Friday, October 7, 2011

Rain..Rain...Go Away!

(Hugh Sigh!)  Welcome to the crib...its a rainy night down here in South Florida, which is always interesting.  Down here in the South Beach neighborhood u don't know what u gonna get...that's real talk.  Streets get overwhelmed with water, and u have to tic tac toe your way around trying to avoid puddles that can be infested with everything from alligators to lizards in canoes!  Telling u tha truth...Veteran Floridians just walk in the rain like its just a way of life (man I wanna link that Lil Wayne song right now...but..gonna keep it clean 2nite), while the driving gets really off the yooza.  Either folks drive 25 mph or 80 mph in a 45, crazy.  And to top it all off my kitchen showed some drops of rain  which just made everything peachy (sarcastically spoken).  It stop but for a moment after I heard the drops and walked into the kitchen and saw my stove and stuff get cover with acidity, my thought was do I go the Phil Jackson route and be a Zen Master of peace and tranquility or do I fling pots and pans around like I despise this natural part of life?  Tough decision but I chose to write...lot to get off our chest and as I've said before, this is my diary so why hold anything back.  This is personal...

Today was a tough day.  TOUGH....u know when u have those days when u like, "Is it even worth it anymore?"  You feel like things are all cool & dre  when "bam!" it hits u like the powerpuff girls!  The rain has stopped, "Yes!"...but things hit u like u get a ticket for doing nothing wrong, except driving the speed limit, obeying all observations, and just being chill...only thing he can pull u over for is looking goo...let me stop, but somebody feels me.  Then u starting thinking about old stuff, that really has no effect on your present state, but since u're having a "I wanna take the last train to Paris" type day, all those memories begin to flood as u lay on ur bed staring at the ceiling fan.  U think about Popeye's chicken-heads who did u wrong, and YET u have to see these folks on a somehow daily basis (that ain't easy fam), or why can't we be as excited as the Milwaukee Brewers who just won a deciding game to go to the NLCS....This is gonna be long...but...whatever (and I did just make the valley girl "w" sign with both my hands too!).  Life is so short and right now I'm at that infamous or whatever, state where you are balancing God's timing, living life on the edge, getting rest and living smart.  That's a heck of a cross street to be at, its like a spiritual Times Square! New Paragraph...

That's cool, but as in NYC's Times Square  , so much is thrown at u, U don't know what to do.  Do I go to Mickey D's for a meal so I can enjoy a Broadway play?  Do I splurge on a sophisticated meal, since I only live once, but then again, I won't be able to hit Fashion Avenue...That's where I'm at right now...I love that analogy, cuz its perfect for how I feel.  Takes prayer to make the right decisions...let me say something right now, if I can talk about hip hop songs (which are audio bangers) and talk about clubs (which sometimes are banging) and girls (some which I like to ????), I can sure talk about God and how He's keeping me right now.  Nothing to hide, and people have, will, may, say  whatever, but my life still is cool and God deserves a lot of thanks for that.

 U know one thing we are learning is that closer u get to ur goal, the harder it may actually become.  Before u meet ur future husband and wife u may have the worst breakup or hurt from the opposite sex that u've ever had.  It may take a while to move on, but once u do, u're like OK, thank u, now I know what to look for, what I'll accept (p.s. u have to love music to be with us, just a note to the reader), and what the standard is.  "Pause"....I write a lot about relationships and love, but as I said I'm a sucker for love in that, even though I've NEVER been in it, I'm intrigued by the possibilities.  Cupid  has shot arrows all around me, but I haven't been hit.  But the DMXperiences are off the chain and I have a right and responsibility to share those crazy episodes.  I once told my Moms (shoutout to Pops for the cds too!) that only one person has seen more beautiful women than me and that's the true 50 cent P.I.M.P himself, Mr. Hugh Hefner (NBC pulled that Playboy Club TV show huh).  But I'm dead serious dude, from girls showing their Lamar Odom "Goods" to me with their boyfriend nearby to being semi-stalked by a mother/daughter team that was eyeing me in seemingly wanted me to be their "baby daddy"!  Stuff is becoming ridiculous really...told this gal today, once somebody said that "I look cute for a black guy!"...???....what does that Mode, Median, Mean?  Its cool but just some of the things we've seen, is crazy...told u this is gonna be long....but this is for us not for show....

I remember this one time meeting this young lady (don't u wish Austino's Excerpts would make a comeback on this site), who looked like, what is a great description of her without committing an offense?  She looked like a geeky Salma Hayek, but the rhythm of the night with her was great...I mean rhythm of the day, sorry Grandma...exchanged email addresses which was weird from getty up b/c people just don't do that face to face.  At least not in my generation , anyhow her friend was actually dating one of my guys and it seemed like this could turn into the old days of double dating and double dutch.  Literally, u better pay half!  I'm not like that, anyhow...she would email me, I'll email her, she'll answer, I'll answer...too much, too soon, never!  But after a few days of this it all just came to an abrupt end.  Now, I'm like something's weird about all this.  She sent another pic of her (not the 2k11 guy/girl type, although if the she did...La Perla...Ooo La La!) But she looked nice.  Made a simply comment to her of pretty she looked and she almost got into a Chris Matthews argument how she isn't that beautiful.  Wow, we live in a day and time where girls don't want to be called beautiful when they actually are but get mad when u don't tell yet the only way to get 'em is if u do!  Can I get a Amen somewhere!  But it all ended like the Ming Dynasty and it had me thinking and almost starting John McCain investigation on what went down.  I didn't, although I strongly believe it something to do with her parents like she didn't want her dating anyone, she was trying to be a doctor or something, but to go through week premiere of that episode was like "'s another one to add to the book."  And trust me I didn't do anything to deter her, trust me on that, just weird.  But it probably was a blessing in disguise because I don't want to R. Kelly "trapped in the closet" for no dag gone body.  No matter how cool she is or how good she looks.  Its not worth it...

Man, I feel better now, I encourage anyone to keep a diary because not only do u get some crazy stories in retrospective but it cleanses you like Neutrogena, and u can honestly, honestly move on...enough.  What a all makes u better, one day we'll look back a laugh about it!


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