Monday, November 5, 2012

Fun. 300. Fun Remixed.

Well...Well...Well.  Can u believe this???  I know I can't, but u just never know.  What am I talking about, u may ask?  This is our 300th post in this diary!  Wow!  That's a lot of us being shared within tha Galaxia!  I mean a lot, and in some ways I think too much.  So many stories, opinions, thoughts, discussions about our dreams figuratively and literally.  Many opinions about love and all it has to offer.  We've changed so much has happened since April 26th, 2011.  People have left our life.  Some made some quick and extended cameos into our life.  While other cool and sexy people are coming into our (Wink!).  I'm just somebody who wants 2 have fun in life.   I think if u've read this diary all throughout, u've seen that that factor is all that we're about.  For real...

I'm sure somebody has read this and been like, "Enough already with that...", but that's who I am.  Right now, I don't really care so much about money and fame, we got that.  So serious when we say this, our thing right now is how to have fun and enjoy life 2 tha fullest.  Period.

There's no way I thought I'll be still writing right now.  When u keep a regular hard copy of a diary, u run out of pages eventually, and there's nothing like getting that new book, cuz u get a strong sense of a new beginning.  I actually used to name each book right after we got them.  Some classic diaries we have with such titiles as:  "Book of Fulfillment", "The Black Book" (Any guesses what that diary brought?!!), "The Book of Amazement".  I'm getting personal now, I had a few classic ones that one day is going to be worth a lot, and I mean a lot of money.  I had one diary notebook in which we were a star athlete coming back to the game that we loved after retiring or taking some time off.  What made this diary super cool was that it was in tha form of a newspaper.  So each day was like a game, and we drew pictures and included people who made an impact on us that day and put them into each article.  That was fun! Us being a superstar (Go Figure!) and having our life followed as such...We had a trilogy of diaries, which was a three-part series...I'm looking through some of them as we're writing this, and its quite amazing to be able to pull out diaries from 2008, and to think about some of the principles and situations that we've been going through are still relevant still.  Crazy stuff.

We were led to begin this diary because we felt that our life was unique enough to share with others.  It wasn't made to add to our conceitedness or arrogance.  It was just that our life is filled with many wild experiences that it would make a great book and an excellent movie.   We've said this once and will say it again, we've never seen anything like this in the terms of having a real time diary or insight into somebody's life while they're going through the journey of reaching the top.  There's no doubt that one day we're really gonna be a major player in this Galaxia, if not already.  Everybody tells their story after tha fact...And even though we have shared more than intimate stories about our journey and love life, especially, we try to make this thang as authentic as possible.  So one can really feel our emotions of what we're going through.  Everyday hasn't been all sparkling and cool.  There've been many a day, that left us wondering, "Why am I even still living?"  Or, "Life just seems like a waste of time."  But those feelings are part of the process you have 2 push through.

Today we're just gonna talk from our heart.  No stories, just 100% us.

I never knew all the feelings one has to go through in order to reach their dreams.  The feeling of rejection..."Oh my!!"  I can talk about all this now with supreme swag, compared to say a year ago when I probably wanted to put a hit on some people's head.   It was amazing how many people I thought would embrace this thang and us, and how many people flat out...rejected us.  I'm gonna be real, so get ready!  Our life is filled with cool peeps and friends and stuff, but it was like The Great Daily Planner in Tha Sky made me go through this period when it felt like nobody, and I do mean NOBODY was on our side.  It was like no matter what we tried, or who we talked to or message, absolutely nothing worked.  And for a guy who seemingly has everything in this world, it really began to get to us.  How can u not want to join in on tha fun, when I know u ain't that busy...Or how can u wanna hang out with someone who's going to tha car lot to look at Porsche's when u got someone who's already got tha keys to tha 911.  I'm playing this song, I don't care if it got cuss words or not, cuz it's an anthem in our life.

Jay-Z and Kid Cudi...hit it!!

That's what we couldn't understand.  Even in that song above, at the beginning u can hear Jigga saying, "Love me or leave me alone...Love me or leave me alone!!"  That so hits home cuz it's like half of our life, we've been looked at as some kind of "Boy Toy" and not as a real person, or somebody who's not immune to being human.  I still cringe when I feel like I'm getting played...I still get a tingling in my pants when u brush ur boobs all over's been a wild journey y'all...WILD!  But I feel like God has been like, "Ok, u want tha Galaxia, then u're gonna have feel some of the depths of the human soul that u've never felt before."  Sounds easy, but it's not.

How can u help somebody if u've never felt what they've felt?  How can u talk 2 somebody about chasing their dreams when u haven't chase any?  I mean, how can u talk about chat about being unemployed when u haven't been in those conditions?  U have to have been through a battle, before u can even think about talking about a war. Constantly we think about how all our experiences, our trials, and everything has prepared us for...something.  It's weird...we are constantly talking about how we need our own TV show.  I'm serious in a way, cuz we really can talk and conversate about anything.  We're a crazy dude...and we feel like if someone had a chance to hang out with anybody, single or married or celebrity or what...I can say that saying "Austino Galaxia" wouldn't be a bad of a choice.  Not bad at all...

So as we've experience so much negative things, we learned that all that turned into a fire that has propelled our heart and soul to new levels.  I think about our life...wait, ain't it amazing like whenever u've moved on, no matter what u do, or even think about doing, u can't go back or hang with tha same people u once did or wanted to...For example, it's this one gal who I seemingly just can't seem to catch or talk to or set anything up with, just on a friend tip.  It's like the laws of a future fun is like, "That's ur past" and now for us to get the pot of gold in front of us, we have to leave some of that behind.  It's amazing...and I know I'm not the only one who thinks, "Let me give him/her on more shot", but u just can't.  It's over.  So true...

That's why it like we're preaching to hang in there when u feel that life is pouring u all these lemons or when u just can't understand why things happen to u how they do...or when u think that love stinks.  Pause.  We've shared a lot of stories about our love life.  Many of which I really believe not too many people would even have the ca-who-nas to share them.  And believe u me, if it wasn't for The Lord, I definitely wouldn't. we said that we can make a movie just on our love life alone, there are some serious lessons about love and "like" that I've learned and almost had to share.  Somebody may one day be going through some similar stuff, and all they might have is this diary to get them through.  That's real talk.  For somebody 2 just know that somebody else either knows how it feels, or has survived even worse, may make all the difference in tha world.  That's why I read Autobiographies on so many people, cuz I just want to not only learn, but see if some of what I'm going through is just part of the blueprint for success.  Many times I find out that it is.

Is this boring 2nite?  Hope not, but after 299 posts, we got a lot to talk.  U know there's a lot of people who aren't alive when we began writing this.  We have such a sense of urgency in our life, cuz we know it's getting short so to speak.  Maybe not our life, but just that we've been going so hard, in so many aspects in our life, that sooner or later something has to happen...U can only go so much without seeing results.  I can't say that cuz I really do have a super cool life and lifestyle, but I know that there's a bigger goal.  We expect that best, and to be tha best.  In saying that, u're gonna have to go through the toughest and most difficult of days to reach that level.  People don't tell u that part...Much given, much expected.

So what's up ahead in our life.  Will we be writing for another 300?  I don't think so.  But who knows?  Still have a lot of stories to tell, but right now our life is so wild, that I need not even go back to the vault.  I can just talk about our life right now, and have enough material to last a lifetime.  All I can promise is that u're gonna get tha best of me.  In how we write, and what we write about.  I have no time to waste posts or jibber jabber about nosense stuff.  There's some real issues going on in life, and in our life, and if this diary is gonna be what it's gonna be, it has 2 be as real as possible.  Which is wild, cuz it's already been dipped and flipped in realness.

If this is our last diary's been fun.  U got me for 300 days, and I hope u've enjoyed each and every moment...each and every joke...each and every anticipation of what's next...each and every musical song hidden in our's been special, and hopefully we've become a part of ur life...forever.

In tha case that it's not...get ready.  Tonight is a transition post, cuz the previous 299 has represented the first half of what this diary is about.  And now, the fun really begins cuz u're gonna see us in a whole new green light.'s time that we step up and show that nobody does it like us.  As u talk to us in person, or read our diary u're gonna have a special feeling come upon u...the feeling of fun and of something that u have and won't feel again.  We're determined for our life to be an example of how to really live and enjoy urself...

I stated a few days ago, and I still believe it...that no matter what may happen, or even how I feel on this November night, that somehow and someway we are gonna have our own "era" in this lifetime.  One in which u're gonna be like, "He's everywhere"....And just know that u're a part of this journey.  Everytime u click on our diary, means u love to have fun too.  Which is awesome.  I'm going to be hanging out with the most beautiful and coolest people in the Galaxia...inside and out.  Which is what we've wanted...It's gonna be completely on and poppin', and if this is ur first time reading our diary, u picked a good time, cuz now u're gonna get tha remix to an already platinum recorded song.  And I promise the remix is even better!

Thanks D Howard for tonight's time to delay.  Get ready!  And as the Lakers center said on the other day...

"Let's start now."

And we already have!

Austino Galaxia.

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