Monday, August 26, 2013

Single's Night.

With all my heart.

Today was one of those days,
Which we had 2 look within for tha fight.
One of those days that seemed so weird,
Almost as much as Miley Cyrus on MTV last night.

U just get tha feeling that something was in tha air,
What... I couldn't put my finger on.
I gonna write this thang, and keep it real as possible,
No need to fake it, I mean I am a Literature Don.

Our life is so crazy, bro,
Now we're starting to not even try to explain.
The more I just want things to be normal,
Things happen that make our face look so disdain.

Learning to just roll with tha punches,
Cuz seemingly no matter what I do, it's being scripted.
Does anybody else feel that way on tonight?,
Like u know ur gonna get plastered before ur even tempted.

That's not to say, that u don't have no say in ur future,
C'mon, that would be like totally untrue.
Just what happens when u just want tha simple things in life,
And they don't work out, no matter what u do.

I have so much 2 be thankful for,
South Beach crib, some dineros, and nice closet full.
Yet, I know that there's another level in our life 2 reach,
Why does it have 2 be so hard, can't we just cut tha bull?

One thing that makes a  man or a woman strong is their will,
Like how much are u willing to put up with before u say, 'That's enough.'
Are u willing to keep pushing and taking risks when u have to,
Or are u calling Homer Simpson up, and asking him to, "Bring over two 6-packs of Duff."

When u want to take ur life to tha next level,
There are gonna be things that are gonna stand in ur way.
Whether that's with ur job, or as ur going to school,
Heck, I just crossed off two girls off my list...and that was just today.

For instance, and I know here we go again,
Another story concerning another chica in our revolving door.
Whatever, evidently my love life is becoming my most toughest challenge,
So I gotta share these episodes to show my life ain't a bore.

This may be for tha Single people on tonight,
But am I tha only one who's like tired of...ah, "Tha But" game.
We're not talking about those dumps in tha trunk we see often in Miami,
Just that u say, "I just met so and so...", then add "But" after tha name.

I know everybody isn't quote unquote perfect, I know that,
Yet every once in awhile u just hope that it can simply flow.
Don't have to yank out conversations, or go outta ur way for an eye contact,
Or just talk about life, excluding ur job occupation and income dough.

Sometimes I feel, as on today, that I've seen everything,
Stage by stage, like a Broadway play in tha Fall.
It can be a little frustrating cuz ur like, "Why am I going through all this",
Even Cinderella didn't have to go through all this to go 2 tha ball?

Sure somebody, somewhere feels tha same way I do,
Hoping that all this Rent-to-Own stuff would just stop.
U wanna fast forward past all this mumbo jumbo, and get down to it,
Am I wasting a Living Social coupon, knowing that question will never pop.

I know somebody just hit tha "X" button at tha top right,
Saying, Galaxia I got no time for all this talk.
We thank u for joining us up til now, that was cool,
Tonight I'm gonna show u how Vets in tha Game strut their walk.

We've said before how u can't force things,
Go all lovey dovey, before u even know who they are.
That mistake has been made with us several times before,
Sometimes a pretty smile can take ur heart very far.

But u have to know them, what they like,
More importantly are they showing interest in u as well.
Lot of people show interest when ur all dolled up at the club,
Yet what happens when ur dressed like a walking Yard Sale.

Recently I've been hit with even some deeper issues,
Not just dating outside ur race, or if she's a Plus Model size.
I can handle all that, and believe u me, I'm down with either,
Tha kid now had to deal with issues that u couldn't see with ur eyes.

Like attitude, freak level or even religion,
Or those who are married to this 3-Oh-5 party life.
Age, and experience has been factors too,
Even, tha absent of a simple 'Hello' when I'm in their eye sight.

I'm gonna be real, as I can be,
And this is for any young lady who wants a man who's seasoned like a fish fry.
Guys like me, and others around here in Miami,
Pay attention to tha little things...that's what makes our hearts 'Sigh'.

It's not just about tha outside, how u dress,
Or if ur bra strap is busting out of ur Valentino.
Once u've so many hot and beautiful girls in ur lifetime,
U look for manners and tha joy of life...Or how u babysit Fred's dog, Dino.

The freakin' funny thing is, it's tha same way with girls,
Especially those who have been wined and dined like breathing air.
Those type of girls want someone who can take it a step further as well,
Yeah, u have a nice car, and condo...but can u go simple, like going to tha County Fair?

Money can only go so far, as can looks,
Sooner or later, tha true you will somehow appear.
This is coming for somebody who loves beauty to tha max,
The only thing holding me back from doing Bambi, is simply she's a deer!

Lots of people say dating in Miami stinks or sucks,
Wow!  That's a tough one to comment on in this post.
Then again, we are probably one of the best qualified to speak,
At next year's Playa's Ball, I'm sure to win Lifetime Achievement...capped with a toast.

To be honest it's all about timing, dude,
And it's crazy how many love stories I hear.
The only thing that I have a problem with in Miami,
Is that sometimes I feel like guys and girls...have a hesitant fear.

Like if a girl looks super attractive, and takes care of herself,
Knows how to balance tha job and tha party scene.
Some guys look at her as unapproachable, or conceited,
Think that all she's after are Sugar Daddy's and Silver "Bling-Bling".

When that's not tha case at all, she's just confident and knows what she wants,
Last I check that wasn't against Cupid's Law of Love.
Us guys can be so crazy though,
Sometimes u can't have a Lion in tha bed, with a face of a dove.

Then a doll may jump at just whatever approaches her,
Thinking I rather deal with a creep, than sitting at tha crib alone.
Everybody's different, and I know, but how can u deal,
With somebody who only texts, and never wants to her ur voice on tha phone?

L-O-L's, and smiley faces, will only get u so far,
Real communication is what's gonna make the relationship lasts.
I mean everybody used 2 luv Fitty's and Justin's "Ayo Technology" song,
But did anybody listen 2 tha chrous...Click Right Here to make that joint blast.

So in short, some, not all, high quality girls may just settle,
And then when things go wrong, they figure nobody else is ever gonna step up.
Then u stay, and just figure that weekends without a "Hi" are just a norm,
Wishing that at least that guy could fulfill her wish of having a small Pup.

If I'm wrong then please tell me,
I know not all girls, but a lot are thinking and living this way.
Us guys have a lot to deal with as well as well,
Guess I need to join in and lay down Galaxia's say.

Many of us guys, me included, want to be perfect,
Like have the money, lifestyle, and the body to match.
Just that we sometimes figure if we're gonna get this "dime piece",
Those are tha things that make us such tha ultra catch.

Living down here in South Beach, I'm around it all tha time,
U think that if u don't have those things the "Good Girls" won't give a look.
Tha funny thing is that sometimes those "Good Girls" are nervous as well,
May even be intimidated by YOU....Oh, I done just flip over tha book!

Then of course, if you have a guy with an ego tha size of mine,
We think, "I'm not gonna chase anybody, they should come to me.
I'm tha one who can make their life better, not just physically,
Why should I parasite their every move, like a desperate flea."

The problem with that, and I may, I repeat MAY have been guilty of,
Is that sometimes some girls just want a guy to be a man and make the first move.
Not too many girls, will approach first, especially if they think they are a catch as well,
Which is why little things matter so much, how u act when u have nothing to prove.

So...Huge blow, getting back to this, one of tha girls blacklisted today,
Matter of fact I even wrote about her last season in this future masterpiece.
Ever since I wrote that joint on tha July Summer day,
All contact with her has ever so weirdly...ceased.

Almost like tha powers that be were keeping us away,
And since not too many tickle my fancy, I was trying to force tha action.
U know, pattern ur life or where u walk so u just might run into that person,
Freakin' A!  Like I'm tha only person who's adjusted their daily duties by a small fraction.

But no matter what small adjustments I made, it was to no avail,
Guess I figured it wasn't in tha Amor's playing deck of cards.
Then today happened, and I saw her silhouette pass by,
Our separation was Tom Brady toss of about 20 yards.

So just like, and I KNOW somebody knows what I'm talking about,
Just when u cross somebody off, somehow they appear with a "Just Maybe Now".
I was sitting, with some thoughts going on in my mind of what to do,
Should I order flowers real quick, toss them at her feet, and then proceed to bow?

Off course, I was Snoopy Joe Cool about things,
Thinking at least I know that she still exists in South Beach.
Decided that I was gonna at least approach her, to say "What's Up",
Keep Ur face in their mind...At least that's what all the Luv Guru's teach.

I did what I had to do, and got some water from the facet,
And I ain't gonna lie, I was gulping like I was about to drop to one knee.
Thinking of my Grandpa how he used to say u never know what a moment may bring,
Had my look all together, to be honest my Swagger was on a Million...times three.

Now she happened to be in this area with a door wide open,
And it was open for like a while now.
So I figured that this is gonna be easy as 1-2-3,
No need for a Wingman to give help to plow.

Next thing I know it, after putting some mouthwash in my mouth,
I get to where she was located, and low and behold.
The door where she was sitting was like bolted shut,
And I'm like, U gotta be kidding me...Lord, too cold.

I didn't go FBI searching like what happened or what not,
Are u kidding me?  That's not how I roll.
Just u wonder why is it that some people come into ur life easily,
While sometimes the ones u really want, are simply a tale that is told.

So...when we talk about being patient, and just letting go,
We are not just blowing hot air, to make a post sound good.
These are some very tough lessons, that I constantly have had to go through,
Many folks would have given up, or killed themselves by now...No joke.  I probably have should.

The thang to sum up all this madness, I guess,
Is to not get so mad or upset when who u want doesn't fall into place.
They might be in a relationship, or something may not fit with who u are,
It can be tough, but u still have to realize that, and I guess, save face.

Sometimes all the things that u want, or think u desire,
May even be short of who u are, or where ur destiny in life may lay.
Somebody may seem to have the entire package, fa sure,
But who knows what may happen once they feel the drops of that rainy day.

I feel like this whole diary of ours is representing something different,
It may be for the present, or 4 tha future as a lookback to all u gotta go through.
Tha confusion or pain of the moment sometimes overshadows what lurks just ahead,
U end up with something and somebody better, leaving u 2 say, "I had no clue."

Tonight, is long, but I had to write what's in our heart,
It is OUR diary, and the look into our life,
Which has been based on Love and fight.

U've just entered Galaxia's Club,,
And u got in free, and perhaps for tha last time, I can utter these words...

It's Single's Night.

2 Finger Peace Sign.
Austino Galaxia.

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