Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Now The Fun Part!

"Speak from ur heart...Speak from ur heart..." Thus I real. Diary what do we say on today.  Feel like I can go any and every kind of way.  Do I begin about telling what Pastor McGee had to say?  Or do I tell of how I wish the NBA could finally get a deal and play?  Just tell our life and feelings, just like any other day.  Isn't that how ol girl on SNL's Weekend Update used to do, the cutie nerd Miss Tina Fey.?!  Once again here's a trip into Austin's never ending Milky Way...

"Don't Give Up" was the message from a sermon a few weeks ago, from our church at the crib.  Felt like it was directed directly at us.  Isn't if funny how teachers, ministers, books or what not can seemingly speak to u and ur like what.  Teacher tells u to be quiet in class while writing on the chalkboard, and doesn't even see you, and u're like "how this dude even see or hear us?"  I remember this one time, I was in college in an auditorium style class, and me and my guy were literally whispering, and the teacher Miss Scottie Pipett for ur Rockford alums, was like "Can we start class now?" Me and my guy were like, "Yeah!" So as she began to teach about biology or something, me and my guy, heck this is real right, me and JB went back to talking about real life issues like basketball, music and other extracurricular activities (wink, wink!) ...just kidding we listened...anyway, getting back to the sermon...sometimes u do feel like that ur work goes unnoticed or is not worth it...been saying that in a few of our previous posts...but its true.  Some catchlines that hit us was how, it may have to get worse b4 it can get better; "trouble don't last always"; reaping what u sow...the text was taking from Galatians 6:4 .  Good stuff, needed to hear that.

Now, like eye once said, if u read this now, or next year, or in 2014, u're gonna get the whole gauntlet with us. Every aspect makes us who we are.  All of us are very unique.  And if I gonna talk about hoop or hip hop or even fashion or double d's...hello...u can bet ur Big Mac that I'm gonna mention the Lord!  Have to man...been carried through too much Sanford and Son junk!...Let's move on...

Today was little heartfelt...things can be a lot worse...yeah it's been raining down here in Miami for seemingly forever, just stopped about 3.5 hours ago.  People homes getting trounced by tornadoes and stuff and I wanna trip by some minute stuff like someone driving uber-slow like they ain't got no insurance or by near missing a six car accident on US-1 cuz some driver stopped or cut off a whole lane in the rain.  This stuff happened 2day...After a workout, I walked out of the Gannesvoort and an intriguing sight caught my attention.  This young girl was lean...ok, back from putting the turkey in the pan as I'm making my pasta dish for tonight (go whole wheat its pretty good!  Plus it's not as expensive as one thinks, Target selling it for like buck oh 4 a shot..)..anyhow this girl was leaning on a pillar right in front of where Mr. Chow used to be, and the look on her face was so zone out distraught y'all.  And she seemingly was looking at these pigeons in front of her in a crazed way...guess I would to if I say pigeons chasing down and eating Cheetos!  No lie, I couldn't even make that up!  But as I walked away, I thought I shoulda at least said "Hi" or something, seemingly something was on her mind...Then after I got into our car I was driving right by the Bass Museum of Art  and I saw this gentleman sleeping (didn't "look"...should I say it...bummish, folk know what I mean, and that can be a joke, cuz I once saw this extremely casual guy in line at Publix pull out a Black Card, messed me up...)...but the guy was laying on the bench, with his hands on his head like his world just ended.  My thinking is like what's going on...not with them, but with me I am the self-professed "Zen Master of Fun", and I'm not speaking to folk, in which one "hello" could make their and my day...and trying to show the world that u can make it, and keep the faith...yet I wanna trip over minor stuff like, "I need some shoes" when u got Jordan I's sitting in ur closet u ain't wearing...or on how someone on Facebook didn't return a msg I sent to them...GROW UP AUSTIN!  Jokes aside, I need to get out of my Mimbo, Valley boy moods...Perhaps this is what u need to be doing instead of focusing how u wanna change ur workout or debating to go totally organic or not...time is flying by, and issues, REAL issues are being lived.  I said my life is a fantasy world, so instead of boasting or flying solo in it, I need to invite true folks into it.  I'm done..

I'm becoming the type of person who really doesn't care when it comes to certain things.  And that's not in a snobby way.  Life is 'posed to be fun.  Want my life to be such that years from know folks can be like that dude Austino...I may didn't like him totally or agreed with him, but I gotta say he was one of a kind.  Putting his personal thoughts on the wings of cyberspace.  But more importantly he talked about having fun and issues that all of us can make a difference on.  Real quick...recently watched real life interviews with Jim Brown, Bernard Hopkins, Wilt Chamberlain, and Frank Sinatra.  Learned from all four....Frankie Baby rarely did interviews and he said because no one asked (now I could Lil' Flip on that just from u gotta ask if u wanna...uggh!)  But to learn just by all four of their presence through the video.  That's what I want...years from now a kid in Idaho or French New Guinea to be like let me look at Austino's post of old and see all that he went through and in the name of Chris Brown...Look at him now!  It'll happen...been through all the work...Now (as I rub my hands...)...The Fun Part.

Buckle up.

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