Sunday, August 11, 2013

Tha Final Galaxian Night.

Tha last one has finally arrived,
Time for us to move on.
Mentioned it for some weeks now,
Finally, it has appeared like tha break of dawn.

A swan song, you can say,
Let me asked is it black or white?
So many things have been written about here,
Of all our adventures, in our Armani tights.

For one final time, we're gonna get loose,
There's no other way to do.
Here's to all tha good times in this diary,
And all the days we felt so blue.

April 26, 2011, what a day,
The dia that all this ever so began.
Just a dream of releasing our life to tha world,
Make that the Galaxy, starring one man.

Our life up to that point was so very crazy,
Hollywood shoulda been fighting for the movie rights.
Tha parties, Tha girls, it had it all,
Even those days when our soul was self-sparring in tough fights.

Never in our wildest dreams would we believe,
All that would transpire in that time frame.
People would come, then people would go,
I went from being two, to only name.

Diaries are like that though, in every sense,
They show u what u went through to become a man.
The funny thing is that I'm still a kid in many ways,
It's amazing how certain diary posts can turn urself into a fan.

Let's take a trip down memory lane on tonight,
Just a brief track into what this became to be.
How this rollercoaster of a ride, defined our personality,
One that very few might have wanted to see.

"Austino's Excerpts", do y'all remember that segment,
Which was a sneak preview into our upcoming book of love.
Tha first one was a good one on this Columbian beauty,
But it was this second edition, that showed our heart as a dove.

Not gonna get into that Love issue just yet,
How about we warm up like on a gym floor.
So much has been written about, almost too much,
Creeek...let's prop open further our Galaxian door.

We had some silly stuff,
Going back in time with posts we called "Throwback Week".
Discussing old TV shows, old video games,
And all those funky toys that we used to severely seek.

Tha Good Ol' Days, is what was tha purpose,
A look back and into what made us who we became.
There's a lot more to what the natural eye can see,
Reasons beyond words to why we are so insane!

"Galaxia's Greatest Games", was a favorite,
As were those posts on lessons riding that Vespa.
U got a insight like never before, many so personal,
Like how we like our Taco Bell Fresco...or is it Fresca?

Our diary was written, as a look as one climbs,
I don't think anything has been released in such a way.
Others stopped writing, or some write after the fact,
We wanted u 2 feel our soul on every, single day.

2012 was probably when this all took off,
When we just wrote with the feeling of "I don't give a fudge!"
It was here when our diary turned into a personal release,
Please say that some posts brought a laugh and a neighbor's nudge.

Talking about everything under the sun,
Some which we had no business even writing about.
The diary began to write itself, almost to a fault,
It went from a quiet whisper to a big shout.

February of 2012, would always be special to tha kid,
We dedicated the ENTIRE month to that thang called Amor.
Guest writers, our view into what makes dating so crazy,
That month will stand out one day in Literature folklore.

What made some read our posts?  Huh.
I've always wondered, but have never been told.
Is it tha goofiness of living down here in South Beach,
Or is it us talking about our life's movie script that should be sold.

In my heart though, as I look back,
I think this diary is gonna be remembered for all the Love talk.
One day, I know somebody is gonna realize this was soooo special,
Just imagine getting a free fireworks show, on ur computer, minus tha walk.

Our life as a single guy, is really unparalleled,
Many days and nights as we wrote, we felt a little slanted.
We would get done, and just sit and think,
Saying within, 'People are taking these great stories for granted.'

Cuz we know that not too many have episodes such as these,
And definitely not that coconuts to tell them so free.
There were times where we didn't want to share our heart,
The thought arose like, It's not worth it, let it be.

Yet, we cringed through lessons that may help somebody,
One day in tha future, become better than the can ever be.
Great times when it has come to tha females,
Others it felt alone, underneath a shaded Summer tree.

The funny thing is that after all that has been told,
There are still some more that haven't hit tha list.
Guess that is what makes a great performer, right,
Knowing that you still have more...where u only got a gist.

Also, in 2012, we decided to do something a little different,
For some of our post were written from the poetic view.
Our artsy side got tha very best of us many nights,
Don't blame me...Just blame it on that good ol' Alphabet stew.

Those poems really, revealed us and who we are,
Perhaps even setting us away from the rest.
Sure some people look at us like, Alright now he's gone 2 far,
But I couldn't hold back...I wanted and want to be tha best.

Many of these poems we didn't even right,
I felt like the words were being truly dropped from above.
Our fingers were just tha tools that were being used,
In that sense, I gotta give Great Editor in Heaven some hood love.

Last year, I think was when the fire began to burn hotter,
And every post we felt like we had something to prove.
Every word we wanted to show that this is not only the best it gets,
But a part of history is being made, the plastic on our name has been moved.

Which I guess what tha point in tha first place,
We were so caught up in our life, we didn't know.
If u want ur dreams to come true, and realize true love,
There are dark nights which u wish u could find just that glow.

Back is up against tha wall, simply thinkin',
Why won't somebody just see that I'm not like anybody they'll ever know.
 U get done wrong, sometimes rejected for no reason,
And u think, they'll regret it, cuz now I'm about to put on a real show.

And it was that fire that led us to tha month of November 2K12,
When our diary was literally turned into a reality show like no other.
Who could forget those characters, Yammi, and Tha Boss,
I loved those boys as if they were my brother.

I may have to look back on that later tonight,
Cuz those posts were truly one of a kind.
Where u not only got a insight to how our spirit operates,
Now u got the Zenith of our creative mind.

It was also during those posts that a dreamy lady was created,
One that has been systematically mentioned ever since.
Even though those scripts had her name in a different order,
Just tha name of Angelica Julia Gutierrez, gives me a sexy wince.

That's what we desire, somebody who's the most beautiful girl,
She's a pseudonym for all the lessons we have had.
A girl who's right in every way, who's tha sexiest around,
Yet who's elusiveness has made me want her all the more bad.

Good stuff, and hopefully everybody has enjoyed that period,
Seemed like it was a precursor to even something more unique.
For tha beginning of this year, we even dug deeper into our creative soul,
Evidently if ur gonna wade in this sand of words, sooner or later ur gonna sink.

Our diary took on a creative writing twist,
Which stories were incorporated into our everyday life.
Courtroom scenes, boxing matches,
Even those ever familiar photos of our future wife.

Then how can we forget all those face-to-face meetings,
With tha Stars who are the best at their craft.
Cupid, Cassanova, are just to name a few,
Bruce Wayne even recruited us, to be in his Wayne Enterprise draft.

I shake my head, cuz I gave my all,
And folks don't know how hard those posts were to write.
Not only are there real-life episodes that are included,
But historical figures, and their personalities...Those posts were truly a sight!

Our dream has been for one day to look back on all this,
For somebody to smile and say, 'This was really, really good."
We wrote as if we're writing for the audience of one,
A true performer wants to inspire, and make one person believe they could.

The numbers though are kind of staggering,
397 posts, with 21,653 sets of eyes upon these pages.
All of this has come without any real advertising either,
Just word of mouth, and perhaps a few bribes of our weekly wages!

When u put all that in perspective, then it makes u think,
Wondering why this was done in tha first place.
Somehow, we get a strange feeling though, that our diary is futuristic,
Meaning that it is gonna get more famous, after we've won tha race.

As we start our new life, we can only remember when,
These pages were what drove us and reinforced pushing through tha fight.
Our name signifies that we want an entire Galaxy to turn to us,
Little did I realize that having that name is earned, and not just a given right.

There are so many steps that we have passed upon,
Almost scary how many people just don't know how much they helped us go.
Motivation, Pain, and Joy, is what they brought to our game,
Amazing how just seeing one's name can push ur dream's flow.

I've never released our life in this manner,
And we don't take it for granted not one bit.
Still kind of private, although that may surprised some,
Just feel like our life, and this diary have become a perfect fit.

We almost felt like we should just push to get to that 400 number,
A Galaxian 400 would sound, Oh so right.
We aren't about numbers, it's about tha quality from our heart,
Which is why our diary as we know it, ends tonight.

The future...Ah, one never can tell,
Sure it's gonna hold some better stories to even be told.
Stories of us, living it up in Miami...or will it be LA?
Maybe pictures of us skinny dipping in tha wintry cold.

I'm a different person than I was on tha 2011 day,
More experience, but more sure of who we are.
Tainted, naw, I can't let that happen, no way,
Feel more like we're better far.

The debate was on, whether to keep writing or let go,
To hang up our cyberspace pen, and horse ride away into the sunset.
Like we've told it all, and given it all, in so many ways,
The material written is sure to win any "Most Fun" 2-to-1 bet.

Something is leading me to go on, but in a different format,
And I'll give u tha details in our Final...FINAL POST.
Until tomorrow or until the new website is finished,
Hopefully, tonight's personal look-back will warrant a symbolic toast.

Thanks for everybody who's help,
Those who has given just a simple word of support or two.
U may not know it, but that's why we wrote like we did,
It's South Beach, and believe u me, there's other things to do.

We began this journey as "Tha Zen Master of Fun",
And we're ending it as "Austino Warhol", what a twist of funk.
Did the best we can, and showed who we are, with nothing to hide,
Consider us the closest thing to a Hip-hop star with the mind of a Monk.

It's been good, it's been tough,
As we write these final words we almost feel a tear.
Just because we know how much we've been through, in this diary alone,
Living how we thought life should be lived...without any fear.

The next chapter is now upon us,
Crazy how that day we once proclaimed is now here.
Excitement will fill the future, no matter what,
Austino Galaxia's Universo...The much anticipated premiere.

No better way to end this diary, than with those simple words,
Tha words that made it all possible for this battle to be won.
If u don't remember anything else from this diary or our life, just remember....

Tha Galaxian Way of life is simple...
....Always Love...and no matter what...Have Fun!

It's been a pleasure to be a part of your life.  It really has been...And now, u will get the Ultra-version of us.
Stay tuned!

Austino Galaxia.

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