Friday, August 9, 2013

Remixed and Remastered.


Perhaps tha rarest of diary entries of them all. A late Friday Night post.  Usually I'm either kickin' it out and about, or to be honest, flat out conked out catching up on some shut eye, as we prepare for tha meat of tha weekend.  But here we are.  What is going to unfold on tonight?  What is going to unfold...

I usually don't like to look back on days, like we are a live in tha moment type of guy, but this week...This week has had too much drama.  From oversleeping on certain days and not being able to go to sleep during tha night, tossing and turning like tha Atlantic Ocean in tha Fall, to Wondering if tha girl that u've had an eye on has just...more on tha today being stopped by tha Po-Po for committing a "rolling" rock stop at a red sign.  Nothing like having K-Weezy's flashing lights in ur rearview window, right?  Homegirl, which was a first, I've never been pulled over by a chick before, but she was cool.  Personally, I know I didn't do anything wrong.  So as she strutted over to my vehicle over here in South Beach on like 9th and Lenox, three things crept into my mind....One, the first thing I thought was 'This should be interesting.'  Cuz sometimes I feel like folks be peeping us out just because how we roll around town.  Two, this Mamacita is kinda cute, reminding me of homegirl of Elsa Pataky from The Fast and Furious series.  So would it be wrong to take tha ticket and then ask her out for a date.  (I'm so crazy!)

Tha third thang that was going on in my mind, is that this is perfect Instagram moment, and I want to pull my Galaxy 3 up to capture tha moment, but shorty bee hop, is probably gonna think it's a .9mm, so before I end up on TMZ, let me just chill.  She asked tha basic questions like driver's license, registration, and insurance.  She threw me off, asking, "If I smoked marijuana?"  Like...No.  Even though being with us, can have u feeling like a drug feind.  In terms of how I have fun, of course...But, do I just look like somebody who does these things?  I told u tha other day, about shorty basically asking me if I'm a drunk.  What's going on?  Do I just seem like a kid star who has fame, fun, and a little looks, and it's obvious that I get blitzed like the '85 Chicago Bears every weekend?  I mean, it's obvious they don't, cuz if they did, they would find that I don' least not every weekend.

Just ain't how I roll.  Anyway, Reno 911!, was cool, and just gave us a warning per se, and we keep on, keeping on.  I understand, but...

South Beach.  This place is something else.  I've always compared this place to that girl where u wanna see all tha time, tha one u want to have on ur arm, the one that u crave about while laying on ur back and staring into tha stars.  That's funny...see, my name is Galaxia, so at night, when I stare up, I see nothing but stars, and...Nobody got that but me....Moving on!  Yet, u don't know if this is tha girl that u want to marry.  Huh.  I still like this Fantasy Island lifestyle.  Evidently other people do as well.  So many people have been down here this Summer of Fun.  Usually these are the "low" months, cuz it's too hot.  But this year, Miami, and South Beach in particular has been jumping.  One thing I like about SoBe is that it has and always will spring a type of "Electric Hope" in tha air.  Like u can be and do just about anything from showing ur boobs so u can get a ride to committing blatant Hit-and-run's to taking a leak in the middle of the street after a night at tha club to dressing like somebody who got turn down for the seventh member of Tha Village People.  Anything goes...Anything is accepted...And Anything is expected.

It can take a lot of people some time to get used to it.  Visitors from abroad, or even from other places in the US or even across town, get so hyped once they cross that big bridge on tha A1A or when the see that Welcome to Miami Beach sign up on tha 3-9-5.  Living here is ultra cool.  There ain't nowhere like it, but it's different living here, and visiting once a week or once a month.  U can take this place for granted, like I've always been saying ur visual eye can be all jacked up living here.  Like u see all these physically attractive people, and u believe that it's like this everywhere.  8-pack abs, Flawless tans, guys who look like they always have a fresh cut, bodies that don't have an ounce of fat on them, it's crazy.  I know, I like to work out a lot, and in a very, how should I put it, in a very job-like, yet fun way.  Hey, if ur paying $102 dollars a month for a gym, then u better get it in, as often as u can, and not be talking about other things like what happened on Breaking Bad last season or how ur German chick is still sleeping at ur place, as u speak, after a long night as Mokai.  As much as I'm blessed from God to get in a decent workout, and be in really good shape, I sometimes just step back and put my spirit in tha sky and look down and think, "There's a lot of hot people in here."  Usually I'm peeping down by tha stair climbing machines cuz that's where all they girls hang...Tee Em Eye!  It's true though.

South Beach is one of tha capitals in tha expensive country named Vanity.  Though I hear that Los Angeles is up there too...perhaps even worse.  Which is crazy since I'm gonna move out there one day, so I guess what does that say about me right!! (Ha, Ha!)  Meaning, I can talk about this subject.  Huh!...Ah..Off subject, but these Raiders black uni's are so sexy!  Something about Nike doing them.  No wonder that's my favorite football team...Where was I?  Oh, yeah, Vanity.

But looks are only just that...looks.  And u have to look deeper.  That can be difficult at times here in Miami.  Maybe I'm being to real...again...but u can get caught up dude.  Figuring that u have to have this, that and a 1/3rd, just to be successful.  Or that u have to look a certain way, to be noticed or be tha Cinnamon toast of tha town.  Mentioned before, maybe not directly, but talked about us chasing fame.  When u got somebody like us, who all...literally, and that includes tha KOHLER kitchen sink, it can be like weird.  Cuz we think anything is possible, and then through our experiences, and even living down here in South Beach, u can see that it's within reach.  U can have tha great paying job...U can have "Fun" everyday and night...U can get ur flavor of tha week, in terms of guys and girls if u want...Ah, last week I was into French Vanilla which was too expensive, the week before I had Chocolate but I like mine with some nuts, didn't like that, this week I want Mocha who's down with getting their swerve...I mean, swirl on.  Ya dig. So when ur surrounded by that environment it can either get u hyped in a "I'm right there" mode...or it can make u a little depressed when things don't happen so quickly.

I know this earlier this week, we slipped back into forcing things.  Like in Sports, not letting things or tha game come to us.  It's a fight within us having this, I worked all Summer on our game, and now I want to show what people have been missing out on.  When u know that ur ready physically, and mentally, and u got tha experiences that have prepped u for "that moment", u can get a little antsy, and to be honest P'd off, cuz ur like I've gone through all this, been humble like a mug, put up with some silly episodes that nobody else has had to go through, and u telling me that now that I'm ready to do my thug thizzle, I got to wait...some more?  When this guy over here, just picked up his Ferrari...This girl, out of ALLLLL people, just got married...And this, well, there ain't nothing besides two genders is there?  Whatever, bunk it...And this musk rat over here just got a promotion for a job, when all u're being told within is, "Be patient.  Ur time will come."  It may just be me, but that's a battle.  To know that ur one of tha best, and to continue to push on, hoping that ur patience and hard work and faith is gonna pay off in tha end.  When u feel like others are getting more, by doing less.  Can I get an Amen?!

U never know.  Like u might be remixed for something special.  Has anyone ever heard a song, where the remix was actually better than the original version put out?!!  Now I feel like I'm getting loose, and into my groove tonight.  Like how an artist thought that tha original was cool, but it was tha remix version that got tha most airplay.  Janet Jackson's "Anytime, Anyplace", R. Kelly remix is one.  Lil Wayne's "Lollipop" remix...Babyface's "When Can I See You Again"...So many.  But u go to tha studio, thinking that what ur cutting is gonna be that number one hit, but in reality it's tha remix that's gonna propel u.  And then people hear tha original, and are like, "I like tha remix version better", when tha original is not too bad either.  I feel like running down to Ocean Drive, do a shimmy shake outside of Mango's Tropical Cafe with a Flemenco Dancer, and run my happy go lucky butt right back here to tha crib!  That's good stuff right there!  As we began this paragraph...U just never know.

I could go on, but it's time to get some rest.  U got to make it happen.  And as I'm learning, I've felt like I've been giving an Herculean effort in some ways, why exhibiting an Mighty Mouse amount of patience.  As we learn from growing up in Beer country, the cream always rises to tha top.  No matter what.  So if u've done what u know is right, and have pick pocketed each experience as a building block and not a hinderance to ur growth.  Things are gonna come ur way.  They have too.  I'm counting on some wild tales upcoming here.  I'm giving nothing short of an Championship effort, and go from there.  Hopefully it'll end in us holding that trophy at the end of tha day.  All I know is that I thought tha original version of us, was pretty darn cool.  But that didn't give us what we wanted...Now we're adding an extra verse to this thang, and now I'm about to be released on tha air waves.  Will people like this version better than tha original?  Maybe...Maybe not...But it has all lead to this...

Austino Galaxia.  The Remix.

And I'll think u'll agree, it's tha best version yet.

DJ Ageless One...Signing off.

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