Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Gurl Name Fendi.

Where and what to begin with on this one?  Really don't know what to say, so we'll just let the thoughts pour out like some Aunt Jemima pancake mix, and see where it goes...unscripted of course.

If you could choose between money and fame what would you choose?  Huh...tough question.  How about does one bring about the other. I'm gonna try not to get into our dreams and all that, cuz I'm sure nobody wants to hear about that...but in a way, u sometimes have to wonder why u do what you do.  You have true passion for certain things, and you would do some professions for free...or maybe not, have u seen the price for a simple box of cereal lately.  Oh man!  Just a little food for thought...and that's not gonna cost you by the way!!

We've been talking about all this jive on how our life has changed, is changing, and this and has.  Our life has never as we've looked back on it, just been horrible.  We've been fortunate in ways beyond compare to see some of the things we've seen or even go and do some of the people...I mean things that we've been able to experience.  And we definitely thank the great Personal Assistant upstairs for allowing us to do those things.  I'm just starting to feel a responsibility more than ever to share what happens in our life, cuz it really is just wild.  There's no other way to put it.  It really is.   And I think part of who we're gonna become lies on the fact that a) if you continue to push through tough times you'll be fine.  And b) when you're on top, that might be even more difficult than when u're chasing your goals.  Interesting....

When things seem all rosy and stuff, that's when you can sometimes full-court press and not let things continue to develop in the way you want them to.  You get an 'A' on a test, and you get so caught up in maintaining your excellent g.p.a., that you forget to find the necessary balance to continue that success and burn urself out.  A gal gets in well with a certain fellow, and then begins to change the things that made her attractive in the first place to the gent, and things get twisted like them old kid's mystery books where u had two choices at the bottom of the page, and depending which one you chose, led you to the next stage of the story.  Wow!!! Now that's old school there, how come they don't make them books anymore?  Just have to relax and not get so caught up into success or if you're on the front page of the paper...has anyone else been on like the front page of a paper or on TV and the next day been kind of different.

I think that if you keep on doing what's right in life, and work hard, and have fun, then good things are gonna happen to you no matter what.  And many times, u won't even have to do anything.  I think sometimes we lose conscious of that cycle of life, especially when u feel like u're doing those things, and yet and still nothing is happening.  I "heard" some stupid story headline talking about how basically rags to riches stories are so unrealistic.  Now why would an editor want to throw that negativity out there?  The odds may be one-in-a-trillion but who's to say that your not that one.  I've never heard the Vegas bookies mentions odds of 3-to-zero?!!  I'm beginning to get a little wound up, so today's entry could get good here...

They unusually say 2-to1 or 10-1 or something.  Think about that, since life is supposed to be a gamble, u always have a shot.  That's why I'm so enamored with people who like to take risks.  No risk, no reward.  If u see a job u want, u gotta sometimes go throught the 45-minute questionnaire.  U see a sexy babe at a bookstore, and u've been gawking at her eyeglasses, the way she sips her "la-tay", u notice how the third hole on her 7 Jeans are at a perfect diagonal slit, and how those tan Michael Kors shoes just dangle on the end of her toes as she's reading, and how her white blouse showed her cleavag...I'm sorry!  So sorry, I think eye got a little carried away here, I somehow got lost in those days at the Borders store at the Village of Merrick Park when I used to steal or "use" their Wi-Fi connection during my breaks!  Who says being a geek doesn't have it's perks or isn't perky?!!

But as we were saying, u have to be Blackberry Bold sometimes...and sometimes the bold move is just relaxing and not trying too hard.  I remember one of my favorite shows was The O.C....Yes.  I haven't talked about it too much since those early entries in this diary, but that show had some quotes for you.  Some folks want a love where they can work out together or go for long walks, but my dream would be to find someone who can beat me in trivia focused around that show.  I think the next time I'm hinting at dating someone, I just might say "Chrismukkah" and see what their response would be...but I distinctly one episode where Summer and Seth (I'm getting giddy just writing this!)  were in the middle of another pat of warm and I'm the only one who's been through that.  U know when a guy or girl digs u and warms up to you, u begin to get close, and then they shut it all down like boutique salesperson when Katie Holmes walks in, and  The quote they mentioned and worth repeating....again was:

"Girls like guys who aren't into them."

Later that episode they used the same quote but Miami Vice versa, with guys who like girls...There is such a thang as to wanting something or somebody so bad that pushing the self-addressed envelope actually hurt your chances of success.  Another thing to being patient is that you won't even have to ask, somehow the facts just roll in...I since those infamous words in our diary about to roll in...yep, here we go...

I remember...

This one girl.  Huh.  She was very...what's the right words to put it.  She had a glamour presence about her that reflected her true inner beauty while exemplifying her outer perfection.  Did that sum it up?!!  She had dark brunette with curly hair, and very lithe figure but was curvy as well like a Michelle Wie figure 8.  You guys know I'm gonna tell this thang, like we want to...her face was very attractive, but one that didn't wear a lot of makeup, so when she did, it was an enhancer and not just the 'be all' if u know what I mean.  Let me see...I'm usually trying to paint a physical picture of this ladies as I tell the story, so who did she remind me of?...You know what, all jokes aside she had a very strong Cindy Crawford look about her.  Because of her height and her build, she was mad cool, and she had that quality that guys really like in which she was very attractive but acted like she didn't know it.  Very good comparison.

I used to talk this mistress a lot. And I ain't even gonna front, she kinda intrigued me and got my juices flowing.  Sometimes when u've seen so much as ourself, it's really refreshing to come across somebody who can hold your attention through the eyes and the mouth.  She had her head on straight, was attending school, which was cool...sometimes we would talk about Miami, and her job, and just life.  This girl was really almost like a "prototype" of how a dame should carry herself...and it showed.

One time she wore this very hot, like Monte Carlo type resort outfit with blouse and white pants.  The look was a on point like a Serena Williams winner.  This other guy, came up to me and was like, "----- is beautiful."  Outwardly, I was like, "Ol' girl?? I gotta check her out."  But inside-ly (Is that even a word??), I was more like, "Dag, this other guy is beginning to notice her too, I may have to act fast."  I know I ain't the other one who's done that, where u've been "noticing" (Wink, Wink!)...wait a minute I gotta wink again (Wink, Wink!) like Pops on The Wayans Bros. show, cuz we know what noticing means!!  Somebody says something about that girl or guy, u act all cool when inside u know u've been having that person under such strong surveillance that u can begin to know what time they are coming home...what cabinet they store their Crate and Barrel salt shakers...if they like to water down their toothpaste before they brush their teeth...Am I the only one who's hidden in the bushes of a CocoPlum Miami home??  Ha, ha!!  I just kidding, I don't know about the Ying Yang salt shaker thing...

Another thing about her was she was low-key.  Not trying to bring attention to herself.  I used to get so puzzled about how she used to be alone eating so often.  I see her out and she'll be alone, chomping down on some freakin' parrot food and stuff, and I'm like this is no way for Princess Leia to be eating.  I got to treat her to a fun day out or something.  Ok.  So I had our mind made up like an bed in the that time u could literally flick a quarter on that bia bia and find it bounce up to the fact that enough was enough, call the CVS to have the Fresh Mint mouthspray ready for me at the counter, cuz this was about to be the jungle fever edition of Romeo and Juliet!

So the first thing was to get some side information on her.  I have reliable sources from here all the way to Bangladesh.  I mean tha best...KGB in Russia...FBI headquarters Washington..."Slingshot Willy" from the corner (If u only knew the copyright infringement trouble folks got into when they had "Free Willy" t-shirts given out at this community rally while he was in prison!)...U name 'em, we'll get tha goods!  For this time, we decided to ask a 'vet'.  This woman was well respected by us, and I knew she wasn't gonna beat around the Bush beans about this subject.  So, by Divine help, I stumbled upon the opportunity to be alone with our source with no one really noticing us.  I shoulda taken off my Ray-Ban sunglasses and trench coat, but...whatever...I asked her what she thought about, let's call her "Fendi", for tha sake of the story.  I wanted to know from an older perspective.  Immediately, she was like how "Fendi is such a nice girl."  How she was in school and stuff, she said a lot of stuff we had an inkling about from talking to her, and just her presence.  So due to the economy of my life, I didn't want to waste anymore of my verbal gas, and hit the pedal..."Well, (Agent's name), I'm seriously thinking about asking Fendi out, but I need to know if she has a boyfriend.  Do you think you can help finding that out for me?"  This is getting good isn't it!!...

My source then said in her Swedish voice...I mean, agent's vernacular, no wonder nobody wants to work for me, I'm always blowing their cover!...But, for real, in her Swedish tone, she said, "That she could find out."  But she also mentioned that Fendi is a little quiet about that subject, but she'll see what she can do.  I believe I gave her a mini-hug, and said, "Thanks."  Walking away thinking that I got another eye...we already had our foot in tha I got somebody else that could possibly lure a conversation into her love life.  Living on tha edge...Yeah!  That's what I'm talking about!  Rock on!  I feel like taking a motorcycle ride just from the adrenaline rush!

This leads to our next meeting....I see my informant.  And somehow we didn't even have to arrange anything, the two of us, seamlessly were able to confide in her findings.  I go over, and immediately she says..."She has a boyfriend."  As she passed me the tissue (Not really!), my informant hit me with some wild stuff....My informant was like, " was interesting.  Cuz she neva---ever...talked about her boyfriend, but outta of the blue, she comes in talking about her boyfriend and everything.  A-ma-zing!"  My informant was as stunned as the folks seeing that Tupac hologram at Coachella this year!  She couldn't believe that after several months of not hearing a word about her lovelife, that suddenly Fendi was talking like a wifey about to be wed.  I was cool...with both of them.  And I think that Fendi, might have even knew that I had an interest in her, but she handled it very well.  None of that "after the crush revealed" awkwardness that u so often find.  She was still talkative, and showed that she was a gal of substance, that I can respect...she didn't say 'No', just somebody beat me to the punch.  I can handle that.

Why did this story hit us...who knows...maybe it's because sometimes u don't even have to ask, or pressure somebody or something to happen...that if u wait, things will work themself out.  And u'll get the info u need for a game-changing decision without even having to put urself all the way out there or whatever.  I'm laid back yet aggressive in life.  But I'm learning that if u take care of yourself, do the things u should do, and 'respect tha game' of life, then it'll respect you.  And a lifestyle u could never imagine will open before you.

Sometimes all without saying a word.

Austino Galaxia.

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