Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You Got to Have Faith.

George Michael
I'm gonna hit this thing running...and as usual, as honest as I can be about my goofy life...this was the most "empty-filled" day, possibly of my life.  I love life, and I married with positivity, but today was literally a day if God skipped over in my life, I wouldn't have missed it one bit.  Might as well tell how we feel right.

Had to do some Jury duty stuff, which literally, in my opinion, turned out to be a waste of time.  Just watched movies, and listened to music.  Didn't get selected for any trial.  A part of me was like, if I'm gonna be here all day, I might as well participate in something.  Plus, I had to pay $5 for parking.  A positive was that I was able to finish that book on Gabby Reese.  Really weird read, I respect old girl, maybe it was how it was written with the author and Gabby alternating each chapter.  I woulda love if Gabby would have talked, or if her voice was present straight through.  That makes a difference.  Also, read that 21 Nights book on the musician Prince.  Very beautiful pictures, gonna look for it to put on the coffee table, yeah that's the term I'm looking for.  The Glossy photos were awesome.  A great pickup.

The last few days (and year) has been a big test for us.  In absolutely every imagination of the word.  Today was no different.  And a lot of it, has been from the great Lord above.  It's as if, all the angels in Heaven have gathered around with some holy popcorn, to check out the next chapter in our life.  That's how I feel.  It's like God is giving all these "challenges" to us.  Let me pause, once again, my diary is our diary, I talk about everything from hoops to fashion to girls and definitely God.  This here is real life...As I write this, I'm realizing that in many ways God wants to test our faith in Him.  Its so easy to say "Thank you Lord" or talk about how the Lord is good when things are going so well.  People are patting u on the back, money is a plenty, you're the life at the party and seemingly drinks are on everyone but you.  But what about when everything is absent, and you're doing EVERYTHING possible to get things right but u feel as if the distance is all up to time.  And no matter how much u praise, or read or people talk to you, nothing works.

I feel like we are close to something, and these last few days, I believe, have been an staged trial to see if we are ready for whatever is about to jump off.  God is like, ok, I'm about to hook u up in a major way, but if let me give u some litmus tests to see if you'll still have the same humble attitude or still follow Our lead.  So this week its been, go and contact 'so and so', knowing that, that person is one of the least people I want to talk to for what I had in mind.  This morning, I woke up and was feeling that voice demanding in a way to do 'such and such', which eventually led us to shed a few tears this morning cuz I know it'll be a hugh measure of faith to do life is so wild man.  Have the talent, personality, and experience to make a Richard Dent in this world, yet there's no doubt that I feel like we are one of the, if not the most slept on people walking this earth.  As I mentioned before, we're that Ferrari just "purring", waiting, and anticipating when our Driver is going to put the pedal to the metal.

The closer you get to your goal, the more difficult tests you're going to receive.  It's as if to say, "how bad do you really want it."  You tell everyone this or that, but what if things still going topsie turpy, with no explanation....literally.  That's when u have to look dead in London's Daily Mirror  and talk urself into reaching and volleyball digging further down than ever before...sometimes just to walk out the door for another day.  One thing that keeps us going is the thought that "today just may be the day".  You absolutely never know how things can change.  To get the best life has to offer you have to go through some things...huh, I sense a small story...

It's on my mind, so I'm gonna tell it...I get Elmo tickled so much when I think of all these experiences with different people, more particularly girls.  Most of us can relate to feelings of attraction with the opposite sex or same sex or whatever.   (that's a story to ....should we...might as well, this one wasn't even in the script but here goes nothing...)

Many years ago, I stumbled upon this one particular female.  I had just started this gig up back up north and it was part off our "lost years" of sorts, yet a very important part of our growth as a person.  There was this one girl in the place of work, in which I thought to be "over-the-top" cool.  I mean this girl was a gem.  She was intelligent, she loved books, she was into sports (don't talk about the Cubs, that was plain blasphemous), music, I remember her going crazy over that Jay-Z/Linkin Park joint.  She was built kinda in a sexy, Wall Street Stocky kind of way.  Thick with short, naturally curly brown hair.  Attractive...Now, the guys used to get all Kendrick Perkins whenever she used to come around to my area and stuff.  She had that 'guy like' quality about her that made guys really like her...a lot.  I wasn't any different, but there was one catch...

So one night we had a company party over in Chicago.  It was at the restuarant,  Lawry's, near downtown Chi.  It was super-upscale, I remember walking into the joint, and they told me to walk up the staircase to the party upstairs.  Our company had the entire top on lock.  It was Phillip Drummond classy...I go upstairs, everyone's there, and it's on and popping.  I see ol' girl, and she was looking right, real right.  So all of us eat a fine dinner, and then the music starts to jump off.  People dancing to 80s classics, disco tunes, I even danced with Mr. 'cough, cough', who was the owner of the company.  Him and me hand in hand doing a mini-tango is still classic!  But that's how I get down!!...but getting back to this babe, so I was talking to one of the guys who I worked with and asked about, for the sake of the story, let's call her Trish.  We talked about Trish, and this and that, next thing I know it, this dude spits out, "you know Trish is gay."  I let it sink in for about 9 seconds, and then I hit 'em with another all-time line, "If she don't fall for a guy like me, then she GOT to be gay!"  It was a good time, I really didn't talk to Trish that night, though.

The next few weeks though, boy...Trish and myself began to really get to know each other.  I like people no matter sexual preferences, race, life is too short and moving too fast for me to deal with folks love life.  I got enough dealing with mine!  So us too began to really hit it off, and you could feel it in the air.  Ever so often, Trish would work in my department, and while others were breaking their necks and trying their best to come up with Conan O'Brien jokes to get her attention, one way or another her and me would find each other and laugh about stuff.  She was cool and more and more I was like this girl is like 'farm girl' cool and pretty, but she likes...

Then one day...for some reason or another, things were really flowing , and I been growing an attraction to her soul, but didn't know if she felt it the same way.  It was weird...but...anyhow on this particular day, it was her, myself, and the other co-worker in the back.  In our mind, I was like, I don't care if she's gay or not, we have to hang out together, HAVE TO!  So the other co-worker, had to leave for a moment...the door to our department was usually always open, but after he left, I walked over to her while she was near the computer. To our surprise, we made a small joke, and then SHE closed the door.  As I look back, there's no doubt that she felt and knew that some things were about to be said for only our two sets of ears to hear.  She felt it I think, I started as she had her back turned to us, and said, something like, "you're cool...we should hang out sometime."  (Now I can't use that line anymore)  Trish was like, "TOTALLY, we have to!!"  So after her excitement as well, we exchanged numbers and both was like what is it about us two?...and then, no lie, she opened back up the door, as if nothing happened.  My type of girl, low key bout hers.

So for the next few weeks, we tried to hook up to hang, but could never match up our schedules cuz she was going to school at the time.  It was so funny, cuz me and her would be text messaging each other from different parts of the building.  U try to hold back a smile, when that text message "beep" would go off as you were working or talking to somebody cuz u knew it was her no one else knew.  We eventually did hang out, went out on a chill dinner, where I got to know about her "small-town" lifestyle.  Just talking to each other, I couldn't help but think how crazy it was that we were face-to-face with each other cuz four 1.  Every guy really tried there best to impress her, and she was right her with us.  And secondly, she didn't like guys, she was into girls, heck, we even talked about it, and how did she know she was gay and stuff.  Our life I'm telling u...We also hung out another time and checked out a kids Disney movie which left us in stitches.  Just pure fun when both of us were together, and when we went to work, it was like nothing happened.  Perfect really.

So I'm scheduled to move down here to Miami, and basically everybody knew.  But besides my family, the toughest person at the time to leave was Trish.  We really started to bond and fall in some ways for each other.  It was getting a little scary.  So some of the crew decided to throw us a departure party of sort.  That was night I will never forget.  Night was a perfect summer temperature, the restaurant was this outside patio Mexican food joint, if I'm not mistaken.  But throughout the whole night, I was and anticipating that "moment" where both of our feelings would come to the forefront.  There ALWAYS comes that 1-on-1 moment between attractions of two people.  So Trish had to leave for a little while, the party was breaking up as the night fell, but then she ended up coming back.  I was at a table with some other people, and not too lo (I just remembered her making a sexual innuendo about me and her, with the entire party present,  which I cringed about cuz nothing happened  But she must have thought about it or it was the margaritas talking.)...not too long after Trish returned the other people gave that , "I gotta go...long night...wake up in the morning spill", and I'm thinking Lord you are wild.  Cuz now its just her, me and long table of empty plates and a very sexy night air.

(Gonna tell this like God would want me too...u're forewarned)

So both of us sit for a minute, and I just came out and said, "You know if you weren't gay..." and before I could even finish the sentence she was shouting, "I KNOW! I KNOW!".  Then she grabs both of my hands, and she tells of how she's been telling her mom about us, and how her mom wants to meet us, and how we are gonna miss each other so much when I go down south.  After both of us, not wanting to let go of each other's hands, and spilling our hearts to each other, finally it was a kiss on the cheek...kiss on the other cheek...and she then said, "now on the lips"...and...

Went our ways to the parking lot, and I remember getting in the car hitting the highway and hearing Usher feat. Alicia Keys' "Boo" on the radio.  Thinking to myself how symbolic is that for this evening.  Wild....after I moved south, I got outta touch with Trish.  One time, I sent flowers to her, and she was delighted about that, especially since I was all the way down here, but it was tough.  I know it was for her, but it was real while it lasted.

So I'm completely convinced that you can fall in love with 'souls' and that person can be of a different gender, different sexual orientation.  True stuff.  Also, as I was gonna say before I wrote this novel, everything is a preparation for what the good Lord has in store for you.  Oh, I know what I wanted to say, as a kid I literally used to pray for "the most beatuiful girl in the world".  This was like when I was 14 or 15 yrs. old, not really knowing what all that entailed.  And I get tickled off all these experiences that God has brought me through from summers at the beach to college to modeling agencies to everything.  It's like God has said, Ok, if you want her, then u have to go through all these things before you get her.  Just as in everyone's life, how bad do you want it?

They say good things come to those who wait.  You Got to Have Faith.
George Michael send me to bed with my all time cut from you!

Love and have fun!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Talking To Me.

Ms. Interview herself....Barbara Walters

Today has been another special day.  Filled with tidbits that hit my soul, much of what I needed to hear.  Hear are some of the quotes I've heard today from several sources:

- "That's just how life goes."
- "Give God time."
- "Your season will come."
- "I can't change in others what has not changed in me."
- "God don't have you on their calendar."
- "Taking things that should have been a lifestyle and made it an event."
- "One day at a time."
- "Practice is not fun."
- "God does not have defeat in your plan."
- "You can't please them all."
- "Type A Personality"

So as u can see, so many various wisdom from all walks of life, religious, fam, bball coaches.  There's so much u learn by just listening and reading from other people.  I love it, cuz it makes you a better person, and definitely has made me a better person.  Just picked up two books from the library from one of my favorite childhood athletes and crushes, Gabrielle Reece, her book Big Girl In The Middle.  That should be super good hearing her story about being a female athlete and modeling and stuff.  Also, picked up Prince's 21 Nights book where supposedly you go behind the scenes with "the symbol man" on concerts, and his life.  The book is Art Basel Big, a true table topper, so I can't wait to gold experience that one.  

Warm day outside today, its easy getting spoiled by the weather down in Miami.  People out with no shirts on, athletic bras, on bikes...speaking of which, all these bicyclists riding on the sidewalk.  Almost getting outta control like 50 cent said, are people scared of the street.  Man...Getting ready for all this traffic down here.  Parties galore (should I make a cameo?).  The beach, is so unique.  The South Beach neighborhood is only 3.5 miles long.  That's real talk.  But within those boundaries it gets's a fantasy world really.  I remember walking over to work out during the last Super Bowl down here like 2yrs ago, and I'm walking out to two blimps right outside my crib hovering the sky.  One of which, I put this on EVERYTHING, the Directv one, I felt was following me all the way over past Alton Road, and West Ave. all the way over to the Flamingo South Beach property.  That's real talk.  I took a picture, but lost it, cuz it was on one of my old cell phones.  But, the neighborhood is unique.  There's very few places in the world where you can walk  to the supermarket, clubs, dentist office, medical office, beach, gym, park, reastuarants, library, marina, church, schools, and great shopping spots. That's really unique.  I know a lot of people say this or that about the M.I.A, but I feel a lot depends also where u live in the city.  And what u do!!

I talk about L.A., but whenever I move out there, I hear the traffic is Crucial Conflict.  I feel like hearing this Do or Die with Kayne right now.  They say New York is jumping like jack, but I hear its so black/white/gray up there.  Which is alright, but I love living color.  Not doing no commercial for Miami tourism, but painting a picture to why its so unique and why so many around the world come to the city, and specifically my hood.

Anything else to write girl stories today...gotta make a new episode for our YouTube Video Channel...tonight just gonna eat turkey burgers, wit fries.  I hope people eat turkey for more than just the holiday.  Turkey is a staple for us THROUGHOUT the year.  Less fat, more protein that regular beef.  Perdue Short Cuts  are mad awesome!  So flexible in what u can make with them.  They say you are what you eat.  Organic is cool too, but there are some things out there that are comparable to organic stuff.

I'm such a big geek when it comes to food and what's in the food.  At Publix, I just study basically these labels, from condiments, to cereal boxes to different meats, heck today I was glancing over the type of milks. I was like they don't have my 1% low fat, so do I get the 2% kind with 5 grams of fat per serving, or just get the fat free which both has 9 grams of protein in it.  I shouldn't even be saying all this, but I guess this is an insight to how crazy I am on food.  I'm still puzzled on why Target got rid of the whole wheat extra cheese pizza.  Low fat, whole wheat, good protein, it was a sleeper meal, 2 meals at least and a great pre-workout dish.  One thing about "diets" and workouts is everybody's body is so different.  Everybody's!!!  I know some of my limits:  fried food, red meat, high sugar, strong sodium content, I can't really eat that or I'll be a pimple drained dude.  Some people can and workout and be straight.  But it's funny cuz the EXACT moment I put something of that nature in tha tank, my body feels so weird.  It's like putting 87 octane gas in a 93 octane Vespa scooter tank.  From experience, I can tell u, it ain't a pretty sight.

Food is wild though.  I love to try new things under the guidelines.  I was dabbling trying some new stuff, which was cool under the circumstances.  My face didn't break out or anything.  I have sensitive skin, so people joke when I don' t really eat strong sweets like cake and stuff like I used to.  I still love Funfetti White frosting cake, but I drink like an insane amount of water to even out the sugar content.  I'm particular, but I know some folks are even more crazy with teaspoons of stuff, and measuring calorie content like it went outta style.  Do what u gotta do to feel and look good.  Feel is the first priority.

I'm done telling of my insane eating habits.  You will notice the difference.  More energy.  People laugh when I say I take children's vitamins.  Flintstone type tablets, I'm telling u, you will feel the difference.  Started in high school, cuz I was feeling so tired,  years later still like em, plus if you read the label u'll find much power u need.  I like the complete and extra vitamin c kind of them or a generic brand.  The word of the moment is preservation   We only have one body, might as well try to take care of it.  Might as well....


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Rat Pack Swag.

The Rat Pack. 

Today's been an interesting day, and I'm gonna take u through our life as usual.  Has God ever surprised you?  I know on several occasions it has happened to us.  How about this one, have you ever felt embarrassed trying to follow God's lead?  Today was one of those days, when the Lord led me to attempt to contact someone that I haven't spoken too in awhile, and really have been blown off by, but YET and still being led to attempt to contact...her.  Now, this is where my diary really gets personal, and I don't really care cuz all of us go through these things, and I'm gonna write because either today or in the year 2015, one day some1 is gonna read these posts and be like this was a once in a lifetime thang going on with Galaxia.  I promise day.  But God leading you can sometimes be like, "C'mon not now".  Giving money to a quote unquote bum, knowing they gonna use it for a hit.  Or Saying "hi" to somebody who has just done you wrong.  Today was just weird, I have the best life in the world in many aspects but in other aspects I just wonder why I do what I do, when I do, to whom I do it to.  I'm in no way just wondering aimlessly and desperate, its quite the opposite, but God knows what's best.  All I'm saying is that if the Lord leads you to do something, whether you believe in him or not, just Nike it, and figure that He has something up his sleeve.  (Wonder if God's a Armani or Calvin guy?)  No matter how crazy or silly you feel, do it...and move on.

The Rat Pack.  These guys had that ultimate swag which resonates many decades later.  When u look back on them characters they had not only skill but smarts and...a presence.  If I had a choice between having money or having a presence, I'd chose a presence.  I think that can change and affect more lives.  Quick story:  So I'm walking over in Kendall's Town and Country Mall, and these high school looking kiddos are making out on the bench.  I quickly glance and the girl is looking dead at me like trying to turn me on or something.  I kind of quench cuz I'm like, does this dude know his girl is checking us out while he's trying to get his Melrose Place on with ol' girl!  Interesting...but getting back, I want folks to read about our life and be like, I may not like him, but there's something different about his lifestyle, and I wouldn't mind being a part of it.  Boy some stories are about to be released...its our diary so tell it.

The other day, I ran into this girl over in Coral Gables.  Now I was actually trying to get the attention of one of my guys I used to work with, but she popped out of nowhere and was like "Hey...and how u doin'??" and all this and all that. She seemed so happy to see us, really surprised.  But as I walked away from our run-in, I thought about our "past".  It all got started with me asking about this Heat game.  She said she was down to go with us, since I had season tickets, but she never called me.  Ok, like the next day one of the dimes she used to work with, whom I thought was cool, asked me about the game.  I told her, that shorty beehop didn't call...The other girl couldn't believe it and call her some kind of name I can't recall or repeat.  So I used to run into the girl quite frequently.  (R.Kelly and Biggie on background cue.) And she used to do her best to avoid us.  It was so awkward cuz I was like I don't have a problem with this chick, a part of me wanted to know what happened, then another part of me was like I don't really care, let's just move on.  So it took awhile of all this game of  personal space tag, and then she finally told her what was up.  That she had to work and stuff, I was fine, u gotta get them Donald Ducketts.  But its interesting how people from ur past, who may have done you wrong, later come back to you.  I'm just letting the diary speak tonight, we got a million stories and here's another one...

U guys know I talk about everything, tonite is girl story night (isn't it always?!)  But now do u believe me when I say I'm gonna write a book one day.  There was this girl, who I noticed every once and a while here and there.  She was from...where was she from...some South American country, maybe Italy, ain't that South American?!  Anyhow, she ended up working with me at the job I was at.  I learned that she was...actually more than I expected, exceeded the hype which is a rarity for us.  She had mad persona, she was smart, had a kind heart, absolutely loved music...when I hear Raphel Saadiq's "100 Yard Dash", I think sometimes bout her cuz she loved that cd.  She also had a love of Eyrkah Badu.  Which is really crazy from a girl who looks like Monica Bellucci.  Just never know.

I remember us talking...a lot about Miami, Coral Gables in particular, music, relationships, life...both of us really started to get our Seal/Heidi Klum on.  She left a note for us on time, and I was like "this is interesting".  She was having a tough time in that period of her life.  I gave her a small gift, I had a hookup a little bit, so I gave her a spa treatment or something over in Coconut Grove at the Mayfair shops.  That's the type of person we are, I REFUSE to let someone feel down and out when I have some resources whether financially or just by listening to a 10 minute vent,  that can make everything better.  C'mon now!  She called me at work and shouted over the phone after she opened her gift, "AUS-TIN WILL-IAMS!!" and still no one's said our name in that vocal manner.  Kinda sexy really... but anyway, she said she couldn't take it....we was cool though.  So a few days past and she lets me know, she's not gonna be working with us anymore she found another job.  We exchanged numbers, personal this time, if I recall correctly, and promised to stay in touch. On our final goodbye, it felt just like the last episode of a soap or novela, where we hugged and u know when your about to kiss (be4 I continue she always gave us this international cheek to cheek kissed backwards, like opposite cheeks, throwing herself on us sometimes), anyhow, when u're about to kiss its little slow (kids skip this part if u're reading), but she moved to give us a kiss and was going for our mouth and then at the very, very last moment turned away for a cheek kiss.  But I know, after she walked away, she wanted to her visible lips on ours.  We were close but that woulda been a little scary.

After all this Young and the Restless drama, we fell out of touch.  Does every seemingly good friendship or romance have to end with a kiss?  Had a few of them...We fell out of touch, and then this one night I'm over in the Gables off of Coral Way about to get our KFC 7-Piece grill chicken special on.  Now at the time, I was actually driving a rental car cuz our ride was getting fixed.  I was in this low-riding Mitsubishi Eclipse convertible, with the top up.  So I circle by that Walgreen's and I'll be Screech Powers if ol' girl walks out right in front of us with this other guy dressed in a blue nurse's outfit on.  I stop from not hitting them, and as they walked by the girl looked in at us, and gave us that "I recognize u but I don't want to" look, and hurried, and with shame on her face (not joking) went by me and into the car.  I was...I was laughing really cuz it was like cockroaches when the lights come on.  'Fume-fume!!'  So I got my chicken, I'm gonna do that no matter what, shoulda asked for some honey as well, and drove back over to the Beach like, right when u think u've seen it all...

So why did I tell all this?  I have no idea, this ain't no preordained script.  Just speak from the heart.  I don't kiss and tell with girls either.  Just the episodes are so bizarre and I've been forced to slam shut so many chapters of our life, I have to tell the lessons.  I guess today's lesson is 'closure'.  You may not get it in life, and you have to be willing to accept that, and not take it out on people.  Hate people or such.  That's why today was so weird, I close books like an old librarian sometimes weekly it seems, when many times  I shouldn't have to be the one to.  Communication is the basis of all walks of life, and especially with friendships and relationships. Think as we are relaying to the world, I've seen a lot, so a "no" surely won't hurt us.  I gotta say this, then I'm gonna get in this kitchen and cook my "It's turkey, fool!!" dish. ...

How should I say this...I feel like....(huge blow)...feel like we possess one of the most underrated and slept-on lifestyles walking this earth.  All the experiences and amount of fun and pain we've had, its amazing.  Met Presidents of countries, been on tv shows, it's amazing.  But I want to stay humble, cuz it's not about me.  What we'll find out in the next 32 hours, is should I change and act South Beachy and be snobby and stuff or will I remain patient and say sooner or later the world will REALLY get to see how we do things.  I still believe our actions, words and joy of life will speak for its self.  The cream always rises to the matter what.  Do our thang and watch the world turn to us...that's the definition of true Rat Pack Swag.


The Playlist...The Neptunes Pt. 1

Chad Hugo and Pharrell Williams

Finally!  The personal playlist that we've always wanted to do.  "The Neptunes" , which is the production duo of Chad Hugo and Pharrell Williams, have made an immerse impact on the musical biography of my life.  I was fortunate to grow up in their come-up, when it was reported that at one time this production group comprised 75% of the music being played over the air!    They have work with so many artists from all genres of music and have so many cuts.  So because of that we are going to make a special two-part edition of The Playlist.  Today, I released some of "The Neptunes" slept-on classics which are dear to my heart.  Some u may have heard, others u may not have.  But, these cuts always bring a smile and memory to my mind.  So here we are, with some videos attached as usual...The Neptunes Pt. 1...slept on classics.  Enjoy:

- SWV - "Use Your Heart"
- Pharrell ft. Jay-Z - "Frontin'"
- T.I. - "Freak Though" (Love this song!  So true...)
- Snoop Dogg ft. Charlie Wilson - "Perfect" (Smoooth track from Dizzle)
- Prince ft. Q-Tip & Pharrell - "Greatest Romance Ever Sold" (Remix) (A banger!)
- Madonna ft. Kayne West and Pharrell - "Beat Goes On" (The words and beat are relentlessly legendary!)
- Sean Garrett - "Patron" (Classic...Miami's favorite drink of '09 too!)
- Gwen Stefani - "Orange County Girl" (Us and Cali girls again...!)
- LL Cool J ft. Jamie Foxx - "Best Dress" (Exclusive for the romantic grown folks.)
- Jay-Z ft. Usher & Pharrell - "Anything" (My mind visualizes on this hit!)
- Nelly ft. Pharrell - "Let It Go Lil Mama" (I got to do my '08 shimmy off of this!  Shoulda been #!))
- Babyface - "Stressed Out" (My favorite producers combining...oh man!!)
- Common - "Inhale"
- Twista - "Lavish" (Straight Chill)
- Faith Evans ft. Missy & Freeway- "Burnin' Up" (Classic 2001)
- Usher - "Wifey" ('Where are you??')
- Sade - "By Your Side" (Remix) (Pure Beauty)

These songs have...just great songs.  Just writing these down, bring back so many memories.  The music industry has changed so much.  Glad to share some of the genius work of The Neptunes.  Part II coming soon.  Those are the released heavy hitters.  Right now, it's all about the slept-on ones which we may all one day and be like, "you remember...".


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Uptown Saturday Nite!

Classic Sidney and Bill.
Wow...right now watching and listening to this old Bulls game vs. the Hawks from 1997 playoffs.  Game 5 to be exact.  Rodman is raining threes, Jordan is dunking on Mutombo, to be honest the Bulls are playing close to perfect hoop this first half.  Its why I love this game!  NBA supposedly coming back on Christmas, I was so giddy when I heard early this morning.  The NBA is in my DNA, ain't no way to get around it.  An old game can put me to sleep at night.  The thrill of walking in an arena and smelling that popcorn.  There's still nothing like being there live.  Now whenever this thang gets finalized have to see if the Lakers are still coming to Miami in the new schedule.  Those squads are my dudes, and...well, if u've read our blog, u know how we feel.

No Palm Beach on tomorrow.  Oh Well, really was thinking to go see Dave Koz, Candy and the crew for their Christmas Jazz concert, but the good Lord is directing us otherwise.  Even thought about making a day of it and hitting up H&M and just enjoying life.  Its going to be Disney Bonkers when that store opens up on Lincoln Road next year in the neighborhood.  I know some girls who've been waiting for this for at least 3 years, it'll be wild.  Man, I was walking on Lincoln 2night, there are some characters out there.  Add the visitors to the area, and u got a sitcom really.  I was walking and this brotha was walking with that "club kid" look, hat cocked, nerdy glasses, beard grown out, I was laughing cuz he had the 'forget 'em' look about him, like "this is who I am so deal wit it".  If u live in Miami, u know what I'm talking about.  Then this kid was staring at this seemingly homeless person sleeping in an abandon store front near the Subway on Washington Ave.  He was looking like he never seen that before, like the person was an exhibit on Mia Bch life.  Which is deep, b/c we see it so often that even myself over look this problem.  I've been dreaming that if I was to ever get things right, my biggest thing would be to clean up the homeless problem down here in South Beach.  Build or do something.  Maybe that's my problem I'm waiting...instead of just doing.  Story of my life in some ways.

Can being patient be a bad thing?  We've had this image of us being a Ferrari on the highway, driving 45mph, just waiting to explode, knowing that u have the horsepower to fly.  (That's a perfect analogy of our life right now).  I have such a "Let's Get It" attitude, in which I know how short life is and can be.  So times when I feel like I have to hold back, it's like, "Why?".  Nobody else is seemingly, folks are like I'm gonna do what ever, whenever, however and in the name of Tom Brokaw, to whoever!  So I'm like ok, if I take the night off (like 2nite), what awaits.  My motor is just "purring" like a feline right now.  I feel like we've learned so much and no its time to show that no one does it like us.  That's not being conceited or anything, that's just confident knowing that everything has happened for a reason.  Everything from not getting a particular gig (William Morris I will never forget ur rejection letters) to someone not giving u the time of day, when u had nothing but Glee to give.  Let me get some grits, before I continue...

Ok, I'm back, and I just set the DVR for The Graham Norton Show, whose gonna show some highlights from Season 9...but u learn a lot about urself in adverse times in ur life, especially if u feel like ur alone or by yourself, or no one can relate to you.  Am I bout to get deep here?  Might as well tell it like it is, this is a diary right?!! Duh...My Pops once and still says that "The measure of a man, is what he would do, when he knew, nobody was watching."  That's true, can u still dig up the energy to go through the steps or do u start to side track.  "I'm in shape, so I don't need to push myself any longer."..."I lost my 25 lbs. to fit into my wedding dress, the wedding's over so now, I'll go back to my thing." Not just physical, but mental tests of the soul.  That's what I've been going through, not everyone can relate, which I understand, but there are more than a few who are like me and are fighting to go through process time and time again...sometimes only to get their hopes and dreams "Smash" Williams' up.

So what is the 'process'?  Ok, let's be Frank Nunez about this thing...looking for a job, applying for jobs, not get any responses, that's a process.  Going to school each day, when the professor and teacher has it "in" for you, for no reason, yet u gotta get through this course or else, that's a 'freakin' process...being in situations when everyone is like 'u're time will come', in regards to relationships, children, finances, and u steady are like 'I'm tired', u betch ur JLo that's a 'process'...Everybody goes through something, I think the, well I know, what I've been dealing with is remaining enthused about the journey when I just wanna get to the destination.  Does that make sense?  It's like going through the regular season, knowing the playoffs are what counts.  Those reg. season games puts ur game in check for the playoffs.  But sometimes, as of late, I've been like dude I just wanna get this stage of my life over with.  Sports analogy again, its like a coach telling u to work hard, lead the drills, do this or do that, yet ur still not getting into the game.  So as a player u sometimes wanna be like, "Coach, u told me to do this and that, I did it, now I wanna play."  I know this is some good talk, but its been so true with us.  

Social relationships has been so wild, its like it's not real.  That's why I tell so many of them, because I know they are so unique that I must share for lessons and entertainment.  But on the Rick Ross, I've been like is it even worth going through the 'process' of meeting people, dating people, "what's ur sign?", "what do u do?" all that gibber jabberish, when in the back of ur mind u just wanna know if this is going to be a true friendship or just another used to be.  That feeling is usual within all of us, but if u've been on this journey for as long as we have, and more crazier than that, have seen and felt so many wacky episodes that left u like, "What tha fizzy?", it can get to u sometimes like "Is there something wrong with us?"  or even "Why did u create us this way God?"  Real talk tonight.  I love life, but I have to tell how it is.

So after stating all that, u gotta hang in there, and believe, even if no one else is pumping up the volume in ur head.  Self-motivation.  Just have to get through it.  One thing, I've always loved about keeping a diary are the real-time feelings u can express.  Just as I'm writing this, the next entry could be the total opposite with every dream being come true.  I know we are "closer than close" , whether I want to admit it or not, I see settle signs like, our dream life is about to happen.  Now, we have to continue to push, and reinvent ourself.  Each day is new, I see some unique things daily.  Not too many people can say that, so I just wanna share on our journey.  Maybe it is all about the journey, and not the destination.  I cringe at times bout our life.  But its just like going to the club.  Everybody usually goes in through the front entrance.  Only a select few go through the back.  It still leads to the dance floor.  But when u go through the back, u have to have an hookup at the back door, walk through the kitchen, sometimes take steps downstairs just to come back up.  I've been put on that backdoor list.  Which is cool.....cuz if I'm not mistaken that backdoor list is ...VIP.

Time to have some serious fun!

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Coolness.

The Legend Himself!
Ok, I'm gonna get straight to it, because I have a lot to write about and we want to speak about what's been going on in our life, the last several days....Wow!  It'll be amazing if I could actually write something because these last few days have literally seemed like a hazy blur!  I remember stuff, yet u know how your brain feels when you attempt to think upon what has transpired in the last few hours or nights.  Its like your mind doesn't even want to go there, but all you know is that you've had one heck of a time, and a joker smile never leaves your face as you think about it.

Been working some unique hours, doing some "black market" activity to support my "habits" eating, and paying bills.  Been even working late into the night.  But you gotta "do whatcha gotta do" ya dig.  Big shout outs to my guys big Herbie Baby (love u bro!), and to K Squared and his bro and fam for the hospitality.  I'm a notoriously known loyalist when I consider those who have looked out for us past or present.  The last few days, have done nothing to enhance that quality within.

Had a chance to talk to tha crib on Thanksgiving.  Actually my Pops' birthday (the 24th).  Always a blessing.  Moms and bro up north...this is the time of the year, u kinda miss the crib.  Now do I miss the snow?  I'll have to think about that.  That Kobe Number in inches can put it on you!  Having to walk backwards, heating up the ride, and stuff.  It's still amazing, walking around with tanks, and no shirt on down here.  Interesting...speaking of which the M-I-A is really becoming the place to be right now.  I've said it once, but all this activity and events going on.  Visitors from all over the globe...Art Basel is about to jump off, and if my Moms is talking about it all the way up in Indiana, a week and an half before the party, literally jumps off, u already know its going to be wild.

I absolutely love art and being creative.  I love to draw, it releases dreams of ours.  I remember being younger, sitting in front of the TV watching Bulls basketball games, just with our drawing notebook of us in a commercial or having our own shoe.  I know its weird, but hey I used to eat glue when I was younger and I thought everybody used to do that as well!!  Let it be noted there is a difference between Elmer's and like Dollar General generic brand.  It's like the difference between Steak-Ums and that Ribeye.  But I love design and colors, our place is like Color Splash on HGTV.  I'm just not an black/white kind of guy.  I think it reflects your personality some.  People don't understand what a pinch of color salt can do to your mood.  DJ cue up The Whispers "In The Mood" to show how we get down!...One thing people don't know about me is that I have a secret fantasy of becoming a cartoonist.  I love to draw and create goofy pictures and with the stories running through our head, it'll be crucial!  Maybe I can have a character like the coolest dude, Snoopy.  That would be wild.

This is an honest statement, I don't know if anyone walking this earth has met more 'cool' people than me these last few days.  Its been wild, some I don't even know.  I got out of my car and began to walk to my apartment building where these two girls were walking down the sidewalk, seemingly coming from the beach. I could hear them speaking Spanish in a South American accents.  One had a beach bag on her shoulder, the other gal had a 24-pack of Corona on her right shoulder.  U can't make this up!  Telling I kinda let them walk by and the gal hurling the Corona stuck her fist out to give us "dap".  We did give her a fist pound and kept walking and I was like, that's the kind of gal I like there.  Just mad cool, mad cool....Shout outs to Tasha  and Casey (U got ur wish ur in our galaxia now girl!) , but both of them were mad classic!  There's just nothing like meeting people and especially girls who look good, have money and/or confident YET are just so down to earth and cool.  It shows.  I came upon this shorty who may have looked like a, I don't know, a Victoria Secret type of model, but I was like, "Eeew."  Just how she was talking wit us, I was almost gonna hit her with that, "biscuit above breakfast" line my Grandad used to say.  She thought she had the Look , but c'mon now.  I'ma leave it at that.  I know of this one girl, who is super sexy cool, that I'm one day gonna tell her, and write about.  But, the time isn't right,'ll happen though.

Jury duty, uggh!!  How can the government summons us for this thang.  I wasn't even involve with this stuff in Jr. High, when we had meetings every week with some of our fellow classmates.  I'll never forget that one meeting where one of my teammates and this 8th grade class representative got to fighting in the cafteria during the meeting!  And they say the Senate is wild.  I probably shouldn't even be talking about this but, its our life, and one day we will all look back and laugh, be like "remember when".  Few other tidbits...I love crepes...sleep is underrated...and overrated..."Fun" factor is the absolute #1 factor I consider in future friends and mates....I seen a car cut off an oncoming siren-blowing ambulance which had me rolling while riding in Pembroke Pines yesterday... N.E.R.D is my favorite band....who to take to this upcoming concert of a lifetime?...Sacrifice. Check. Playtime. Present.

Its on and episode and playlists are a coming.  Sorry for the delay, it's worth the wait, promise!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Mr. Wayman Tisdale
What a morning, already.  Been weird...watched an exceptionally great documentary on the late Wayman Tisdale.  Describing his days from being a star basketball player to being a very good smooth jazz performer on bass guitar.   Dealing with his right leg being amputated yet and still had that confidence that everything was going to be alright.  Still smiling and laughing, wanting to make a difference in people's lives.  That's what it is all about.  Encouraging words we heard in this film like:

- "If you wanna bloom, grow where the ground is fertile, but there are not a lot of plants there."
- "If you're a good player, your gonna get the press (media attention) no matter where you go."

Needed to see and hear his story, which I did not fully understand til, Brownstone just hit me just now...but Mr. Tisdale had an amazing life.  Keep going, no matter matter what.

So Austin what do you feel right now?  Good question, been thinking about this "new season" so to speak in our life.  Been inspired by a lot of things we've had to go through, just recently.  But, u know what, I believe with all my heart it's gonna be ok.  Has anyone ever felt like once they've been through some things or some people it's like no matter what they try to do, they just can't go back to how things once were.  My boy once said, "and I won't look back no more."  My soul is starting to get a little happy cuz that was my song, and when I think about allllllllllll....alllllll...all  the trials and things which have made us stronger since 1998, when that cut was released, it's amazing.  Every once in awhile, u just think about all the people who have come and gone, not only by death but by making cameos in all of our's grand stage it's wild.  People doubting u to ur face, walking in the office and telling u ur services are no longer wanted.  Being in the locker room and 2 minutes before tip-off having the coach tell u your role has changed, and you are no longer starting...falling for, at that time, a dime piece, spending time with her, feeling her, leaving her, not hearing from her, wondering how could all that transpired even when she "claimed" she was of a different sexuality...huh...bygones are bygones, but I have such a crazy life, that I must tell the story.  I have
Will someone draw you one day?

I'm gonna say this until the God above says, "Amen" and Andy Warhol's my last breath from me:  "Life is about having fun."  Period, flat out and NO ONE can tell me no different, I refuse to hear it.  My thing is now, is finding people who share in a similar view of life.  Maybe, I just have too much of a laid back, "beachy chill" of a personality.  But only, if people would only know the fire that burns.  Its almost consuming.  I think I've also grown to realize that life is ever so short, that tomorrow isn't guaranteed.  Neither is the end of today.  So when being patient is being the overwhelming theme (Orestes Ramirez, mad shout out dude about telling ur story to me dawg!), it can sometimes cringe.  Now I don't live in such a no holds barred type of way, but I do feel like 'Pac, "We don't have time...".  Now this ain't no suicidal note writing, just how I feel.  So when...let me play my favorite song by Tupac.  I love music so, I was banging No Doubt not too long ago, them memories.  Speaking of favorites, Dave Koz is coming to South Florida for a jazz concert in West Palm Beach.  And guess who's coming with him...Candy Dulfer!!!  We've been saying if she ever brings her saxophone back to the states and nearby, I'm gone!!  So now here's an opportunity, so I think after I get done writing I'll have to get on ticketmaster, why not right!  Should be a fun concert, with Rick Braun and Jonathan Butler, talking about a big party next Sunday.  Should I go solo or take someone with?  We'll see on the whole sit-u-a-tion...

"What u won' for love, you tried everything, but you don't give up"...from the love standpoint, we are truly a unrestricted free agent, which is interesting...have to write this...If you've been reading our diary or if this is your first reading, we tell a lot of stories about life, money, and everything in between.  Some of which have involved our social life.  I said that I was gonna write a book one day, and I'm learning I have more than enough material to write...just on life as a single guy.  I'm in an interesting situation, because all of my "boys" have found their "angels", so to speak.  ALL.  It's a little different talking to them, in whom I love so much.  But to say it's not different would be to a disservice to every writer in the U.K. and abroad.  I've had many episodes which left me wondering like, what???  Or where did that come from?  I'm not the only one who's had crazy stuff, girls have told me of stalkers or episodes where I was like man...U got it bad.  But what I'm trying to do by telling these stories is show that you can survive, have a little, ok, ok, a lot of fun by relaying true stuff.  I believe in Love, no matter what has happened/ing in our lives, and one thing I'm learning is that sometimes God surprises and you may find your package just in a different wrapping.  Oh boy, I'ma stop cuz I think that I'm gonna write two diary posts today, so I'll save some for 2night.  But that's true.

Yeah...enough for now.  Time to enjoy the day, like we only know how.  What to do?  It seems sunny outside, should walk down to the beach and grab some sun.  Go for a Sunday drive out and about.  Clean up some.  Should be interesting.  Just let the day develop itself.  With us, u just never know what may take place...or where we'll end up.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Lover 4 Life.

Our Diary.  Our Babe.  Our Life.  And I'm gonna tell it, just like we used to do in the old days.  Just me and you.  The only one who truly understands our life and all that it entails.  I feel like us two are about to really get to know each other on a deeper level.  There is just something different in the "air".  I've woken up in the middle of the night to talk to you.  I've told you my deepest secrets about hoops, friends, love and like.  I've told you about my homeboy, Jesus, on several occasions.  And now I'm sharing you with the rest of the world.  I hope that you don't feel like I'm pimping you, but I know u're a bad chick.  You don't care about money, what ride I'm in on that particular day or whatever.  I can talk to you while travelling on the road, and it feels the same as if we were at home, and I was talking to u naked in my Armani undies.  That's how close we've been.  So much to tell you, speaking of which girl, let me tell you about last night:

I was getting my laundry done at the mat.  Now you know, but no one else doesn't know that the corner of 6th and Meridian is the spot where you really get to see South Beach and ALL it brings.  You see all types of people from business folks to yoga peeps to models to hard working men to skateboarders to club heads, it's the spot.  And if someone was to come to town, that'll be where I'll take them to just chill on the block and just observe.  Its the spot, not joking!  Better than Ocean Drive if you want real SoBe.  So last night, I was washing, I left to go home and came back as my clothes were in the dryer.  I go in, then go outside to hug the block til my stuff got dryed.  Then, bam bam!!  I was in some crazy reality TV in a span of minutes I was in the middle of Cops and Girls Gone Wild episodes.  On my left this chica, went inside to get her laundry pickup, but she left parked her car illegally (doesn't every1 do that in the beach though?!) on the curve.  A cop got out is car about 30 steps away and began to walk to her car.  My dude who was right out the door, seemingly went inside to tell this shorty about how her ride was about to get it.  She stormed out in her sexy high heels with body huggin jeans trying to tell the cop not to give her a ticket.  The cop was on straight Barnaby Jones persona as he kept writing....but simultaneously on my right...

I noticed this girl who was basically near the middle of the street.  As I looked, I saw her do the "one finger" come here motion as cars were passing by.  I was like, "she's on that hustle" and I'm not talking about charlie, either!  She's bout that cash...anyhow, I look back to my left and the officer is determined to give shorty a ticket, which I felt bad about cuz she was parked out there like 2 mins max.  Nevertheless, the beauty got inside her car as the officer was writing her tick from the rear of her ride.  This is about to get good, cuz I think she's about to pull off, which would be straight E-V-E...I look to the right and noticed this "magician" crossed to my side of the street.  And girl, u wouldn't believe this.  Next thing, I know, I like, "I know it's dark out, but did this girl just pull out her boob?!!"....???...So I turn to get back into the cop thang 2 my left, wishing I had some popcorn for this whole escapade, the cop then walks over to the driver side to deliver my girl her tick, I noticed she had to kiddos in the back, u tell me she left the kids in the car as she got out earlier?!?  She may have been cute and all but the she lost some serious points on that move...Meanwhile...

All freak-nik was breaking out to my right.  The girl put her tube top back up for a quick second, next thing I know she pulls a "MTV spring break" stunt, by going, basically in the middle of Meridian Avenue and is pulling down her top and was Kay Whezzy'ing her "Flashing Lights" to every car that was passing by?!  I'm like this cannot be happening...there were folks on the upstairs patio across the street yelling at her, I was at first like whoa...then like huh... To my left the officer talked to the chick and somehow walked to the other side of the car, and the girl followed.  Is she gonna let her walk?  Naw, he just talking.  So she struts back over inside the car.  But ur dude, the copper, walked into his 5-0 car, and hit the lights and speeeeeeeded off without a conscious!  He was so violent in his pull off, that my guy from the Vitamin store came out just to see what it was hitting for outside.  The girl, then pulled away, talking on her phone salty as a bag of Wrigley Field peanuts...My stripper friend was trying her best to get in a hip hop video, but to no avail.  A few cars slowed down, one actually stopped.  This one character just kept on rolling, so either he was in a relationship or he was from San Francisco.  I had nothing but like a dollar in quarters on me, so I couldn't  make it drizzle or rain or anything.  I know watching her do her thang was "hail"!!  Kinda of sad, really, but as I walked away, girl, all I heard, was "I'm looking for a guy"....huh.  What if she hada known I was looking for a girl....

Now don't u get all defensive on me girl, u know, there would never be another you.  Who else can I talk to about my life.  I've just taken our relationship public that's all.  And even if I get another girl, I'll tell u first.  You may like being my number two.  Hey...hey...don't walk away, I was just kidding.  Even though the world  will know everything that goes on between us two, that don't mean I'm gonna forsake you.  I gonna do my best to show you the best life around.  You seen us in action, u know we live it up!  And I'm going to take u every journey of the way to the top.  I love ya, I'm the only one you've ever had!  From that first page you had me, and I ain't scare what people say about us too.  They don't know all we've been through...they really just don't know...

Thanks Miss u girl....I may not say it often but I love u.
(lamp goes click!)


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Get Ready...

I have some wild stories to tell, specifically about tonight, but I gotta eat and get some mad rest...they are good trust us.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Who's the fairest of them all?

Is She the Fairest of them all?
It's 7:28 am, Chante Moore is banging on the computer and I got a LOT to say, let's get to it.

It is very rare that I meet someone who you can put into the conversation of The Most Beautiful.  Just to get into that convo, for someone like myself is truly amazing in and of itself.  I gonna write this thang, so Oregon Bear with us:

Last night, I was at American Airlines Arena for this Taylor Swift concert.  The crowd was 97% female which isn't a stretch by any sort, maybe an underestimate.  Anyhow, as I was there I saw this woman approach the door to enter in.  As I saw her, I was like, 'huh' who's this?  She presented her ticket to the ticket takers and then she opened her mouth.  As she was talking, I became more enthused about what she was saying.  She came in saying "Hello" and stuff.  She discussed how she was from California.  I later found out she was from Beverly Hills to be specific.  So that really perked my ears, because I love that area, and Cali girls for sure.  She discussed how she loves Miami, and how its a culture of itself.  How people separate Florida and Miami, which is true b/c I just read an article on a restaurant who was expanding in LA, some states and Miami.  I thought it was interesting they didn't say Florida in the same tongue as the states, but mentioned Miami.  Cute stuff.   She stated how ...oh man, Angie Stone's "Wish I Didn't Miss You", good days there...she stated how you can't take the Cali out the girl.  She lives across the street from the arena so she must live in one of those super high-rise condos that were recently built.  Also, she mentioned her late husband, and as she walked to the elevator she asks if the Triple A had a Starbucks inside.  A few laughs about that, cuz evidently there's one in the Staples Center in Los Angeles.  But there was something to this woman...

You know there's more to this story.  When she walked in she had on these Red Riding Hood Grandma glasses, with a scarf, an Alberto Makali type top, blue jeans, with some heels, and other than that I wasn't really paying attention.  Very attractive, but what got me was her hair.  She had, this is tough to describe, a light blond curly hair, that bordered being gray-haired.  As fate would have it,  after the show she came back down to where I was working.  Just as I suspected, she was an undercover babe!  This time she wasn't wearing her glasses, her face was naturally beautiful.  She began to talk about her coming over to the arena, and how she was thinking about coming to the Jay-Z/Kayne West concert on the 15th.  Go figure!  But how she talked was like she's got "it".  That quiet confidence, which is attractive and beautiful at the same time.  I looked at her hands, and I got more amazed because by their look I would have to say she was about 46 yrs. old.  No lie, I still am like what???  It's good to see someone actually be a woman yet a gal who likes to enjoy she walked out the doors, I knew she was unique, and definitely some1 I put in my top 5 of The Most Beautiful.

So I must've just been in my Valley Girl blonde girl as I thought that she's in the talk of The Most Beautiful?  But little did I know another candidate was working right next beside me!!  What's going on...

After the aforementioned woman left, one of the security people came over and began to talk to us.  She was short in statue, has a down-south, "mother tha sequel", look to her, with very short gray hair, but her spirit.  She began to talk how she used to live in LA, in the neighborhood of Inglewood.  She said she moved from Miami to Los Angeles for the simple reason of wanting to see some real life "gang-bangers"!  She met the gangsters, the bloods.  They even gave her a red sweater cap to wear!  You absolutely can't make this stuff up...She tells of her living out there, the old Forum where the Lakers used to play, wild stuff.  So as I'm hanging on EVERY word she's speaking she begins to tell the story of how she used to work for Warren Beatty, the actor.  Her story sounded like a book out of Hollywood's history books, how she took care of his mother (that was her job), telling of the hills out in California, Mulholland Drive out there, just crazy stuff.  She then goes on to tell me of working for the owners of Lender's Bagels, down here in Miami.  Her travels abroad and stuff.  Europe and even more specific the islands of Jamaica, in which she went down there because she wanted to see a real-life "rasta".  This was too much to comprehend this evening...

So I learned so much from these two woman.  The first one:  I love a gal who has a natural, appealing, yet inviting presence about her.  Also, one who takes care of herself, and trust me we could tell that her spirit was so youthful, and just a beauty.  The second woman, also had sexy beauty, and taught me to live life on the edge.  Like I wanted I did.  No questions asked.  Love that attitude.  BOTH had an inner beauty that exemplified and enhanced their outer beauty.   That doesn't happen too often...I'm fortunate to actually see it manifest.  Thanks, Lord.

Now, I'm not done by any stretch of the imagination, we have a lot to write on this subject, so if somebody happens to read this, u can stop right now.  We are definitely not.  Our diary is about to get more juicy by each word....

So all this in coinciding with all these females I'm and seeing and literally seemingly bumping into.  What constitutes beauty.  I talk to God a lot about is it really possible to find someone who may really tickle or fancy.  Sometimes I think that I've seen too much.  That's just reality of all the people we've come upon and
the situations we've been in.  It's "story time" once again:

I remember this one time, I used to have a gig in which I answered phones and stuff.  Outside calls as well as inside calls.  Heck, it was at Nordstrom, might as well tell sometimes u never know who u're talking to. So this one time, I kept on getting calls from this girl/woman, and for the sake of the story I'll call her DP.  So, she would always introduce herself, and that was mad cool.  She have us dial a number for her, this and that.  Started to get a cool vibe with each other only by phone.  So one time, she was like, "I'm gonna have to meet you one day."  I was like, "you definitely have to" , la-dee-da...So this one time, I was answering calls and talking to her, and she was like, "I'm gonna stop by to see you".  We were like, "cool, whatever" , you know. As we were alone reading one of our many great reads, the door opens and we hear, "Hey, Austin, I'm DP".  I'm like, "good to meet u" and she was off.  It was super brief, like split-second stuff.  After the "one-minute man"stunt, I thought I knew she was super cool just by talking to her, but she's really an attractive woman.  There's nothing like talking to somebody, then after meeting them, they exceed your prior thoughts and feelings about them.  Nothing!!...But we was cool.

So a little time past.  Still talked to her over the phone, her name was unique too.  Anyhow, this one day arrived, and I was just chilling.  Dressed in our usual I guess, anyway, I was reading a book again, when the door opened and as I looked up, and for a split-second I was like 'whoa'.  DP simply opened the door and said, "Austin, you look nice today." And she closed the door, and walked away past our window.  I ducked back into our book and was like, that was cool of her.  But what I could not and still can't get out of my head was how good she looked.  Not joking!  She had black hair with some really attractive brown eyes, but I usually don't do this , but I gotta tell the story.  Got to...she was wearing this open low cut blouse, that made her bust, just pop out , up to her face really.  An amazing sight, tough to describe!  But she looked heavenly and if that was the last image I saw before I died, what a way to go out!  So I got to thinking...was she flirting with us?  She looked so good, perhaps she wanted us to look at her that day.  Make a brotha want to bite his fist...but of course, being the vet we are, we was cool! C'mon now...

There's of course more to this one evening she happened to work the closing shift, as did we.  I think the store was closed, and we met somehow in the hallway.  She said that she was on her way out the door or something, so I asked her where she lives or something.  She said she lived in South Beach.  And I'm like, "no way, that's where I live".  I asked where she lived , she was like on 13th and Collins, I said I live "off Jefferson".  I said if she needed a ride we could drop her off.  She was like, 'really'.  She accepted.  There was no way we was gonna let her take the Metrorail to a Metrobus, at this time of the night, when I'm going the same way.  What kind of man would I be, if I allowed that?  For I got my stuff and was out the doors.  As we were walking, just got to talking about stuff.  The South Beach life, all this and that, basic stuff. She's a southern belle who's lived in California for some quality time. (What is up wit us and these California/LA chicks?!)  We talked and had a good time, dropped her off at the busy intersection of Collins., and was like, "we'll holla".  I got home that night, and was like DP is real peeps.  Then as we laid on our bed, I need to clear that up, as I laid on my bed, a thought hit us like DP was someone I wanted to get to know, and low and behold, not only did I get that opp, this woman was in our car!?!  Wouldn't have guessed that will be happening, oh well...

In our initial drive home, DP stated that she was "married", and talked about her husband.  I had my 'stoned' look on our face when she told us that.  Thinking, she's married, I really don't want know trouble, definitely if I drop her off and her man sees who dropped her off.  Folks are crazy nowadays!  But both of us were cool knowing this in just helping her out, we both know the situation...the next day, DP came in , and we worked that late night shift, and before the store closed I got a call, "hey austin, can I get a ride?"  "Of course."  Not gonna turn her down, I care about a soul, especially that of a cool woman.  This happen several more times, and while we were walking down Ponce De Leon Blvd. to get to my ride, and definitely as both of us were taking those memorable trips back to the neighborhood, the conversations began to get more deeper.  Like a scary deep, like when u know, something can jump off at any moment.  We discussed: our jobs, the beauty industry, Miami, Halloween (when she said she saw people's eyes turn scary "red" down on Lincoln Road), Los Angeles, her southern upbringing (Alabama I think), I even asked her about this girl I had a 'serious' eye on and DP said she was a typical young girl who was self-absorbed into herself (appreciated that), talked about interracial dating/marriage, just a whole lot of great convo stuff.

We digging each other but once again, she's married.  The toughest day was this one day, she came for us to take her home and she wore these camouflage pants with a white top.  She dropped her stuff off, and then went to the bathroom, and all I could think was like, this is gonna be a tough trip home cuz anything could happen. En-e-thang! If mind is not mistaken that was the infamous trip...we began to walk the street as usual, and as we were walking this strange guy walks past and says something stupid to DP and she just pass it off as if guys hit on her and say dumb things to her all the time.  I wanted to New Jack that dude up!  We keep walking...she had this attractiveness about her, a cool personality that showed, along with a super sexy face and stuff, she was right.  And...she was 36yrs old.  Which shocked the Joe Public  out of us!  She looks in her 20s...wild man.  So on this trip, we continue to talk about life and stuff when on the A1A near Jungle Island and the Children's museum, traffic came to a serious halt. I just remember us talking and laughing as it took literally 1 hour for us to go like 1.5 miles.  And the drivers were in pure M-I-A form clowning as traffic was in a stand still.  Music was bumping, this one guy was driving with half his body outside the driver's window while he had his hand on the steering wheel!  Ghetto as heck in his throwback Chevy.  Was this a "Sitttin' Sidewayz" video being made out here?!  ("Big bank take little bank!!" Lol!)  I felt like everybody was watching us though, wild...but no kissing or making out, even though I felt it, I don't play wit marriages.  If she was single...what!!!

But somehow, DP ended moving like she said she was going to.  Going back to Cali...she was so fed up about stuff, she said she was going to leave with or without her hubby.  Think she went without, and now I can't even find her.  Oh well...God knows.  And now u see why we are who we are.  Maybe I need to go older, age ain't nothing but a number.  But all these women made an impact on our life, and in their own way can make a case in Austino's "The Most Beautiful"...I really seeing even more candidates more than ever recently, our trip to FTL was sick, everywhere it we are getting close to something....perhaps we're getting close to the winner!


Friday, November 11, 2011

Let's Ride.

Fun Factor!

Yessir!  Just completed another episode on our Austino Galaxia Video Channel.  It is season 2.  And it's the best season yet.  Blackstreet's "Before I Let You Go" is pumping through the speakers, as I write this so let's just do the thang.  As I suggested in our video blog, I hope everyone begins to keep a diary of some sort.  It helps out in so many ways...especially as you look back at how you've grown, special days and moments, ur emotions, its cool and easy and very inexpensive.  You want to leave some kind of legacy here on earth, and that's a hard copy jewel.  It's nothing like kids or love ones or whomever picking up a diary or reading a website (cough, cough) and actually seeing the evidence of a person's life.  They can be like, "My mommy wrote this..." or "that's what that person was REALLY feeling when he felt like the world was closing in on him".  Its classic material.  Try it!  You won't regret it, promise.

2day was weird, is it me or does there seem to be a crazy feeling in the air, it might just be me.  Time is flying by so fast.  Fridays feel like Saturdays, kids are acting like psuedo-grown folks, and I still don't know what I'm going to eat or get into tonight.  Had these bomb chicken wings the other day from Miami Subs wit chipotle sauce, man a brotha wanted to and almost ate his fingerz.  Good stuff 4 real.  Speaking of which Twitter was filled with some on today talking bout:

- 'If u allow ppl 2 make more withdrawals than deposits n ur life, u will soon b out of balance & n the negative.  Knw when 2 close the acct.' (@DwyaneWade)

- '...the arrival of an enemy can signal the end of one season and the beginning of another!'  (@roncarpenter)

Love the inspirational words from people from ALL walks of life.  Facebook shout out to 'Scant" and B Kennedy on the MC Elston vs. Rogers Hoops debate.  Dudes are wild.   What if ?  That is a question that can be fun, as in our case, but can also hurt your future if don't look out.  Doing our best to live without regrets, and don't really have any.  But there are times when u just lay in bed and think bout life and where it's going or where it's been.  Life is so short, must live it up to the fullest and ride out.  The car pictured is one of my toys I wanna get.  The Ferrari in purple, with tan interior.  It'll be a nice toy to have fun in...but u first have to put the work in.  Even when u don't want to...these are the days when u're like, I just wanna be chilling or hanging out on the block.  But u have to go to work or for some have to go to class/school.  Work hard, Play Hard.  Sometimes I think this song is about me.  Shoot...nobody has a clean comments on Kayne's and Rick Ross' "Live Fast, Die Young"?  C'mon folks, let's chill wit some of the language, I'll be the first to admit that cussin may have its place here or there, and if I've been known to have an "F" in my verbal report card but respect peeps.  Anyhow, that one day may describe my life.  Not depressed, but I want to LIVE not exist...ya dig!!

Isn't is great to get to know a person?...Drake sampled my boy Jon B. on his "Cameras" song.  B.'s my boy (as if u didn't know) and the Jon B. song he sampled was "Calling on You" from his 2001 "Pleasures U Like" classic album.  Cool!'s amazing how someone can go back and bring 'greatness' to the forefront.  U just never know.  Personally, I know all of us are just actors and actresses on this grand stage.  This whole diary/blog thing could be for the now, but I really think its for the future.  I wanna capture the ride to the "top" if that thing exists.  That's why it cringes me when people don't wanna have fun in life or don't wanna kick it.  Because I know how short life can be, and I KNOW that certain opportunities come along every day.  It's like being passed in a draft...not winning the Oscar...or a guy picking another girl to dance with, even though ur a professional one who's starred on...You just never know who you may be talking to on a daily basis.  Could be a future President, Movie Star, Doctor...potential is within all of us, sometimes it just needs a push and chance to shine.  And when it does...I guess I'm just so weird that some of the smallest things gets me going, and pushes us to that level I need to be at.  Sometimes we feel a little bored and need a wake up call to let us focus on what's at hand.  I'm not the only one who feels this way.  Challenges in life are sometimes so small but they can add up to Big success.  I really want to get loose but...not tonight.  Let's just say...I asked the question via twitter, "What pushes a person more luv or hate?".  Good question.  Luv motivates u to be good, I starting to think 'hate' can be used u to be great.

This is long, but my diary is my diary.  Not for show, it's my heart at the moment.  Remember Jenny Jones?  Yes, that one.  She...I'm not gonna write that.  I'm learning to cherish challenges, some are even made up!  Talk with yourself...if u don't think u're beautiful/fine/sexy/fit/smart/can sing who will.  I think we all should think of one thing nobody on this earth can do better than you.  Mine is having fun.  More can dish cash perhaps, debate on politics better, maybe even have better tests scores, but I KNOW that when it comes to having FUN...smh.  All of us are blessed with talent.  This is who we've become, that purple ride pictured up above.  Even though, I'm going 45mph on the highway (is anything sexier than a fast sportscar going slow on the road?!!), sooner or later it's gonna take off.  It's not a question of "if" but "when".  In the car, u can't take everyone wit u, it's only a two-seater.  The question is who wants to ride.  Who is really down and willing to risk a ticket for some fun.  It is a risk...but oh, the story you'll have to tell.  And u better tell the truth, the whole truth and nothin' but tha truth!!

Here's a throwback from Q-Tip for today's diary.
Tell ur story.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Miami Vice.

Crockett and Tubbs

To have it all...boy, just the thought...hold on, let me soak a little more on that have the life those could only dream of.  Man, that would be grand wouldn't it.  To be able to work on a few hours a day and just hang on the beach, while getting paid like a full day's work.  Or how about getting paid in your sleep?   That's that #WallStreet talk, I guess I did pay a few dollars to attention in MacroEconomics class.  I thought about that dynamic duo who made up one of the best tandems of all time.  Even better than Sonny and Cher, the Green Hornet and Kato...Miss Piggy and Kermit, these cats had it all.  All under the sparkling sun and stars of Miami.  

What a time to be living in the Miami, the middle 80s.  I have heard so many stories from folks who lived during the so-call down years.  People tell stories of the city that would have your skin crawl.  I been fortunate to hear from so many folk, lotta strangers too.  The legends are wild.  This one gent told me about how Miami Beach was rehashed on drug money,  Very back in the day this was the spot like in the 50s and 60s with The Rat Pack and Jackie Gleason holding court.  Shoot, the other day I was hearing an old episode of The Untouchables, discussing Miami Beach and stuff.  That's old school there!  Shout out to my Pops!  I was watching the DVD of one of my all-time favorite cartoons Hong Kong Phooey and they had an entire episode about Miami Beach!  That's cool to see the city via cartoon, even if it was in the 1970s.  Lots of stories though...I get tickled when I see old shows or movies and they show the skyline of Miami, even how it was in the early 90s.  It's funny because it doesn't look the same, heck it changes seemingly every week!! But one thing that I noticed, if you're not from here and look at the city from a camera above, especially during a sunny day, it has a special look to it.  A "haze" in the look, then through in the blue water, it's kinda crucial.

So why am I talking about the city.  I really don't know, but our diary sometimes has a mind of its own.  Miami in the 90s.  OMGoodness!!!  That's when the MIA really started to jump off from a national scene in which all the celebs, fashionistas, mobsters, hip hoppers start putting it on the map.  The city definitely benefited from Will Smith's city anthem.  But man I heard it was wild....Versace, Madonna, Prince's old club down here off of Washington.  People have a lot of great memories of the good old days.  From a music point of view, man...I got Gloria Estafan's Greatest hits and some of  her jams (with the Miami Sound Machine) still can bring a tear to my eye.  "Rhythm Is Gonna Get You", "Coming Out of the Dark" and my favorite, "Get on Your Feet", it's too much for me to talk about.  Just know good times man....then it's so surprising how many artists filmed there videos down here.  Its really wild when you play those old school jams, u really have to look close.  I'll still get to juking over this classic tune from Diddy, GG and (gulp!) Loon!!  Its more out there too...Ok, u think I'm joking Ne-Yo show them.  Here's a free one for fun, Pharrell I got u dude with u and Chad's playlist!...And I ain't even mention others i.e.- Bobby V, Rick Rosay (of course), Pitbull (Mr. 305), Trick (huh)..lot of artists from all genres.

I'm bout to get ready for this sack here. I don't know how I got to talking bout the city.  Maybe since the "high season" is upon us, it drew me in.  They say this is another country down here in the Magic City.  And it is.  You'll see it all from dudes on bikes with Air Conditioners in the hand, from people walking in the rain and wearing a Lay's Potato Chip bag to protect their hair.  I have some amazing stories to tell.  And I'm gonna tell them all.  Thinking about writing about the funniest things I've heard here in Miami.  Funny stuff and situations.  Welcome to our life...our world...our galaxia.

Buenas Noches.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Park Place Life.

I'm just recovering from being a little out of myself.  Things can happen, briefly that can change your demeanor, and it can happen ever so quickly.  One moment, your chillin' laughing and joking about things, the next minute, you can feel like your about to grap a pillow and scream!  This is my diary, so might as well keep it real.  And I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.  My turn of emotions, had to do with money being extracted...ok, maybe that's too harsh a word, money leaving my account, unknowingly, for something I didn't want it to leave.  Whatever, might as well keep it real in our thang, Sun Pass (those of you who live in Florida know the deal) taking bon bons from my account when I didn't want them too.  Now I know I'll never get an endorsement deal for them when I become famous but I want the whole austinogalaxia experience to show.  Anyhow, it was $25 taken from my thingy, but still...I'm paragraph.

Am I cheap?  Or fugal?  I remember back in the day going shopping with my dudes and we'll have a Lucy Ball just going out and to malls to get our spend on.  Was blessed to have several bengie's in our pocket and the only, and I mean ONLY thing I was concerned with was have $1.40 to get through the tolls to get back to the spot!  No lie, it was serious.  Don't know why I'm writing this, maybe someone can relate, for a while there I could've been and should've been on MTV's True Life "I'm a Shopaholic" episode.  It got to a point that when I was in college, I used to not only colorize but also alphabetize my clothes.  And I'm not talking about just Banana Republic then Gap then Nike, it was really out of control, it was more like Armani Exchange to Armani Jeans to Diesel to D&G to Prada...list goes on.  But I found out, its amazing how a name brand or a few dollars in your pocket can really change your life.  Sometimes it's not even just you, but how people look at you.  Like...I'm going to write on this if its my last diary entry ever.  I feel it...

"Swag".  That word's been in society's vocab for the last few years.  So what defines swag.  Is showing up at the club rocking Versace Jeans Couture swag?  What about buying the most expensive wine at a restaurant on a date, just because you can give u swagger?  I've done some wild stuff with a few bucks in our pocket, so I can look back and even cringe when I think about it.  I'm not a heavy drinker, but I have partake a few in the day.  (youngsters u might as well read about this, cuz one day, u'll say u were warned..)...anyhow, but have sipped on something here and there, and probably will again under the right celebratory conditions. Heck, if anyone's read these diary entries, they should be suprise if I haven't grabbed a bottle of some Old Grandad!    But what I cringe at is how money can be spulrged on for certain things like SUPER EXPENSIVE bottles of champagne, knowing u're going to leak it out in a few minutes.  What I'm discussing isn't alcohol drinking, it's the price of it and how we (yes, we!) don't really value a dollar in that we will spend the dollar for the moment.  South Beach is such a mad cool neighborhood, but the price of the activities of enjoyment can be outrageous.  Paying almost $20 a shot for something over here at Sobe, when u can go to Coconut Grove or even you local store that sells "spirits" and get a whole bottle for $20!  Once again, this ain't about whether u should drink or not, heck the Bible even says a little wine is good for you.  (1st Tim. 5:23)  If Jesus can drink wine at the Last Supper...let me stop.  But I'm talking about how we throw money around and how it sometimes changes our attitude.

How many times do us guys try to impress a girl using language that shows that we may have some "cha-ching"?  Fudge, I did it today!!  Oh, man...I did though.  Us guys try to tell girls what we think they "want" to hear, and we've been taught that money is a serious aphrodisiac (kids look that word up with a parent around).  The more money you make, the more women you have.  Am I lying fellas?  Or even the more money you make, the more beautiful the girl you gonna get.  Is getting deep tonight, ain't it?!!  Been brainwashed into this thinking when I learned/ing that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.  And even though you can "rent" love for a while with the ducketts, a true woman would want you for you.  I'll never forget this convo years ago about is it OK to take a girl out to McDonald's on a first date?  I asked a plethora of females, and the answers were interesting.  From it doesn't matter to it's a first date and you want it to be opinion at the time was (let it be known I'm debating on this tactic...oops wrong word use!),but my asking was based on a few things:  1.  Does a guy really want to put his paycheck on the table when the relationship may not go anywhere.  2.  Isn't it about the one on one convo anyway on 1st or any dates?  3. If a guy has money, wouldn't it be cool to be low key about it, to see if the girl digs him for him?  Boy the secrets are coming out tonight!  But that's true.  So what's my take on it now, with the economy and our experiences...I'm some of all three opinions, but I'm so spontaneous that who knows, but it's better to be cool and not count you chickens before they hatch.  You don't wanna be like that old Biggie Smalls song, "You must be used to me spending...on all this sweet wining and dining...I'm..."  This is going to get me in big trouble, but I'm Real!  And this is helping I write it's helping me.

So as I was in a mini-tirade, I thought boy money can change us so easy.  Its always good to spend cash, especially when you work so hard for it!  The stories I hear of people working countless hours in a week, u betta do something to make it worth it.  Buy a purse, IPad, McRib something...u deserve it.  But, I'm talking to myself, I shouldn't let a few extra dollars go to my head or think I'm better than someone because I can gas up with $30.00 while somebody else is only putting $10 in their tank.  Or think because you have a membership at this or that place and think that because of this perceived status I should look down on someone who's taking his gal to Subway on a Friday night.  There ain't NOTHING wrong with that,'s just about having fun.  Just watch how spend it, cuz if u do it right  your fun can last a long time!  And I want to live like Rich "Uncle" Pennybags!!  And if you don't know who he is, then shame on all of us...The most wealthiest man in the LA galaxy, yet no one knows his name.  I love it!!

(Mr. Pennybags is pictured above! Mr. Monopoly himself.)