Friday, September 9, 2011

Me and My Grey Ghost: Lesson # 1

Lesson # 1 :  You Have To Go Through It

Alright, Galaxia Fam,  this is the first lesson in a series of many, which illustrates many life lessons I learned while riding my Vespa scooter down the streets here in the Miami, Florida area.  Today's lesson involves the realization that "You Have To Go Through It", in order to get what you want out of life.

I cannot mention how many times this lesson hit home while driving in down here in Florida.  Every possible element from traffic to visual distractions (wink!) to the weather can fit into today's lesson of choice.  Let's talk about traffic first...many people say that traffic is not as bad down here as say a New York or Los Angeles.  But I'm willing to bet that we have the most suspicious drivers in the land.  As a matter of fact, I'll put up some of Big Willie's  money to prove it.  We may be beautiful but we can't drive worth a Hype Williams video dime down here.  ( Those who live down here, am I lying?)  And if you drive on two wheels, including motorcycles, it can be hazardous.  But....You Have To Go Through get to where you need to be.  Everything's game to...riding sidewalks on school campuses...side streets...alleys...highways...whatever it takes to hit your location...within the rules.  And you might have to diverse your route as well.  I had a basketball coach who preached consistently, "take... the path...of least..resistance"...but that's a sneak peak into another lesson.

An even more, surprisingly, major element to consider is the weather.  It's wacky.  Miami has to own the record for the most days of raining... while the sun is out!   It must!!  The devil's wife, just has to be littered with black eyes, crutches, and slings around both of  her arms!!  I mean you can start out being dry as a martini and end up being drenched,  all with the sun still out.  It rains on different sides of not only town, but the neighborhoods as well,  as my South Beach neighbors can attest.  Many times you just get caught though and you have to be strong and take it like a champ just like you were on MTV's show Boiling Points.  One time I actually saw the sheet of rain ahead on the Venetian Causeway connecting from the mainland.  Saw it dudes and dudettes...and the sheet was coming down in like a 1000 counts of rain (hope u got that!).  But, although I didn't want to...after it not letting up for 45 minutes, a realization finally hit us...You Have To Go Through It.  Another element from The Weather Channel to consider is the actual temperature itself.  It gets Candy Dulfur hot down here all the time, and the sun just beams on you.  The sun literally plays "Beamerball" on your dome.  So you are mad sweating which is a little uncomfortable.  And on the other side of Philadelphia's Spectrum , is the fact that it can get chilly down here.  I had what I called OTS (On The Scooter) temperature running constantly in our head.  Which meant, that whatever the actual fahrenheit was, it was really 10 degrees cooler while riding on the road.  So if it's 95 degrees, it's 85 driving.  A few times it hit Jordan 45, so the OTS do the math.  On those days, we had on scarfs, puffy coats, track jackets, nike shooting jackets (Childhood team the Cincinnati Bearcats whoo...whoo!!), jeans (without the Lenny Kravitz holes in them), with Miami Heat shorts underneath just to get to where we had to go.

So whatever t's you off at this moment (jobs, kids, KFC taking away their $10 Sunday bucket, whatever...) and it seems  there is no end to the Jersey Shore "Situation".  Just remember, its just part of the journey.  And I can attest to one thing, once I pulled up to the spot, it brought a great feeling to us knowing that God allowed us to survive all the "Macho Madness" on the road.  And realizing simply...You Have To Go Through It.  


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