Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tha Last Post of "Tha Before" Life.

Oh, another day in Tha Magic City.  I'm not gonna front, today was strange.  Like beyond any Addams Family episode, that I've ever seen.  It began with us waking up at a weird hour of tha night, like around 1 am.  After some kind of crazy dreams which we've been having a lot of recently.  I mean, anytime ur dreaming about having dinner at tha White House with Ronald Reagan as ur host.  Him sitting at tha head table, and ur sitting to his nearest right, chatting it up about life, and having him thoroughly described what tha phrase, "This, That and a 1/3rd" means in perfect detail.  Something is going on wit us!  On tha real tip though, R Squared was mad cool to talk too in our dream, me and him was kickin' it. No Hollywood movie talk, no talk about tha Welfare system and government cheese, nor no talk about tha greatness of tha old Four Horsemen of Notre Dame football, me and him was on tha straight up Homie tip!  So had that dream, then, let's see, had another one where all these famous people were just hanging out upstairs at tha old home I used to live in years ago.  These athletes and stuff just sitting in a semi-circle, perhaps outlined by a compass, just joking and hanging out.  What else...

Oh!  Then we had this other dream, where we were driving up on tha famous I-95, and like pulled over off tha highway.  We did this Evel Knievel move, or for tha youngsters, this Kayne West in "Touch Tha Sky" type of stunt, and I 'Superman'd" striaght onto this exit.  As I landed in my ride, stop laughing would ya...as I landed, I like witnessed some kind of crime.  Like somethang jumped off.  I then got out of my car, and tried to ask some questions to see if somebody could help identify what just happened, but all lips were closed like tha Alton Road exit down here in South Beach.  Nothing.  Then I woke up.  Seems like one common theme has been like Celebrityhood.  Is that even a word?  Like I'm hanging out with all these people, and we're just kickin' it and doing it on a "I belong" or "Ur one of us now" type of tip.  It's weird.  Amazing how u can even be prepared for ur life...in ur dreams that u have at night.  Hmmm...

That's why our love life, there really isn't anything that I've haven't seen, cuz not only have we lived in real life, but we've seen so many beautiful girls in our dreams, that...I shouldn't get too personal tonight should I?  I've seen some really, really attractive girls consciously and subconsciously in our lifetime.  Boy, this has now turned weird hasn't it?! It's a diary, right?  Don't ever forget that...So many situations that we've lived through or dreamed through, almost like a preparation for what has transpired or what's to come.

The other day, I decided to stop early in tha morning at tha Mickey D's over on McDonald's street or Ave., off of US-1 near Tha Grove area, I wanted to try this Egg White Delight thang they've been talking about.  I eat Egg Whites alot, so tha yoke with it, let's give it a try.  I pull up, place my order, it was like $3 and something.  Pull up to tha first window...Pay up...Then scooted 2 tha next one, and this girl at tha window...Dude, I could barely get away from her.  She was asking all these questions to me.  I felt like I was on a 5 minute Speed Dating meeting down in tha Mary Brickell Village or something!  Began by asking about the type of car I was driving...I tried to pull off...then wanted to know some more stuff...Then she asked me if I, let's just say she used a 'hood' term that referred to having sex...She asked if I did that in my car....Then she asked me if I drunk or am a alcoholic....I'm like, is this some kind of Free Preview week on Match.com and she's trying to fill out a checklist to see if she can find me on there!  Mind u, this is like 5:15am in tha morning.  I tell her not really. (Wink!) Naw, I don't really dabble unless a host at a restaurant tells me that since there's a long wait drinks are on us.  In that case I'll try to find that most organic, and expensive thing on tha menu! Or if I'm somewhere and I'm just like "Beep" Miami Traffic, and just take one to tha head.

I tell her I'm not, so she then goes on to talk about how she smells alcohol in my car.  I tell her like, Homegirl, I just put some hand sanitizer on my hands cuz I'll be Doo-Doo Brown if I'll eat McDonald's or (Cough, Cough) shall I say, any food without somewhat clean hands.  I'm not only a recovering shopaholic but also a recovering Germaphobe.  Man, my future wife is gonna have her hands full with us...I tell you what they better be clean though!!  So Shorty in tha drive thru was like alright, and was looking at us, as I creepily began to pull away.  And to top tha thing off, tha Rapper's Delight Eggy Thang was slamming good.  Like they hooked me up, but now, I don't know if I want to go back to that location cuz Shorty Bee Hop might hook me up with an extra muffin, which we all know what that means...Future Stalker.  And I can't be having no chick, no matter how hot she may be, waiting for me outside of my apartment building in a hair curlers, sunglasses, and Michael Kors wedges talking about "I was just in tha neighborhood."  Homegirl u live in West Palm Beach, get outta here with that.  Just sayin'!

We're remaining patient with our life, especially our Bachelor life.  Just sometimes I just shake my head, like this calendar year, I've seen...It's been a microcosm of my entire life, really.  Girls come in, they go out...Interact with girls...Girls seem down...Girl miss out on opprotunities...Girls then realize what they had in us, and want to come back in tha game.  It's just been a little draining.  Much of which we haven't even asked for.  Sometimes I just pray up to that great Roc-A-Fella Records office in tha Sky, and be like, "J-Hova...I know 'I'm a hustla baby'....I know that my life has been filled with all these 'Girls, Girls, Girls'...And u've hooked me up through more than '99 Problems'...How come I just can't find a cool doll that we can 'Bonnie and Clyde' this town together on just a chill tip.  'I know' that I can be a 'Big Papi'', but I can't downplay my personality or how I look?  Is there some kind of 'Blue Magic' to this love or good friend thang?  My closet is ultra 'Suit and Tie' material, Got experience in living tha 'Hard Knock Life' and I feel like I'm 'Tha Blueprint' for fun, love and enjoying life, so what's up??"

Nothing beats experience.  Nothing.  And we've been exposed to a lot of stuff.  I'm being waaaay too honest, and I'm sure I'm about to say some very wild and personal stuff, but if u've read our diary, u know I don't care.  I don't....The other day, I was thinking about a lot of girls that have been in our life.  Boy, I kinda of wish this one girl doesn't read this, but then again, I hope she does.  Am I like the only guy or girl who like whenever u watch tv, read a magazine or look at the names of shoes by a designer, and giggle like I know a person by that name. That could be Julie or Gigi or anything.  That's when u know u've been around tha block on a 10-speed!  So I was thinking upon some of these episodes just wondering what did all these girls have in common.  Like has there been some kind of consistent characteristic or with a 's' physical, emotionally or personality wise that has had us attracted to them.  And for tha most part, them attracted to us.

Tonight may be long, so u might want to break this one up.  And save tha good stuff for later!

Alright...I found that our mental list was really over tha board.  Which is good.  But there have been some things that have been consistent, I feel....Like...(Gulp!)  I'm really putting myself out here tonight, but....(Huge blow)...Here we go...Like:

-  Flawless Face.  Like Cute or Model News Anchor like.  Guess I've been attracted to pretty faces, meaning girls who take great care of themselves.  Without makeup.  Natural Beauties.

- "Tha Party Girl" .  Like I've been cool with a lot of girls who just enjoy life, and live it up.  And who have this I don't care attitude.  They're around tha scene, and other hot guys, so they know not only how to handle themselves, but what works, and what doesn't.  Still like that.

- Diamond in tha Ruff.  Many of tha girls from my past were like...girls who were super cool and attractive...But a) All guys thought they were either too nice or too pretty or both b) They had that quiet confidence about themselves.  Mystery is sexy, remember that.

What else...

- Girls who were flat out funny.  Fortunate to be around some really, really funny females in my life.  The things they've said to us, or about others, has been classic.  Which also leads to us liking...

- "Goofy Girls".  Goofy in personality...Goofy in how they look like glasses and pink/purple hair...Or in how they just act meaning they aren't afraid to make a fool of themselves, that's what's gotten us interested in a few girls as well.

This is so embarrassing...

- Girls from Around The World.  International Bombshells.  I told a girl tha other day, it's messed up when u name a place and ur like, "I know a girl who lives there."  And I ain't talking about just like, Chicago, or Orlando, or New York.  I'm talking about u mentioning, London, or Paris, or down in Australia, or Brazil or Venezuela or Argentina....it's crazy, yet very unique.  Not too many can say that.

- Tha Fashionista.  If a girl is cute.  And she dresses like Fashion Avenue....That's something I admire.  I look at how a girl dresses.  Her shoes and what colors she wears is important to me.  Cuz  no matter what anybody says the colors u wear do reflect ur personality.  I also look at how she keeps up her nails.  Are they chipped or is tha fingernail paint faded.  Those things might not be important to others, but those things are to me.  Girls are sizing me up and down all the time, so I might as well do tha same right.

I'm gonna stop, but those are some of the common threads I've seen in tha girls that have become episodes of lure.  Then I thought about what when wrong (Or right) or how come some of these girls didn't become tha future Mrs. Galaxia.  That was/is difficult to understand.  I think that everythang happened for a reason, but I'm gonna say something that might end my viewership with my diary, but I got to say it.

As a guy, and I know 'tha vets of tha game' can relate to this.  If u can't, then u might not be a vet who's at tha top of his game.  Real talk.  As a kid, growing up, I was taught, and just about always through life, through Saved By Tha Bell episodes, through just living that guys get intimated by girls who got it going on.  If she looks super attractive, guys can accept that, but some guys, not all still are can't handle the attention that goes with her wherever she goes.  Definitely not me, cuz...Let me continue...But if u find a sexy dame, who not only looks good, but is super cool, is intelligent, dresses nice, has a caring spirit,  has some cash (Let's be real.), and has tha street smarts to match...Lisa, if u're reading this, we have to meet up and talk, cuz ur tha only other person I know who writes about this relationship thang as real as we do, u know who u are, homegurl!....But if she has all that and a bag of Pringles, then guys might feel like that's too much.  Like she's too perfect, and that they can't step their game to be worthy to be with her.  That's some guys...Alright.

So I've was self-taught through society that it's tha guys who are always intimidated by, let's just call her a "top shelf" lady or girl.  But as I've lived on in life, I've found out that girls can be just intimidated as guys can.  Sometimes more.  I've walked down the street, and have seen some really attractive girls, and sometimes I just peep out how they are gonna act when they pass us.  Sometimes u get tha 'head down' or tha 'lookaway', or tha rubbing of the neck while watching the birds play double dutch on the electric hangline above.  Crazy stuff.  Then as I've gotten to know a lot of girls, some of them, not all, but I know that once they got to know that I wasn't just some 'boy toy' that like 90% of women have thought me to be, but that we've got experiences and lessons to, and we can be ghetto one moment, and Ivy League tha next, and we can talk about Love, or God or Sex, or Music, whatever, once they realized that we're close to Tha Total Package, I think they backed off like they thought they couldn't hang with our life or our lifestyle.  When that wasn't tha case.  Now, I'm gonna say something controversial right here...And I speak for any guy or girl who considers themselves to be in tha upper echelon of having fun and living life to tha fullest...

A part of me was disappointed.  Cuz u feel alienated, like dude, it's like just because I have a mansion, and u live on tha street doesn't mean we still can't be cool.  BUT......Now I realize that if u don't have tha confidence in urself or feel like u can't hang with us, then maybe we shouldn't be lovers or friends.  Cuz nowadays, I want people who are secure enough within themselves that it doesn't matter what material things I have, or what I drive, or how many packs of Abs are showing, they are still down, and can see tha true me.  Either u're with us or....

That's why when so many people, and girls sometimes haven't told us or can't tell us...'No.'  If u can't do that for some simple things like a night out or a Heat game, if u can't do that, then how would it work if we're in a relationship, and we get to talking about a condo or what school's to put our child in.  When I say folks can't tell us 'No', I'm meaning that folks are just silent on tha issue, and let things past.  And next thing u know it, I'm writing poems about 'tha fire that burn within.'  (Ha ha!)  Real talk.

"A 'No' is ALWAYS better than saying nothing at all.  ALWAYS."

That works tha other way too.  That aforementioned girl up above who has it "all", she's used to getting everything she wants, so if ur a guy and u tell her 'No'.   That's gonna stand out to her, like all these guys think that saying 'Yes' to me, is gonna get them some pooh-nanny, or is gonna buy me their love, when in reality I'm just a simple girl who wants to be with somebody who's real, and isn't just gonna give me every wish I command.  At least, that's what a real dime piece should want.

That's what real love is.  Give and take.  Not just Give...And for darn sure, not just take.  So through all these episodes, I've learned about how dating and relationships is a partnership.  And how u should care for the other person.  U should listen to tha other person.  If that other person is constantly interrupting you as u talk, I don't care if u are living in "their" place or how good tha Ill Na Na is, not listening is a sign of disrespect, and u need to leave that relationship. Real talk.  It ain't worth it.  Also, I've learned that "Stats" or characteristics don't mean that u're comparable with somebody.  She's a brunette, with tats, dresses 90s Nirvana, yet listens to Hip Hop, and Skateboards....Those may be that "Stats" ur looking for, but that don't mean that u two are automatically a perfect match.  I feel into that trap, when I used to see a girl, and then got to know her...Oh man, she's loves the Lakers, she loves the Heat, she knows who Jon B. is, she remembers that episode of Different Strokes when Kimberly's hair turned green cuz of washing in acid rain, she had all that, then I get all geeked up like she was that one.  When u two just had something in common.

And us guys can really get into tha physical...Oh man, She's a fair skinned girl, with that salt and pepper hair, and she's part Asian.  Whah!!!  I gotta get at her...Or she's from Argentina, and has tha sexiest light brown skin, and blue eyes.  (Note...that was a wild day at tha American Airlines Arena when I met her!)  But still u got to know tha person inside out.  And tha other person has to be willing to forget the chances of being hurt, and forgetting what other dufus guys in tha past have done to them, and let their guard down and give a guy or whomever tha chance to even get to know them.  Nowadays, folks shields are so far up, like Ironman dude.  Everybody has been hurt sometime in tha past, and if u haven't keep living...U have to move on, be open to meeting and learning about new people and experiences, and that's how u grow.  Open up.  Talk.  Engage convos with strangers.  Ask Vets about their Love experiences (Woman or Man).  And live...And absolutely...Live!

That's it.  Too much.  If this is tha last time reading our stuff, due to what's been said, thanks for tha ride.  But I want to be surrounded by real folk.  Who keep it real.  Share ur experiences.  All of us, have had different ones, and u may look at me crazy as I talk in so depth about ours.  But we're sooooo close to our life jumping off, I gotta tell you with all our heart, mind and soul, what it's been like....Before.

Cuz once our life hits as it's gonna...Everythang's gonna change...Now u see.  What's about to happened to us, hasn't been an accident.  It's taken years of sacrifice...years of trials and errors...years of somewhat questionable rejections...but that's what u got to go through to get what u want.  Although I've been through a lot, u will never hear me say that I'll change anything.  Because I know how it's gonna end up...And since I do, I wouldn't change a single freakin' thang.

Not a single one.

Love.  Have Fun.  Open up 2 change.
Austino Galaxia....One more time, signing off.


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