Friday, August 30, 2013

Country Days. City Nights.

They say it's nothing like your very first,
At least that's what I heard the other day.
But on this Friday night, my next just pulled up tha driveway,
I couldn't understand if it was reality or just play.

I got a story to tell you on tonight,
Don't worry it won't bite or even make u cry.
Although, it has a few serious moments in it,
Just shows u what happens when u try to fly.

Bear with us a little bit, and grab a coffee,
Keep the seat next to you, warm just in case.
Put ur TV on mute, just for a little while,
To make it more fun, put on in tha background, some Rob Base.

Gonna tell you about a night I will never forget,
Tha one that has lead us to this point.
One that I felt would never, ever end,
Where everything almost happened except chiefing a joint.

Alright, here we go, are you ready?
I shouldn't put my life out here for show.
Ur the only one I can talk to about this,
For real...Alright...Ready...Set...And Go!

The night began like any other night, you can say,
Me and my girlfriends were jamming out in our typical Viernes pregame.
My girl, Venus, was getting her hair curled up like a 80's chica,
While Gabriella was practicing her dance moves to Lady Gaga's Fame.

As for me, I was looking in my closet, with a wonder,
How can I meet tha man of my dreams on this night.
Gabby yelled out, 'Wear tha one that fits ur booty like a glove,
Tha last time u wore it made two guys get into a fight.'

The show-stopper in me, wasn't in full throttle though,
So Venus walked over with her free hand and helped me browse.
She was amazed at how my closet, and how it was all in order,
Once she saw my Balenciaga dress, she literally dropped her towel.

"I can't believe u have this one girl, I can't pronounce it,
But I know it's one of a kind, straight off the runway in Pair-ree."
I smiled, and figured that I had never worn it after all this time,
Then told her, this is tha reward for having sex with a former NFL MVP.

Didn't want to get into how that relationship ended,
Lord knows that I've had my share of a few.
All of tha Big Baller, Shot Callers all want me wherever I go,
They think they a funky line is all that they can do.

I'm a tough cookie, though, that's for sure,
That's why I only roll with my homegirls as on this party night.
When all three of us are together, any place comes to a standstill,
Once on a plane going to Brazil, we caused a scene...The pilot even had to delay the flight.

Venus then finished with her hair, and Gabby stopped her Gaga Moves,
I could tell from Gabby's smile, tonight she wasn't gonna play.
She's the one, who can move her body to anything tha DJ spins,
Once she got loose at a Sweet 15 party, all to tha theme song from Carlito's Way.

So that means that I better be on my P and Q's this evening,
Cuz between her and Venus's sexy outfit, we're gonna cause a stir.
Venus is so beautiful, but has the heart of gold,
She's smart too...Her thesis in life is The Common Cold.  Find a Cure.

Our heels all click as we leave our Coconut Grove townhouse,
I usually drive since any moment can turn into Girls Gone Wild.
We pack into my Black Porsche Cayenne  SUV, and off we went,
By where I live, and what I drive, u can tell I'm a girl of very high style.

We go past CocoWalk, on Grand Ave., just for fun,
Simply to see our old stomping grounds, and how we're now in tha big league.
Gabby sees a girl see went to Ransom with, back in tha day,
And becomes upset, at whose mouth her hand is starting to feed.

She rolls down the window at tha light, and I sigh, Here we go,
'Hey, Crissy, why don't u have to always eat off my left-over's plate.
Johnny Rockets over there is tha classiest place that fool will take you,
And besides he's a One Minute Man that u can have girl, please take!'

I screeched off, at tha light, that turned green,
All with Venus and Gabby giving Hi-Five's and "U Told Them, Girl's".
These are my girlfriends for life, they're so crazy and spontaneous,
To be blank, I wouldn't trade them in for tha world.

Power 96 is playing all the old school hits on tonight,
Aaliyah, Biggie, and even T-Pain that took us back to 2007's Fall.
We are getting more hyped with each song,
It hit another level though, when they played Fabolous' "Trade It All".

Them were the days, when we used to be at all the parties,
From South Miami even up to Hialeah, Tha Gardens part.
Some really good times back then, even using fake I.D.'s,
Amazing what VIP ropes open, when u tell a bouncer 2 feel on ur heart.

We jamming away, and having a good time,
Venus is a good girl, but she even pulled out a little smoky smoke.
She claims that this semester of Physics is gonna be a killa,
So she's treating this night like Game 7...No joke.

That's my girl, and we all have to sometimes do what we gotta do,
My life my seem well, but it has it's stress as well.
The other day I was wondering just how much longer I can handle being single,
How come a girl like me goes through so much, just once I would like to have fell.

Enjoy this night, Enjoy this night,
I kept saying that cuz these are the moments I never want to end.
My girls with me, and we're looking straight off of a magazine cover,
We are the bomb standing up...and even more enticing when we bend.

Tha night is becoming blacker by tha hour, here in Miami,
As our SUV has now enter the Brickell lights.
Seems like yesterday that all this was just old buildings and stuff,
Now, it's jumping like Jack...It's such a pretty sight.

I come to a stoplight, and just chill for a sec,
Then all of sudden, I see it turn Green.
Speed forward, and then I hear a noise go "Boom!",
Everybody's alright, but I'm nervous because my D.R. isn't so clean.

My Chanel heels couldn't hit tha pavement quick enough,
I was raised in Hialeah, so tha Chonga in me truly came out.
What Tha (Beep) is you (Beeping) problem, you (Beeper),
On a (Beeping) Red, you're supposed to come to a Stop.

This guy, then jumped out on his side, and yelled back,
Girl if u're thinking I'm to blame for this, u on something for real.
Don't think that ur pretty curves can get u outta this one,
Although now I know it's true...Sexy looks can sometimes almost kill.

Tha compliment was tha last thing on my mind,
My daddy just bought me this car last year as a Christmas gift.
Venus and Gabby come out to see the damage that was done,
They agreed, the only way this was going home was via a truck lift.

Tonight was supposed to be so perfect, u know,
A night where me and my girls simply let go and get it in.
Now here we are and it's like 1am in tha morning,
And I feel like our night has come to a tragic end.

We both agreed to call 9-1-1, but guess what,
For some reason the ATT lines were down on my cell.
I asked my girls, if I could use one of theirs,
Then I remembered, we're all on tha same freakin' plan.

Reluctantly, I turned to this culprit, and tell him tha tale,
Asking if I could use his phone, how the lines are dead on mine.
He told me that he left his phone at his Beach home,
He knew as soon as he left, but thought he could get by just fine.

This guy said he knew a homeboy of his, who lives up tha street,
He would walk and get him, and this can be taken care of.
I told him, my back isn't feeling so good, I want to go home,
The after effects indicate that I need some rest and ice pack love.

For some reason, I gave him my card, and wrote down every piece I could find,
From his Driver's License up until the VIN on his purple ride.
Made sure that he wasn't gonna get away with this one, u can bet,
I know some goons who will gladly like to skin behind.

Don't believe I just thought that, but whatever,
He walked away, but not without given me a look.
I told him, Great I just had my night ruined by a complete stranger,
Now ur staring at how my Butt, don't worry u won't find it in any book.

My girls are just laughing away, for some reason,
Guess they know this is just another tale for all-time.
About to have the time of our lives it seemed,
Up until Mr. Perfect crashed his thang into my German ride.

A taxi comes up, and we get in,
I tell him to take us back home to tha Grove.
He looked at us like he never seen so much beauty in his car,
Venus told him, "Whadda looking at?!"...And off he drove.

We get home, and my girl and me are just spent,
Our feet are screaming, even though we went without a dance.
'There will be other times a coming', Gabby then says,
We know there will be, but we never want to waste a chance.

After we all stripped down from our night gear, to our PJ's,
I figure that I could use something to soothe my soul.
Go into the freezer and first grab that needed ice pack,
Then decided to splurge from my diet and make me a Blue Bell sprinkle bowl.

All of a sudden, I see headlights pull up,
And I look our my kitchen window to a car I do not know.
I thought that I exquisite taste when it comes to the finer things,
Whoever this is, has to be somebody...he's driving a purple Ferrari Murcielago.

My girls heard a door slam, and came where I was at,
Guess who's walking towards tha door right now.
'Is that tha same guy who u got into an accident with earlier?', blurted Gabby,
'He's looking fine girl.'...While I have only one word for this...Wow.

A doorbell ring, and three knocks then followed,
I calmly walked to the front, wondering what was gonna transpire.
This accident is turning into a complete weirdo night,
Almost wish I could've had just a simple flat tire.

I opened the door, and he told me that he was so sorry,
Seeing me without makeup made him sorta blush.
At least I didn't have on, my Clarins cleanser,
Plus, my hair did still look sorta brushed.

He simple said, I got something for you, right here,
And I anticipated pamphlet into my new 2014 Cayenne model S.
But all he gave me was a notebook, like this was a school assignment,
Please say he didn't come over he, to give me some kind of first date test.

Next he just told me that he just couldn't go home and sleep well,
Without giving me something from his heart.
It was nice to hear, but couldn't this have waited until the morning,
He said, true love has no why not now start.

The next thing in my hand was a book full of pages,
With hand written words, that made this night even more funny.
This guy then looked me dead in tha eye, and say here's my heart,
Believe u me, one day it's gonna be worth a whole lot of money.

A walk back to tha Ferrari is what followed,
Guess this guy knows how to make a scene on a doll.
He may not be able to drive one freakin' lick,
But on theatrics...I give him an A plus...just on style.

My girls told me to open it, and what I saw surprised me for real,
This was his personal diary of his life living in down in South Beach.
All the girls....All tha trials and errors...
Even goals that seemed just beyond his reach.

I kept reading and it began to hit me,
Could this accident turn out to be for my best?
Searching for so long for that one who could relate,
Now I think I've found him, I must confess.

This night got a little more weirder,
As I cut on the TV and then saw a picture of his face.
Wondering what is going on in my life,
Maybe I need a walk to leave this place.

The love of my life has arrived,
And now it felt so good.
Who knew that ...


Huh.  Whahhh?

(Can't you hear me calling your name?  U must've been Big City dreaming again, huh?)

Yeah, well,  sorta.

(Well, sorta nothing.  U better get back outside and milk those cows, and tend to those sheep.  Those here dreams  that u have will never come true.  Everybody can't be a star, Tam.  Just remember that.)

Whatever.   One day, I'm gonna move and make it big.  Just watch.

(Anyhower, some package came in tha mail from u earlier today.  I opened it up, to make sure....)

Daddy, why u go opening up my mail? That's private.

(Well, u been hanging out with that boy down the street, and I wanna make sure no funky stuff be going on between you two.  But it was some notebook, and it was from some Miami place.  I didn't bother to read it, cuz it just looks like junk.)

Where's it at?

(On tha table.  U better go outside and do what I told u to do.)

I know.  But let me just...This is some type of diary.  With a note...

"Dreams come true."

Guess all I can say is....Hmmm?

Unknown Author.  (Well, then again.. U know!)

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