Monday, April 21, 2014

When A Star Splits Into Two!!!

Go Ahead...I want you to...
Laugh because this Dream seems like it's never gonna happen.
Go Ahead...I want you to...
Giggle when I jot about Tha Journey being so hard, that My Mood sometimes is Dampen.

Seems Too Impossible...Seems Like Tha Fall of Galaxia...
I see you shaking your head because Tha Story of "Fun and Luv" remains Tha Same.
Seems So Redundant...Seems So Tha Opposite of an Utopia...
I see you Grabbing Ur Joystick, because All of This Talk is better that any PS4 Game.

Go Ahead...I want you to...
Doubt That I'll never have an opportunity to Grant That Beauty a Juliet Rose.
Go Ahead...I want you to...
Ignore Me When I say there's a Difference between Love from a Rookie and Luv from Tha Pros.

Yeah...I feel it too...Tonight is Gonna Be On...
When Ur know Ur are on Tha Cusp of Something, Ur Swagger is No Longer of a Fawn.
Yeah...I feel it too...Tonight is One Post U Can Tell Ur Kids By Saying, 'Once a Galaxia Upon'...
Cuz Something is in Tha Phil Collins Air tonight...Miami Vice is my Inspiration...And I'm won't stop until Tha Break of Dawn.

Go Ahead...You wanna Punch Me, I Know...Please Take A Swing...
Is it because of Tha Couture Like Wardrobe...Or because I only Date Present or Former Pretty Young Thangs.
Go Ahead...You Wanna Punch Me, I know...My Chin Can Take a Jab...
Before U do, Just realize that I've been working out hard in My Never 2 Be KO'd Lab.

I know...I know...U wanna stop reading this...Cuz I'm Too Conceited...
This Galaxia Guy talks such a Big Game...U Would Think That He's Undefeated.
I know...I know...U wanna stop reading this...How Many times can he say His Heart Has Bleeded...
Enough is Enough about This Dating and Luv Talk...Just Call Up a Masseuse Cuz All His Heart Needs is 2 Be Kneaded.

Go Ahead...I Double Dare You...To Say That I Won't Get What I Want...
Being Honest is So Not In Right Now...Tha Only Way For Success is 2 Front.
Go Ahead...I Triple Dare You...For One Second To Believe Games Aren't Won on a Bunt...
You Have 2 Knock Home Runs Outta Tha Park 2 Win...Tha Option is 2 Ask Fitty So He Can Teach U How 2 Stunt.

Why Don't You Stop Writing About My Gurl...She's Mine...
You're just So Jealous That U Can't Hav Her...She's Tha Lamp 2 My Life, That's Why I Always Shine.
Why Don't You Stop Writing About Gurl Who Have Guys...Ur A Threat To Our Luv Divine.
Ever Since U Mentioned Her Name It Ain't Tha Same...When We "Bump" Our System is Dynex and No Longer Like an Alpine.

Go Ahead...Tell Me 2 Stop Recognizing Beauty...Whether They Have a Man or Not...
Do U Job and U won't have nothing 2 worry about...Telling me Ur Relationship Can't stand a 1000 Character Jot?
Go Ahead...Tell Me 2 Calm Down When I Speak How Real Beauty isn't defined by A Girl's Fudge Round Cakes or Size of Her Tator Tots.
Guys if U Have a Beauty Treat Her Right, and Not Get Jealous...I'm Open As Can Be, In This Graveyard I Have No UnCut Grass Plot.

You Need 2 Stop, Who Cares...You are Never Gonna Become...Tha Best.
One Day This is Just Gonna Be A Waste of Time...That I Can Already Confess.
You Need 2 Stop, Who Cares...Ain't It Obvious That U Have Failed Every Test.
Speaking Like You're a Real Baller and All...One Quiz U'll Never Pass...Mamacita in a Green Versace Dress.

Go Ahead...Walk By Me with Silence...Treat Me Like I Got Syphillis...
We're Possibly Tha Easiest Person 2 Get Along With...U Get Crossed Off Tha List With Such High School Diss.
Go Ahead...Walk By Me With Silence...Just Because I'm Straight Up When I Believe I'm a "Can't Miss"...
Don't Get Upset Just because I treat Tha Most Beautiful Gurls Not Like a 'One Night Bang' But More Like A Never Had Sis.

Telling Tha Same Lessons as When U Began...Nobody Wants 2 Waste Time on Tha Same Old, Same Old...
You speaking about All This "Step By Step Process Stuff"...But Look at How I'm Flossing...Bad Chick, Big Dollars...Budweiser...(Click!)...Ahhh...How I Like It...Ice Cold.
Telling Tha Same Lessons as When U Began...Nobody Wants 2 Waste Time When U Talk like a Fake Gentleman...Dude U've Out Sold.
These Chicken Heads Don't Care about Letting Them Decide, Making Them Laugh, and Doing Things Different...I Can Screw Anybody without All That...On 2 Words....Movado Bold.

Go Ahead...Hate on Tha Credentials...Looking At That South Beach Lifestyle like I Got It Made.
That May Be True, but Listen...There's Always Another Level...And For That Dues Must Be Paid.
Go Ahead...Hate on Tha Credentials...How Can You Talk When U Can Walk 2 Tha Sands And When Choosing between a Senorita or Tha Sun, Either Way I Still Can Get Laid.
That May Be True, but Listen...I'm Striving for Another Level...U Need Some Juice...Luv's Tropicana sometimes puts tha squeeze on Ya, So U Won't Become Just Any One Minute Luv Maid.

Wait...Hold Up...Dude, U taking Such a Huge Risk...What If U Never Become A Star?
Won't That Make This Diary Look Phoney...Doing Everythang U Can For it...Like it's a Klondike Bar.
Wait...Hold Up...Dude, Ur Risking a Huge Take...Who wants 2 Hire or even Date You...Ur Outdated like a Chevy Metro Car.
Won't That Make This Diary Look Phoney...Doing Everythang U Can For it...I mean U taking it Really Too Serious, When Disney Said, "Anythang Ur Heart Desires"...No Matter Who U Are.

Go Ahead...Look At Me Strange...Like I'm From Outta Space.
Perhaps I am...I mean, 12-Packs"Luv and Fun" Got delivered 2 My Door back in 2011...And I'm Still Living off of Tha First Case.
Go Ahead...Look at Me Strange...Wondering Why I Created a Galaxy In Tha First Place.
Perhaps I see Other Stars...Who Want Tha Same Thang...Guys who are Freaky Honest about Tha Journey of Success...And Gurls Who are Smart and Intelligent...And Who Sometimes Like 2 Wear Lace.

Let Me Be Frank...I'm Gonna Call You Out...U Talk about Sex...But How Many Have U Really Banged?
Can't U talk without giving All These Hidden Clues...Betcha in This Game of Checkers, U've Never Once Shouted, "Me King".
Let Me Be Frank...I'm Gonna Call You Out...U Talk about Relationships...But U just want Tha Panties Like All Guys...Like All Us Dracula's..U too Have Fangs.
Can't U talk without giving All These Upfront Clues...U Talk Good, but Ur Secretly One of Tha Guys Lauryn Hill Talks about...U just want..."That Thang..That Thang...That Thannnng!!".

Go Ahead...I know U Want Me 2 Shut Up about "Relations"...Even Though All Us 20-30 Yr Olds Constantly Dream and Talk About It.
Why Should I Hold Back, What I'm Thinking Inside...I mean, My Dream Gurl Has a Sexy Personality, Gangsta Style, and Has Perfected Tha Mattress Flip!
Go Ahead...I know U Want Me 2 Shut Up about playing "Naked Footsy"...Even Though Gurls talk about It More Than Guys...I mean Really, "Is It Tha Motion of Tha Ocean Or Tha Size Of Tha Ship?"
Why Should I Hold Back, What I'm Thinking Inside...I Appreciate a Woman's Wonderland...From Her Head to Her Hips To Her Feet...Which I will suck on as long as they are Clean and Clipped!

Ok...How Do U Think This is Gonna Feel...If U Per Se "Make It Big" and This Talk Tha Kids Read.
Tha Language and Subject Matter is Too Mature....Isn't "Fun And Luv" supposed to Be A Childish Seed?
Ok...How Do U Think This is Gonna Feel...If A Strong Christian Would 2 Read This...Ain't This Blasphemy Talk 2 Tha 3rd Degree?
Tha Language and Subject Matter is Too Mature...How Can U Mix "Praying 2 God" with Ur Ultimate Birthday Gift would be 2 see Priyanka Chopra Belly Dance 4 You in 3-D?!

Go Ahead...Tell Me I'm Too Much...That I Don't write for Kids...But I Do...For Adults Who Are Kids at Heart.
Should I Tame Down, Real Feelings in Regards To Dating, Dreams, and Being Rejected for Looking Good or Having Some Resources...That would Make Me In-Authentic Meal...A La Carte.
Go Ahead...Tell Me I'm Too Much...That I Don't write for "Church Folk"...But I Do...For Those Who Recognize a Greater Being, but Realize Experiences Can Play a Major Part.
Should I Tame Down, Me Wondering When Prayers Get Answered, and Why Doing Right Leads To A Success Path So Long...Thinking Following "God's Way" isn't like a Toasted Up Pop Tart.

Whatever...But I Bet This...Ur Not Gonna Make it until Dec. 31st...I bet before then Ur Gonna Retire.
U having a tough enough time making it through This Month...Yeah, I'm already Calling U A Big Fat Liar.
Yes, Whatever...But I Bet This...Ur Mouth Is Just Digging a Bigger Hole For Urself...One That Can't Be Open With Wire Pliers.
U having a tough enough time making it through This Day...Knowing that in Reality Ur in Need...Like Dire.

Go Ahead....And Tell Me I won't Last Until December 31st...But Let Me Ask...What If There's No Need To.
Like What If I Become What I'm Gonna Become Before Then....And My 'Fun and Luv' Gift...From:  Galaxia...Finally Has A Name and No More is There a Question Mark After...To:
Go Ahead...And Tell Me...Cuz I know Ur Thinking It...And Want To Speak...I Can See Ur About To...
Like What If I Told You...Unlike What Scientists Have Told You...That This Is What It Really Looks Like...

When A Star Is Split...In Two.

Austino Galaxia!

(Galaxia Bonus:)

Ok.  I usually don't do this, but there's a Need in Our Galaxy Right Now, So I'm gonna write.  Doubt is a part of This Process 2 who we want to be as a Person as a Student, Lover or even like Us...As A Star.  Sometimes Doubt comes from External Forces...Or Sometimes it comes from within.  When Things or People don't go the way we wish they would, all...ALL of us tend to wonder Like, Have I just wasted My Time doing What I Thought Was Right...Or Why did I waste All These Years and Money to be with This Person When They just Up and Left, and We Can Get Pretty Heated.  Like Smokin' Hot To Tha Point of Really and Truly Just Giving Up.  Then... I need a new paragraph for this...

Then, When U actually begin to not only Live Tha Way U want then others begin to judge you.  "Oh...You Think You're All That Because U only Eat Organically or Healthy now, when Just Last Year You were eating everythang on Tha Thanksgiving Spread."  Or Somebody might say, "Oh, Every Since U Began to Workout and Lost Some Weight, U think You're Too Good For Us Now."  What I'm Seeing and More Intriguingly Feeling is That Tha More U Chase Ur Dreams...Tha More U Become Isolated...AND IT'S NOT UR FAULT!!!

See, Nobody really told me about this stuff...I grew up kind of humble off of 508 Spring Street in Michigan City, Indiana.  And as I used to Watch Hard Copy or A Current Affair (Youngsters just think of it as TMZ before it was TMZ!), or as I used to finger through GQ or Esquire Magazine as a Pre-Teen, I used to think that If U Got Money...If U Look Super Sexy...If Tha Paparazzi Cameras are Flickering at a Given Notice, that Everythang in Fantasy Land is Howdy Howdy and Tha Sun Always Shines and When it doesn't It Asks U for Permission to Come Out and Play!  But as I went through High School...And College...and Been On My Own like a Patti Labelle and Micheal McDonald 80s Duet, We See that Things Get pretty Complicated.  And what gets us, is that sometimes, U are...Well, Most of Tha Time Ur Tha Same Person, but People look at U in Different Ways like Ur Untouchable or...

Prime Example, I was at work on today...I wore a different get up a little bit, with some Camoflouge pants with My Personalized Green Air Max 90s with Pink Laces.  I see this Gurl who I always talk to.  So I walk past her, and was like, "Hi...Such and Such", and Dude...She just like...Blew Me Off!  But it was in a way like...Since I was dressed in perhaps a "Fresh" kind of way, U still can't say "What's Up?"  I say that cuz Some people who go from Jeans to High Heels or to Suits, change how they act.  I'm in This Valentino Dress so my language has to change or That Guy I used to treat like a Homeboy earlier in tha day, Since I got my Get-Up on and partying in tha SLS Hotel, I can't even give him Dap or a Hug, when I just did that Freakin' 5 hours ago.  I said this when I began to write this diary, and I mean it 100%...Yes, I'm that guy who Luvs to Rock Like High-End Brands or U might Find me in Tha Prada Suit.  But what Makes me different is That There's No Shame in My Game, and I'll Get Down and Dirty when it comes to Enjoying Life and Having a Good Time.  That's Tha Difference!  That's probably why I've had an Interesting Time finding really Sexy Down Home Gals here In South Beach and Abroad.  There's a Lot Who Look Good, and Have Tha Wardrobe and Body to Fit, but Who just doesn't give a Flying (Beep!) and is willing to get her Hair Sweaty or Wrinkle up her Chanel Black Dress or Take off Her Tory Burch Wedges if The DJ is right, and if U just want 2 Enjoy Life and Have a Good Time.  Looks...That's a Plenty Down Here In "Tha Land of Tha Beautiful People".  But What I just said...Ultra Rare....Ultra...Ultra Rare.

On Tha Same Wavelength...I've Always said that when I become, I don't like 2 say Famous because That's so like Temperamental and I'm more concern about Making a Dent and Becoming a Transcendent Figure In Tha History of This World.  But I Pride Myself on, When I become a Major Celebrity, And We Will...I'm not gonna be somebody who U Still Can't Walk up to and Say "What's Up?" or Just Shoot Tha Breeze...I Luv Talking 2 Strangers and Strange People..Ha Ha!  But I'm Gonna Be Somebody Who U Can Feel.  May Seem like I have an Aloof Attitude, but I'm very approachable...And I need That.  That's why This Whole Diary Thang, I've wondered about.  Number One, I'm kind of Secretive anyway.  Then Dos, People have Changed a little around me, now that they see What Makes Me Tick, or How I look for anythang to get me motivated (Note:  U Must Do That When U've Seen A Lot or Materistically obtained A Lot), Or That U May See That Even Though I'm Low Key, My Personality and Ego is one of Somebody Who's Gonna Become Something Big Today....Or One Day.

That's Why Since we're being Open 2night...I've questioned Myself when I've told how I've felt about some Gurls.  I'm a Intriguing Guy, but One who Thrives on seeing a Chick Be Herself around Us.  I know that I've written in Detail...Deep Detail about at least 2 or 3...or 4...I've written about a Lot of Gurls either when it comes to Lessons Learned that I know Will Help Others as Well. Others have been in Admiration for Me Coming across Prototypes that would catch My Interest.  Let me Define Prototype:

A Prototype is Something That Inspires You To Know What To Look For In Tha Real Thang.  Most of Tha Time It's A Pre-Cursor.

Now I can Run out My Apartment and Jump into Tha Atlantic Ocean off of That Cuz...Think about it, before U Get Tha Final and Finished Product U First Must Have A...

Think About it in terms of Sneakers...There are a lot of Nike's and Jordan's That Are Prototypes...But Usually, well All Tha Time...Prototypes AREN'T Tha Ones That U End Up Buying or That Even Hit Tha Shelf.  But they are a Guide To Tha Finishing Touches...To Tha End Product.

So Before I can, I Guess Find This Dream Galaxian Beauty, There MUST BE Some Prototypes To Stand As MY GUIDE and To Give Me a Visual and Personality Standard to What I Want in a Girl.  And That's What Liz...Cynthia...Christina...And Miss Renata...Yes, I did Call Out Ur Names...As Well as Tha Two Very Attractive Girls I mentioned Last Week Have Done For Me.  And They are My Comparisions because I like different parts of Each One of Those Gurls.

Liz...She's Was Complete...Perhaps "Tha One" if She didn't have a Boyfriend...I Like in That She was Gangsta, Amazingly Beautiful in a Beauty Queen type of way, but also in a Fantasy Video Vixen kind of way. She was Street Smart, knew about Tha Miami Lifestyle and Had That Mamacita Attitude In Which She would Tell U Where 2 Go if Tried Her.  Luv That About Her...

Cyn is My Homegurl...She has Tha Attitude of Guys Constantly Throwing Themselves At Her Cuz She has a Sexy and Exotic Look about Her.  She's Down To Do Anythang...Not That "Anythang", but is Open For Living Life To Tha Fullest, As Well as She knows How 2 Enjoy Life On Her Own Terms and By Her Own Rules...She's Always been down for me Whenever I've needed her...And a thought or two has passed about, "What if we would to hook..."  I better stop...She'll Probably Get a Post One Day, Cuz That's My Homie For Life.

Miss Christina...Showed Me That Beauty, an Very Outgoing Personality and Thrill for Fun can come in a Package Unforeseen.  She Hip on Tha Music Tip, Luvs 2 Dance and Let Her Hair Down...And She stands out for Two Thangs...One, I think she's one of Tha Few Gurls who Told Me What She Felt, not caring if I was Austino Galaxia.  That's Kinda Refreshing.  Then Two she showed me how somebody can have That "It" Factor and not know it.  I like Combinations of Looks, "Craziness" and Life of Tha Party types.  She has That Galaxian Combo I Look For.

Renata...Is Perhaps Tha Most Slept-On and Quiet Beauty That I've Ever Seen.  She's Really...Really more Hotter than What she portrays.  I like How She has Diverse interests in Books and TV Shows, She doesn't just do What Any and Everybody Else Does...From What I Can See.  I Luv How She Dresses and Smells...Huh.  Just Tha Thought almost got me to...J/K!!  She Dresses like a Coral Gables Gurl like...Like She's more Dolce & Gabbana than D&G, U understand.  Two Thangs besides what I mentioned, sparks my attention...One, I feel like she would be a Good Ryde or Die Chick.  So If I were 2 Be like, Here's $10,000 put it in tha Bank Account in Switzerland, She'll Take Tha Flight, and be back by Morning without anybody even knowing what was up.  That's rare in This Social Network Society. Two, When She's On, She can Come Back at Me. She Has That Swagger Like, "U may be Hot...But I actually might be Hotter!"  Me Likes That About Her.

Toss in Those Two Gurls That I wrote about recently and They are Tha Prototypes to Where My Standards Lay with Whomever I may Date in Tha Future or Even on Tomorrow Night.  Now Does That Mean That I want 2 Screw all of These Gurls or Break Up Relationships...NO MAN!  Listen, If I really want to Flat Out Have Sex with Anybody...I have No Problem telling U Face To Face...Getting My Phone Out Via Text...Or Making Up an Instagram Account just so I Can Message U and Tell U What's Up.  I Don't Dude...For Real...I understand How Relationships Go...I understand How Work Environments Go...I understand How U sometimes want 2 Chill when U Come out of a Relationship...And I RESPECT THAT!  When I mention any gurl in my diary...But definitely these Four Plus Two, That Means U are somethang Special.  Folks think I'm kidding...I'VE SEEN A LOT!  So When I Say Hugh Hefner or Prince or Don Juan or whoever need to have a Poker Game to talk about Beautiful Women...Trust me...Ain't too many seen more than Us!  And I KNOW Ain't Too Many Have Been around and Interacted with as Many Cool Women as we have without being in a Big Time Relationship.  Almost is Blasphemous...But...Perhaps This is why we write.  And What This Diary Not only from a Career Side but also from a Dating Side is really about.  Showing Different episodes sometimes U MUST go through...Before U Land what U want.

Listen...I only got an allotted Number left in my Hands, so I'm letting it all go...But just Don't let anybody or anythang get U down when U feel like Ur getting Resistance with Ur Dreams.  Sometimes it does take 20 Years to become an Overnight Success.  But Just Hang In There...Even if U feel like Getting Blessed is a Bad Thang!  Don't be ashamed of what U have even materialistically, if U've worked hard or saved up for it.  If somebody don't like it, that's there problem...Skip 'Em!  And Show who u are in Relationships, so that person can know.  If somebody can't Luv U For U, then so be it...Cuz Somebody will.  Like I said before, I'm a Handful, but somebody is gonna be more than willing to get their share.  I just hope they use both hands!  If for nothing else, just because...Once Again...

I've shown U what happens when A Star and His Post....Breaks Into Two!

Luv and Fun....4 Life!

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