but also alphabetize my clothes.  And I'm not talking about just Banana Republic then Gap then Nike, it was really out of control, it was more like Armani Exchange to Armani Jeans to Diesel to D&G to Prada...list goes on.  But I found out, its amazing how a name brand or a few dollars in your pocket can really change your life.  Sometimes it's not even just you, but how people look at you.  Like...I'm going to write on this if its my last diary entry ever.  I feel it...

"Swag".  That word's been in society's vocab for the last few years.  So what defines swag.  Is showing up at the club rocking Versace Jeans Couture swag?  What about buying the most expensive wine at a restaurant on a date, just because you can give u swagger?  I've done some wild stuff with a few bucks in our pocket, so I can look back and even cringe when I think about it.  I'm not a heavy drinker, but I have partake a few in the day.  (youngsters u might as well read about this, cuz one day, u'll say u were warned..)...anyhow, but have sipped on something here and there, and probably will again under the right celebratory conditions. Heck, if anyone's read these diary entries, they should be suprise if I haven't grabbed a bottle of some Old Grandad!    But what I cringe at is how money can be spulrged on for certain things like SUPER EXPENSIVE bottles of champagne, knowing u're going to leak it out in a few minutes.  What I'm discussing isn't alcohol drinking, it's the price of it and how we (yes, we!) don't really value a dollar in that we will spend the dollar for the moment.  South Beach is such a mad cool neighborhood, but the price of the activities of enjoyment can be outrageous.  Paying almost $20 a shot for something over here at Sobe, when u can go to Coconut Grove or even you local store that sells "spirits" and get a whole bottle for $20!  Once again, this ain't about whether u should drink or not, heck the Bible even says a little wine is good for you.  (1st Tim. 5:23)  If Jesus can drink wine at the Last Supper...let me stop.  But I'm talking about how we throw money around and how it sometimes changes our attitude.

How many times do us guys try to impress a girl using language that shows that we may have some "cha-ching"?  Fudge, I did it today!!  Oh, man...I did though.  Us guys try to tell girls what we think they "want" to hear, and we've been taught that money is a serious aphrodisiac (kids look that word up with a parent around).  The more money you make, the more women you have.  Am I lying fellas?  Or even the more money you make, the more beautiful the girl you gonna get.  Is getting deep tonight, ain't it?!!  Been brainwashed into this thinking when I learned/ing that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.  And even though you can "rent" love for a while with the ducketts, a true woman would want you for you.  I'll never forget this convo years ago about is it OK to take a girl out to McDonald's on a first date?  I asked a plethora of females, and the answers were interesting.  From it doesn't matter to it's a first date and you want it to be opinion at the time was (let it be known I'm debating on this tactic...oops wrong word use!),but my asking was based on a few things:  1.  Does a guy really want to put his paycheck on the table when the relationship may not go anywhere.  2.  Isn't it about the one on one convo anyway on 1st or any dates?  3. If a guy has money, wouldn't it be cool to be low key about it, to see if the girl digs him for him?  Boy the secrets are coming out tonight!  But that's true.  So what's my take on it now, with the economy and our experiences...I'm some of all three opinions, but I'm so spontaneous that who knows, but it's better to be cool and not count you chickens before they hatch.  You don't wanna be like that old Biggie Smalls song, "You must be used to me spending...on all this sweet wining and dining...I'm..."  This is going to get me in big trouble, but I'm Real!  And this is helping I write it's helping me.

So as I was in a mini-tirade, I thought boy money can change us so easy.  Its always good to spend cash, especially when you work so hard for it!  The stories I hear of people working countless hours in a week, u betta do something to make it worth it.  Buy a purse, IPad, McRib something...u deserve it.  But, I'm talking to myself, I shouldn't let a few extra dollars go to my head or think I'm better than someone because I can gas up with $30.00 while somebody else is only putting $10 in their tank.  Or think because you have a membership at this or that place and think that because of this perceived status I should look down on someone who's taking his gal to Subway on a Friday night.  There ain't NOTHING wrong with that,'s just about having fun.  Just watch how spend it, cuz if u do it right  your fun can last a long time!  And I want to live like Rich "Uncle" Pennybags!!  And if you don't know who he is, then shame on all of us...The most wealthiest man in the LA galaxy, yet no one knows his name.  I love it!!

(Mr. Pennybags is pictured above! Mr. Monopoly himself.)

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