Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Throwback Week Continues...What U Say?!!!

It's a Wednesday, just completed another edition of Galaxia's Greatest Games on our blog site.  Now I'm just chillin' like a villian and literally shootin' the breeze trying to figure out what kind of trouble I'm gonna get into tonight.  Anyhow, this is going to be fun as can be today...our "Throwback Week" continues and today is all about talk, talk, and more talk.  Today's blog is on some ol' skool sayings, phrases and names that many of us used to say, but don't say anymore.  Sometimes I even have to get an acronym dictionary out for the text messages abbreevos that I get.  I.E. (They don't even say that anymore...ha!!!) - LoL!,  b2b, ur,thx and many more...remember when everyone was like ASAP!  Even T.I. brought that back in '05, people still say it, not just as frequently.  Geographys play a role, for instance, my guy big Peter from New York City was putting me on, how back in the day folks you to say, "Steelo" and "Get my slice" up in the NYC.  So some may not have some of the talk I'm bout to write about, others know it was their lifestyle and in their blood.  As Diddy would say, "Let's Go!"

Some of my favorite silly names:
- Pee-Wee
- Joe (note everybody literally was called  Joe, "That girl betta have my money, Joe!")
- Cochise aka "Co-cheese" (an actual chief of a tribe)
- Nit-wit
- "Blood"
- Jabroni (Oh, The Rock brought this back in late 90s)
- Sucker aka "Sucka" (My Grandpa's all time fav word for people, places and things)
- Dummy
- Babe
- Icon
- Playa-Pimp
- Sister and Brother (Remember when we ALL were related to each other! Miss that...we need that.)
- Homes and Homeboy/Homegirl
- Fox - And I isn't talking bout no TV network either
Quick quiz what does AKA stand for?  I'll tell u later...what about the phrases we seldomly hear anymore...

- "I put that on ....." - meaning you really mean what u say...u can put that on a "G", "the boss"-Gangstas stand up, "everything I know", and don't u dare say u put that on "ur mama".  Its serious.
- " a mug" - instead of cussing a mug represents seriousness of topic being discussed.  "Miami's hot like a mug.  A mug is any and everything.
-"circa..." - A few years ago everything was circa this, circa that..."That red jacket's like Mike circa 1987!"
- "You better call Tyrone." - Deprived from Miss Erykah Badu's classic jam.
- "That's Dope" - meaning cool of course
- "I have to do what's best for me and my family" - In 2005-06 it was like everybody was uttering this.
- "That's!" - Heard that too much.
- "I am not the one!" - Cuzin Ron What Up!
- "...just on GP!" - still wonder what gp truly means sometimes!   It actually means "on general principle"
- "Please don't get it twisted!" - don't mix up the facts.
- "Holla at a playa!" - Come and talk to me.
- "You're the bomb-diggity" - meaning your good at what you do.  Here's BBD's 'Poison' video just because.
- "I'll dance at your wedding" - When was the last time u heard that one?
- "That's my name don't wear it out, say it again I'll knock you out" - violent but u get the point! ha!
- "Go (fill in name), it's your birthday!!" - Tell me
- "That's cold man" - Phrase highlighted by old Nike commercial featuring Spike Lee and Michael Jordan.
- "For Real?!!"
- "On the hush"
How about ending a conversation by saying : "Fin", "Be safe and stay outta trouble", "One",  and "Watch ur back"...and how can we forget money talk...let's give these phrases a separate line for these classics:
- dineros, chalupas, "Them Thangs", "a gee", "Ben-gees", "benjamins", "c-note", "cheese", "stacks", and "big faces" we talk about getting that "guap"!

Here's a few words to used in the upcoming week:
-Yo!, "Dap", Scintillating, "Young-in!", "Primetime", "It's a setup!", and "Don't Worry, Be Happy" to name a few.

Ok, AKA stands for..."also known as" ...and with that I'm Audi 500.
"Peace Two Fingers!"
Austino aka "the Zen Master of Fun"

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