Saturday, April 19, 2014

An Uneasy Calm Before...A 'Fun' Storm!

Today was tha first day I was seriously thinking giving up writing for awhile.
Thoughts of Me Being Too Honest About My Life...Almost began to wipe away Our Smile.
But Here We Are Plugging Away I Guess...Somewhat In Typical Galaxia Style.
Hoping Tha Somethang Special Can Come Out of Our "Fun And Luv" Vial.

Eye Think Homegurl Miley Cyrus summed it up when she uttered, "Love Money Party!!"
I mean when U Think about it...Life is Really About One of Those Thangs...Or Really All Three.
Seems like Tha Closer U Get 2 Ur Dream Lifestyle Coming True...Tha More U Can Become Dizzy.
So Complicated As U Pass Through Each Step of Success...Wondering if it's Worth Making History.

Could One Person...Push U To Keep Going and 2 Finish This Thang Off...Right?
See Right Now, A Lot of People are Checking Out This Diary...But Tha Galaxy is Invisible in Sight.
We see Tha #'s, But I Don't Get A Lot of Feedback...So I'm like a Soloist on Opening Night.
Every Once in Awhile we read sumthing and Think...This is some Wild Stuff...But Are We Spilling Too Much of Our Fight?

Might As Well Just Tell It Like it is...

Right Now I'm in One of My Typical Rich Spoil Brat Moods, I Guess U Can Say.
Tha Ones Where I Got Any and Everythang 2 Be Thankful...Yet I still feel like I haven't Gotten My Say.
Wondering What Else Can I Do 2 Get Over This "Hump"...Fight With It Everyday.
Trying To Come Up With Other Thangs To Make Life Feel More Like Play.

It's Interesting...It's like Tha More Money U Have Or Better U Look...Things Get More Twisty.
I know This Post ain't for Everybody, But I KNOW Somebody feels Me....Life Gets More Misty.
People Can Get More Shy Around You...Especially When U Say That U Only Date Gurls in Tha Mode of Turlington Christy's.
It's Almost Like a Double Standard...You know...One That I'm adjusting to with Hugs and Kissys.

Have to say This Tonight...

When People Think like "Small"...It's So Acceptable in Society...It's True Misery Luvs Company.
Always Remember Galaxy...'Great Minds Discuss Ideas...Average Minds Discuss Events...Small Minds Discuss People'...At Least Seemingly.
Eleanor Roosevelt quoted That One...And It Burns Me When I feel like Somebody I know Falls into That Last Category...Tremendously.
Freakin' burns me up inside...Why Talk Negatively about Somebody...Who Gives a (Beep!) Just Move On and Let It Be.

Tha Thang That Has Gotten Me So like..."Will This Ever End?"...Is Because U feel like Ur Doing What U Think is Right..And Certain Results haven't showed.
It's Almost like a Woman who's having trouble conceiving a Baby, and Then seeing on Tha News About This Chick who had one, but then Threw it away with a Garbage Can Throw.
She's Thinking..."Man"...Actually if Her and Her Man been trying she's probably Cussing like, "Fudge, Here I am doing it tha right way, and this person doesn't even care what they had Bestowed."
When U Keep on Trotting Thinking Ur Doing It Tha Right Way, But Not Getting Tha Feedback or Results...It can Leave U Resentful and Cold.

I feel like Everythang That I've been Going Through...With Our Life, With Sexy Gurls...Money...Has like been Preparing us for Somethang...Big!
Just Don't Haven Any Clue To What That Could Be...And When U don't have Blueprint Per Se...U don't know How Much More U Can Dig.
You Wonder Was It "This Hard?"...For Tha Beatles...Or Andy Warhol...Or For Shawn Carter Before He Became 'Jig'?
Almost like Destiny is Writing a Story U Wonder if U Want 2 Be A Part of Anymore...Ur Oh So Close...But Satisfaction Only Comes from Tha Roasting of This Pig.

This is When U Have to Jar up This "Egotiscally Maniacal" Mentality of I Got 2 Keep Going...Even Though it seems like Tha More Successful U Are...Tha More It feels like U Suck.
Maybe That's a Trick of Other People, To Bring U Down 2 Their Level, Where U Don't Give a Flying Hockey Puck.
I just Refuse 2 Lower Our Standards of "Luv and Having Fun"...I want 2 Be Smoking Celebration Cigars with Mickey, Goofy and Donald Duck!
And I WILL!  Just Sometimes U have 2 Keep Going Through Until Tha End...Perhaps at Tha End of That Night I'll Be Making It Rain on Cinderella with Disney Bucks!

That's Why When I Talk About Gurls and Us like Not Settling for Anythang Less Than Tha Best...I Mean, Why Should We?
Right Now, I'm Living Tha Dream, as A Single Guy...But if U've Endured Thorugh So Much...Tha Most Beautiful Sexting U, is Tha Only Text Message U Want 2 See.
I write This Diary so Open and Honest, Sometimes wondering if My Future Gurl is actually reading this...Whether she's lying in Bed or Underneath her Teepee.
But Somebody needs to know that U Have to Keep Pushing, despite if U don't Hear Positive Encouraging Words or a Sign Posting, "Galaxia, Marry Me!"

Guess I just want so Much Outta Life...I'm Blessed in so Many ways, that I Almost don't know what to do.
Resting tonight, cuz it's about to get even more Wild!  Tha Heat start Tha NBA Playoffs, Hopefully in "White Hot" fashion...And I'm fortunate to Have Tickets for not just Game 1...But also Game 2!
Then We're gonna make Sum Decisions in regards Tha Rearranging of My Showroom...Changing Tha Style From Beach House to Modern Contemporary...It's Gonna look like a Sexy Zoo.
Then U Got Upcoming Lady Gaga Concerts and Michael Jackson Cirque Du Soleil Shows, so it's about 2 Get Rolling Big Time, and This "Sulky Mood" Bubble is gonna Burst and no longer Blow.

There's a lot of Thangs going on...Guess I should be more Revealing, but I find No Pleasure of Just Bragging and Boasting, Cuz That's not What This Diary or Who I Am as a Person.
Pretty Low Key...I'm Tha Kind of Dude Who Would Rather Be Stuck in Traffic Driving My Own Sportscar instead of Being in Tha Back Seat of An Excursion.
Tonight, I guess we just have to remain Focus and not be distracted by Everybody Else...For It Can Add Up to A lot of Diversions.
So What If I didn't Spluge on Those Yellow Citizens of Humanity Jeans...Sometimes Being Patient is Part of Knowing How 2 Deal with Money...It's Part of Our New Conversion.

When U know...Just Gonna Say This and Then Get Back To My Night....Just Because U have Somethang doesn't mean U Have to Go Crazy and Just Spend.
First...I have to talk about Cash...Cuz it's Hard When U know U can Get a Pair of J's or get That Marc Jacobs Bracelet when U have Tha Ducketts...U think I should just Go Ahead and Bend.
Not even considering tha Six Pair of Limited Nike's U got in tha Box still Unworn...Or Tha Collection of MJ Bracelets U got...U Get Robbed on tha Dance Floor for one, and another Comes via Heavenly Send.
There's No Reason to Go Ape Wild on Thangs where U got So Much U Haven't even Worn Yet...Put it away just in case of an Emergency or If Somehow U get a Gurlfriend.

Guys and Probably Some Gurls Too...Who happen 2 Do Whatever They Want Financially can get into just Buying Materialistically...To Fill a Hole So to Speak.
I'm a Recovering Shopaholic, So I know I can talk on this...How U Handle a Little, Can Determine if Ur Gonna Get More...Or Just become Weak.
Sometimes it's just better if U don't even go to a Store Shopping...Cuz U know that Sale's Rack is gonna be Tha First One Ur Gonna Seek.
Of Course, Ur gonna See Somethang That Catches Your Eye...Just Being Real...Cuz Holding On 2 Ur Money is by No Means an Easy Feat.

That's also Why I think I'm Single for a Reason, and Haven't Found My Gurl or Whatever Just Yet...Almost like a Test.
Like...I Have 2 Be able to Handle Different Flirtations and Crazy Episodes, So That I Can Really, and I do mean Really See Who's Deserving To Be Called Tha Best.
Physical Beauty is Great...Of Course...But as They Say in Tha Streets..."All Pussy ain't Good Pussy."...Sorry 2 Use Fowl Talk, but True Friendship goes beyond a Booty and a Chest.
I mean, I only really hang around I guess, Attractive Women...So I must look for other thangs...Little Thangs that Illustrates You're a True Woman at Heart, and not a Drama Queen always wanting 2 start Mess.

I'm a Handful...Let me Repeat...I'M A HANDFUL!!!!  A Plethora of Experiences...But I've never really had a Serious Gurlfriend...Some Gurls say they can't see me Having One.
Maybe I'm too much of Having Pretty Gurls as a Homie, Caring more about Their Happiness instead of A Night of Bedroom Fun.
Does That Make Me Like..."Nerf?"  Like...'No'...I Can Throw Them Thangs When needed...Dude, I don't even need a Gun.
People Think That U Can't Lay Down Tha Thunder and Lightning just because Ur Always Talking about Tha Sun?!

It's Amazing When Gurls Tell Me, What My Type of Gurl is...Or Tha Gurls That They Can See Me Taking Out on A Date.
I had One Gurl tell me Straight Up..."You Seem Like You Date White Gurls."...Ahh...Like I Date and Dip in All Races...Hold On...Is This Getting Too REAL 2Night?  Should I just Stop and Wait?
It's just interesting when People Think They Know You, When They Really Don't Know Ur State.
Our Definition of Beauty really Depends on Tha Person...Physically I Look at The Entire Picture...Where Personality wise I think it's Mad Cool if when she's Happy she utters, "ShakeandBake!"

I was Urban Outfitters Tha Other Day, and This Gurl Who was ringing me Up, was Kinda Hot...And She had Studs in Both Nose Lobes, I don't think that's a Word...But...Plus a Tat...She was a Punky Hottie.
Sometimes I like Tha Thin Model Type Who ain't afraid To ask for a Whopper with 'No Meat'...To A Gurl Who Knows all of Tha Lyrics to 'Baby Got Back'...To A Gal Who Thinks Life Should Never B Cloudy.
For Some Reason I've Had a Thang for Tha Mad Sexy Gurls, Who Can Sometimes Get Buck Wild...To Put Plainly, I Like Those Ladies Who U Can See Are "Tha Life of Tha Party".
I'm A Fun type of Dude...So I usually Like a Dame Who Feels Tha Same...With or Without a Bottle of Barcardi.

That's it.  I got to Get into some Thangs This Saturday Night...Just a few Thoughts on Where we Are.
This Lifestyle Is Cool, but it definitely ain't easy...If U let it get 2 You, U'll end up being a Regular at a Coconut Grove Bar.
But...I don't know when I'll write again....Just remember, 2 Be Yourself, and Have Fun, Even though U Feel Like Ur Life has been Scripted on Mars.
Baby...This Diary and Myself is As Real As It Gets...

And This is Tha Manuel Guide...For Any Future Star.

Peace Homie!

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