Monday, September 5, 2011

Austino's Excerpts: A Columbian Beauty

This is the first installation in the series known as Austino's Excerpts.  This segment is a sneak peek into a future book that I am planning to write...heck, if you read enough of these excerpts you will have read the book!  But in all actuality this is a very personal look into our love life, which jokes aside, has to be one of the most intriguing around.  These experiences have made us better, but I strongly believe that these were meant for us to share with the rest of the galaxia.  I have no fear in telling these stories because lessons can be learned, laughs can be had, and some may be even inspired about all the chaos Cupid has caused.  I've been blessed to have a diary for over 10 years, so we have true hard material that can back up our writing and enough material to last a is all in first person tense as well.

The time lines may be fast forward due to entertainment purposes but hey, that's what stories are all about right!!  You can guarantee that everything we write is true in terms of actual actions by us and the party (ies) involved.  The story may get steamy, but I think God would want us to tell it all....this will help somebody.  I will try to keep some of the names hidden unless it is neccessary and plus some may be close friends or found on my facebook....note this is only an excerpt (hey I have to save something for the book!).

Without any further waiting...I now present to you the first installment of Austino's Excerpts:
....A Columbian Beauty.

"This girl is driving me crazy.", is what we are  thinking on this evening.  I just had one of the most enjoyable weeks of my life.  It was highlighted by me going to the Miami Heat vs. Los Angeles Lakers game.  Man, was that a classic!..I actually think it might have been the best game I've EVER attended.  Whenever my boys from the West Coast come to town to battle my other boys it's always a special night.  My man Phil Jackson was in the building strolling onto the bench seemingly right when the buzzer sounded at the end of warmups.  Championship swagger I tell you!  Boy, I tell you it is always special to be in the same building as him.  It takes me back to my childhood days when my Pops, brother and myself used to hop over to the United Center to see the Bulls play.  Jordan, Pippen, and Rodman, man, those were my guys, they were the best.  Nothing like childhood memories you know, and with my childhood baseball team , the San Francisco Giants in rebuilding mode, after the Barry Bonds era, this is the closest I can get to those good ol''s the closest I can get to my family as well for I know they checked it out on ESPN.  Everybody who was everybody was there that night, Albert Pujols (ain't he 'posed to be getting ready for the baseball season), Jason Taylor from the Dolphins, Scottie Pippen (like ol' times) and even Timbo was sitting in the front row.  He had a huge chain on his neck like a padlock.  Man, I guess making beats does pay off! It was so wild to look at D-Wade and Kobe go at it one on one.  The Lakers have a tough team with Pau Gasol, Artest and Lamar Odom whom the crowd was messing with because of his relationship with Khloe Kardashian.  The crowd was so hype, "Let's...Go... Heat...Let's...Go...Heat!!", was the cry throughout American Airlines Arena.  These folks were going wild throughout the contest, cheering, a girl was even  feeling all over her chest as the cameras spotted her during a timeout!  Was that a game or a gigantic party?!  Anyhow, this was a boxing match of a game, the game went into overtime tied at 99-99 apiece.  Extra hoop, what more can you ask for, as D-Wade missed a jumper to win it at the end of regulation and fell basically into the lap of Mr. Dolphin Jason Tayor, as he had one arm in a sling.  Overtime started with that dude Kobe hitting three shots in a row.  I wonder do I cheer or be quiet, its like watching two sons go at's the ultimate fun for us.  Too much D Wade, and too much Quentin Richardson, who hit some big shots down the stretch.  The Heat prevailed, and the usual victory song of "The Heat is On" blasted through the Triple A as the Heat dancers did their thing.  What a night!...  But even though I enjoyed another classic night at the arena on the bay, I can't help but to think about that seat next to me.  How it was empty...and how I wished one particular person I know would have been there with me....but she's taken, but she likes us... but what do we do?

I'm cool when it comes to a lot of things, especially girls.  As my Grandpa Roy Martin once told me, "I've been around beautiful women ALL my life!"  Grandpa was so wild, but I can relate...I think about all those days working at the beach off of Lake Michigan to being an intern at modeling agencies, seen it all seemingly.  But as of late this girl whom I work with at one of my jobs is really starting to get us thinking about a lot of things.  I KNOW what flirting is and all that but I think she really digs us.  I still remember seeing her for the first time, I was like she's attractive with her grey outfit and black skirt, but her friend was actually the one I had the Louisana Hot Sauce for.  Her friend was short in stature, pretty eyes...we dug her a lot for she was mad cool.  But as time moved on I began to talk to the other girl more often and found her to be very, very unique.  In my conversations, I found that she was opening up more and more to us, like on a personal level.  Due to my job at the time, I was able to see this doll more often on an interactive face to face level.  I remember one time asking her to lunch, not as a date but just on it kick it tip, you know.  She kind of like...well...she blew me off...but in a weird way.  Which left us thinking in a Lil' Jon voice, "What?"  Either she's playing games with us or she's taken...because you don't say "no" to the black Clark Gable, do you?  But I found out there was more to the story...

Evidently as I looked back, things began to get a little more personal with her.  I found out that she had a boyfriend and I'm like that explains it.  Cool! We never mad at that, I'm a sucker for love stories. But over the last few months, man, there has been some heavy contact, literally, with this girl.  I can sense as we come near her, somehow, someway, we find each other making eye contact...I try to play it off, but man, my eyes are attracted to beauty, no matter what shape, color or whatever She is he of the Colombian heritage.  Now, I am in a Mr. Olive pickle as to what to do.  It seems like the more I try to avoid her or the situation, seemingly she finds herself right by us.  Its so weird, it is like we have some kind of magnetism between us.  I'm telling you WHATEVER WE now what does a man do?  Do I lay back in the cut or do I try to...basically take her from her man?  I wonder if Don "Magic" Juan wrote a book on this type of situation?!!  I'm praying to God every night, like, "Lord...this girl here.."  The song that comes to mind when I think about her is LL Cool J's "Hey Lover"..."I gotta take you from your man, that's my mission, if his love is real, he gotta handle competition" is the line that sticks out from that song.  Going to work out at the Flamingo South Beach still doesn't take my mind off this thang.  While hitting the bench press or doing plyometrics in the studio all I can think about is what should we do...does she think about us?  Sweating, reminiscing of  how she was grabbing our hand, or poking us in the side. Remember, one time she was behind us and it was like her entire body brushed on our back.  From our left bicep, to our back where her boobs touch us once...and twice...all the way to the other side of our body.  She said something, but heck I don't even remember what she said.  Then in another instance, she did the bump with her booty into us, and she has the best....all I have to say is let her do that again.  All this is happening in the open bro...but we don't feel like its games.  I even met her boyfriend...twice.  It feels deeper than those Valley High School games... I think this is real.

I recall a conversation with my father about this "chica bonita" and just the situation of a girl being with a man yet really digging you on another level.  He suggested not go after her and let everything dissolve.  "I understand", is what I responded, but man...pops ain't gotta be around this video vixen everyday.  So here we are right now...I have to pour this emotion out some how or we gonna explode either in the air or trip up and explode in some body, if you catch our drift.  Man, that Jay-Z cut is sounding good right now!  Huh...she likes hip hop big time, I wonder if I wrote a letter to let her know how we feel on a grown folk tip...naw, we can't do that...wait, I gotta do it...have to.

I'm just gonna let the pen do the writing, come on pen hook us up.....

Miss ----, Miss -----, What up homegirl?  U probably thinking what is this?  Why can't we just tell you face to face.  But this is the best private way we may be able to talk to you.  So here it is.  We was trying to figure out what words to use, but it hit us that someone else gave us The Blueprint.  Hope u enjoy:

Too many times we go through life by letting moments past by without saying how you feel about a thing or a person.  I may be crazy for thinking this or u may think I'm So Ambitious for jotting these words down.  But I'm sorry I'm A Hustler (Baby).  We do this!

I Know that you have a man.  U got that 2 Kay Ten Bonnie and Clyde thing going on.  Which is super cool.  But when I see Sunshine , I have to put on my shades and speak from our heart.  So if ur man reads this or asks u what's up, u can just tell him its Politics As Usual .

The other day u seemed like something was on ur mind.  You wasn't at work, It was like ur mind was Already Home . I hope everything is cool doll.  What?  Do u need for me to throw them things!  I am a Renegade girl!  Though I'm from Indiana, the land of corn, don't get it twisted, we a thug who's had a Hard Knock Life.  Long as we got that straight let's flip the page.

----, u're a special gal, girl!  (ha, ha!)  You have a unique Allure about you.  I see you, and been peeping u out for some time now.  One moment u're a straight up Ride or Die chick, while the next u remind me of one of the beauty actresses on an Hollywood red carpet.  I like that.  I mean, literally, What More Can I Say ?  U're one of the most beautiful girls in the world, ------, and don't let anybody or Anything let you think otherwise.  Trust me when I say that.....

Ok, it felt good to get that off my chest.  Don't know if I'll give that to her or not, but boy, it just feels good to write you know.

(The Next Day)
Boy, I guess I go to work today.  I'm gonna take this Jigga note just in case God moves us to give it to her. You never know.  If we do give it to her, we do...if we don't at least we are able move on like "fin"!!  I'm feeling really good today.  Whatever, you do, don't force the issue, let nature and life take its course.  This is constantly running through my head.  Oh boy, there she is, and she is looking as stunning as ever.  Why on all days does she have to look like she just stepped out of the pages of People En Espanol?!!  And on top of that I am forced to walk by her because of the issue which is at hand.  Whatever, my swag is at an all-time high.  Just remember, "Let God...Let God...Ok."  Is it still in my back pocket...check...ok....'Be cool...Be cool..'  Here we go......

The previous excerpt is a look into our possible upcoming book in which details many of our unique experiences with love and relationships.  We share because we feel like someone may have similar experiences and/or  can take something away.  All parties have been least on today.  Hope you enjoyed...come back to our blog for more sneak previews in our segment Austino's Excerpts.  It premieres every Monday exclusively on .

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel, but experience has taught me that it is better to "have love and lost than to have never loved at all".
