Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Nike Campaign This Year...I love these commercials!


It's amazing how those, what is it, seven letters can mean so much in our vernacular.

Right now, we are at a very interesting mark in our life. Sometimes I get the feeling that everything that surrounds me, is just so much bigger than us.  Talks with tha Coach upstairs are more intense than ever.  Certain people that u want to hang with or whatever, are hitting us like, u just can't anymore.  Just gonna write tonight...

I'm such an ultra-emotional guy attached to fun, that at times we wonder if we're too much for our own good.  Like what if I just change this or that...or what if I begin to "be" like everybody else...or what if I make a move to another location and just begin anew...All these things can creep into ur mind.  We're not depressed or anything.  I mean, have u seen all the fun that awaits us in the next few days.  Not kidding, our life is molding just right...We'll explain later...but as of right now, we just wondering where all this is going and...


Or Why Us?

This is gonna be one of those posts where u're either gonna stop coming to our website or want to endulge even more into it.  Just gonna write as real as possible, real time...

I guess sometimes as we look upon our life, sometimes it feels incomplete, and that can frustrate us.  I think one thing about knowing anything is possible in life, is the actuality in actually knowing that anything is possible in life.  It's like going out to a fast food restaurant to buy some fries, when u know that the grocery store has them on sale right now.  If u're willing to sacrifice some time, u can save a few dollars, u dig.  Been fortunate and blessed to see so much and then some in our life...and u just wonder "hav u seen too much?"  My Pops, and we've mentioned this before, told us like years ago, that we're gonna be a tough person to satisfy.  And even though I scoffed at what was being directed at me, these like, 8 or so years later, we wonder if he saw our life going into a direction that was so Ray Charles to us at the time.  Like maybe, he saw that we've been exposed to so many well rounded experiences, activities and people that not too many have a chance to even think about.  Clinton is cool...I still gotta tell that story...But, with all that, maybe Pops saw a future where we'll be exposed to even more, and with that our expectations of ourself and of life in general would be heightened even more.  Just a simple thought...

Then our competitive nature to be like...the best.  It's part of who we are.  That's probably why all this silliness has happened in our life, it is, to continue to drive us.  Just sometimes ur mind wanders off like "I know it'll be worth it in the end, but...how much longer, for real?"  Especially, when u think that u've been waiting for certain things to come together, in simple ways yet have been so complex for you, and u just like...(Huge Blow).  What ending is so special that u have to deal with the daily grind that never has no closure in a way?

That's why we have, and for some time, look for inspiration in so many ways.  Some may read all this, and wonder, "What is he talking about?"  While others won't bat a bulls-eye cuz they know exactly where we are coming from.  There are building blocks to all of our lives.  Right now, I just realize that we're at a key position right now.  Fun is there.  But I wonder how much longer can we continue to push...continue to drive...continue to make lemonade out of a bucket of sour gummy worms, when u don't really see the up close benefit of it all.

I'm still, and always will be just a huge kid.  And the fun is there, but I just find it so much more difficult to get it to come out of us, maybe because of times u feel like when u've shown your true self, people just weren't ready for it. There's a lot of levels to our personality.  We can talk about hugging the block in the 'hood, while the next moment we chatting about the problem of homelessness to the next we telling a story about relationships, it's crazy.  I'm crazy!  I know that...just when u feel like u want to show it all....huh.  Maybe that's part of the problem...I haven't even showed ALL of us.  Huh.  We're always telling somebody else to be themselves, but have we really been true to our own standards?  The answer may be 'no'.

My Moms and others have told us not to settle.  That was mostly talking in terms of relationships and our love life.  So many stories told throughout this diary, and we still have others yet to be told.  Still...sometimes we cringe about why tell these episodes, but...I don't know, I feel like they are a part of the lure.  Have we moved on?  Certainly, many of them are even humorous now...but as we look upon them, every once in awhile we wonder, who is the fortunate one to be at the end of such a incremental progression of issues, pain and joy.  It's like we've been building...and building...and building...going through every angle, positive thoughts, and absolutely so much.  Sometimes I just wanna call my boys up, and be like, "Dude, it's great to be us, "yes", but don't ever take anything for granted", just because I wouldn't want ANYONE have to go through all those episodes, that leave u with ur mouth open, and just shaking ur head like 'here's another one to add to the list."  Might as well tell it like it is...that's why we write about how it can be more difficult sometimes if u have certain material things, or look super sexy or have different talents, cuz that can be intimidating to others.  It's like a sexy girl who has a super fit body, but doesn't want to show it off on the beach or a guy who has smarts up the ante, but refuses to give his opinions at board meetings, u wanna be low key about things, even though u know when u show out it can put others perhaps feeling uncomfortable...

Am I getting cussed out right now?  I know we right about what we saying cuz, it's our experience first hand.  And if u like, "Life isn't like that.", well perhaps u should duck ur head in a bowl of Cocoa Puffs, cuz homie, at least our life is.

Starting to feel it some here...I gotta write this now, cuz later this week is filled with nothing but great "get-togethers"....Midnight Movie premieres (The Dark Knight Rises...Is this really the last Batman?)...Miami Swim Week events...Shopping...Our life is good.  But I have to get this off our bosom right now.  Have too...

I finished up this great interview with Kobe Bryant where he opened up on a lot of issues.  But one thing that stands out is when the interviewer, Graham Bensinger, asked him about the best advice MJ (Michael Jordan) gave him. And Kobe replied, how he told him to be himself. Let me quote him on this, "Don't change who u are.  Play your game and everybody will adjust to that."  I almost felt like falling to the ground in a fetal position cuz it was so refreshing to hear somebody know exactly what we've been saying for so long now.  See a guy in our position...it's rare to have somebody directly tell u something...That's why we read books or study interviews, cuz I want and take, so much from so many diverse sources in this life.  People aren't gonna always pat u on the back, even they may want to.  Just how it is...so we have to search for mini-inspirations from people who we think were born in the same Galaxia as us.

But that quote, has given us a little more "umph" in our step.  Cuz it shows that we are heading in the right direction.  We are determined to live life by a standard never seen before.  Just because it hasn't be seen or done before, doesn't necessarily means it's impossible.  Just like if u see a girl out on the town by herself, all the time, doesn't mean she doesn't get her freak on from time to time...same for dudes...being real...maybe even too real.  But whatever...so as we embark on this lifestyle of having fun, meeting new people, doing things we've never done before, all just because of living man.  Starting to realize that even though rest is super important, and we know cuz we looking at our health and wellness as an investment nowadays, but u just have to make memories.

What that quote did was allow us a visible and audible vision of if u continue on ur path...success will follow you, and u won't have to chase it.  At the moment, we were in a small mental battle, cuz we've been used and taught to chase, and chase everything from watching Chevy Chase to skirts to hounds...it's always been about the pursuit.  Which is find and dandy.....but, we have and are in many ways being forced, to hit the reset button and 'Let Go" and let the nature of the world turn towards your way of thinking and living.  Boy that's one of the most egotistical phrases you'll ever hear.  Think about that, we are trying to live in such a fun  way that the laws of the Earth will allow others to turn to our level of enjoying life and spreading their wings as well.  If that ain't egotistical confidence, what is?!!  But do u think that's easy?  Absolutely not...and just like a parent, once u say something u are gonna be put into certain positions that is gonna test what u are proclaiming to be.

It's like a cook who are never seen eating their own foods on a TV show.  (I won't mentioned names)  How can u tell somebody else how good something is, if u've never experienced it yourself.  So true dude...Guess our trials and times of practicing true faith are what u have to go through.  Sometimes certain doors or opportunities have to purposely shut just so that u can sort of, go through the tests of getting what u so desire.  I wonder if anyone has ever wanted anything completely blind to how difficult it was to get it?  That could be from buying a home to getting an exclusive job at a firm to asking that cutie out in Social Studies class...sometimes it just happens...other times it takes a little more work than usual.  I think it was Eddie Cantor that said:

"It takes 20 years to make an overnight success." 

Huh.  Think that quote was intended for my ears.

Alright.  I had to write all this....just had too.  Our time isn't coming...it's here.  And we are starting to feel that 'something' in the air.  Right when u feel like u've been patient long enough, and u can't take it any more, that's when life and the Great Orchestrator upstairs stretches u a little bit farther, just to see if u're really ready for what awaits you.  Confident from our struggle....Scents of fun from our success...if u have that...

Lot of stuff going down 24/7.  All of it involves fun, and nothing but fun.  Hope all this wasn't too much, but like we say, there isn't gonna any diaries like this ever written in this manner...I gotta be real.  The beginning of this was wonder...now that we're at the end...it's time to rock 'n' roll...and party!

And something tells me that I can finally pull out that bottle that's been on chill in the back of the fridge...

Just like I thought...there's nothing like popping the top after the wait.

I guess this is how tha dame named life has always liked it...

And now...so do I.

Austino Galaxia.

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