Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Throwback Week Continues...What U Say?!!!

It's a Wednesday, just completed another edition of Galaxia's Greatest Games on our blog site.  Now I'm just chillin' like a villian and literally shootin' the breeze trying to figure out what kind of trouble I'm gonna get into tonight.  Anyhow, this is going to be fun as can be today...our "Throwback Week" continues and today is all about talk, talk, and more talk.  Today's blog is on some ol' skool sayings, phrases and names that many of us used to say, but don't say anymore.  Sometimes I even have to get an acronym dictionary out for the text messages abbreevos that I get.  I.E. (They don't even say that anymore...ha!!!) - LoL!,  b2b, ur,thx and many more...remember when everyone was like ASAP!  Even T.I. brought that back in '05, people still say it, not just as frequently.  Geographys play a role, for instance, my guy big Peter from New York City was putting me on, how back in the day folks you to say, "Steelo" and "Get my slice" up in the NYC.  So some may not have some of the talk I'm bout to write about, others know it was their lifestyle and in their blood.  As Diddy would say, "Let's Go!"

Galaxia's Greatest Games: 35 Seconds of T-Mac

Unbelievable! Un...believable!  I was at the crib, chilling probably eating some home cooking while I watch crazy history!  Tracy McGrady aka "T-Mac" help lead the Houston Rockets to an amazing double-digit comeback over the San Antonio Spurs.  And to make it even more wild, he did it in less time than Uncle Ben's Minute Rice.  13 points in about thirty-five seconds!!....A win in the battle of Texas, crowd's going crazy and I'm yelling to my Pops in house, "Did You Just See That?!!"  This is truly one of Galaxia's Greatest Games.  Check out the clip below of why "I Love This Game".

Game:  December 9th, 2004, San Antonio Spurs vs. Houston Rockets

Click Here for Game Highlights.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Throwback Week Begins...

Ok, I feel it.  Today is the first post in our throwback week.  No negative energy here...none! I don't care what u've been going through u better smile when looking through our site this week.  Today is about old gadgets and games.

Remember these game shows:
-Shop Til You Drop
-Supermarket Sweep
-Win, Lose or Draw
-Name That Tune
-$25,000 Pyramid
- Buzz!
- JEOPARDY (during celebrity week)
- Family Double Dare!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Whew...I love it!

Dear Diary...
What shall I write on today,
seemingly so much has transpired,
think I'm gonna start in a real personal way.

Boy, that interview with Rodman was great,
he will forever remain one of my boys.
Told us what being real is all about,
And how not to be focus on all these trivial toys.

He made a comment that hit me,
About being so driven from pain.
Was he reading my mind,
Or am I just going insane.

Talked to many people of note today,
Who have forever touched our heart.
These are people who been with us rain or shine,
They have no thoughts of shooting us with a dart.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Funny How Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

These last several 38 hours have been crazy...just got done remaking our blog so to speak.  I think its right where I want it to be now.  Now its like should I advertise it or just let people check it out word of mouth.  Shall see...Life is flying by at record speed it seems.  Talking to my father about old times, my former high school hoops teammate "Scant" Rivera sent some pics of some articles from high school that borderline brought me to tears...such a lifetime ago.  So much has transpired since then...Let me diverse some, and as I think about it, I'm not gonna pub this thang, I want this to be like a secret society type thang.  If it blows up, so be it, but this is more for me to have fun and to show creative expression.  It's basically my diary that I would be writing anyway, the only difference is it's just available to the galaxy.  Nothing to hide...the Standard hotel is cool, dude...

Galaxia's Greatest Games: A Staples Miracle!

Boy, I'll never forget this one.  The year was 2002...December to be exact.  I was in an hotel room, preparing for a road basketball game with my team Rockford College.  This Friday night matched the Dallas Mavericks vs. the Los Angeles Lakers.  That Mavs team was the best one I seen from Dallas, and that includes this year's Championship team and the '06 team.  Steve Nash was wearing the jersey I used to lust after, Dirk Nowitzki was rockin' that German playboy hair look, Mike Finley, LaFrentz, Van Exel was handling tha rock, and even Walt "The Wizard aka Mr. 3" Williams were on this tough team.  The Lakers were coming off of the third consecutive championship but they still had the Phil Jackson at the helm.  The Big Diesel was Shaq Diesel.  And Kobe was still in a grove wearing one-legged stockings and SE J's.

The Lakers were down by as much as 30 and 27 points going into the 4th quarter. thing you know...How about this, folks,  a special edition of Galaxia's Greatest Games.  Here are all four parts of this historic game.  Am I allowed to say, "I Love LA"?!!!  That's your cue Randy Newman, hit it!

Monday, September 19, 2011

A New Season...

Man, today has been an interesting day.  Watching old TV shows like A Different World, and New York Undercover.  Now I'm watching a DVR episode of Globetrekker, where my homegirl is in Brazil.  The whole episode is focused on the food of this cool country.  The spices and stuff...I have to hit it up, if not just for the food.  There's a lot of Brazilian places down here in Miami, but it ain't nothing like the real thing u know.  One thing I notice when I watch these travel shows is the attitudes of the locales.  They seem more laid back and not caught up in the nuances of Mickey Mouse things that get us bent all out of shape here in America.  I love that a whole lot b/c honestly things just ain't all that serious.  Its muy hard to find folk like that in the states.  Not impossible, but difficult.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Me and My Grey Ghost: Lesson # 2

Lesson # 2:  It's OK to take a red light...or two...or three!!

This is a tough lesson to comprehend, for myself especially.  In a world in which everyone wants to take that John Legend  "Green Light", I'm learning even right at this moment,  that it's alright to hit a red light.  Life can present us all with many opportunities to make certain choices.  Sometimes the road which we chose can be filled with red lights which pop up out of nowhere.  I smell an example...

Part of my daily commute, involved riding on Biscayne Blvd., straight through the downtown area here in the Magic City.  I remember one particular trip in particular.  I was going south on Biscayne Blvd. and I literally hit EVERY RED light from right in front of American Airlines Arena to the one in front of Bayside Mall to them ALL.  Now, I've ridden down the street before, so much that I know the rhythm of the street including potholes and everything.  But this was ridiculous and my frustration was about to hit an all time heat index.  To make matters worse,  I knew what laid ahead.  Traffic can become so sick through Brickell (the financial district of Miami) as well as through other cool neighborhoods as Coconut Grove and Viscaya, as I make my voyage to the "thug town" known as Coral Gables.  So, I knew this foolishness was making me late.  And it wasn't just an, "Oh, here's a red light..".  Heckee was consistently those lights where you know you about to pass on a green then like "boom" it suddenly turns red and you about to fly over the handle grips of the ride.  That's was the case...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Episode # 3

Here is a link to view Episode #3 of Season 1 of Austino Galaxia via video.
Please click:  Season 1, Episode # 3

It is also available for view to your right under our Video Network.  Access by clicking on the video of choice.  Episode 3 is the third one listed.

Enjoy your day.

Galaxia's Greatest Games: D-Wade says I'm Going Out Shooting!!

Oh, how can we forget this memorable Sunday afternoon.  The year was 2010, and the Heat were down 3-0 in their series to the hated Celtics.  D-Wade wasn't going to let the Heat go out like explosive 46 point performance left the American Airlines Arena with one final memory before that summer when Miami Heat basketball and NBA history would forever be changed.

Click Here:  2010 NBA Playoffs, Game 4, Boston Celtics vs. Miami Heat 


Monday, September 12, 2011

Austino's Excerpts: Dames In Distress

Welcome to one of the most unique segments of our blog website.  Austino's Excerpts are probably the most intimate look into our life...heck, perhaps of anyone's life on cyberspace.  Some may wonder why I choose to "expose" ourself in a way, but I realize that ALL of us have a story to tell and these excerpts are a glimpse into why I act like I do.  After you've lived through so much, you just reach a point where you know you have to share to help someone else out in what they may be going through.  It may not be for the present, but even years down the line, someone can be like, "Dag, I remember reading something like this on austinogalaxia's blog...and if he can survive it so can I."  That's the goal, it's not to get a show, not to get sympathy from anyone...this segment and entire blog is to show how you can survive, still have fun and become better because of your experiences. 

For those who are reading this segment for the first time, Austino's Excerpts is an in-depth look into our love life and interaction with the opposite sex.  It's also a sneak peak into a possible book we are going to write on these experiences.  This aspect has been used to teach us some very tough lessons, but I made it through, so now I feel it's my job to tell what crazy things "love" can bring and what some would do to obtain it.  I'm a "Helpless Romantic", so please forgive me.  I love to hear mushy stories about how couples meet, and I used to watch a lot dating game shows as a if you combine beautiful ladies, crazy happenstances, and a guy who has a Donald Trump risk-taker attitude, "wha-lah!" get Austino's Excerpts.  So without further's installment number two of Austino's Excerpts...I present...

...Dames In Distress

Friday, September 9, 2011

Me and My Grey Ghost: Lesson # 1

Lesson # 1 :  You Have To Go Through It

Alright, Galaxia Fam,  this is the first lesson in a series of many, which illustrates many life lessons I learned while riding my Vespa scooter down the streets here in the Miami, Florida area.  Today's lesson involves the realization that "You Have To Go Through It", in order to get what you want out of life.

I cannot mention how many times this lesson hit home while driving in down here in Florida.  Every possible element from traffic to visual distractions (wink!) to the weather can fit into today's lesson of choice.  Let's talk about traffic first...many people say that traffic is not as bad down here as say a New York or Los Angeles.  But I'm willing to bet that we have the most suspicious drivers in the land.  As a matter of fact, I'll put up some of Big Willie's  money to prove it.  We may be beautiful but we can't drive worth a Hype Williams video dime down here.  ( Those who live down here, am I lying?)  And if you drive on two wheels, including motorcycles, it can be hazardous.  But....You Have To Go Through get to where you need to be.  Everything's game to...riding sidewalks on school campuses...side streets...alleys...highways...whatever it takes to hit your location...within the rules.  And you might have to diverse your route as well.  I had a basketball coach who preached consistently, "take... the path...of least..resistance"...but that's a sneak peak into another lesson.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Galaxia's Greatest Games: MJ Make's It Rain in '92!

Oh, the good ol' days...Bill Clinton going into office later in the year.  A Different World heading into final season.  And Hammer was in his prime "Gaining Momentum". And I was beginning to wish hoping my high school days in the future will be cool and I can hang out with my own Kelly Kapowski!  Very rarely throughout Austino's Greatest Games will a game be profiled that was a blowout...but this is a MAJOR exception.  Single words describe it all...1992. Finals. Bulls. Blazers. Jordan. Drexler. Game One. Chicago Stadium.  Noise.  Technotronic's classic jam. Six Three-Pointers. 35 Points. In 1st half.  Game over.  Series Over.  Let Party Begin! Please enjoy this classic:

Click Below To View:
1992:  NBA Finals, Game 1.  Bulls vs. Blazers


Monday, September 5, 2011

Austino's Excerpts: A Columbian Beauty

This is the first installation in the series known as Austino's Excerpts.  This segment is a sneak peek into a future book that I am planning to write...heck, if you read enough of these excerpts you will have read the book!  But in all actuality this is a very personal look into our love life, which jokes aside, has to be one of the most intriguing around.  These experiences have made us better, but I strongly believe that these were meant for us to share with the rest of the galaxia.  I have no fear in telling these stories because lessons can be learned, laughs can be had, and some may be even inspired about all the chaos Cupid has caused.  I've been blessed to have a diary for over 10 years, so we have true hard material that can back up our writing and enough material to last a is all in first person tense as well.

The time lines may be fast forward due to entertainment purposes but hey, that's what stories are all about right!!  You can guarantee that everything we write is true in terms of actual actions by us and the party (ies) involved.  The story may get steamy, but I think God would want us to tell it all....this will help somebody.  I will try to keep some of the names hidden unless it is neccessary and plus some may be close friends or found on my facebook....note this is only an excerpt (hey I have to save something for the book!).

Without any further waiting...I now present to you the first installment of Austino's Excerpts:
....A Columbian Beauty.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Austino Galaxia Episode 1

What's up! What's up! It's official, we are now global via video.  Yes, we are now face to face through the web...check out our channel austinogalaxia on youtube for Episode 1 or simply click "austinogalaxia" below.

Click here: austinogalaxia

Better Than Ever...

"But when you love someone,
You just don't treat them bad,
Oh, how I feel so sad,
Now that I wanna leave...
She's crying her heart to me,
How could you let this be?
I just need time to see,
Where I wanna be...
Where I wanna be..."

- Donell Jones "Where I Wanna Be"

We are ready to get loose, and hopefully everyone who is reading this is ready for the ride as well!  This was a wild last few months.  There has not been any blogs or posts of any sorts, just been preparing for all this that is about to take place.  First off, some shout outs to some folk before we get started...Big Ken Rutland thanks bro...and to my KP brothers Big Mike Sewell (dude we see ya!) and to the infamous Kieno aka Jeremy Kientiz much dap for the MC love... Carlos Ros, appreciate ya bro and we are "More than just a number...hey...hey...hey"!

So what has been going on?  I have to smile, because its more of what hasn't been goin' on?!!  Is this what Jim Jones and Trey Songz went through with their "Summer Wit Miami"?   Before you read on, just gonna let you know we aren't Sugarfoot-ing anything anymore for two main reasons:  1. Why front about your life?  I mean like Nancy Kerrigan "why?" and 2. There is somebody out there who has similar experiences or thoughts whether pertaining to jobs, money, dating or whatever, and this here blog thang is have fun, show that we all have stories and to inspire.  So, as an heads up if you don't want to hear may want to stop right here!

Austino's Vault: Velvet Rope

Artist:  Janet Jackson
Album:  Velvet Rope
Year:  1997
Record Label:  Virgin Records

What a special album!  It's an all-time classic, and arguably Miss Damita Jo's best.  The cd covers just about every aspect of life from love to sexuality to death to simply being yourself.  The hit producers of Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis accounted for much of the production on this album.  Officially, Janet released four songs off this album:  Got 'Til It's Gone (feat. Q-Tip and Joni Mitchell), Go Deep (Oh, the real parties!), Together Again, and I Get Lonely. That last song I Get Lonely is so personal to me, eye can't stand still just listening to it, feel like doing my shimmy of '98 dance!...hopefully you clicked on the song to get the link to the video. Just to see real dance moves with sexy female swag, just what life used to be u know!! Plus, how can you not noticed the fashion with the girl tux look with open coats, ties and with the late 90s red hair color...somebody should be taking notes.

But Janet hits on every level, and she had jams that she didn't release as well.  Free Xone describes how we all should be who we are.  "One rules!"..  I really dig this one because there is a lot of plasticity going around (it must be on sale at Wal-Mart or something...) and just be who you  I rather be with a real original than a fake duplicate anytime...What About describes the wrath of a young lady who questions her man's escapades (that's a Janet history joke if you a music person) to a jamming beat.  Anything is for the romantic who like to be with the special freak in their life. "Good things don't come easy", is what she croons... It sounds great to play at night time, but it ain't nothing like playing it during the night time is for amateurs, vets show love during the day as well...that's a side tip for us guys. The song Special is unique as well and gives anyone confidence about who they are.  The album ends with a treat of a bonus track at the end, too.  What more can you ask for...pure classic.

Just a brief trip back to 1997 to when Janet was on top still doing her "thizzle"...truly hope you enjoyed the choice.

Austino's Vault is a special blog post to reflect on albums which have made an impact on our life and experiences.  The goal of Austino's Vault is to show music in which if you own, bring it out for a day to listen....If you don't own, go and get it, you won't regret it!