Thursday, September 22, 2011

Whew...I love it!

Dear Diary...
What shall I write on today,
seemingly so much has transpired,
think I'm gonna start in a real personal way.

Boy, that interview with Rodman was great,
he will forever remain one of my boys.
Told us what being real is all about,
And how not to be focus on all these trivial toys.

He made a comment that hit me,
About being so driven from pain.
Was he reading my mind,
Or am I just going insane.

Talked to many people of note today,
Who have forever touched our heart.
These are people who been with us rain or shine,
They have no thoughts of shooting us with a dart.

This blog is really beginning to take shape,
I can just feel it all in the air.
Next week a post on one of my guys,
I won't call his name, I wouldn't dare.

My cuz is about to join with a segment,
She keeps it real all the time.
Laffs are ahead, as well as truth,
A post from her would sit us just fine.

Changes are ahead, and ain't gonna lie,
Motivation is a big factor.
This is all about having fun,
To answer ur question,Giselle, fame is not what I'm after.

Boy, what should I do,
Do I be quiet or strive to get attention like a star.
Is a tough question, its like asking Diddy,
Do u want a drink, or do u want to buy the bar?

Twitter is super cool,
Its like u are talking directly to this person.
Words, tips, all is game,
This don't rhyme, but its worth inclusion.

I'm in a bind of being truthful and real,
Yet, there's a part of me that loves attention.
I just recognize a good thing,
But I know God's timing has perfect precision.

Man, I haven't even hit on any stories about any girls,
Or shall I say dimes.
This Latina beauty today, gave a glance,
Then added a flirtatious shake, that made me think
Girl, U fine!

But I'm letting things work themself out,
No longer will I be a fool of chase,
Been there, I can say done that,
No more pie in the face.

I realize that if folk really knew who we were,
all roles would be reversed.
Right would mean left so much,
That u'll even put you socks on first.

Yea, this is geeky, I know,
But hey, I love to express.
A poem here, a song there,
And to make it better none is rehearsed.

That's all that I have for now, stop clapping please,
Because I guarantee I'll be back.
The fun has just started,
Love me or Hate me,
I have more bullets in the sack.

Thanks for reading, this was on the hum-bug,
but what's on our mind to a tee.
I guess ultimate confidence, is not to look back,
just hit publish post,
And know that this blog is a must-see.


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