Monday, July 30, 2012

Am I Tha Jive Turkey?

My "It's Turkey Fool!!" dish...looks so Mediterranean don't it!

Just one of them days...Oh Monica, had it right with that old song.  Sometimes u just have to go through it, just like losing a game in the NBA Finals or what not...just because some things don't go ur way, doesn't mean that ur not gonna walk away with tha ring!  Just a process....

It's been wild.  Let us see...hung out with our homeboy and his fam at the Marlins game on yesterday. It was a fun game.  The ballpark is super cool,  I really like the sightlines within the park, especially from the bleacher area.  We had great seats behind the first base line, but just walking around the joint, there was still energy surrounding the place, despite the trades and stuff.  Fun time.  After that spent some time in the press conference room...kinda weird when we think that this was the place that the "Ozziegate" went down after his comments about Castro earlier this year (blown outta proportion), but it's like a place in history, almost like the tape recorder Nixon used in Watergate.

After that, we left and had a strong inkling to go to Broward County, like Fort Laudey to do some shopping, but as we were in Little Havanny, we drove by this Goodwill store that we've been eyeing for some time.  It was late in the evening, and did a backward square back around onto SW 8th Street aka Calle Ocho and parked and made a cameo appearance to see what was going on!  Tell u what, it was a nice store!  I tell u if u looking for some small fashion finds from slacks to dress shirts, I even saw a Louis V. purse, and I don't think it was fake, up in there! I enjoy finding new places with vintage finds and stuff.  They had some CDs in there as well, and we almost went crazy.  And they were only $2.  I found Rihanna latest CD (All in the new wrapper), found that Peter Gabriel CD we've been wanting (Some 80s sound) and also this Nelly Furtado Loose CD that was missing in our collection.  Almost also walked out with Bell Biv Devoe's 1st CD and Robbie Williams' Greatest Hits, but we couldn't find the CD in the store!  That's ok, but they had some good stuff like Madonna, Gwen Stefani, Backstreet Boys...U will be surprised, check it out!

Oh boy!  We are just so emotional aren't we...hold up...ok, we back.  But we have been talking a lot of real talk as of late.  And it's not made up, it's from our heart.  I think that in life...just because something looks easy, doesn't mean that it's easy.  I'm not making no complaint of any sort of fashion, because we have a pretty cool life, but there are just a few things that we feel like can get us to another level.  We're gonna reach it, but just the process can get so tedious and so boring.  Then u throw on top, the ego thoughts of us, of like, "Haven't we done enough already?" or "How much longer do we have be patient?"  Interesting cuz we talked to our "Uncle Sel" on yesterday, and he was telling us, out of the blue, to get "more aggressive" and how he "believes" in us.  That was mad cool, cuz we have a strong support system with fam and stuff, but we don't hear that stuff told to us too often.  Just like we say in relationships...

Just because a girl is beautiful, doesn't mean she doesn't want to hear it from time to time.

That's why I like folks who tell it like it is to us, or who actually tell us "no" with a good reason of course, cuz it shows they are for real.  It's tough to deal with someone of our nature, we know that, but we are just a kid who wants to have fun.  Not out for games, or for naked sex, just fun dude!  We're one of a kind, we know that, but...sometimes it just gets weird, our life that is.  Guess that's why we write what we write.

Man, it's freakin' 9:37 tonight, and we just now eating really.  I feel like going out to check out a new place to eat, where should we go?  One thing, that's different down here than many places, especially smaller cities, is that u really can do a lot during the week, compared to just waiting towards the weekend.  U can hang out or hit up different juke joints on a Tuesday, and still do something even more low key on that Wednesday.  With all the neighborhoods we have down here in Miami...the options are endless.  I know Tha Beach always has something popping...almost too much!  Think this month we've revealed a lot of our travels, more than usual, we're still private in many ways, but I guess we are starting to bring our diary more to life about where we hang out and party or whatever wanna call it.  Just having fun, and enjoying life.  Sounds simple doesn't it?!!

Ok. I gotta finish up my dinner here...haven't done a playlist in awhile.  That may be on it's way, as well as a video.  Been awhile...that's in tha plans at least.  Kinda of busy beyond words with a lot on our minds bro...A lot...but...u have to get through all this, and keep pushing til u reach ur destiny.  And judging by the means we are must be one worth fighting for.

Austino Galaxia.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

It's All Interpretation!

The Beatles interpreted by Mr. Brainwash.

Just a few thoughts on this evening...just a few.

Today has been a chill type of day up to now...the word revolving around our life right now is "Fresh".  Not just talking about the 'Prince' or 'Market' or 'Dew', but just really the need to make sure that we are as "Fresh" as possible mentally, physically, and ready to go.  Which we are.  That doesn't necessarily mean that we have stopped working hard in certain areas or are just going through the motions, it's just that we are beginning to take care of ourself even better than ever.

When u've been on a journey as we have been as of late, it can make you fatigue...if u let it.  I was walking this afternoon down here in the hood of South Beach...and of course, it was just so scorching...but we really was thinking about how much we have left in tha tank?  Oh boy, is it gonna be one of these diary entries on this evening?!!  But for real, we were walking, just like it's been really wild and crazy.  Sometimes when u feel like...what's the right way to put it...u felt like u've sacrificed so much for tha good of tha team, u wonder when it will all pay off for u personally.  I see this is gonna be a "real" kind of night, but like we said before, our life is opening up in so many ways that folks wouldn't believe, I guess I have to talk about the steps along tha way. There's a lot to living it up...sometimes when u skip the necessary procedures, u miss something and  those fun days don't last as long.  But...when u actually attempt to go through certain necessary...

Alright, let's talk.  Has anyone ever, and this has to do with love and relationships, has anyone else felt like they had to go through somebody to get to the next level or next standard?  Like, for example, a situation or two or three have come up that u know probably isn't gonna work out in the long run but something inside  is like u have to do matter what the consequences u have to do it...I just wonder.  I know we've had several instances in our life, where sometimes u wonder, "Why am I doin' this?"..."Why am I sexting...I mean texting this person when I know it's over with?" or "Why am I even talking to this person when  I should just give her the Ice Box treatment of 2006?"  But in the end u go through with it, because u are led to...but why?

What we have learned is that each experience, not just with lovey dove, but when u do the things u don't want to...I hope we can contain ourself, cuz for some reason, I'm starting to feel the spotlight of the Galaxia  being centered on us as we write this....when u do the things u don't necessarily want to or do things that are so out of character of u, it actually works in ur benefit in the long run.  We live in such a society of the "here and now" and even myself get caught up in living in "the moment" which we should.  For a day is not promised to us, and we shouldn't even take a phone call for granted.  This ain't part of the story, but I remember when my Grandpa was still alive, and how I used to wait for him to hang up, just because I wanted to soak up every moment, cough or last two seconds of silence before that 'click' would hit the deck.  He's no longer with us, but that's what I call 'livin' in tha moment.'  But a lot of times 'livin' in tha moment' actually works out better for you in the long run.

As we were saying, there's a hidden secret to saying that states that the different between those of us who are successful and those who take it to the next level, is simply that those of us who go to that Rhonda Byrne level of life is the willingness of a select few to do the things they either don't want to do, or aren't good at, all the while knowing that despite certain pain and frustrations, it's gonna work to their benefit in the long run.  That encapsules so's another Galaxian made-up verb, but so what!...but it encasules so much from going to a party which might not be ur cup of tea, but ur best friend needs ur support to taking a job which might be under ur personal "stats" but u still learn a lot about it to being in school and taking a course, not because it'll Captain Jack up ur GPA, but because u actually want to learn something from want and not just necessity.  It's those actions that make a winner and not a chicken dinner...although that 2 piece from Popeye's back in tha day with them biscuits and grape jelly was slammin'!!

For some reason, we are getting the sense that we can write about this thang all the day long, just because as our life has shifted even more, we realize that a lot of things that we have done or gone through has worked in our favor even though at the times we were found on the foundation of our showroom having a self-contest to how many tears would make one drown.  It takes over 145, for those of u who want to give it a try!  But with all the complexities surrounding our life, and those moments where we thought as we drove, "That was a waste of money on that girl, I mean I gave this chick something many guys don't... extra pickles.  And it was on her Baconator no less and u tell me that those 35 cents ain't worth a Danity Kane strip tease?!!"   But for real we have some moments where we wonder what made us do what we did when we did to whom we did it wonder if we could do it again was it worth being done and if doing it was something that needed to be done and that the process of doing it  has made us feeling overdone?  Whew...I think I'm dizzy after all that...

But the lessons learned from taking risks is so insurmountable.  As we've been thinking one thing that has grown is that of a serious "no risks, no reward" mentality.  I honestly don't know if I really care when it comes to having fun, making somebody's day (even if they aren't appreciative of it...yet.) or when it comes to living life to the fullest.  Things don't have to be super dramatic like Bungee Jumping or planking on a bed full of nails (Like...Ouch!)  But u have to be patient and when the opportunity comes in life, and it will, u have to go with tha flow.  We've been in a serious "let it come to us" type of mode, and it has and is...but I don't think that u can reach that phase in ur life without being aggressive in trying new things and seeing new people from the beginning or at some point.  I'm a hooper for life, and folks don't really know how serious basketball is in our life, one day we'll explain, but there are so many hoop related yet life changing quotes that can be applied to our everyday life.  "U miss 100% of the shots u don't take", is one of them.  One of my favorite is "Shoot to get hot and...shoot to stay hot!"  U have to have that mentality...and before u get to the aforementioned state of "Letting the game come to you", u have to live and not be afraid of doing some things that may be uncomfortable at the time, but believe u me it'll help u out and u be thinking "I'm so glad I got that experience."

I'm about to dig even more personal, so if this is all boring to u, STOP!  And u can leave ur donation at the cyber-door...I can say with the confidence of a Playboy cover girl that I'm ecstatic to have gone the route we've gone.  Nobody says that things are gonna be easy, but when u go through them face-to-butt (That's pretty good!  I got to keep that one!) , it can really make u see who u are made of, and really how much are u willing to go through.  The bewilderment level in our life has been on max for some time.  It's been like doors have been closed on purpose and eyes have been blinded on purpose to teach us some lessons unparalleled.  It has taught us how to live humble for real.  Right when u think u're the hottest thang since Netflix, u get brought down to school time.  U stretch out in ways through hoops u have to dive into,'s like going through boot camp before the actual war.  At the time, u don't want to, but once u realize the benefit, u begin the thirst for the challenge of waking up a 4am and eating wheat flax seed for breakfast.

That's why as we live we know we have a such a special life, as we all do.  But the lessons...we mentioned that before, our confidence and swag doesn't come from our bank account or that we can afford a six pack of abs, it's in the struggle.  The embracement of it has done wonders...and even though it's still trying, we look back and are like ok...I see why I once had the hots for this one fellow hoops doll who looked super sexy talking to her via Skype, yet stopped talking to us for no reason, I know why I went throught that...or I know why I sometimes kept getting taken out of the game when u did nuthing wrong or why did I walk into the hidden doors of the Ford Modeling Agency looking for an Internship just because I think that 'anything is possible at any time.'  Once so many of those experiences as they build up, u begin to learn that u aren't the same person and sometimes that may mean u may just have to "move on". (Thanks Ana!)

All throughout this diary, u find some very intense stories about our life and lifestyle.  Many of which is centered around our love life.  I'm a sucka for love in many ways.  A romantic of sorts, and I'm not gonna change all that, even though sometimes u wonder if having those dreams are worth it.  We've had experiences with relationships either ending or taking a weird turn, and having them end in the worst way possible...a kiss.  I can think of three right now on the top of our head...Boy, we in a Congressional Hearing type of mode tonight ain't we.  Those can be difficult, but one thing we've noticed and that's why I beg for folks to give things a try and let the results take care of themselves...We've noticed that our life has been on stages and

It's like the Great Matchmaker Upstairs is like, "If u want the best, u gotta go through the rest!!" ...And Yes, u'll be catching more of those golden sayings at our Love Seminar held at the Founainebleau Miami Beach on next February...the 29th to be exact!!  But if u want to have certain people in ur life, u have to go through it...u have to go through (Cough, Cough!)...Experiences...Digging a girl, with a beautiful face and sexy tan skin, but she's a stripper...u have to learn how to deal with a girl who may be "the one" but she smokes....constantly....u have to learn how to interact with beauties, who dig u, even hold ur hand, but they have a boyfriend...have to learn how to realize that a heavenly day spent may not be guaranteed a simple "hello" on the next day...have to learn how to handle dancing the night away with a sexy beauty, who u wish was yours, only to find out that u were just a "break date" between her and her actual boyfriend...u have to learn how to take risks, with a older baby doll who some may consider out of ur league, but after she met u, u realize that there's no such thang...I'm getting loose huh...

Have to deal with learning that age may not be a determining factor, but diversities in experiences is the ultimate make-or-break...How to learn to even work with somebody u KNOW is ur 'soulmate' but how do u tell her or do u...learn how to realize that race doesn't matter...learn that some are just looking for the fast life of money and fame, but u know that u have all those things but just don't show it, and u're looking for a gal who's tha same...U learn that u can fall for an opposite gender gay person, which makes u know that love is crazy...U learn that u can have ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING in common with a person, from movies to music to sports to the love of the sandy beach, but that don't mean u gonna marry or even have a long dating relationship with them...Having to learn that sometimes friends do grow apart, and that it could be for the better...having to learn what to do when two girls dig u at the same time, wondering who to choose, and even worse they live with each other, how to handle that...Learning how to approach somebody who doesn't even speak ur native language...learning that it's not just about certain body parts but about the overall person...Or learning that u can do small things to bring a tiny smile, but that doesn't mean u'll talk to that person again...Or that u can be all howdy with somebody chatting it up and when u ask to kick it on a fun, no F--- tip, they can't even tell u 'no'.  (Liz I luv u for ur realness girl!)...Or having to learn about how to deal with seeing a person on a daily basis who broke ur spirit with silly games...Or having to learn to deal with realizing that nobody is gonna hook u up with a homegirl when she actually digs u herself...Or learning that it may be true when my dude said, "Never date a...."  (I can't say that one.).....Or learning just because somebody gives u their number, doesn't mean they really interested in you....

This is just some, I mean some of what we've learned from living life and keeping matter what!  We've had some success in our...what u don't think we can go anymore...Please...Learning about what "I Love You" really means...Dealing with the knowledge that Social Networks are over-rated when it comes to relationships...Learning how to deal with the fact of knowing that just because a girl knows some of ur guys, doesn't mean she's slept with them...Going through the experience of knowing that timing is everything, and that a phone call missed, can alter an entire relationship and it's possibilities...Knowing that their are decent girls out there, and u can't judge a whole basket by a bad apple...Learning that height and weight, in the long run, doesn't matter as long as u and that person get along...Dealing with the anticipation of seeing someone, but never getting that chance ever again...Going through with meeting parents on the first night hanging out, and almost wondering "Where do we go from here?"...Going through the process of having seemingly every hot girl u have an interest in, knowing they dig u, but the have a boyfriend, and more than that they are rumored to be involved in the drug game, so u wonder if u should do the same...Having to work with a beautiful baby girl from Columbia, and wondering why she dresses so sexy when u and her work on project one-on-one...Or realizing that just because u want a doll, doesn't mean God wants u to have her....

So many lessons...and this is why we encourage others to  Because nothing beats experience.  We said it once, and we'll say it again...our lifestyle, whether we want to admit it or not, is one which is the cherry on the sundae...the gold at the end of the rainbow...once u go through this and that, then we are ur prize.  I couldn't understand that from some time...and all of us should feel that way about our life.  But we KNOW that for a fact.  Sometimes u don't realize what is taking place as u're going through it or living in it.  But sometimes as I'm walking and saying "Hi! or What's Up!" to some strangers, the majority speak back, but more than ever as we pass and hear no response, inside we're like, "One day u're gonna wish we had spoken to us."  True story.  Sometimes we don't know a good thing until it's gone...

And I'll end with a sermon my Grandpa always wanted somebody to preach, and finally he got his wish before he passed away...He had this sermon in his heart, about his life, and the title of it was simply:

"I told you, 
You didn't listen, 
And now it's too late."

This may or may not be my final entry.  Or life is going into a new direction so either we'll stop or u're gonna see some of the best stuff u're eyes will ever come across.  Either's been fun.  And just lay and think about this...

We haven't even gotten loose yet.

Oh, that's scary!

Always Love and Have Fun.
Austino Galaxia.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Says It All...

TV when TV was TV....and a classic theme song 2 match!

This has been a wild day!  So on tonight, we are literally going 2 be getting some rest.  R-E-S-T...period.  Then we'll get back into a fun upcoming moment filled days.  Telling u, our life is really taken off in some unique's all about having fun, and we are blessed to do that in so many different ways...

Today is just gonna be a few tidbits...I was driving home, and was over in Little Havana (Yes, again!!!  As u can tell that's one of our spots...not joking, if we didn't live in South Beach it'll be over there.)...So I'm on Calle Ocho, and I see this small blue and white Smart car parked...and then I drive some more, and I see another one...and then I'm feeling like I'm in the Twilight Zone or something as I see these rides all over the place just parked.  I came to a stoplight and looked at the car which had a website on it.  I got home and looked it up...interesting.  It's website is what it is evidently is that u can buy time on a car any time u want.  Very intriguing!  So u can just hop into this ride, wherever u find one, not worry about gassing up and just take off to Tampa...Ok, maybe it ain't that simple, but it is very simple considering. U can pay by the minute or day...Miami is really doing some cool things to make travel easy.  We talked about the DecoBike thing going on here in South Beach.  We thinking about it, for $15/month u can ride just about anywhere, at anytime, and with so many stops that house bicycles...There's nothing like seeing the city from outside the car, "the scenery" is so beautiful.  Oh!  And the heavenly skyline, Art  Deco architecture, and sexy colors are great to see as well! (Wink!)

Speaking of which, I saw a tee shirt down here in South Beach that read:

Good girls go to Heaven...Bad girls come to Miami!

That's kinda hilarious!  Miami has to be the king of tee-shirts with wild sayings on them.  U'll find anything from curse words to sexual innuendos to entire chorus' of songs.  I was in a store on Lincoln Road, and I was like, "That's like a 8-bar chorus to this song!"  I wonder who has time to sing that as they're reading ur shirt....but...I was talking to somebody the other day, about how fashion down here is just wild, mainly because of the temperatures.  It be hot!  Just today, I saw this one guy just walking...hold on, this might be (arguably) my favorite Black Eyed Peas song, "My Humps" and it's banging right now, let me enjoy this banger for a sec!! Hum...eye wonder why it's one of my favorite!!...But it do be so hot!  I saw this dude walking down the street just pulling of his shirt...the catcher was I saw this gent at the freakin' gas station, and while the gas was pumping away on automatic to his beamer, my guy was like "Bunk This" and pulled off his tha pump!..Over at the beach, saw this brotha with a gal in the passenger, just driving with the shirt down with his shirt off.  I thought I only saw this barechested driving back up north with my corn fed brethren who ride in pick up trucks with that hay in the middle of the barn, in tha back....but I'm seeing folks acting like they don't even care anymore, and letting it  Considering that 90 plus that it be hitting...

I was on the phone yesterday...without the air!  I know, I know, u like what in tha Saturn were u thinking about...Heck, I had to talk on the phone, and I was trying to conserve that gas with the a/ let's just say I looked like I've been dipped at that hit the target game at the County Fair.  I'm sure a lot of folks would like to see me ducked into some water, but simply throwing a softball at the target.  But I was soaked so much...It was kinda embrassing, as I got out the car to walk home, but "Who cares?!!"  We all know the deal down here...but take it from this Super Soaker 2012, don't do that ever again?   U watch ice melt, have a date with a Patty Melt, and even makes hearts melt, but don't let that happen to u by being trapped inside ur ride like Jay-To-Tha-L-To-Tha-Low in The Cell....Not Cool!!

The Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics is starting today. of the cities I would love to live in.  Of course, besides Toronto and Los Angeles...but London has that tradition, that can't be duplicated.  And with it's modern style as well.  Gonna have to visit over there soon...Miami is in some ways...what makes this city so unique is it's seriously South American in many ways, but u have so many other influences from European and still some of the trendiness that begins from the West Coast...I was on the A1A coming home, and I was looking at the car ahead of me taking video as they were driving entering the South Beach area on Fifth Street...We was thinking that it's just so easy to take for granted where we live at, with the water (Every city doesn't have a beach!)  or with the scenes...It's a tourist town, and our 'hood is the ultimate playground for fun, so to speak.  But, even myself, get a little perturbed when somebody is driving slow, or is checking out the people or buildings...but perhaps they've never been over here before, or just want to soak in all the sights of Fantasy Island before they go to their respective homes.  Been over here for over 7 years now, and we still shake our head over what we see.  I guess that's what makes it unique...and right now, we're just inhaling every moment, cuz u never know....

U just never know.

Austino Galaxia.
The Future One.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Miss Kelis...U Remember this classic?!!

No idea what we're gonna write about today, or what craziness is gonna come out of our mind, so we'll just go with tha flow...

Learning a lot.  I mean a whole lot about life and stuff...seemingly we are getting a Master's Degree lesson times three and then some right now...but that's ok.  It's those times where u have to dig down deep that make u come out on top.  And believe u me, that's not to say that at the moment our life is the pits, cuz it's not.  Just u know when u are being taught some great lessons that will be so key in ur future.  U know it.

One lesson, is that u can't get too high or too low about things.  That's not to say that u shouldn't get excited or be happy when great instances pop up in ur life.  But u really do, have to learn not to get all kiltered cuz u never know either way how things may turn out.  I wonder why am I learning this lesson over and over and over again...How come things just can't be how they seem?  It's like right when u think something is about to jump off or u feel like u can open up just a little more, then "Bam!", it closes once again, and u are left having to make mends and form ur own fashion of 'closure'.

I was driving today listening to this AWESOME double disc of Miss Kylie Minogue (She might be my favorite female singer, although Mariah, Mary J. Blige, Gwen and Miss Madonna might have something to do with it!), but I was flying and jamming out to this song "Love Is Waiting", just thinking about ALLLLL these crazy episodes that we've been through since we've been in the 305.  Thinking about certain people, silly episodes with so many girls, it almost felt like a retrospective going on in our mind as if we are about to leave the city.  Hum???...But it was just mind-blowing, I'm surprised that I actually could keep our mind on tha road.  Thinking about all the strangers we've met to the people we used to work with to us writing love letters to girls...backwards!  (That was a little too extreme...but let it be known she didn't give it back to me, and later on we ended up...let me stop!)  For real though, we have lived!  Sometimes we can get so caught up in our future and what's next or where's the next party or job or love in our life.  We forget how far we've come since we've came down here.

Think about our diet of white rice, sugar and bacon bits...oh boy!  We gotta laugh, cuz back in 2005, I tried to get my Spanish influence on, but the thing was I always used to burn the rice!  It would just about never, ever come out right!  So I just began to assume that black rice was better than none, and would eat that with the bacon bits and stuff!!  Why am I telling this stuff?!!  But between that, and a lunch of some, let me sing this in honor of my dude at the Auto Shop...cough, cough..."Hooot  Pock-ets!"...we tried seemingly every kind u could imagine.  Doing our best to save money, just so I could get my shop on at the Barney's Co-op store down here at the Beach.  U gotta sacrifice to look good right?!!  My favorite might still be the Ham 'n' Cheese variation.  Off the Chizzle!  BBQ was pretty good too...and Oh, what about that Philly Cheese Steak Lean Pocket, folks don't know what we talking about.  But for real, that's what we used to eat.  Now, I can't even look at the box anymore.  Amazing how time can change ya!

Thinking about all these of the most saddest days was me rolling up in Surfside, on our Vespa, with our mouth feenin' like a groupie at the NBA Finals, for a Lumberjack Slam from the Denny's up there. I rolled up there...and next thing I know it, they got chairs flipped over with a note on the door saying "They Closed...and Neva to be opened again!"  I was salty, cold and sad, guess like a box of left over White Castle French Fries, that I couldn't get my flapjack on one more time at this only beach location. Sad...IHop is right next door, but now it's always packed and I wasn't impressed by that location.  That was my hidden spot and now it was gone....I wonder if anyone ate at the Sports Exchange in Coral Gables when it was open.  It was alright, I later found out one of my co-workers actually worked there for some time...but I was up there during a Lakers playoff game, it was cool.  It had like white cocaine colored leather couches outside  , and since it was a Sunday, the boss like gave me the keys.  I loved their remote to the Plasmas that were also outside, I felt I was on the patio of Scarface's crib watching the boys play!  Located right on Miracle Mile, good memorable time.

I'll always talk about D.Wade's restaurant and that unforgettable 'Prime Rib Wrap'. That junk was slammin'. I liked the joint, but it was too far from the heart of Miami.  Maybe he'll open up another venture, but whatever the case bring back that wrap!...So many spots from this small Italian restaurant up in Hollywood, Florida, can't remember tha name it's like on US-1 right by the casino...anyway, a very intimate spot with great food!...Marhaba in South Miami was a great meal of Mediterranean food.  They even had hookahs set up outside...we didn't partake, but if we have a long day, we'll know where to go!  Some of the coolest folks were at Master's Italian Restaurant down here in South Beach.  Once again I was in there for the NBA Finals a few years ago, and these folks treated my truly like fam!!  We've been blessed when we go out, folks who don't even know us, really, really hook us up!  But we had some tasty treats while watching the game.  The people working let me have my own booth, gave me the remote to just chill...I like to sometimes get away to be alone and where nobody can find me, yet I'm right under ur nose!  U understand....they were mad cool in there.

We on eating out memories, huh...interesting.  We've been in some sketchy joints as well.  When Vespa, the Italian scooter place used to be on Biscayne near downtown, one time I was starving!  I felt like I was trying out for VH1's Celebrity Fit Club or something!  So I find this Chinese restaurant on Biscayne a few blocks up.  It was in the afternoon, and I walk in and all the shades were down, nobody was in there except like two dudes in suits sitting in the corner.  I didn't know what to expect.  I didn't know if when I ordered my Wonton Soup if I had a choice in the matter if I liked it or not! (It was good.)  But the vibe I had was like was so Soprano-like, and I didn't come prepared, so let me get my Sweet and Sour Chicken, chomp down on that, and be up.  Sayonara!  ("Gong" sound inserted right here!)

This is kinda of fun, u just never know where our diary may lead...We've been fortunate to try some foods from all over...I remember this one time, this certain female actually had cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery.  And let me try a bit...may not seem like a big thing, but she actually had them fresh and direct (Not sent via mail) from New York City!  They were good...if she would've brought Charlotte York herself from Sex and The City, boy...What tha...Dang!  She's involved with Aaron Sorkin...oh well!  Her loss!  (Ha, ha!)...I'm a conceited baxster!...That was cool.  Pembroke Pines, up north, has some memories as a memorable dinner up at the La Carreta up there.  Lots of laughs and stories being shared all to a Chicken sandwich on Cuban Bread.  I should of had some Sandwich spread or some hot sauce...naw, that would've been to much like a sterotype, but something in my pocket, a relish packet from Dogma Grill (Why did they leave Sobe?), just something to spice it up.  It felt like a freakin' 69...I shouldn't be talking like this...but..let's just move on!

Great times though...Best Subway in South Florida...the one located next to the Ikea in Sunrise.  Those sandwiches are hot and on point.  Last time the line was out tha door, like the Soup Nazi creating a masterpiece inside.  It was crazy!  But worth it...Pollo Tropical is still one of our fav fast food places.  Not like it used to be, although my guy Roscoe still works tha joint.  (Who knew anybody in Miami knew where Michigan City, Indiana is?!! It had to be him!)  But they got me when they began to shave off my rice.  I was wetter than a 2yr olds diaper for some Tropi-chops (Is that trademarked?)  So I'm waiting for them to call my order, and I see Little Miss Muffet, dipping her cup, scooping the rice out, and then shaving the top off...literally rationing off my portion.  Yes...she did that to tha kid!  I was like, "Am I on MTV's Boiling Points or what's going on?"  We was beside ourselves...last time we felt like that, was when this girl told me she had a boyfriend literally to my face after flirting with us for like 21days, 7 hours, 38 minutes and 15 seconds!  Time did I know it stopped u may ask?...Cuz I was counting can't u tell!!  Duhh!!!

Another joint...I always wanted to try this Pollo Campero chicken place up in Little Havana.  They claim this joker is like world renowned and stuff...I walked up in their counting my dimes and nickels like, I don't know how much this is gonna cost but I might just have to order a 8 piece of Chicken Skin, and hope they don't charge for a few packets of honey!  So I walk in, mumbling and practicing..."Hola...Tienes a los Chicken el Grillo?"  or something like that...I looked up at the menu, and then saw the prices and I was like, "El Whoa!!"  The cheap skate in me, just couldn't do it.  Now we've heard that the food is good, but on that night, I just couldn't pull the trigger, it was something like, "8 piece for $9 or something."  I might hit them up on that 4-6pm special or somewhat, but for $9 I could eat for days...and if Publix is running that Buy One, Get One free special on Del Monte Veggies, No Salt Added of course, shoot, I can eat til December off that!

The things u do for a good meal...I remember one Sunday driving ALL OVER TOWN for some KFC Grilled Chicken...I tried the one in Coral Gables off of Coral Way...Out!  I went to the one in like the Fontainebleau neighborhood..."Sorry we out!"  I went to the one in Little Havana (I'm over there a lot aren't eye?  I just "happen" to be in the hood!), and they hit me with "they out" as well, and this was after I waited in line, saw a dude snapped cuz they messed up his order, and saw a worker come in to the gig on a bicycle that he was rolling back, no joke, to the kitchen area! U can't make this stuff up, I didn't know if WD-40 was the secret ingredient to the Colonel's recipe or what, but maybe it was good they didn't have any Grill...I expect to eat it, but not have it rode in on some.  Let me play that song, that reminds me of when this girl and myself took a wild trip up to Palm Beach, kicking it on Worth Avenue, wiling out...Me taking off my shirt cuz of the heat...She had one of her tops off as well...(Wink!)  Believe u me , it was!

Life is about having fun and we definitely did on that day...hit it DJ!

Ok, that's it.  Gonna be up for awhile tonight...again!  Food talk, and fun times, what can beat that?  

A crepe with Turkey and Cheese...let me see, how long does it take to hit up Las Olas Bully in the FTL?!!

I think I smell a trip coming up...matter of fact...

Let me go, right now!!

Austino Galaxia.  

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cover Boy Revealed.

Tha Kid!

"U come in on vacation....and leave out on probation!"

A quote that perfectly describes life down here in the Magic City of Miami.  Our life has been nothing short of crazy as of late.  Seemingly everyday we're out at a new venue, hanging out with different peeps and just enjoying life to the fullest, which is what life is all about anyways...It's been fun, and it's only gonna continue...for real.

So yesterday we hit up that Miami Swim Week Lounge that was super-cool.  I had a lot of fun, checking out new items in the fashion industry.  Kind of got an Insider's view on what's new in the Swim industry.  From new designer glasses and sunglasses, all the way to new swimsuits, which was kind of cool because this one line had fashion designs featuring sport teams, which proudly had the Miami Heat and LA Lakers two-pieces on display.  Very cool.  They had eats to try out from low-fat yogurt (Vanilla was our flavor of choice) to some other tastes...I tried these "bomb" mini-cupcakes.  The thing about them was that they were alcohol flavored in their variety.  Now I'm not a super hard core drinker, but I had to try this.  And since as of late our taste has been revolving around Champipple , so we tried the flavor called "Champagne Kisses" which was strawberry caked with strawberry buttercream froasting and dark chocolate with Champagne inside...Man, that was off tha chain!  When I throw a shing-dig, we are definitely gonna keep them in mind.  The name of the company is Sweet & Tipsy...Veronica the owner was cool, and we had a good time.

Also, dipped our taste buds into some real good Ricky Rozay.  It was called Whispering Angel, and the beauty who was serving us, talked to us about the difference between good wine and bad wine (Look at the color).  Very tasty...And no fashion party could be complete without a trip to the salon right.  They had ladies getting their hair done.  I'm dead serious, like folkes getting curls and stuff, which was cool.  Our thing of choice though was getting...Gulp!...our fingernails done.  And homegirl hooked us up with some serious pampering and great conversation.  We got our nails filed, coated, re-coated, painted...they even got new polish specifically for males, can u dig that!!  My stuff looks right!  Talked about how males are now taking care of their hands and feet.  And I must admit, my hands felt brand new.  Got some great information on what scrubs to use, and Sea Salts and processes to keep us looking like a billion bucks.  Homegirl was cool, as was so many of the folks we met from Donna to Michelle to Kelly...Much love, and we thank the LRL team for exclusive access to this professional event.  Had fun.

Mercedes-Benz Sponsored Miami Swim Week...Fun in tha Sun!
We was at the Shelborne kicking it, even in the back at the pool which was packed.  But I gotta be honest, it was KILLA hot outside.  Like, I honestly txt my brotha to tell him I was thinking about walking down the street with nothing but my draws on and some flip flops, and I'm not talking about the ones where u see ur toes, I'm talking about those 'hood' ones where the toe of the flops are enclosed and u just got some Hanes socks on!  It was hot, and I just stood in front of Cameo the nightclub, (Wonder how Nas did there last night?), talking to him about the serial temps and stuff...this guy was speaking Cuban (That is a solo language isn't it?!!), but home dude was yelling accross the street at these Miami Beach Cops who clearly wasn't paying much attention to him, but look like he was mad about something that went down in like '76! U got to let that go playa!  But he kept on, and then he walked toward us, while we're on tha phone as always right, and began talking and pointing at the cops 2 us..when he began making motions like he was holding a "gat", that's when I was like, "I gotta get up outta here" and continue to walk to tha crib.

Just so much going on...Then late last night and early last night we were up at Chalk, enjoying life.  It was cool...I told my homegirl Jen, that I wouldn't write too much about it, so I won't.  But I had a lot of fun, just relaxing sharing some wild conversations...and I enjoyed the access to the VIP lounge with our own Music satellite station hookup, Plasma TV, Ping Pong table, and Bubbly, if u choose...A muy fun night...

That's what makes South Beach so unique...u can just do so much within this 3.2 mile radius.  And if u're fortunate and blessed to life here, u can just walk it out like UNK.  I mean, we literally be laying down, and just walk out the door to fun.  We're blessed, and we know it, cuz there ain't too many places around the globe that u can do this type of stuff that's so accessible.  We're taking advantage of it...big time.

Things are really getting to the point where we don't even know what a day may bring forth.  It's a new adventure in some way, shape or form every day.  Just enjoy life, and have fun, that's all dude...I think one thing that we've learned now more than ever is should we say this...Huh? How should we say what we want to see....

If u stay true to who u are, then things would work in ur favor.  Our diary here has been stupid personal.  That's what a diary is about, I know, but still, it's just been weird writing so deeply about our emotions.  We keep saying that, but we continue to feel that way, so we'll keep writing about it.  When things don't go the way u think they should, u get tested.  U begin to think about like, "Are we really as good as we think we are?" Or feel like ur back is up against the wall, or even feel like the nightmare just won't end.  Has anyone else had that feeling, like when u feel like u've done tha best u can...It's almost like u see a girl.  U know u have this "lifestyle" that is wanted by so many.  U do everything in ur power, from sending flowers to her job to giving chocolates to complementing her at every passing moment and even to giving her space.  And yet she doesn't notice you...then this other guy, just comes along and gives her any old line, even calling her (a female dog) and she runs and goes with him, while u're's not supposed to go that way.

That's how life is at times, when u feel like u're following the rules and laws of the earth...Reap what u sow....The American Dream of hard work paying off...or the Chivalry will pay off in the end, no matter what...all those things that u were taught as a kiddo.  As u grow, and u focus those steps (like u should) instead of the result, and u don't get it...u can become frustrated or think what's the use?  Nobody else is doing it, so why should I, and look what they got.  Being real tonight...have to.  Cuz we have and are experiencing some things that some folks just couldn't conceive.  Yet some know exactly where we coming from.  Seemingly it's always on our mind to stop telling our story or stop writing...thoughts like folks won't understand anyway, or nobody's probably reading this anyway...and believe me, it's getting tougher y'all to write.  But what kind of diary would this be if I reach a certain status (Like whatever!)  and not try at least to jot a thought or two that may help someone years down the line while they're in China or in the Armed forces or playing high school hoops...

Sometimes when I'm on the toilet, or thinking about our life and all that we had to go through and have been forced to see...we just shake our head like, "It just don't make any sense?!"  And no matter what we think, that's the only thought that's in our head and mind.  How can u be a captain on a team and not play in a key game?  Or how can u be kicking it with somebody over lunch like a wifey and hubby, and then the very next day she avoids you for no reason explicable?  But whether, even I myself, wants to admit it or not, those different experiences allow u to not only grow, but become even more determined.  Like scary determined, where u know that u're always on ur 'A' game and not gonna let anyone or anybody besides the Great Party Planner in the Sky, determine how ur gonna live ur life, and...on what terms.

Right now, we are in that moment where our life has changed...but we are still not knowing how or with whom?  Boy I feel like writing this thang like them old diaries of 2002...I do...The options to not only our, but all of our life is endless.  So u never know...there is this one gal that we've seen at the gym and exchanged some serious "don't I know you" glances with and possibly (Have to get to know you first) one of the most attractive girls we've seen with tha salt and pepper blond hair and full-figured build, off the charts...and we just wondering if God is gonna give us the opprotunity to tell her that she's one of the very select few that we are in "awe" of how she is crafted...something about her...Not sure why we wrote that, and I'm definitely not gonna write about every girl that catches our eye, but whatever...Not just with girls but with our life, we know that everything isn't always what it seems.  In many ways, we are still this "boy toy" which is fine, but we just wonder is it always gonna be like this...or possibly will it grow to even deeper heights.

Almost done.

All of this is our life.  Have to keep it one hundred and as real as can be.  Think when u've gone through so many tests u feel like u've earned the right to live, bro.  And although I have no idea what is gonna happen in these upcoming hours, I just have a feeling that it's gonna be some major changes up ahead.  The groundwork has been laid, and the dues have been paid.  Now, even though I kinda nervous of not knowing what lays ahead, I know that we're ready to have fun, and share it with those who thirst for it as we do.  It's about to be really on and popping, believe u me...that's not from a snobby attitude.  It's just that u know where ur life is heading...

Without a doubt...straight to the top.

Austino Galaxia.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fun's New Mogul.

 I wonder why Richie Rich was my favorite Comic Book as a kid?!!

A smile.

The power of it can do so many wonders for tha soul, huh?  A baby's smile can cheer up a room...a smile from that special someone who u've been noticing can give u hope and chills for days.  All because of something that's so free.  Starting to feel this...cuz we had no idea how or what to write about today.  Our life has been so wild the last few moments of time, that I don't think people could really understand even if we try to explain.  But through it all, and no matter what happens, and how "big" our lifestyle is getting we simply want to see people smile.

We've been saying how...huh, this toast is slamming! our life is really like a movie, and it is, and it has turned into the life we want in terms of just having great clean fun and doing new and different things...that could mean just hanging to breaking a sweat in the middle of all this Miami Heat temps...but now we are in a position where I may need a Personal Assistant, for real.  We're on tha go so much, almost wondering if we'll find time to even Spencer Wright in this diary.  Sometimes since u cannot add hours to the day, u just have to maximize the 1,440 minutes that u have in a given day.  It may mean sacrificing on a little sleep or instead of being on the Internet for 3 hours, u're actually living life, u know, but it'll be worth it in the end.  I'll rather create or have experiences created for me that will live for a lifetime than miss out on all the fun that life has to offer.  That's our thinking right now in so many areas...looking long term.

U almost have to look at the "big picture" yet not get so caught up into glancing into that glass of the future...That's a great question. Am I the only one who checks out their reflection in tha strangest of places?  Like besides the usual personal mirror...I use darken cell phone screens (Not tha app either!)...walking down the street, looking in passenger side windows...knives at a table...rearview mirror inside the front windows...CD cases...Nothing's restricted when it comes to getting ur glance on..I got problems don't eye!  But don't front I ain't the only one who wants to be on point all the time!  That's so funny...But yeah, u want to make sure that what u are doing, and who u are doing is going into the same direction as u are.

Sometimes u just have to learn what u can control, and what u cannot.  During the day, I can feel that I'm a person who likes to have his...personality rubbed off.  Almost like on "our team", we can sensed the 'old' Austin who wants to know everything that's going on, within ear's reach.  But now, we have learned to let others do their thang and not feel like u have to be the center of attention everywhere u go.  I probably take more back doors and entrances than anybody that u would even meet.  Perhaps, that's a preview of things to come when we'll have to take side doors or walk through the kitchen, we do it so much that it's so second nature to us.  But we are learning that wherever u're out and about, u don't have to make a spectacle of who u are, how much money u have, or how sexy you are.  If u are true to urself, those things are gonna show anyhow.  If u see somebody at the candy bar getting some Malibu milk, u don't have to "bump" into that person or walk by 17 times so they can eyeball u in ur outfit or whatever...if u focus on just enjoying fun urself, then in the middle of that, others will see that, and will be attracted to you and want to become a part of it.

Everybody doesn't think like this I know, but this is who we've become.  Our life is so upscale (if their is such a thang) and filled with so much fun, that we aren't gonna pry or forced others to join it.  Does that mean that now we are in a sort of "untouchable" state of mind.  Not necessarily...but...after all we've been through in tha past, and that's what's it's been, tha past, tha kid has just realized that u are blessed with the lifestyle to be desired and with that, u should want other people who have similar desires of enjoying life and such...and u shouldn't chase something that isn't meant for you to have in tha first place!  The other day, I was working out at DBGym, getting it in, I came out and our phone had a was from this certain female.  She left a msg to give her a call back...but considering "who" she was, we missed it.  We gave her a return call, kind of late in the evening, she was unavailable, the next day we called like in tha afternoon, same thang...and that's it from our end.  Now, anybody could tear get all rowled (another made up word) up about it all, like "Dang, if I hadn't been working out, I woulda got her." and all those type of thoughts, and say if this was like 2004 or something, that probably woulda been us, but after time eating platters of humble pie, we've learned that if it's meant to be, she'll call us.  But I can't stop my life and place the phone in front of me, as I eat or put it on my computer desk, or sleep with it next to me and Honk Kong Phooey making up a weird menage-a combo in bed...Huh, I may have to use a cell phone next time, never thought of that, memo to us...but for real, u can't dis-live ur life around somebody else's schedule.  Leave it at that...

Just a little more, before we embark on this Super Saturday of sorts...we saw The Dark Knight Rises , which u have to go see.  And if u're into Batman like we are, like the back stories and all, u're really gonna luv it!  It's a great film...we even shared a few small tears, just because we can relate to Bruce Wayne in so many ways (I'll let u figure that all out, even though if though we stated it briefly why in this old diary post of ours.  We did something different, and experience a movie Midnight style at the 12:01am, show.  We got a small dose of wink eye, before we left, and then walked to the theater down here in South Beach.  (How many people can just say that).  Talked to our guy Coca Bean on tha way, a great Miami night with a breeze and to the theater little early and then just listened to some music for some time.  We wanted to get there a little early, so we could get "our seat".  Which for u movie theater buffs, that's the absolutely LAST ROW, and the middle seat(s).  If somebody were sitting in their, they might would have had to get up, cuz that's our spot, and we will MTV Punk somebody out of our seat!  Not joking...

We listening to some old songs...SWV's "Rain" was serenading in our ears, when something that we've never seen happened...the lights came on in the theater.  Next thing, I know it some gals from Warner Brothers  come in to ask some questions about the upcoming movie, which was cool.  There was a crowd inside, so they asked about, "Who's seen the Batman Dark Knight series the most times?", "When did u buy ur tickets?"...this one group of folks said they bought theirs the day of Game 2 of the NBA Finals with the Heat and Thunder, which we laugh cuz that was one of the most memorable days of the year with us, partying at the Triple A watching that game on the huge Jumbotron at the arena...but some cool questions.  But what stood out was that we've never seen a movie theater with the lights on and may never see that again.  That was kinda surreal.  Besides tha movie, during those premiere shows u learn:

-It's one of the few times u go to a movie and unless u go to the Premiere itself, nobody has seen tha flick.  So people are into quiet throughout cuz folks are trying to figure out the's serious...and we luv it.

- Those thangs also are cool cuz so many accross the country are sacrificing being sleep at work the next...morning.  So it's unique to think that it is "An Event".

- With the movie like this one, u have to see it early, cuz with the twists and turns or the movie, somebody is bound to spoil some facts and surprises u just need to see urself.  Nothing like doing something or once again...somebody in near or close to near mint condition.

-  Interesting sights we saw:  These two dudes walked in back-2-back like tha Lakers of 2001, rockin' cell phones, and I put this on everything, it looked like they were talking to each other as they climbed the stairs!..this girl wearing this Catwoman outfit, and she did look that part, makes a brotha want to carry a ziplock bag of Purina wherever we go!  Meeeowww!

A fun time.

Alright.  It feels like everybody and their Mama nem is in Miami, and specifically South Beach right now.  And folks are having a real good time...I was walking out and about last night, and so many peeps, but I was walking down near Lincoln Road, and I saw this guy with his boy, a grown man riding a bicycle and then circle around like he was gonna ride over his buddy who was in the middle of the street saying, "Chuck and Lean...Chuck and Lean.." all while doing that old Harlem shake dance!  And then he says, "Look at this (Dude).", pointing at us, and then goes back into his, "Chuck and Lean...Chuck and Lean!!!" with him shaking Harlem style with both hands.  I may gotta bring that dance out later today!  All three of us were laughing, and I sorta heard him mentioning he was gonna be wilding out on the beach...and so are we my brotha!!

Gotta go.  Fun day.  Gonna check out this Lifestyle Retreat Lounge, that's part of the Miami Swim Week festivities.  Special shout out to the LRL for the love shown for this Invite-only event this afternoon.  Gonna have some fun...believe that.  And then later, scheduled for some fun at Chalk.  Be cool to see a familiar homegirl...U mix beautiful people, great tunes, and some Ping Pong! Gonna be wild... My Pops used to be a Ping Pong fanatic (LOL!), so we might have to see if his seed can still slap it around some...and I just have a feeling, we can.

Have fun.
That's all life is about.

Austino Galaxia

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Nike Campaign This Year...I love these commercials!


It's amazing how those, what is it, seven letters can mean so much in our vernacular.

Right now, we are at a very interesting mark in our life. Sometimes I get the feeling that everything that surrounds me, is just so much bigger than us.  Talks with tha Coach upstairs are more intense than ever.  Certain people that u want to hang with or whatever, are hitting us like, u just can't anymore.  Just gonna write tonight...

I'm such an ultra-emotional guy attached to fun, that at times we wonder if we're too much for our own good.  Like what if I just change this or that...or what if I begin to "be" like everybody else...or what if I make a move to another location and just begin anew...All these things can creep into ur mind.  We're not depressed or anything.  I mean, have u seen all the fun that awaits us in the next few days.  Not kidding, our life is molding just right...We'll explain later...but as of right now, we just wondering where all this is going and...


Or Why Us?

This is gonna be one of those posts where u're either gonna stop coming to our website or want to endulge even more into it.  Just gonna write as real as possible, real time...

I guess sometimes as we look upon our life, sometimes it feels incomplete, and that can frustrate us.  I think one thing about knowing anything is possible in life, is the actuality in actually knowing that anything is possible in life.  It's like going out to a fast food restaurant to buy some fries, when u know that the grocery store has them on sale right now.  If u're willing to sacrifice some time, u can save a few dollars, u dig.  Been fortunate and blessed to see so much and then some in our life...and u just wonder "hav u seen too much?"  My Pops, and we've mentioned this before, told us like years ago, that we're gonna be a tough person to satisfy.  And even though I scoffed at what was being directed at me, these like, 8 or so years later, we wonder if he saw our life going into a direction that was so Ray Charles to us at the time.  Like maybe, he saw that we've been exposed to so many well rounded experiences, activities and people that not too many have a chance to even think about.  Clinton is cool...I still gotta tell that story...But, with all that, maybe Pops saw a future where we'll be exposed to even more, and with that our expectations of ourself and of life in general would be heightened even more.  Just a simple thought...

Then our competitive nature to be like...the best.  It's part of who we are.  That's probably why all this silliness has happened in our life, it is, to continue to drive us.  Just sometimes ur mind wanders off like "I know it'll be worth it in the end, much longer, for real?"  Especially, when u think that u've been waiting for certain things to come together, in simple ways yet have been so complex for you, and u just like...(Huge Blow).  What ending is so special that u have to deal with the daily grind that never has no closure in a way?

That's why we have, and for some time, look for inspiration in so many ways.  Some may read all this, and wonder, "What is he talking about?"  While others won't bat a bulls-eye cuz they know exactly where we are coming from.  There are building blocks to all of our lives.  Right now, I just realize that we're at a key position right now.  Fun is there.  But I wonder how much longer can we continue to push...continue to drive...continue to make lemonade out of a bucket of sour gummy worms, when u don't really see the up close benefit of it all.

I'm still, and always will be just a huge kid.  And the fun is there, but I just find it so much more difficult to get it to come out of us, maybe because of times u feel like when u've shown your true self, people just weren't ready for it. There's a lot of levels to our personality.  We can talk about hugging the block in the 'hood, while the next moment we chatting about the problem of homelessness to the next we telling a story about relationships, it's crazy.  I'm crazy!  I know that...just when u feel like u want to show it all....huh.  Maybe that's part of the problem...I haven't even showed ALL of us.  Huh.  We're always telling somebody else to be themselves, but have we really been true to our own standards?  The answer may be 'no'.

My Moms and others have told us not to settle.  That was mostly talking in terms of relationships and our love life.  So many stories told throughout this diary, and we still have others yet to be told.  Still...sometimes we cringe about why tell these episodes, but...I don't know, I feel like they are a part of the lure.  Have we moved on?  Certainly, many of them are even humorous now...but as we look upon them, every once in awhile we wonder, who is the fortunate one to be at the end of such a incremental progression of issues, pain and joy.  It's like we've been building...and building...and building...going through every angle, positive thoughts, and absolutely so much.  Sometimes I just wanna call my boys up, and be like, "Dude, it's great to be us, "yes", but don't ever take anything for granted", just because I wouldn't want ANYONE have to go through all those episodes, that leave u with ur mouth open, and just shaking ur head like 'here's another one to add to the list."  Might as well tell it like it is...that's why we write about how it can be more difficult sometimes if u have certain material things, or look super sexy or have different talents, cuz that can be intimidating to others.  It's like a sexy girl who has a super fit body, but doesn't want to show it off on the beach or a guy who has smarts up the ante, but refuses to give his opinions at board meetings, u wanna be low key about things, even though u know when u show out it can put others perhaps feeling uncomfortable...

Am I getting cussed out right now?  I know we right about what we saying cuz, it's our experience first hand.  And if u like, "Life isn't like that.", well perhaps u should duck ur head in a bowl of Cocoa Puffs, cuz homie, at least our life is.

Starting to feel it some here...I gotta write this now, cuz later this week is filled with nothing but great "get-togethers"....Midnight Movie premieres (The Dark Knight Rises...Is this really the last Batman?)...Miami Swim Week events...Shopping...Our life is good.  But I have to get this off our bosom right now.  Have too...

I finished up this great interview with Kobe Bryant where he opened up on a lot of issues.  But one thing that stands out is when the interviewer, Graham Bensinger, asked him about the best advice MJ (Michael Jordan) gave him. And Kobe replied, how he told him to be himself. Let me quote him on this, "Don't change who u are.  Play your game and everybody will adjust to that."  I almost felt like falling to the ground in a fetal position cuz it was so refreshing to hear somebody know exactly what we've been saying for so long now.  See a guy in our's rare to have somebody directly tell u something...That's why we read books or study interviews, cuz I want and take, so much from so many diverse sources in this life.  People aren't gonna always pat u on the back, even they may want to.  Just how it we have to search for mini-inspirations from people who we think were born in the same Galaxia as us.

But that quote, has given us a little more "umph" in our step.  Cuz it shows that we are heading in the right direction.  We are determined to live life by a standard never seen before.  Just because it hasn't be seen or done before, doesn't necessarily means it's impossible.  Just like if u see a girl out on the town by herself, all the time, doesn't mean she doesn't get her freak on from time to time...same for dudes...being real...maybe even too real.  But as we embark on this lifestyle of having fun, meeting new people, doing things we've never done before, all just because of living man.  Starting to realize that even though rest is super important, and we know cuz we looking at our health and wellness as an investment nowadays, but u just have to make memories.

What that quote did was allow us a visible and audible vision of if u continue on ur path...success will follow you, and u won't have to chase it.  At the moment, we were in a small mental battle, cuz we've been used and taught to chase, and chase everything from watching Chevy Chase to skirts to's always been about the pursuit.  Which is find and dandy.....but, we have and are in many ways being forced, to hit the reset button and 'Let Go" and let the nature of the world turn towards your way of thinking and living.  Boy that's one of the most egotistical phrases you'll ever hear.  Think about that, we are trying to live in such a fun  way that the laws of the Earth will allow others to turn to our level of enjoying life and spreading their wings as well.  If that ain't egotistical confidence, what is?!!  But do u think that's easy?  Absolutely not...and just like a parent, once u say something u are gonna be put into certain positions that is gonna test what u are proclaiming to be.

It's like a cook who are never seen eating their own foods on a TV show.  (I won't mentioned names)  How can u tell somebody else how good something is, if u've never experienced it yourself.  So true dude...Guess our trials and times of practicing true faith are what u have to go through.  Sometimes certain doors or opportunities have to purposely shut just so that u can sort of, go through the tests of getting what u so desire.  I wonder if anyone has ever wanted anything completely blind to how difficult it was to get it?  That could be from buying a home to getting an exclusive job at a firm to asking that cutie out in Social Studies class...sometimes it just happens...other times it takes a little more work than usual.  I think it was Eddie Cantor that said:

"It takes 20 years to make an overnight success." 

Huh.  Think that quote was intended for my ears.

Alright.  I had to write all this....just had too.  Our time isn't's here.  And we are starting to feel that 'something' in the air.  Right when u feel like u've been patient long enough, and u can't take it any more, that's when life and the Great Orchestrator upstairs stretches u a little bit farther, just to see if u're really ready for what awaits you.  Confident from our struggle....Scents of fun from our success...if u have that...

Lot of stuff going down 24/7.  All of it involves fun, and nothing but fun.  Hope all this wasn't too much, but like we say, there isn't gonna any diaries like this ever written in this manner...I gotta be real.  The beginning of this was that we're at the's time to rock 'n' roll...and party!

And something tells me that I can finally pull out that bottle that's been on chill in the back of the fridge...

Just like I thought...there's nothing like popping the top after the wait.

I guess this is how tha dame named life has always liked it...

And do I.

Austino Galaxia.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A James Dean 36.

The Legendary James Dean.




Last 36.

Wake Up.

Wash Clothes.

The Game.

Eggo Nutri-Grain.

Saturday Sunday School.

Activate Your Faith (Part 1).

Lay Down.




Wash Car.


Getting Late.

Spaghetti With Almonds.

106.3 FM (Chicago).

Write In Diary.

"Rag Man"

Favorite DJ Is Back.

Pure Excitement.

Just Like Old Times.

Call To Crib.

Late Nite Convo.





Night's On.

Walking In Sobe.

King Of Pop Playlist.

Begins To Pour.

We Hide.

No Running Away.

Txt @ 11:54 pm :

"Dude I Just Got Soaked."

Rain Stops.

Continue Walking.

Destination Reached.

Set on Lincoln Road.

Frankie Stacks.




Next Spot.

Well Lounge.

41st Street.

Got A Hookup.


"Is That Real?"

The Neptunes Still Rule.

Our Own Table.




Glowstick Pole.

How Much?

We Out.


Back To South Beach.


Never Been.

Felt Like In Boston.



Champagne in Test Tube.



Next Stop.

Walk Over.

Flamingo South Beach.

Our Old Home.

For Real.

Top Floor Penthouse.

Center Tower.

Walk Out To Balcony.

View is Panoramic.


Best In Whole City.


Talking With Cool Homies.

And Homegirl.

Music Choice.

Story Sharing.

"Not Hard Core."

Naked Pics.

Prank Calls.

So. Much. Fun.

It's 5 a.m.

And Then Some.

Time To Go.

Walk Home.

Get Home.


Or Early.

Yet Feel Good.

Really Good.

Set Alarm.

Oh Boy.

52 Minutes Of Sleep.

I Did Say Minutes!

If That.

Feel Refreshed.

Thanks Lord.

Gotta Go.



At 8 a.m.!

American Airlines Arena.

Can We Make It?

Bout To Fall Out.

Chad L.

Whole Foods Hookup.

Needed That.

Thanx Natalie.

Great Book.

Just Like Me.

10 Hour Shift.

Amazing We Still Alive.

Next Stop.

Midtown Target.


Turkey Burgers.


Chicken Breasts. Diced.



Total $20.20.

Give Her Two 20's.

Get It!

At Stoplight.

Guy Asks Me.

For Money.

"Not Today."

"Not One Paper."

"Not Today."


Followed By A Hit.

On Our Arm.

Did He Just...

Reach Inside The Ride?

Oh Well.

Kylie Bangin'.


Back To Spot.

Cooking Meals.

Writing Diary.

Last 36.

What. A. Life.

So. Much. Fun.

Austino Galaxia.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Takeoff.

The Space Ship Discovery

(Huge Laugh!)

Alright...gonna do our best to keep this short, because it's like 8:19pm, this evening, and we're gonna be up for a while.  There's a lot of fun to be had on tonight, as we go out to a location where lots of fun can be had...Sure we'll have some stories to share.  Just wanted to capture a few things from today.  

Boy, I saw a weird thing...I was at the toss 'n' turn place getting my clothes done early this morning, and I was watching this guy like feed this 2 yr. old kid, some Pepsi.  I was like, "Huh?".  I know it's a parents or family's prerogative how they want to raise their kiddos, but I couldn't help but think, "Ain't this little senorita too young to be drinking the Pep?"  I think they should be drinking like some milk or some jungle juice or something, but cola...don't like to see that.  I didn't know whether to call Child Services or the FDA or Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign or what!  But...if u have a child please watch how u raise them, cuz it does make a difference as they grow.  

Today was a less humid type of day.  I always laugh when you think about what the temperature is down here in the land of "hotness" and we sometimes reply with a "It's a cool 90!"  But today and tonight is really nice outside, great for taking that midnight stroll or just sitting on the porch.  You can learn a lot about just "observing"...some call it 'people watching'.  But u see a lot from least more than u can from simple words.  My Grandpa used to always say, "U can tell how connected a couple is, by how close they walk next to each other." True...I was watching this group of people, look like they were visiting the area, and noticed one of the gals just walking away in front of the group.  Now that looks like something as settle as snow falling on a bowl of rice, but it just made us wonder, if she was in a hurry or embarrassed to be with the rest of the pack, or what.  Just wondering...

Earlier today, I was just thinking upon our life, and all these unforeseen twists and turns that's it's taking.  We consider what's written in our diary.  Once again, it's our diary, we've been keeping one for like 11 years now, and even though it's released for the Galaxia to see, it is something that's ours.  No matter if it's just us reading this or millions taking a glance at it from around the globe.  Shout out to our peeps in Europe, for real!!  But I wonder how we should balance keeping it 'real' or telling stories, as well as the language we may  use that may be geek-religious-sexual-'hood...we just think, are we going too far?  Huh...U probably thinking this isn't something to just now be thinking about, considering that we are like totally 230 plus posts into this thang, but as our life is developing more and more into a lifestyle that only dreams are made of, we just think u know...

I have to be honest though.  Make sure this is 100% us.  Our life is different...we are a unique species, to say tha least.  All of us are in our own way.  I always think about this diary just blowing up like a piece of Bubble Yum, cuz in our heart, I know there isn't a diary that tells the stories we tell, in the manner we tell them, from a perspective that is given.  There are days when we don't really want to write or tell a story, especially about our love life or whatever.  But even though we don't want to, seemingly The Boss upstairs is telling us to write.  Perhaps that is what this is all about.  I think so...Capturing real emotion of real situations.  Does that mean just write everything...or even find a girl at the spot later tonight, and then run home tomorrow morning and talk about our night playing the "kissing game"  I'm not like that.  I"m still a private a way.  Just our life is being played out on a public, global stage.

We've always believed, even when we began this, and I hope if this is the first entry somebody's read, that they will go back and read some of our old posts, u'll be surprised at some of the material.  The belief was that there isn't nothing real time out here.  Like I love Austinobiographies...I mean, Autobiographies, and  they are so super cool, but the thing is, they are usually written after the fact, when the subject is talking from a reflective perspective.  Since we've been writing, anyway, perhaps this can fill the void of a story being told while the subject is going through all the struggles and trials and successes to have this life of fun we ever so desire.  We tell stories of yesteryear and of lure, but hopefully somebody can get some kind of lesson of what not to do, or what two do, or that possibly all of us, even the most sucessful, have real moments of self-doubt, rejection, having a large ego and whatever else this all may illustrate of one of the most enigmatic individuals you'll ever come across.  We realize that...

One day, we'll all look back on this thang and just think about all the sillyness that was found in between these black lines.  Life is all about having fun.  I don't care what anybody says...It's good to have some dineros, or have a few folks want to have a round robin play of "Pin The Tail on the Donkey" or to have ur face become famous...that's cool.  But I just hope and really pray that if nothing else is taken from is just to enjoy life to the fullest.  Yes, there are some times where u just wish u didn't get out of bed...or wished nobody would say a word to you...ALL DAY!  That's call being human...But after that fact...after being dissed to ur face, yet having to cross paths with that person...or after not getting a promotion or even having the boss walk in a telling you that 'this is your last day, u're no longer needed' (I'll never forget that one.) all out of nowhere, how do you react?  Do u get the kerosene lighter warmed up?  Make that call to ur boys to Pacer ready so u can roll into the front window of somebody's crib? Or do u use it for motivation for the next level...

It took us a loooong time, for that all to click in.  I remember several, I don't know what u call them, hallmarks or benchmark situations which lead us to be like "no more".  Many of them involve girls...that's why we talk about it so much.  It can be confusion like how can 99% of these dolls dig us, much of them are the most beautiful and coolest females one can ever meet (Hugh Hefner might be 2nd now in seeing the most beautiful sect)...yet keeping running into this 1% that for some unknown reason, things just don't click.  It can drive a person crazy cuz it's like "I'm not good enough" or something?  Don't u ask around or know what kind of lifestyle we've been blessed to have and are willing to share...yet you don't....(Shaking my head)

But that's where the fire becomes ignited to another level.  Not just because due to relationships, but life in general...cuz when u know u're "ready" or I don't like to use this about "qualified" and have paid ur dues to the upmost level, and u sit back and watch others get their time to shine, that can either make u grab a pisol or crank it up to even another level.  A level rarely, if ever, seen.  Period.  Life is all about timing.  And one never knows when ur number is called to get into the game, so u have to be on guard, cuz the minute u let ur guard down...Bam!  It's like going to the store, dress like u just came outta rehab, and seemingly every hot guy or girl is in tha place, and u look like Linus from the Peanuts crew!  Sometimes when things don't go the way u want them to, it's not a thing of it never happening, but simply it's delayed so that you can hit all the green lights. Or maybe something or someone better comes along...has anyone ever wanted to date somebody, and then like later down the line ran into them or heard something about them, and was thankful, u two didn't hook up behind the bleachers of the High School football field?  Timing...right?

Ok.  Now that all that is off my chest, I can now dance the night away here in South Beach.  But, it ain't over til it's over.  And as I learning, u have to be patient and wait ur turn.  Timing is everything.  And as the old folks used to say...

"He who laughs last ...laughs best."  (I like that one...)

But perhaps I like this one even better...maybe it's true that...

"The best is saved for last."

Now u have to excuse me, because our number has just been called...

And believe u me...u haven't seen anything like this before.

And dare I say, U won't ever see anything like ever again.

Austino Galaxia.

Friday, July 13, 2012

I Need A Badge...Now!!

Aw man!  I just realized that my fridge I think has been opened for the last...gulp!...two hours?!!  What in the Galaxia is goin' on?  I just woke up not too long ago from takin' that patent Friday evening nap, that so many of us take around the globe...either because they are tired as a ton of bricks from the previous week or simply because they don't wanna have their upcoming party pics looking like Rip Van Winkle's, not Vanilla Ice youngins, but the cat daddy who slept for like 20 years...that don't even sound right, but if he has his own Wikipedia page, then it has to be true right?!!...What is going on'? Now my Herschel backpack just fell down out of the Chicken Little sky...boy, I know it's like Freddy Krueger semi-birthday and all, but this has to stop...

It's been really crazy as of late down here in tha Magic City of Miami.  The last few days I think I've driven behind the "worst driver in the world"...twice.  The first time, we was on the A1A about to hit tha bridge coming back home here to South Beach, and this black Willie Beamer ride, first cut me off a little bit...which I didn't Ruben Studdard cuz my mind was on just enjoying life along with the views of the cruise ships and Star Island and stuff...but then all of a sudden, this dude started to literally 'trip'.  Driving all slow and stuff, and going side to side in tha lane, I'm like this is getting ridiculous...Traffic was beginning to pick up as well, so I could complete a Drew Brees pass around him, even though that woulda cost me $100 million, the way this character was driving, I was willing to give up Beiber-money just to get 2 tha crib...

U live down here in Miami, u're used to whack driving...but on this occasion, I don't know what hit us dude! A rage began to grow within me.  I'm not sure if it was the "Pookie" about to come out (My Pops) or if I was still upset that Tampa beat us to the fruit punch by naming the "Cuban Sandwich" their official hero or what...but I was beginning to get a little hot under the collar.  Then as I was pacing myself behind this...keep it clean, Galaxia...guy...I kept seeing that he was reaching like to his right...and kept doing it.  Now I've heard of people in the passenger seat reaching over to their left to participate in a little "class session" if u know what I mean (I had to say that, sorry kiddos!), but what was this cat doing?  I get a little closer and we go...this guy was eating as he was driving.  But the way he was driving (Slow pace, Getting his road swerve on) let me know that he was a novice to this game.  Didn't he know...let me explain...

When eating while behind the wheel of a vehicle, there are some things you should know (Wow!  I totally sound like those old TNBC Saturday Morning public announcements!)

- Never put your food in the passenger seat when driving alone.  You either get you a bath towel, it'll be better if u kept one in tha car, but if not, get u one of them towels from your local Dollar store, and place that bad boy in ur lap, to act as a placemat and for proximity for eating.  If that option doesn't work, or if your car was made after 1976, then you have another option of placing your bag or whatever in the cup holder area, or open up the arm rest bank, and deposit your goods in there.

- If you are travelling with a companion....this gets a little tricky.  When ordering from a drive-thru...If both of you are of the same gender (Guy/Guy) or (Girl/Girl), you simply ask the person to give you "your" food once you come to the nearest stoplight.  Please note:  If you live in the wild 200's of South Miami, u're food will be cold!...If you are of different genders (Guy/Girl) or I guess that's the only options right...then after you get your food from the window...("Did u put ketchup in here like I asked??  And can a brotha get some nampkins so I can put them in my glove compartment!!") let that person get their food first from the bag, and then simply, wait til they get done talking about how they cried when Britney and Justin broke up, and then you ask for your food...Immediately, stoplight bookmark, not needed. Sounds easy, doesn't it.

So this guy was going back and forth, and slow, and under normal circumstances if this was a Saturday night, and he had on a blond wig, I might've stopped him to ask, "What's Up?!!"  But since this wasn't a day I was diggin' blondes, I needed this Joe Blow to move over...wrong terminology...this...guy to simply move over so I could move on wit my day.  As I got closer, I was in a zone like the old '72 Dolphins "No Name Defense".  I black'd out...from all I can remember.  All I remember is...One, trying to do my best to remember the license plates of the vehicle.  I'm not even sure why I was trying to attempt to do this, as if I was gonna look him up on the internet, and find out where he lives, wait outside with a Driving for Dummies book, and tie him down with invisible tape and force him to watch a marathon of The Surreal Life!  Not that it crossed my mind or anything!  I tried hard was like "Florida Z28...something."  I guess I need to eat more carrots...

Then for two, I recall it appearing like he was eating some French Fries from his passenger seat, cuz I could see his head tilt back like he was some kind of Greek god being fed grapes by some do you spell it...K-o-n-k...that's it...konkubine or somebody.  If they were fries from Rally's/Checkers I would have let him go, but at the 37 degree angle and how he wasn't looking at the road, they had to be some leftover fries from White Castle, that his Moms or somebody sent down here via USPS, since we don't a 'snack pack' empire down here ourself!  It was tough...

So that was episode #1.

Today, after I pit stops at the Target in Midtown, where first I almost cried when I saw that some of my food go-to items weren't on sale...two, I happened to get in tha line that had the cutest girl working the register, yet had the customers with the most items in their cart than you could imagine (Why is it always like that?!)...And it was kind of suspect too, like what guy walks up with cooking spoons, and freakin' sticker tattoos and bottle of detergent, I mean...really?!!...Then on the 3rd tip, I was debating within myself, while waiting for this mini-Shop Til' U Drop episode to conclude, whether I should get the regular price items, or wait until the new weekly sales begin on Sunday (Since I'm probably gonna be eating out until then anyway), and leave Shorty Bee Hop with the meat.  I decided the latter, and told homegirl she could take the meat cuz I don't want it.  It's a sad sight to see a girl put 12 pieces of Frozen Chicken and 6 Turkey Burgers under tha register, but at least it wasn't milk!  Which led me to my final stop over at Fresh Market to get the gulp...

After that, I'm taking Bay Road over to West Avenue, so I can head south to our showroom, and as I'm in the right lane, I immediately see this car in the opposite direction take the left turn, and not obey rule #402 on who has the proper rightaway on a turn (It was us...I may have flinked the driver's test the first time I took it, but I got that one right!...that's a true story, by tha way, and for another day)...and you're probably thinking I reading all this constant criticism about driving, from a flunky who couldn't even pass the his Driver's License test his first time?!!! (You can insert your quizzical facial!)  Ha, Ha!!  But that's how we do it in South Beach...and besides them DMV tests are culturally bias.  I mean, when was the last time, u've seen somebody parallel park in between some orange cones?  The other day by Lincoln Road, I saw somebody parked with the rear hopping the curve...but they had that neighborhod zone sticker, and here in "the land of the beautiful people" that's what will prevent u from getting a starring role on South Beach Tow.

So this dude broke that rules...fine.  See it all the time...but then he started, once again, with this Driving Miss Daisy...Fuentes,  speed limit.  (Is she single?...huh...I wonder...) I'm like, "C'mon Guy"...I got like 3 minutes and 45 seconds to get home before this half gallon of milk goes bad, and I gotta get me some grits this afternoon, or I'm not gonna be nice 2 deal with later tonight!  But once again, he had the creepy drive where it was like he was just checking out "tha scene" know how the story goes.  This time I didn't try to remember his car, although it was black, with a big dent in on the left side of the trunk, his license plate was from Georgia, and other than that, no recollection.  I finally, turned off from him on West and 8th street, kept driving wondering how come I'm waiting for like 4 minutes just to make a turn past Michigan Ave., due to all this unforeseen cars who kept coming, and coming...But I finally got to the spot.  And there u have it.

Crazy afternoon huh.  Welcome to our life...the movie that just keeps on getting better and...better.

Austino Galaxia.