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Miss Kelis...U Remember this classic?!! |
No idea what we're gonna write about today, or what craziness is gonna come out of our mind, so we'll just go with tha flow...
Learning a lot. I mean a whole lot about life and stuff...seemingly we are getting a Master's Degree lesson times three and then some right now...but that's ok. It's those times where u have to dig down deep that make u come out on top. And believe u me, that's not to say that at the moment our life is the pits, cuz it's not. Just u know when u are being taught some great lessons that will be so key in ur future. U know it.
One lesson, is that u can't get too high or too low about things. That's not to say that u shouldn't get excited or be happy when great instances pop up in ur life. But u really do, have to learn not to get all kiltered cuz u never know either way how things may turn out. I wonder why am I learning this lesson over and over and over again...How come things just can't be how they seem? It's like right when u think something is about to jump off or u feel like u can open up just a little more, then "Bam!", it closes once again, and u are left having to make mends and form ur own fashion of 'closure'.
I was driving today listening to this AWESOME double disc of Miss Kylie Minogue (She might be my favorite female singer, although Mariah, Mary J. Blige, Gwen and Miss Madonna might have something to do with it!), but I was flying and jamming out to this song "Love Is Waiting", just thinking about ALLLLL these crazy episodes that we've been through since we've been in the 305. Thinking about certain people, silly episodes with so many girls, it almost felt like a retrospective going on in our mind as if we are about to leave the city. Hum???...But it was just mind-blowing, I'm surprised that I actually could keep our mind on tha road. Thinking about all the strangers we've met to the people we used to work with to us writing love letters to girls...backwards! (That was a little too extreme...but let it be known she didn't give it back to me, and later on we ended up...let me stop!) For real though, we have lived! Sometimes we can get so caught up in our future and what's next or where's the next party or job or love in our life. We forget how far we've come since we've came down here.
Think about our diet of white rice, sugar and bacon bits...oh boy! We gotta laugh, cuz back in 2005, I tried to get my Spanish influence on, but the thing was I always used to burn the rice! It would just about never, ever come out right! So I just began to assume that black rice was better than none, and would eat that with the bacon bits and stuff!! Why am I telling this stuff?!! But between that, and a lunch of some, let me sing this in honor of my dude at the Auto Shop...cough, cough..."Hooot Pock-ets!"...we tried seemingly every kind u could imagine. Doing our best to save money, just so I could get my shop on at the Barney's Co-op store down here at the Beach. U gotta sacrifice to look good right?!! My favorite might still be the Ham 'n' Cheese variation. Off the Chizzle! BBQ was pretty good too...and Oh, what about that Philly Cheese Steak Lean Pocket, folks don't know what we talking about. But for real, that's what we used to eat. Now, I can't even look at the box anymore. Amazing how time can change ya!
Thinking about all these restaurants...one of the most saddest days was me rolling up in Surfside, on our Vespa, with our mouth feenin' like a groupie at the NBA Finals, for a Lumberjack Slam from the Denny's up there. I rolled up there...and next thing I know it, they got chairs flipped over with a note on the door saying "They Closed...and Neva to be opened again!" I was salty, cold and sad, guess like a box of left over White Castle French Fries, that I couldn't get my flapjack on one more time at this only beach location. Sad...IHop is right next door, but now it's always packed and I wasn't impressed by that location. That was my hidden spot and now it was gone....I wonder if anyone ate at the Sports Exchange in Coral Gables when it was open. It was alright, I later found out one of my co-workers actually worked there for some time...but I was up there during a Lakers playoff game, it was cool. It had like white cocaine colored leather couches outside , and since it was a Sunday, the boss like gave me the keys. I loved their remote to the Plasmas that were also outside, I felt I was on the patio of Scarface's crib watching the boys play! Located right on Miracle Mile, good memorable time.
I'll always talk about D.Wade's restaurant and that unforgettable 'Prime Rib Wrap'. That junk was slammin'. I liked the joint, but it was too far from the heart of Miami. Maybe he'll open up another venture, but whatever the case bring back that wrap!...So many spots from this small Italian restaurant up in Hollywood, Florida, can't remember tha name it's like on US-1 right by the casino...anyway, a very intimate spot with great food!...Marhaba in South Miami was a great meal of Mediterranean food. They even had hookahs set up outside...we didn't partake, but if we have a long day, we'll know where to go! Some of the coolest folks were at Master's Italian Restaurant down here in South Beach. Once again I was in there for the NBA Finals a few years ago, and these folks treated my truly like fam!! We've been blessed when we go out, folks who don't even know us, really, really hook us up! But we had some tasty treats while watching the game. The people working let me have my own booth, gave me the remote to just chill...I like to sometimes get away to be alone and where nobody can find me, yet I'm right under ur nose! U understand....they were mad cool in there.
We on eating out memories, huh...interesting. We've been in some sketchy joints as well. When Vespa, the Italian scooter place used to be on Biscayne near downtown, one time I was starving! I felt like I was trying out for VH1's Celebrity Fit Club or something! So I find this Chinese restaurant on Biscayne a few blocks up. It was in the afternoon, and I walk in and all the shades were down, nobody was in there except like two dudes in suits sitting in the corner. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know if when I ordered my Wonton Soup if I had a choice in the matter if I liked it or not! (It was good.) But the vibe I had was like was so Soprano-like, and I didn't come prepared, so let me get my Sweet and Sour Chicken, chomp down on that, and be up. Sayonara! ("Gong" sound inserted right here!)
This is kinda of fun, u just never know where our diary may lead...We've been fortunate to try some foods from all over...I remember this one time, this certain female actually had cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery. And let me try a bit...may not seem like a big thing, but she actually had them fresh and direct (Not sent via mail) from New York City! They were good...if she would've brought Charlotte York herself from Sex and The City, boy...What tha...Dang! She's involved with Aaron Sorkin...oh well! Her loss! (Ha, ha!)...I'm a conceited baxster!...That was cool. Pembroke Pines, up north, has some memories as well...like a memorable dinner up at the La Carreta up there. Lots of laughs and stories being shared all to a Chicken sandwich on Cuban Bread. I should of had some Sandwich spread or some hot sauce...naw, that would've been to much like a sterotype, but something in my pocket, a relish packet from Dogma Grill (Why did they leave Sobe?), just something to spice it up. It felt like a freakin' 69...I shouldn't be talking like this...but..let's just move on!
Great times though...Best Subway in South Florida...the one located next to the Ikea in Sunrise. Those sandwiches are hot and on point. Last time the line was out tha door, like the Soup Nazi creating a masterpiece inside. It was crazy! But worth it...Pollo Tropical is still one of our fav fast food places. Not like it used to be, although my guy Roscoe still works tha joint. (Who knew anybody in Miami knew where Michigan City, Indiana is?!! It had to be him!) But they got me when they began to shave off my rice. I was wetter than a 2yr olds diaper for some Tropi-chops (Is that trademarked?) So I'm waiting for them to call my order, and I see Little Miss Muffet, dipping her cup, scooping the rice out, and then shaving the top off...literally rationing off my portion. Yes...she did that to tha kid! I was like, "Am I on MTV's Boiling Points or what's going on?" We was beside ourselves...last time we felt like that, was when this girl told me she had a boyfriend literally to my face after flirting with us for like 21days, 7 hours, 38 minutes and 15 seconds! Time stopped...how did I know it stopped u may ask?...Cuz I was counting can't u tell!! Duhh!!!
Another joint...I always wanted to try this Pollo Campero chicken place up in Little Havana. They claim this joker is like world renowned and stuff...I walked up in their counting my dimes and nickels like, I don't know how much this is gonna cost but I might just have to order a 8 piece of Chicken Skin, and hope they don't charge for a few packets of honey! So I walk in, mumbling and practicing..."Hola...Tienes a los Chicken el Grillo?" or something like that...I looked up at the menu, and then saw the prices and I was like, "El Whoa!!" The cheap skate in me, just couldn't do it. Now we've heard that the food is good, but on that night, I just couldn't pull the trigger, it was something like, "8 piece for $9 or something." I might hit them up on that 4-6pm special or somewhat, but for $9 I could eat for days...and if Publix is running that Buy One, Get One free special on Del Monte Veggies, No Salt Added of course, shoot, I can eat til December off that!
The things u do for a good meal...I remember one Sunday driving ALL OVER TOWN for some KFC Grilled Chicken...I tried the one in Coral Gables off of Coral Way...Out! I went to the one in like the Fontainebleau neighborhood..."Sorry we out!" I went to the one in Little Havana (I'm over there a lot aren't eye? I just "happen" to be in the hood!), and they hit me with "they out" as well, and this was after I waited in line, saw a dude snapped cuz they messed up his order, and saw a worker come in to the gig on a bicycle that he was rolling back, no joke, to the kitchen area! U can't make this stuff up, I didn't know if WD-40 was the secret ingredient to the Colonel's recipe or what, but maybe it was good they didn't have any Grill...I expect to eat it, but not have it rode in on some. Let me play that song, that reminds me of when this girl and myself took a wild trip up to Palm Beach, kicking it on Worth Avenue, wiling out...Me taking off my shirt cuz of the heat...She had one of her tops off as well...(Wink!) Believe u me , it was a...wild...day!
Life is about having fun and we definitely did on that day...hit it DJ!
Ok, that's it. Gonna be up for awhile tonight...again! Food talk, and fun times, what can beat that?
A crepe with Turkey and Cheese...let me see, how long does it take to hit up Las Olas Bully in the FTL?!!
I think I smell a trip coming up...matter of fact...
Let me go, right now!!
Austino Galaxia.
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