Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Galaxian Announcement!

A Sneak Preview.

This is a very, very, very special post on tonight.  Why u might ask?  Well, because this diary post is an end of sorts in our life and for this diary itself.  We've been hinting that we didn't know when it would be time for all this to end, and on tonight the moment has come.

Our life has been filled with many twists and turns beyond compare.  We've given our heart, mind and soul to make sure that every ounce of our being could be felt in these words.  Hopefully, that goal was met.

So many stories about our love life, and times here in "Tha Land of Tha Beautiful People", of Miami Beach, Florida, more specifically South Beach has given us more material to than a lifetime can hold.

The last post was our 300th (291 posted with 9 secret drafts which are secret to our heart and soul).  That's a lot of full days and nights that I prayed brought joy, tears, questioning, and excitement...each and everyday.  

With that we end this particular edition of Austino Galaxia.


Now the fun is about to really begin...

Something special and very one-of-a-kind is about to happen to our diary.  Let me explain...

We've been saying how we have one of, if not the, funnest life around.  In tha diary, as we once knew it, we feel like u may have gotten a taste of our experiences from a 2-dimensional form.  The stories were there, and the words were spoken, but I don't know if the whole spectrum of our creativity and fun was truly on display.  To be honest, we are absolutely a krazy dude!  For real, and now u're gonna see it at its maximum.

Our diary is now going to have a new form.  It will still tell our life and all that it beholds, but now with a twist.  We hinted at how goofy some of our physical diaries of yesteryear were, and now we are gonna bring it to cyberspace.

I can only guarantee two things:

1.  You will have the most entertaining and fun moments of ur life reading this.
2.  This has not been done before in this form.

We figure that we always dream about the lifestyle that we desire to live, so why not just simply create it.  Absolutely create it!!  Why not, we have the egotism of a star or celebrity so why not...Ooops!  I'm telling too much.

From here on out this diary, in this final form may I might add, will be truly our last run at showing how fun life can be.  We're gonna give it our best shot to make sure that each and every moment u read our diary will present u with the feeling of something special taking place.  We want our soul to reach every emotion in yours.  And bring a smile or some tears to you, in a very creative way.

That's it.

As one door slams shut, and new one opens.  Now u will see not only fun, but also fun remixed.  All I can say is that I promise you, that this is going to be an experience u will never forget.  U may call me crazy.  U may stop reading this diary and call it stupid.  But I do know one thing...

Its going to be a whole lotta fun.

And that is the price of admission itself.

For all that has ever read one of our diaries....I truly want 2 say thank u.

What u are about to experience now is for you.

Sent from above, but for you.


The Best from The Most Fun.

Here we go....

Austino Galaxia.

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