Friday, July 27, 2012

Says It All...

TV when TV was TV....and a classic theme song 2 match!

This has been a wild day!  So on tonight, we are literally going 2 be getting some rest.  R-E-S-T...period.  Then we'll get back into a fun upcoming moment filled days.  Telling u, our life is really taken off in some unique's all about having fun, and we are blessed to do that in so many different ways...

Today is just gonna be a few tidbits...I was driving home, and was over in Little Havana (Yes, again!!!  As u can tell that's one of our spots...not joking, if we didn't live in South Beach it'll be over there.)...So I'm on Calle Ocho, and I see this small blue and white Smart car parked...and then I drive some more, and I see another one...and then I'm feeling like I'm in the Twilight Zone or something as I see these rides all over the place just parked.  I came to a stoplight and looked at the car which had a website on it.  I got home and looked it up...interesting.  It's website is what it is evidently is that u can buy time on a car any time u want.  Very intriguing!  So u can just hop into this ride, wherever u find one, not worry about gassing up and just take off to Tampa...Ok, maybe it ain't that simple, but it is very simple considering. U can pay by the minute or day...Miami is really doing some cool things to make travel easy.  We talked about the DecoBike thing going on here in South Beach.  We thinking about it, for $15/month u can ride just about anywhere, at anytime, and with so many stops that house bicycles...There's nothing like seeing the city from outside the car, "the scenery" is so beautiful.  Oh!  And the heavenly skyline, Art  Deco architecture, and sexy colors are great to see as well! (Wink!)

Speaking of which, I saw a tee shirt down here in South Beach that read:

Good girls go to Heaven...Bad girls come to Miami!

That's kinda hilarious!  Miami has to be the king of tee-shirts with wild sayings on them.  U'll find anything from curse words to sexual innuendos to entire chorus' of songs.  I was in a store on Lincoln Road, and I was like, "That's like a 8-bar chorus to this song!"  I wonder who has time to sing that as they're reading ur shirt....but...I was talking to somebody the other day, about how fashion down here is just wild, mainly because of the temperatures.  It be hot!  Just today, I saw this one guy just walking...hold on, this might be (arguably) my favorite Black Eyed Peas song, "My Humps" and it's banging right now, let me enjoy this banger for a sec!! Hum...eye wonder why it's one of my favorite!!...But it do be so hot!  I saw this dude walking down the street just pulling of his shirt...the catcher was I saw this gent at the freakin' gas station, and while the gas was pumping away on automatic to his beamer, my guy was like "Bunk This" and pulled off his tha pump!..Over at the beach, saw this brotha with a gal in the passenger, just driving with the shirt down with his shirt off.  I thought I only saw this barechested driving back up north with my corn fed brethren who ride in pick up trucks with that hay in the middle of the barn, in tha back....but I'm seeing folks acting like they don't even care anymore, and letting it  Considering that 90 plus that it be hitting...

I was on the phone yesterday...without the air!  I know, I know, u like what in tha Saturn were u thinking about...Heck, I had to talk on the phone, and I was trying to conserve that gas with the a/ let's just say I looked like I've been dipped at that hit the target game at the County Fair.  I'm sure a lot of folks would like to see me ducked into some water, but simply throwing a softball at the target.  But I was soaked so much...It was kinda embrassing, as I got out the car to walk home, but "Who cares?!!"  We all know the deal down here...but take it from this Super Soaker 2012, don't do that ever again?   U watch ice melt, have a date with a Patty Melt, and even makes hearts melt, but don't let that happen to u by being trapped inside ur ride like Jay-To-Tha-L-To-Tha-Low in The Cell....Not Cool!!

The Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics is starting today. of the cities I would love to live in.  Of course, besides Toronto and Los Angeles...but London has that tradition, that can't be duplicated.  And with it's modern style as well.  Gonna have to visit over there soon...Miami is in some ways...what makes this city so unique is it's seriously South American in many ways, but u have so many other influences from European and still some of the trendiness that begins from the West Coast...I was on the A1A coming home, and I was looking at the car ahead of me taking video as they were driving entering the South Beach area on Fifth Street...We was thinking that it's just so easy to take for granted where we live at, with the water (Every city doesn't have a beach!)  or with the scenes...It's a tourist town, and our 'hood is the ultimate playground for fun, so to speak.  But, even myself, get a little perturbed when somebody is driving slow, or is checking out the people or buildings...but perhaps they've never been over here before, or just want to soak in all the sights of Fantasy Island before they go to their respective homes.  Been over here for over 7 years now, and we still shake our head over what we see.  I guess that's what makes it unique...and right now, we're just inhaling every moment, cuz u never know....

U just never know.

Austino Galaxia.
The Future One.

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