Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fun's New Mogul.

 I wonder why Richie Rich was my favorite Comic Book as a kid?!!

A smile.

The power of it can do so many wonders for tha soul, huh?  A baby's smile can cheer up a room...a smile from that special someone who u've been noticing can give u hope and chills for days.  All because of something that's so free.  Starting to feel this...cuz we had no idea how or what to write about today.  Our life has been so wild the last few moments of time, that I don't think people could really understand even if we try to explain.  But through it all, and no matter what happens, and how "big" our lifestyle is getting we simply want to see people smile.

We've been saying how...huh, this toast is slamming! our life is really like a movie, and it is, and it has turned into the life we want in terms of just having great clean fun and doing new and different things...that could mean just hanging to breaking a sweat in the middle of all this Miami Heat temps...but now we are in a position where I may need a Personal Assistant, for real.  We're on tha go so much, almost wondering if we'll find time to even Spencer Wright in this diary.  Sometimes since u cannot add hours to the day, u just have to maximize the 1,440 minutes that u have in a given day.  It may mean sacrificing on a little sleep or instead of being on the Internet for 3 hours, u're actually living life, u know, but it'll be worth it in the end.  I'll rather create or have experiences created for me that will live for a lifetime than miss out on all the fun that life has to offer.  That's our thinking right now in so many areas...looking long term.

U almost have to look at the "big picture" yet not get so caught up into glancing into that glass of the future...That's a great question. Am I the only one who checks out their reflection in tha strangest of places?  Like besides the usual personal mirror...I use darken cell phone screens (Not tha app either!)...walking down the street, looking in passenger side windows...knives at a table...rearview mirror inside the front windows...CD cases...Nothing's restricted when it comes to getting ur glance on..I got problems don't eye!  But don't front I ain't the only one who wants to be on point all the time!  That's so funny...But yeah, u want to make sure that what u are doing, and who u are doing is going into the same direction as u are.

Sometimes u just have to learn what u can control, and what u cannot.  During the day, I can feel that I'm a person who likes to have his...personality rubbed off.  Almost like on "our team", we can sensed the 'old' Austin who wants to know everything that's going on, within ear's reach.  But now, we have learned to let others do their thang and not feel like u have to be the center of attention everywhere u go.  I probably take more back doors and entrances than anybody that u would even meet.  Perhaps, that's a preview of things to come when we'll have to take side doors or walk through the kitchen, we do it so much that it's so second nature to us.  But we are learning that wherever u're out and about, u don't have to make a spectacle of who u are, how much money u have, or how sexy you are.  If u are true to urself, those things are gonna show anyhow.  If u see somebody at the candy bar getting some Malibu milk, u don't have to "bump" into that person or walk by 17 times so they can eyeball u in ur outfit or whatever...if u focus on just enjoying fun urself, then in the middle of that, others will see that, and will be attracted to you and want to become a part of it.

Everybody doesn't think like this I know, but this is who we've become.  Our life is so upscale (if their is such a thang) and filled with so much fun, that we aren't gonna pry or forced others to join it.  Does that mean that now we are in a sort of "untouchable" state of mind.  Not necessarily...but...after all we've been through in tha past, and that's what's it's been, tha past, tha kid has just realized that u are blessed with the lifestyle to be desired and with that, u should want other people who have similar desires of enjoying life and such...and u shouldn't chase something that isn't meant for you to have in tha first place!  The other day, I was working out at DBGym, getting it in, I came out and our phone had a was from this certain female.  She left a msg to give her a call back...but considering "who" she was, we missed it.  We gave her a return call, kind of late in the evening, she was unavailable, the next day we called like in tha afternoon, same thang...and that's it from our end.  Now, anybody could tear get all rowled (another made up word) up about it all, like "Dang, if I hadn't been working out, I woulda got her." and all those type of thoughts, and say if this was like 2004 or something, that probably woulda been us, but after time eating platters of humble pie, we've learned that if it's meant to be, she'll call us.  But I can't stop my life and place the phone in front of me, as I eat or put it on my computer desk, or sleep with it next to me and Honk Kong Phooey making up a weird menage-a combo in bed...Huh, I may have to use a cell phone next time, never thought of that, memo to us...but for real, u can't dis-live ur life around somebody else's schedule.  Leave it at that...

Just a little more, before we embark on this Super Saturday of sorts...we saw The Dark Knight Rises , which u have to go see.  And if u're into Batman like we are, like the back stories and all, u're really gonna luv it!  It's a great film...we even shared a few small tears, just because we can relate to Bruce Wayne in so many ways (I'll let u figure that all out, even though if though we stated it briefly why in this old diary post of ours.  We did something different, and experience a movie Midnight style at the 12:01am, show.  We got a small dose of wink eye, before we left, and then walked to the theater down here in South Beach.  (How many people can just say that).  Talked to our guy Coca Bean on tha way, a great Miami night with a breeze and to the theater little early and then just listened to some music for some time.  We wanted to get there a little early, so we could get "our seat".  Which for u movie theater buffs, that's the absolutely LAST ROW, and the middle seat(s).  If somebody were sitting in their, they might would have had to get up, cuz that's our spot, and we will MTV Punk somebody out of our seat!  Not joking...

We listening to some old songs...SWV's "Rain" was serenading in our ears, when something that we've never seen happened...the lights came on in the theater.  Next thing, I know it some gals from Warner Brothers  come in to ask some questions about the upcoming movie, which was cool.  There was a crowd inside, so they asked about, "Who's seen the Batman Dark Knight series the most times?", "When did u buy ur tickets?"...this one group of folks said they bought theirs the day of Game 2 of the NBA Finals with the Heat and Thunder, which we laugh cuz that was one of the most memorable days of the year with us, partying at the Triple A watching that game on the huge Jumbotron at the arena...but some cool questions.  But what stood out was that we've never seen a movie theater with the lights on and may never see that again.  That was kinda surreal.  Besides tha movie, during those premiere shows u learn:

-It's one of the few times u go to a movie and unless u go to the Premiere itself, nobody has seen tha flick.  So people are into quiet throughout cuz folks are trying to figure out the's serious...and we luv it.

- Those thangs also are cool cuz so many accross the country are sacrificing being sleep at work the next...morning.  So it's unique to think that it is "An Event".

- With the movie like this one, u have to see it early, cuz with the twists and turns or the movie, somebody is bound to spoil some facts and surprises u just need to see urself.  Nothing like doing something or once again...somebody in near or close to near mint condition.

-  Interesting sights we saw:  These two dudes walked in back-2-back like tha Lakers of 2001, rockin' cell phones, and I put this on everything, it looked like they were talking to each other as they climbed the stairs!..this girl wearing this Catwoman outfit, and she did look that part, makes a brotha want to carry a ziplock bag of Purina wherever we go!  Meeeowww!

A fun time.

Alright.  It feels like everybody and their Mama nem is in Miami, and specifically South Beach right now.  And folks are having a real good time...I was walking out and about last night, and so many peeps, but I was walking down near Lincoln Road, and I saw this guy with his boy, a grown man riding a bicycle and then circle around like he was gonna ride over his buddy who was in the middle of the street saying, "Chuck and Lean...Chuck and Lean.." all while doing that old Harlem shake dance!  And then he says, "Look at this (Dude).", pointing at us, and then goes back into his, "Chuck and Lean...Chuck and Lean!!!" with him shaking Harlem style with both hands.  I may gotta bring that dance out later today!  All three of us were laughing, and I sorta heard him mentioning he was gonna be wilding out on the beach...and so are we my brotha!!

Gotta go.  Fun day.  Gonna check out this Lifestyle Retreat Lounge, that's part of the Miami Swim Week festivities.  Special shout out to the LRL for the love shown for this Invite-only event this afternoon.  Gonna have some fun...believe that.  And then later, scheduled for some fun at Chalk.  Be cool to see a familiar homegirl...U mix beautiful people, great tunes, and some Ping Pong! Gonna be wild... My Pops used to be a Ping Pong fanatic (LOL!), so we might have to see if his seed can still slap it around some...and I just have a feeling, we can.

Have fun.
That's all life is about.

Austino Galaxia

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