Sunday, September 4, 2011

Better Than Ever...

"But when you love someone,
You just don't treat them bad,
Oh, how I feel so sad,
Now that I wanna leave...
She's crying her heart to me,
How could you let this be?
I just need time to see,
Where I wanna be...
Where I wanna be..."

- Donell Jones "Where I Wanna Be"

We are ready to get loose, and hopefully everyone who is reading this is ready for the ride as well!  This was a wild last few months.  There has not been any blogs or posts of any sorts, just been preparing for all this that is about to take place.  First off, some shout outs to some folk before we get started...Big Ken Rutland thanks bro...and to my KP brothers Big Mike Sewell (dude we see ya!) and to the infamous Kieno aka Jeremy Kientiz much dap for the MC love... Carlos Ros, appreciate ya bro and we are "More than just a number...hey...hey...hey"!

So what has been going on?  I have to smile, because its more of what hasn't been goin' on?!!  Is this what Jim Jones and Trey Songz went through with their "Summer Wit Miami"?   Before you read on, just gonna let you know we aren't Sugarfoot-ing anything anymore for two main reasons:  1. Why front about your life?  I mean like Nancy Kerrigan "why?" and 2. There is somebody out there who has similar experiences or thoughts whether pertaining to jobs, money, dating or whatever, and this here blog thang is have fun, show that we all have stories and to inspire.  So, as an heads up if you don't want to hear may want to stop right here!

So this summer has been interesting...this weather was a little...well it was hotter than (you fill in the blank) in the 305....Irene veered off, and I must say, it is so interesting that no one says the "h-word" during this time of the year in South Florida.  Its taboo really, you have to live down here to understand...but when something goes on in the tropics, we call it a storm or a disturbance, not a possible "h-thingy"...heck, I don't even call the Univ. of Miami by their nickname its just "UM" or "The U", its serious!...Speaking of which, that whole supposed scandal, I was fortunate to play sports at the collegiate level and you do get tempted (note I'm not saying too much due to NCAA possible future litigations) but it is tough as a student-athlete, and everyone is not living like students who go to USC. (read article)  When I was hooping, we got $6 per diem and a box lunch with lay's potato chips, a apple with or without the worm, depending on the delivery guy, and old ham and cheese sandwiches on some old white wonder bread with hard crusts!  And we be fighting on road trips just for that!  U be in your 2 p.m. Macroeconomics class thinking ,while the professor is talking , like, "when that school van pulls up to the gym with them Krusty the Clown sandwiches, I just gotta get a back seat! If not, I'm gonna be trying to score 20 points on "cosmic rice krispies treats" leftover from yesterday!"  Hoelzl, G-Man, Balcitis am I lying?! My guy told me the food was so bad in our cafeteria that for dinner, he gotta drink six glasses of Hi-C Orange out of the fountain machine, just to get full!! This just ain't the way to live people...I see I'm not gonna be invited for open mic at homecoming at the ol' alma mater this year!  But, though you shouldn't take any gifts, money or people from anybody (that's lol!), athletes do need help...

There are going to be some fun changes to our blog from here on out.  It will be more consistent in terms of blogs and stories, daily blogs is our goal.  Our ultimate goal is to be the "homepage" for 53% of the population worldwide...meaning instead of your usual homepage popping up when you open your internet browser, we want this blog, , to be what comes up.  Filled with laughs, jokes and real conversation. We love music, sports and such, so try to give you more insight our life...and...drum roll please....we are actually going to be more personal in terms of being LITERALLY in front of you.  We've thought that we've needed our own tv show and/or channel, so dat gone-it if Oprah can do it, so can we.  If you haven't already, check out our channel through youtube, which will give an even more personal feel to this thang, plus we'll tell you what "bonuses" we have in store.

Lots of fun is in store and boy do we have lots of tails...I mean tales to talk about!

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