Saturday, July 28, 2012

It's All Interpretation!

The Beatles interpreted by Mr. Brainwash.

Just a few thoughts on this evening...just a few.

Today has been a chill type of day up to now...the word revolving around our life right now is "Fresh".  Not just talking about the 'Prince' or 'Market' or 'Dew', but just really the need to make sure that we are as "Fresh" as possible mentally, physically, and ready to go.  Which we are.  That doesn't necessarily mean that we have stopped working hard in certain areas or are just going through the motions, it's just that we are beginning to take care of ourself even better than ever.

When u've been on a journey as we have been as of late, it can make you fatigue...if u let it.  I was walking this afternoon down here in the hood of South Beach...and of course, it was just so scorching...but we really was thinking about how much we have left in tha tank?  Oh boy, is it gonna be one of these diary entries on this evening?!!  But for real, we were walking, just like it's been really wild and crazy.  Sometimes when u feel like...what's the right way to put it...u felt like u've sacrificed so much for tha good of tha team, u wonder when it will all pay off for u personally.  I see this is gonna be a "real" kind of night, but like we said before, our life is opening up in so many ways that folks wouldn't believe, I guess I have to talk about the steps along tha way. There's a lot to living it up...sometimes when u skip the necessary procedures, u miss something and  those fun days don't last as long.  But...when u actually attempt to go through certain necessary...

Alright, let's talk.  Has anyone ever, and this has to do with love and relationships, has anyone else felt like they had to go through somebody to get to the next level or next standard?  Like, for example, a situation or two or three have come up that u know probably isn't gonna work out in the long run but something inside  is like u have to do matter what the consequences u have to do it...I just wonder.  I know we've had several instances in our life, where sometimes u wonder, "Why am I doin' this?"..."Why am I sexting...I mean texting this person when I know it's over with?" or "Why am I even talking to this person when  I should just give her the Ice Box treatment of 2006?"  But in the end u go through with it, because u are led to...but why?

What we have learned is that each experience, not just with lovey dove, but when u do the things u don't want to...I hope we can contain ourself, cuz for some reason, I'm starting to feel the spotlight of the Galaxia  being centered on us as we write this....when u do the things u don't necessarily want to or do things that are so out of character of u, it actually works in ur benefit in the long run.  We live in such a society of the "here and now" and even myself get caught up in living in "the moment" which we should.  For a day is not promised to us, and we shouldn't even take a phone call for granted.  This ain't part of the story, but I remember when my Grandpa was still alive, and how I used to wait for him to hang up, just because I wanted to soak up every moment, cough or last two seconds of silence before that 'click' would hit the deck.  He's no longer with us, but that's what I call 'livin' in tha moment.'  But a lot of times 'livin' in tha moment' actually works out better for you in the long run.

As we were saying, there's a hidden secret to saying that states that the different between those of us who are successful and those who take it to the next level, is simply that those of us who go to that Rhonda Byrne level of life is the willingness of a select few to do the things they either don't want to do, or aren't good at, all the while knowing that despite certain pain and frustrations, it's gonna work to their benefit in the long run.  That encapsules so's another Galaxian made-up verb, but so what!...but it encasules so much from going to a party which might not be ur cup of tea, but ur best friend needs ur support to taking a job which might be under ur personal "stats" but u still learn a lot about it to being in school and taking a course, not because it'll Captain Jack up ur GPA, but because u actually want to learn something from want and not just necessity.  It's those actions that make a winner and not a chicken dinner...although that 2 piece from Popeye's back in tha day with them biscuits and grape jelly was slammin'!!

For some reason, we are getting the sense that we can write about this thang all the day long, just because as our life has shifted even more, we realize that a lot of things that we have done or gone through has worked in our favor even though at the times we were found on the foundation of our showroom having a self-contest to how many tears would make one drown.  It takes over 145, for those of u who want to give it a try!  But with all the complexities surrounding our life, and those moments where we thought as we drove, "That was a waste of money on that girl, I mean I gave this chick something many guys don't... extra pickles.  And it was on her Baconator no less and u tell me that those 35 cents ain't worth a Danity Kane strip tease?!!"   But for real we have some moments where we wonder what made us do what we did when we did to whom we did it wonder if we could do it again was it worth being done and if doing it was something that needed to be done and that the process of doing it  has made us feeling overdone?  Whew...I think I'm dizzy after all that...

But the lessons learned from taking risks is so insurmountable.  As we've been thinking one thing that has grown is that of a serious "no risks, no reward" mentality.  I honestly don't know if I really care when it comes to having fun, making somebody's day (even if they aren't appreciative of it...yet.) or when it comes to living life to the fullest.  Things don't have to be super dramatic like Bungee Jumping or planking on a bed full of nails (Like...Ouch!)  But u have to be patient and when the opportunity comes in life, and it will, u have to go with tha flow.  We've been in a serious "let it come to us" type of mode, and it has and is...but I don't think that u can reach that phase in ur life without being aggressive in trying new things and seeing new people from the beginning or at some point.  I'm a hooper for life, and folks don't really know how serious basketball is in our life, one day we'll explain, but there are so many hoop related yet life changing quotes that can be applied to our everyday life.  "U miss 100% of the shots u don't take", is one of them.  One of my favorite is "Shoot to get hot and...shoot to stay hot!"  U have to have that mentality...and before u get to the aforementioned state of "Letting the game come to you", u have to live and not be afraid of doing some things that may be uncomfortable at the time, but believe u me it'll help u out and u be thinking "I'm so glad I got that experience."

I'm about to dig even more personal, so if this is all boring to u, STOP!  And u can leave ur donation at the cyber-door...I can say with the confidence of a Playboy cover girl that I'm ecstatic to have gone the route we've gone.  Nobody says that things are gonna be easy, but when u go through them face-to-butt (That's pretty good!  I got to keep that one!) , it can really make u see who u are made of, and really how much are u willing to go through.  The bewilderment level in our life has been on max for some time.  It's been like doors have been closed on purpose and eyes have been blinded on purpose to teach us some lessons unparalleled.  It has taught us how to live humble for real.  Right when u think u're the hottest thang since Netflix, u get brought down to school time.  U stretch out in ways through hoops u have to dive into,'s like going through boot camp before the actual war.  At the time, u don't want to, but once u realize the benefit, u begin the thirst for the challenge of waking up a 4am and eating wheat flax seed for breakfast.

That's why as we live we know we have a such a special life, as we all do.  But the lessons...we mentioned that before, our confidence and swag doesn't come from our bank account or that we can afford a six pack of abs, it's in the struggle.  The embracement of it has done wonders...and even though it's still trying, we look back and are like ok...I see why I once had the hots for this one fellow hoops doll who looked super sexy talking to her via Skype, yet stopped talking to us for no reason, I know why I went throught that...or I know why I sometimes kept getting taken out of the game when u did nuthing wrong or why did I walk into the hidden doors of the Ford Modeling Agency looking for an Internship just because I think that 'anything is possible at any time.'  Once so many of those experiences as they build up, u begin to learn that u aren't the same person and sometimes that may mean u may just have to "move on". (Thanks Ana!)

All throughout this diary, u find some very intense stories about our life and lifestyle.  Many of which is centered around our love life.  I'm a sucka for love in many ways.  A romantic of sorts, and I'm not gonna change all that, even though sometimes u wonder if having those dreams are worth it.  We've had experiences with relationships either ending or taking a weird turn, and having them end in the worst way possible...a kiss.  I can think of three right now on the top of our head...Boy, we in a Congressional Hearing type of mode tonight ain't we.  Those can be difficult, but one thing we've noticed and that's why I beg for folks to give things a try and let the results take care of themselves...We've noticed that our life has been on stages and

It's like the Great Matchmaker Upstairs is like, "If u want the best, u gotta go through the rest!!" ...And Yes, u'll be catching more of those golden sayings at our Love Seminar held at the Founainebleau Miami Beach on next February...the 29th to be exact!!  But if u want to have certain people in ur life, u have to go through it...u have to go through (Cough, Cough!)...Experiences...Digging a girl, with a beautiful face and sexy tan skin, but she's a stripper...u have to learn how to deal with a girl who may be "the one" but she smokes....constantly....u have to learn how to interact with beauties, who dig u, even hold ur hand, but they have a boyfriend...have to learn how to realize that a heavenly day spent may not be guaranteed a simple "hello" on the next day...have to learn how to handle dancing the night away with a sexy beauty, who u wish was yours, only to find out that u were just a "break date" between her and her actual boyfriend...u have to learn how to take risks, with a older baby doll who some may consider out of ur league, but after she met u, u realize that there's no such thang...I'm getting loose huh...

Have to deal with learning that age may not be a determining factor, but diversities in experiences is the ultimate make-or-break...How to learn to even work with somebody u KNOW is ur 'soulmate' but how do u tell her or do u...learn how to realize that race doesn't matter...learn that some are just looking for the fast life of money and fame, but u know that u have all those things but just don't show it, and u're looking for a gal who's tha same...U learn that u can fall for an opposite gender gay person, which makes u know that love is crazy...U learn that u can have ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING in common with a person, from movies to music to sports to the love of the sandy beach, but that don't mean u gonna marry or even have a long dating relationship with them...Having to learn that sometimes friends do grow apart, and that it could be for the better...having to learn what to do when two girls dig u at the same time, wondering who to choose, and even worse they live with each other, how to handle that...Learning how to approach somebody who doesn't even speak ur native language...learning that it's not just about certain body parts but about the overall person...Or learning that u can do small things to bring a tiny smile, but that doesn't mean u'll talk to that person again...Or that u can be all howdy with somebody chatting it up and when u ask to kick it on a fun, no F--- tip, they can't even tell u 'no'.  (Liz I luv u for ur realness girl!)...Or having to learn about how to deal with seeing a person on a daily basis who broke ur spirit with silly games...Or having to learn to deal with realizing that nobody is gonna hook u up with a homegirl when she actually digs u herself...Or learning that it may be true when my dude said, "Never date a...."  (I can't say that one.).....Or learning just because somebody gives u their number, doesn't mean they really interested in you....

This is just some, I mean some of what we've learned from living life and keeping matter what!  We've had some success in our...what u don't think we can go anymore...Please...Learning about what "I Love You" really means...Dealing with the knowledge that Social Networks are over-rated when it comes to relationships...Learning how to deal with the fact of knowing that just because a girl knows some of ur guys, doesn't mean she's slept with them...Going through the experience of knowing that timing is everything, and that a phone call missed, can alter an entire relationship and it's possibilities...Knowing that their are decent girls out there, and u can't judge a whole basket by a bad apple...Learning that height and weight, in the long run, doesn't matter as long as u and that person get along...Dealing with the anticipation of seeing someone, but never getting that chance ever again...Going through with meeting parents on the first night hanging out, and almost wondering "Where do we go from here?"...Going through the process of having seemingly every hot girl u have an interest in, knowing they dig u, but the have a boyfriend, and more than that they are rumored to be involved in the drug game, so u wonder if u should do the same...Having to work with a beautiful baby girl from Columbia, and wondering why she dresses so sexy when u and her work on project one-on-one...Or realizing that just because u want a doll, doesn't mean God wants u to have her....

So many lessons...and this is why we encourage others to  Because nothing beats experience.  We said it once, and we'll say it again...our lifestyle, whether we want to admit it or not, is one which is the cherry on the sundae...the gold at the end of the rainbow...once u go through this and that, then we are ur prize.  I couldn't understand that from some time...and all of us should feel that way about our life.  But we KNOW that for a fact.  Sometimes u don't realize what is taking place as u're going through it or living in it.  But sometimes as I'm walking and saying "Hi! or What's Up!" to some strangers, the majority speak back, but more than ever as we pass and hear no response, inside we're like, "One day u're gonna wish we had spoken to us."  True story.  Sometimes we don't know a good thing until it's gone...

And I'll end with a sermon my Grandpa always wanted somebody to preach, and finally he got his wish before he passed away...He had this sermon in his heart, about his life, and the title of it was simply:

"I told you, 
You didn't listen, 
And now it's too late."

This may or may not be my final entry.  Or life is going into a new direction so either we'll stop or u're gonna see some of the best stuff u're eyes will ever come across.  Either's been fun.  And just lay and think about this...

We haven't even gotten loose yet.

Oh, that's scary!

Always Love and Have Fun.
Austino Galaxia.

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