Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Worthwhile Price of Fame

Boy, this has in some ways been a perfect night.  No, I didn't just hit the Florida Lotto...or No, I didn't just get invited to the Jazz Fest at the Playboy Mansion.  Timely wisdom from people who have been there and are at where you are attempting to reach.  Spent most of this evening reading great articles from the Men's Health website.  Celebrity success stories.  In today's day and time, we figure that many of those who grace US Weekly or are plastered on perezhilton.com had a Silver Spoon handed to them.  With a train running through their house and all.  But O cone-trere mon-corn fritter...many of which really to a long route to reach the success they are experiencing now.  They had it easy...all this monfongo gibberish, but if you only knew.  No one knows what people actually go through behind close doors...oh boy, I'm starting to feel it boy .  Cuz I know...with a capital K...

Read articles on Orlando Bloom, Matt Damon, Nelly, Jay-Z, Dwyane Wade...but the one which really spurred me to write in my diary was the interview with Entourage star Jeremy Priven (As pictured above).  Not only Mr. Priven, but others previously listed, took DECADES before the even got a shot....I'ma let that sink in a little, b/c many of us future stars (yes, I did just say that...call those things as if they were not as they perhaps are)...as we were saying...future stars are waiting for an opprotunity in many areas in our life...That could be financially, or socially or both or neither or just to have fun in life.  Sometimes u just don't be feeling the "process" so to speak.  We want to get muscles overnight.  Lose 25 lbs. in 3 1/2 days.  Such a quick fix, microwavable society we all now live in.  But its always better to take ur time than go for an easy Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  The road may...man I feel like writing tonite to let me get my Anne Frank on a little bit.  

Earlier today I saw this gentleman approach this Babe Didrikson with some roses out in the middle of the street.  The girl had a look on her face like, "It's over....so why u even trying?"  Yet she gave him the Timex of day and listened and as I like to say "interacted" some with this dude.  Now, from my perspective (which is the only one that counts right..real quick, this model girl once told me that "the world doesn't revolve around you Austin."  True, but the galaxy does!! just kidding...sort of) Ok, but from our perspective I LOVE to see a guy be like I don't care who's around, I want you like Marvin Gaye.  Did it work who knows, I'm not gonna go A Current Affair on this dude, heck, eye got my own female mosaic going on.  But the effort was there, no matter how it looked to others, which is what this diary-blog thing is about.  Do You.  And take risks, u don't know til u try.  Old folks used to say, "A close mouth don't get fed".  These interviews I read showed that yes u do have to experience some possible failure but u can find a lot of positives out of a lot of things and people.  Makes u hungrier and better in the long run...and just confirms that sometimes obstacles are just a necessity in the journey.  As as my boy Common once rapped, "I spent many years trying to be the  heartthrob...I guess its only right that I got my heart robbed."

Game recognizes Game.


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