Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Funny How Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

These last several 38 hours have been crazy...just got done remaking our blog so to speak.  I think its right where I want it to be now.  Now its like should I advertise it or just let people check it out word of mouth.  Shall see...Life is flying by at record speed it seems.  Talking to my father about old times, my former high school hoops teammate "Scant" Rivera sent some pics of some articles from high school that borderline brought me to tears...such a lifetime ago.  So much has transpired since then...Let me diverse some, and as I think about it, I'm not gonna pub this thang, I want this to be like a secret society type thang.  If it blows up, so be it, but this is more for me to have fun and to show creative expression.  It's basically my diary that I would be writing anyway, the only difference is it's just available to the galaxy.  Nothing to hide...the Standard hotel is cool, dude...

What should I do tonight?  As I was saying, u gotta live for the moment, that's why I'm always like, "Have Fun"...sure people think that I'm some freakin' goofball for me saying that over and over, and inside they are like, "Why don't he just shut the ---- up!"  But I absolutely can't stop and won't stop like Rockafella Records...As I think about all the drama that has filled my life, it's amazing that I'm still around.  All of us have been challenged, but sometimes u fill like ok, the dues are paid, how much more can you be tested from a mentally and spritually level.  Why is it that society has such a crab in a  barrel mentality.  Not just race, the Human's like if someone has some talent and confidence, they get hated on?  All of us gots skillz, like Timothy Hardaway, do ur thang?  But think about how true that is...if a girl is super pretty, and gets attention, other girls hate on her and isolate her...for no reason.  If a dude has his swag on an all-time gear, getting jocked by different folks and the opposite sex, sooner or later other cats are going to consider him a threat.  Trust me I know on when u walk down the sidewalk and a couple is approaching and the dude holds or hugs his girl as he gets close to u walking, that ALL the time with you chick, that's what courting and developing a  relationship is about...don't feel threatened, besides she already checked us out 10 feet ago.

Like I said this is my diary, so I'm gonna talk like its my diary...hate is a necessity to being successful in this life...It's weird with me because it's like the littlest thing gets me going.  Sometimes its made up. Sometimes it's not.  All people know what get their juices flowing.  I don't think, I KNOW that God allows certain things to happen to make up crank it up to another level.  I'm not the only one who feels that way...thinking about this one girl who I went out to lunch with not too long ago...a perfect day really.  The NEXT day, it was like I was invisible or something...Now I feel like this...let me add this, a family member (protection clause) once told me, "I am what I am because what women made me."  I think u can subsititute men for women in there if you're a I'm learning that sometimes being "too" of anything can seem like a hindrance.  "Too" smart in class, so u don't raise your hand when u know the answer.  "Too" wealthy, so you dress like Antoine from In Living Color to downplay ur status.  "Too" in shape..."Too" confident...we'll I'm learning forget all that mumbo-jumbo, for real...I've read many a books, and love autobiographies...I read Wilt Chamberlain's auto and one phrase that stands out is, "Different is sexy."  That blew me away a little, b/c it's true.  If you love tats, do tats...if u love classic music, but ur friends love hip hop, don't be afraid to expose THEM to something different...I'm saying this for a reason..."Being Real" is the new thing for 2012 and my "BR" fiscal calendar has already started.  I'm gonna talk about fun...about love and girls...about God and dag gone sure about laffs, but if this is my last diary entry, just remember, "Be Real".  Thanks Jada and Swiss!


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