Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Different World.

"On to a Different World"....if I'm not mistaken those were the final words utter on the final episode of one of my favorite shows, A Different World.  The final letters uttered were spoken by Jasmine Guy (Pictured Above), who played the character "Whitley Gilbert" on the show.  A southern belle who was as spoiled as a brat crying over spilled milk.  In some ways her character was ahead of the game in how she dressed and stuff.  Funny because I just read articles about how collegiate students dress nowadays  .  It's a runway of sorts, but Whitley had that style back then.  Things come full circle.  Which leads us to today...

I'm starting to feel a different electricity in the we are about to enter "a different world".  There are always moments where you like things aren't going your way.  Traffic stalls everywhere you try to drive, you just took a shower and step outside in the sun only to find that out of nowhere it starts to rain, or when the day you forget your homework at the dorm or at home, the teacher constantly calls on you.  I remember....

This one time, I had a Price Theory course in college, with Professor Moallem (may be misspelled).  This was a tough business course with math and real life combined in it.  Anyhow, one day I didn't have my assignment completed for one reason or another.  So the professor's thang was to have stack of index cards and shuffle them up to "randomly" call on someone on the class to give the answer to a problem.  So as he got his cards and walked in front of his desk, I'm thinking like, "this would be a good time to stick up my index finger, and join the line waiting for the bathroom right now!"  So as Mo is shuffling, my heart is getting prepared for the inevitable.  "Austin...", he says, as my card magically appears on top.  I'm thinking, "Dag, ain't this this about something..."  "Austin, do you have the answer to number one?"  I try to play it off like Nelly and look at the textbook, but, "No, Mr. Moallem, I don't have the answer to number one."  Better to be honest right.  They claim it's the best policy.  Moallem gives that smile like a guy who just went on a date with a former Miss Universe.  So I'm already embarrassed some but hey stuff happens, whatever.  So I shrug it off and give a glance to my homegirl at the time, as the Professor Mo calls on another geek, I mean person who gives the answer, I'm like at least that's over with.  So as the NYPD pick 'em out the line-up session continues.  Up comes question #2...Mo begins to shuffle and then out of nowhere he PICKS a card out the brady bunch  and says the unthinkable..."Aus-tin, do u have the answer to number 2?" I'm like, "Say What?!"  He can't do that, he's supposed to go at this thang randomly not chose which ever Thuggish Ruggish Bone he chooses.  "That's not the rules!!" So as I'm in disbelief and the class have way giggling over this historic "Mo"ment, I say, "No, Mr. Moallem, I don't have the answer to number 2."  He smiles and moves on to the next one to get his Jigga on with.  I'm just steaming like, "If I don't have the answer to number one, I sure as Ricky Schroder don't have the answer to number two." (The courses' equations build upon each other like a theorem)   I look at my Pregnant model friend and was like, "I'm just gonna bring a tape recorder and every time he call on me I gonna hit play with a message spitting, 'No, I do not have the answer!!"  We have those days don't we...

But what about those times where u feel like things are about to Pujols swing ur way.  The air feels different.  Miami drivers cut u off and u like , "So...".  "The Renaissance Man" calls it having ur "swag at an all-time high".  It just feels weird.  Been through so much and more importantly survived.  Its like being in a severe car crash with your car being totaled yet walking out still alive.  You know how close you were to death, yet made it through.  So instead of looking at it like you almost died, its like you look at it like, "If I can survive that, I can survive anything!!"  That's how I feel...a no-fear, just-fun attitude.  Think that's why God does what he does and things happen so crazy.  It builds u up, and grinds you into a better person.  Positively is how u have to look at things, its tough sometimes, but u have no choice...A Different World is about to appear in our life, my only wish is that other like-minded people will join the revolution.  Man, what I would give for the reality to come true.  That's my one wish...


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