Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Takeoff.

The Space Ship Discovery

(Huge Laugh!)

Alright...gonna do our best to keep this short, because it's like 8:19pm, this evening, and we're gonna be up for a while.  There's a lot of fun to be had on tonight, as we go out to a location where lots of fun can be had...Sure we'll have some stories to share.  Just wanted to capture a few things from today.  

Boy, I saw a weird thing...I was at the toss 'n' turn place getting my clothes done early this morning, and I was watching this guy like feed this 2 yr. old kid, some Pepsi.  I was like, "Huh?".  I know it's a parents or family's prerogative how they want to raise their kiddos, but I couldn't help but think, "Ain't this little senorita too young to be drinking the Pep?"  I think they should be drinking like some milk or some jungle juice or something, but cola...don't like to see that.  I didn't know whether to call Child Services or the FDA or Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign or what!  But...if u have a child please watch how u raise them, cuz it does make a difference as they grow.  

Today was a less humid type of day.  I always laugh when you think about what the temperature is down here in the land of "hotness" and we sometimes reply with a "It's a cool 90!"  But today and tonight is really nice outside, great for taking that midnight stroll or just sitting on the porch.  You can learn a lot about just "observing"...some call it 'people watching'.  But u see a lot from least more than u can from simple words.  My Grandpa used to always say, "U can tell how connected a couple is, by how close they walk next to each other." True...I was watching this group of people, look like they were visiting the area, and noticed one of the gals just walking away in front of the group.  Now that looks like something as settle as snow falling on a bowl of rice, but it just made us wonder, if she was in a hurry or embarrassed to be with the rest of the pack, or what.  Just wondering...

Earlier today, I was just thinking upon our life, and all these unforeseen twists and turns that's it's taking.  We consider what's written in our diary.  Once again, it's our diary, we've been keeping one for like 11 years now, and even though it's released for the Galaxia to see, it is something that's ours.  No matter if it's just us reading this or millions taking a glance at it from around the globe.  Shout out to our peeps in Europe, for real!!  But I wonder how we should balance keeping it 'real' or telling stories, as well as the language we may  use that may be geek-religious-sexual-'hood...we just think, are we going too far?  Huh...U probably thinking this isn't something to just now be thinking about, considering that we are like totally 230 plus posts into this thang, but as our life is developing more and more into a lifestyle that only dreams are made of, we just think u know...

I have to be honest though.  Make sure this is 100% us.  Our life is different...we are a unique species, to say tha least.  All of us are in our own way.  I always think about this diary just blowing up like a piece of Bubble Yum, cuz in our heart, I know there isn't a diary that tells the stories we tell, in the manner we tell them, from a perspective that is given.  There are days when we don't really want to write or tell a story, especially about our love life or whatever.  But even though we don't want to, seemingly The Boss upstairs is telling us to write.  Perhaps that is what this is all about.  I think so...Capturing real emotion of real situations.  Does that mean just write everything...or even find a girl at the spot later tonight, and then run home tomorrow morning and talk about our night playing the "kissing game"  I'm not like that.  I"m still a private a way.  Just our life is being played out on a public, global stage.

We've always believed, even when we began this, and I hope if this is the first entry somebody's read, that they will go back and read some of our old posts, u'll be surprised at some of the material.  The belief was that there isn't nothing real time out here.  Like I love Austinobiographies...I mean, Autobiographies, and  they are so super cool, but the thing is, they are usually written after the fact, when the subject is talking from a reflective perspective.  Since we've been writing, anyway, perhaps this can fill the void of a story being told while the subject is going through all the struggles and trials and successes to have this life of fun we ever so desire.  We tell stories of yesteryear and of lure, but hopefully somebody can get some kind of lesson of what not to do, or what two do, or that possibly all of us, even the most sucessful, have real moments of self-doubt, rejection, having a large ego and whatever else this all may illustrate of one of the most enigmatic individuals you'll ever come across.  We realize that...

One day, we'll all look back on this thang and just think about all the sillyness that was found in between these black lines.  Life is all about having fun.  I don't care what anybody says...It's good to have some dineros, or have a few folks want to have a round robin play of "Pin The Tail on the Donkey" or to have ur face become famous...that's cool.  But I just hope and really pray that if nothing else is taken from is just to enjoy life to the fullest.  Yes, there are some times where u just wish u didn't get out of bed...or wished nobody would say a word to you...ALL DAY!  That's call being human...But after that fact...after being dissed to ur face, yet having to cross paths with that person...or after not getting a promotion or even having the boss walk in a telling you that 'this is your last day, u're no longer needed' (I'll never forget that one.) all out of nowhere, how do you react?  Do u get the kerosene lighter warmed up?  Make that call to ur boys to Pacer ready so u can roll into the front window of somebody's crib? Or do u use it for motivation for the next level...

It took us a loooong time, for that all to click in.  I remember several, I don't know what u call them, hallmarks or benchmark situations which lead us to be like "no more".  Many of them involve girls...that's why we talk about it so much.  It can be confusion like how can 99% of these dolls dig us, much of them are the most beautiful and coolest females one can ever meet (Hugh Hefner might be 2nd now in seeing the most beautiful sect)...yet keeping running into this 1% that for some unknown reason, things just don't click.  It can drive a person crazy cuz it's like "I'm not good enough" or something?  Don't u ask around or know what kind of lifestyle we've been blessed to have and are willing to share...yet you don't....(Shaking my head)

But that's where the fire becomes ignited to another level.  Not just because due to relationships, but life in general...cuz when u know u're "ready" or I don't like to use this about "qualified" and have paid ur dues to the upmost level, and u sit back and watch others get their time to shine, that can either make u grab a pisol or crank it up to even another level.  A level rarely, if ever, seen.  Period.  Life is all about timing.  And one never knows when ur number is called to get into the game, so u have to be on guard, cuz the minute u let ur guard down...Bam!  It's like going to the store, dress like u just came outta rehab, and seemingly every hot guy or girl is in tha place, and u look like Linus from the Peanuts crew!  Sometimes when things don't go the way u want them to, it's not a thing of it never happening, but simply it's delayed so that you can hit all the green lights. Or maybe something or someone better comes along...has anyone ever wanted to date somebody, and then like later down the line ran into them or heard something about them, and was thankful, u two didn't hook up behind the bleachers of the High School football field?  Timing...right?

Ok.  Now that all that is off my chest, I can now dance the night away here in South Beach.  But, it ain't over til it's over.  And as I learning, u have to be patient and wait ur turn.  Timing is everything.  And as the old folks used to say...

"He who laughs last ...laughs best."  (I like that one...)

But perhaps I like this one even better...maybe it's true that...

"The best is saved for last."

Now u have to excuse me, because our number has just been called...

And believe u me...u haven't seen anything like this before.

And dare I say, U won't ever see anything like ever again.

Austino Galaxia.

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