Friday, April 25, 2014

A Gift Worth Tha Tears.

This is a Very Anticipated Diary Post For Sure,
Not Hyping This Thang Up Like We've Found Tha Common Cold's Long Awaited Cure.
It's Just That Tha Last Few Moments Have Filter Through Life's Faucet of Pur,
We Have No Idea What This Post Has Out or In Store.

(Huge Blow!)

Tha Other Day Tha Unthinkable Happened...I almost Deleted This Site.
Meaning, I was going to go through and Erase EVERY Single Post...Like Outta Sight.
Just 2 Start Anew...

Wait...Hold Up...I Can't Do This...I Have 2 Be Straight Up About Who I Am, And How I'm Really Feeling, So Please Forgive Me, As I Really Let U In 2 What's Going On.

Let's Start Again....

I've Been Feeling, Pretty Darn Good as of Late.
Despite My Galaxy Phone's Glass Breaking...When it fell I thought...Oh...Great.
We've Been Living Tha Dream 4 Real...Like Each Day is a "Remember Tha Date!"
Attending Both Heat Playoff Games This Week, Shopping Young Mula Style...And Just Releasing in Tha Name of Fate.

I wonder if My...I don't know...If I'm just Too Much for some Folks.
Tha More Honest I Am, and Try 2 Just Have Fun...I'm a Disease Not Worth Tha Cope.
"Luv And Fun" Can Be Very Addicting...Why Do U Think I'm Always Comparing It 2 Dope.
Sometimes There's A Sense That I Should Just 'Shut Up' and Stop...In One Word Though...NOPE!

See, I'm not gonna stop who I am...Either U Luv Me or Hate Me...No In Between.
Like Me When I'm talking about Enjoying Life 2 Tha Fullest, All While Keeping Ur Nose Clean.
Or When I'm Discussing What's Tha Best Pole Position in Tha Lovey Dov...I Choose Number Sixteen.
That's a Kiss on Tha Lips, Either One of Ur Liking...With a Tongue Twirl, and A Look That's Sexy Yet Mean!

I'm Determined to Live Life, By No Rules...Per Se...Cuz I know I'm One of a Kind.
Hopefully Somebody will Look Back and Think...All That Kid Wanted Was For Everybody's Star 2 Shine.
While It'd Be Cool For Another To Think...If Feb.14 was Everyday...I Would Want 'Galaxia' 2 Be My Lifelong Valentine.
Life is 2 Be Lived 2 Tha Highest Degree...Enjoy it...Whether or Not U Can Afford a Wine or A Dine.

Alright, Let's Get 2 Tha Juicy Stuff, Cuz That's What Somebody wants 2 read about Anyway.
This Diary is Getting Ultra Open...I mean, it takes a Lot of Heart to Jot and 2 Be So Open Everyday.
Then...Shouldn't Go Here...But 4 Us 2 Tell Any and Everybody Who I Admire Gurl Wise...Before I Mention Those Names almost I Have 2 Pray.
Cuz...Cuz...I don't know...I just think those are tha Types of Gals I Wish I Could Have, Or at least Tha Combo...I'm Still Waiting on My Big Payday.

Taking Risks.  Huh.  Sometimes U Have 2 Do Whatcha Gotta Do...With Ur Heart.
Whether That's in Ur Craft or In Writing Or Asking a Cool Doll 2 Hang Out...U Can Only Ask...After That U've Done Ur Part.
What's Being Built In My Soul, is Tha Experiences and Balls to Do Whatever U Have 2 Do 2 Get What U Want In Ur Mind, Soul and Heart.
Sometimes That Might Mean Going Through Certain People or Episodes...Might Not Get Tha Response U Want, But Success Is a Huge Pie, and Rejection...U'll find plays a Tiny Part.

Let's Get Real.

So lately, I've been doing a lot of Driving With No Music playing....Which is Blasphemous since I Consider Myself a Galaxy DJ.
Playing Jams from Back in Tha Day to Sum Jams from Tha Present...Driving While Jooking in Sasha's Front Seat and Hitting Repeat on Play.
For Some Reason My Attitude Lately Can Be Summed Up on Lil Weezy's Verse on Chris Brown's "Loyal" Song...It's Real Talk on Today.
Like Some Folks Can Smile in Ur Face One Moment...Then Tha Next Act Brand New, Not Knowing That U've Already Been Through Tha Game...Who's Trustworthy and Worth Being Given a Ring By Kay.

See...I've always Been Talking About "Fun and Luv"...I Hope by no means Somebody Doesn't think I'm Thirsty.
Are U Kidding Me?  It'll Be Nice 2 Have a Dime, but If I Don't So Be it...Not Settling for Anybody Less Than a Three's Company Chrissy.
Our Lifestyle is Not For Everybody...Only for a Select Few...People Think That I Auction it Off 2 Everybody...No...U Won't find me in a Catalog for Christie's.
Now Tha Number is Really Shrieking To Almost Like Decimal Number in Percent...So small That Just Tha Thought of it's Infinity Makes Me Dizzy.

One Thang U Have 2 Develop in Finding True Friends or Even With Relationships is Tha Feeling of No Fear.
You can regret not taking a Chance on Something...And Then Be Depressed for like Two Years.
"I Wish I Hadda Done That" or "Why Didn't I Do Her...I mean That"  (Sorry!), Sometimes Life isn't All Good Times Like a Show By Norman Lear.
U Have 2 Go With Ur Heart, And Not Worry about The End Result...Do Ur Best, and Proceed Without a Care.

See...With ALL That I've Gone Through, There's Been Secretly A Gift That's been handed to Yours Truly with a Bow.
Sometimes I wonder...How Come I keep Getting This Same Gift...From Different People...Am I Caught on a America's Funniest Videos Show?
You Wonder Why This Gift keeps on Being Attracted 2 Me...It might be because inside U Have Some Type of Glow.
Everybody Nowadays Want Gifts That Are Pleasing 2 Tha Eyes and Heart...But Little Do We Understand Tha True Depth From A Gift of...


Ok...Those Two Letters just weeded out Those in This Galaxy Who Don't Want 2 Hear About What it Takes 2 Become Tha Best.
Sure U were expecting Some "Must Read TV" story or Poem....One That U Can Tweet with Tha Hashtag #ThisWasBetterThanSex.
Or Wishing That I Would Talk about My South Beach Lifestyle...Of Unopened Urban Outfitters Packages, Uncashed Checks, and a Michael Kors Watch That I've never worn and Barely have Caressed.
Not 2night....See This Diary is Our Life, and What U Have 2 Go Through, as Ur climbing Tha Tree with a Fun Backpack, all With Tha Goal of Stealing One of Fun's Eggs out of its Luv Nest.

My Ego is Pretty Big...Told My Guy Jonathan That on 2day...For Tha Most Part I keep it in Check.
We Do it for Tha Team, not for My Own Fame...Some Break Their Necks from a Miss America Kiss, While I'll just be patient for a Simple Miss Galaxy Peck.
Now More Than Ever Though...I feel like I need to Show Who We Really Are...Like With All Arms on Deck.
To Get That Dream Galaxy Lifestyle, I'll Do Anythang...If That means Swap With a Mop, or Give a Party Invite Cabin To Cabin...with Smiles paying for That Call Collect.

One Reason, And I didn't know this til about Midday Thursday Afternoon, is that many of our Experiences have Gotten Us 2 That Needed Level We Need 2 Be At.
I used To Say...I want my face on a Billboard...Or I Want Tha Most Beautiful Gurl In Tha World...Or I Want 2 Use My Fame For Good...Not knowing Tha Trials of a Dr. Seuss Cat.
He is a Cat Ain't He?  Well, He is Today...We look at that Celebrity Status, but U have to Be Prepared and Groomed for That Lifestyle...One Where Ur Backs Rarely Gets a Pat.
And One where U look deep within a Person...And Not just base if a Person is nice or not Solely on if They Drive a Nice Car or If A Person's Boobies are Stacked.

"No."  Ahhh...How Many Times Have I Heard That In My Life.  2 Many 2 Count.
Folks it used 2 Drive Me Bruce Wayne Batty...Cuz I Be thinking I'm a Future CEO of Wayne Enterprises, but How Come These Seemingly Losses Are Kept on Ing's Mount.
I'm Writing Tha Most Beautiful Language, and Tha Style is So Beautiful, But it's like Everybody else is using either a Different Pen or Using Tha Same Font.
How Can 99% of This World Think..."U're Cool or U're Sexy", But I keep on Running into That Limited 1% Who Thinks That...This is Getting Good...Thinks That I'm Not.

What is Wrong With Me?  Did Somebody do something wrong Back in Tha Days of Slavery or Tha Great Depression?
If Somebody would be to Bootleg me Back in That 1920s, they would name my drink, "Life", with a Slogan of "Tha Never Ending Lesson."
Then U Think, What are other people Doing That I'm Not Doing...Are They Swearing By Destiny's Child's "Say My Name" when I'm still Holding on 2 Usher's advice of Making a "Confession".
No matter how U Spin it...Tha 'Ish Don't Make Any Sense...U how many times I almost Called Up Dr. Phil or MTV's Loveline...Clipping Candle Coupons So we Could All Have an Intervention Session.

Then U Come Home from Work or From School, and U Toss that So-Called Gift in Tha Pile...And U Hear it Bounce off, Cuz There are So Many laying Toys Under a Rockefeller Christmas Tree.
U try To Skate Around it, All Tha While Making Ur Mind Hum Tha Tune of 'Jingle Bells', but Ur Heart Definitely isn't Feeling All Glee.
Thoughts of Ur Past Life begin To Roll Through Ur Head...When U Were On Top of Ur Game...Now Ur Jaded and Take less Risks...It used to be 30 times a Year...But now This Decade U've only taken...Three.
Wishing U can Call Somebody Who Can Tell You That Those Gifts Are For Ur Good...But U realize None of Ur Friends Ever Had To Accept That Wrapped Box...Now U Wonder Is This Tha End of Me?

U Think, I Can't Keep on Getting This Same Gift Year after Year...Tha Wrapping May Change but What's Inside is still That Same.
It used to be given 2 U in Comics...Now it's given 2 U with Tha Smell of Tom Ford Perfume, and a Bloomy's Tag...Different Wrap...Yet Tha Same Game.
Regrets of Even Putting Ur Arms Out 2 Receive Creep in on Tha Sly...Cuz Nobody knows How Competitive U Are...And To Receive This Time After Time...Ur Soul's Swagger and Anger U can't Tame.
"I'm Tha Freakin' Best" but Every Season I Get This?  Why Should I even Care Anymore...I Can't Even Get a 'Hi' from Life's Most Beautiful Red Shoe Wearing Dame.

Is This Tha Price of Success?  Or Even Tha Price for Wanting To Become The Upper Echelon of Tha Greats Who's Ever Lived?
Since Ur Alone To Ur Thoughts, U sit Indian Style By Tha Rest of Tha Boxes...The Boxes tell Tha Autobiography of Ur Life...From When U 1st Rock Seven Jeans To When U Laid in Tha $7 Goodwill Crib.
U Pop open Each and Every Lid...And at First U Smile...But Then U Frown...Cuz U recall how much Anticipation turned into Disappointment...And How Tha Look on Tha Giver Spoke..."Oh, Yes We Did."
You Toss That 2 Tha Side and Pick Up Another One...U once Thought That a Gift Given with a Card From Puerto Rico would Be Different...But Who Should We Kid?

Inside U Become a little Upset...Thinking, "This Gift Has Been Given 2 Me, More Than Anybody That I know...Foe or Friend."
U Think about That Heat Game U Attended, and Seeing That Would U Marry on Tha Big Screen...Wondering if Those Three Letters Beginning with 'Y' would somehow Ur Way Bend.
U Think about How Excited Ur Former Co-Worker Got...As He Told U "I Start Next Week"...Then U Glance 2 Ur Left and Look at Ur Business Section of Gifts...Same Wrapping Time and Time Again.
Dig in Ur Pocket and see a Scrap piece of Paper...What stands out are Those Two Unfulfilled Words at Tha Bottom...Which Simply say...'Please Send'.

Now Ur Really beginning 2 Question Everythang U've Been Taught About This Life and What U thought It had 2 Offer.
Tha Feeling of becoming a Future Laughingstock is Creeping In Louder and Louder...So Much That It Starting 2 Make U Sick...Turning U Into A Cougher.
Next U Look at Ur Cell Phone...Go To The Weather Channel App...Just Hoping...Just Hoping...That U Can See That Long Awaited Gift Come Ur Way...Via Tha Doppler.
Now Ur Getting Really Emotional...Cuz U Feel it Slipping Away...It Once Seemed So Much Like Destiny...Tha Look of Bleakness Has Aroused...With No Chance of Getting an Interview with Ted Koppel.

Tha Unthinkable now occurs, as U begin 2 lay on Ur Back...For a Tear begins to Crawl down Ur Face.
Simply because U're literally Surrounded by All These Reminding Gift Boxes of Unfulfilled Wants and Dreams...Wondering Was it Because of Timing, Money or Cuz of Ur Race?
Tha Sobs get even more Stronger because U think That Ur a Lead Car on This Racetrack...And U've always been taught that Tha Best Spot was Tha One Who Sets Tha Pace.
Yet, Ur Lying on Tha Floor of Ur Apartment on a Friday Night....Yes, U have Designer Labels, but What U Want Can't be Given 2 U By Tha Bank of Chase.

Tha Nose That Everybody Thought Was So Cute, begins To Run of Some Snot...Tha Bewilderment has Never In Ur Life Hit This Hard.
Thoughout Ur Life, U've been Tha One Who's represents Fun, and is Tha Life of Every Party...U Have Been a Living Joker Card.
Wonder of "If I'm All These Thangs, Then How Come My Place is Filled With These Open Boxes of Disappointment", I even got some laying around on Tha Patio in My Back Yard.
These Gifts have come with Italian Spaghetti  or Even with Cuban Bread...Which I thought was Hot and Good, but in Tha End it just tasted like Tha Gift itself...Pure Lard.

Can I Ever Open Up My Arms 2 Accept Again?  Or Has This Last Try Been My Last?
Everybody, Guy and Gurl, Thinks U Have Tha Sexiest Body...But if they had an X-Ray, they'd See That Ur Heart Has been in a Cast.
Unable to Figure Out What Has Been Wrong With Ur Life...Its Not Sunday, So U Catch a Marlins/Padres Baseball Game...This is Tha Closest U'll Get to Attending an Emergency Catholic Mass.
U Pick Up and Throw another Box 2 Tha Ground...U thinking How Come Nobody Can Give U A Start Up Key...That's All U Need Since Ur Sportscar has for Over A Decade been Filled Up With Premium Gas.

Thoughts of Newspaper Articles or Even a Facebook Message....Back When Being Associated With You Was So Vogue.
Now That U Admit To Having a Crush on Anna Wintour and Telling anybody Who would listen how Much U Luv Madonna, People Avoid You Like U Reek of Tha Walgreens version of Armani Code.
Never in Ur Wildest Dreams Would U Ever Think That it's a Bad Thang To be Considered Tha Closest Thang To Untouched Gold.
But U've never been a Virgin To This All 2 Familiar Gift of Choice...One That has Left Ur Mind and Ur Spirit...Left in Tha Cold.

U Wipe Ur Tears and Ur Nose with Ur Hugo Boss Sleeve, and U Think, "I never Thought It Would End Like This."
Since Ur Childhood U've been Raised to Be Tha Next Great Fighter...One Who Always Refuses 2 Put Down His Fists.
But U just wonder how Much Longer Can U put up with This?  Maybe I Should Begin 2 Lie to a Beauty or Paint My Face White and Black...It's amazing What U Do for a Song and a KISS.
Better Yet, I should take a picture of Me just Holding My Arms Wide Open, with Tha Heading, "Looking for A SEY"...Forgetting That on Craigslist That Means, 'Special Edition Yaris'...U've flunked another Test.

Tha Evening has now Turned Dark into Tha Middle of Tha night, One in which Tha Midnight Toll just went off on Ur Grand Poppy Clock.
This has been Tha Longest Night of Ur Life...And in Some Ways U Don't even want it 2 Stop.
Right Before You Call it A Night...Willing To Skip Tha Philosphy Pink Frosted Animal Cracker Shower for a Direct Move into Ur Cot.
U hear a noise...And Then Another One...Inside U Wonder, At this time of Tha Night...How Come at My Door There is...A Knock.

U Go To Tha Door, with Ur Eye Glued to Tha Peeping Hole, While a Louisville Slugger is in Ur Left Arm of Choice.
After Watching an Old Episode of Unsolved Mysteries, You are now always Prepared...So much so, that Ur Hands are Now becoming a little Moist.
"WHO IS IT?!!" Cranks out from Ur Apartment...No response...So U slowly open tha Door, thinking about That Cops Coast 2 Coast episode, how Them Vegas Officers proceeded with Such Poise.
You Then Think about When U Hollered at One of Ur Gangsta Friends....U Ask Him, "How Come U Always Feel Tha Need 2 Tote a Gun?"  He Responded, "Have U Ever Seen Santa Without His Toys?!"

The Door Opens...And U Swing Away like Miguel Cabrera going for Tha Triple Crown...But No One's There.
Except U Look Down, and U See a Box...With Ur Name on It...Since it's So Late and Mysterious...U proceed with a Little Timid Fear.
Tha Box is Scooped into Ur Arms,  U Close Tha Door, and Place That Box on Tha IKEA Kitchen Table, and Look at it with Eyes as Big as a Winter Deer.
Never has this happened to you, at least not in tha Middle of Tha Night...And Just like a Rainy Night at Tha King of Diamonds all U Can Do is Look and Stare.

Now U Go 2 Ur Fridge and Wonder What is Best for this Sad Occasion?  So in  2014, whenever U've received a similar gift, U've Always Called on Johnnie Walker.
U Get Ur Shot Glass, and Just Stare at This Small Yet Large Purple Box...This Night just couldn't get any more Darker.
Ol' Jay Dub begins to Pour in Ur Glass...U pick up Ur Glass, Give it tha 720 Degree Twirl, and Straight 2 Tha Dome...One Thang Nobody Can Tell U is That Ur No Action and Just a Big Talker.
That's Tha Attitude That Has Kept U Alive Through All Tha Struggle...Well, That and Tha Lonely Nights Watching Continual Reruns of  Meet the Fockers.

U Get Over To That Purple Box, and Decide Should I Open This Up?  Just To Be Disappointed as Before?
Thoughts of Each Time Receiving That Box, U hoped it had what U Wanted Inside...Just to even Up Tha Score.
But It Didn't...Yet u Proceeded On As Though The Next One Would...Even Though That Next One...Was Still a Bore.
With Each Anticipation and Opening...Came Even Stronger Defeat and Anger...Right Down 2 Ur Bones and Core.

Perhaps U Can Blame it On Tha Alcohol or Whatever, but Now U Rip Open Tha Bow, and Tha Wrapping, and Inside tha Tissue, U just See Three Thangs:  A Picture and Cue Cards, Matter of Fact it Was Two.
U held up The First Cue Card like it was gonna Whisper 2 U like Tha Ying Yang Twins...But Silence filled Tha Air...But This Was an Important Clue.
There were Two Bold Black Lines, One on Tha Top and One on Tha Bottom, just tha Thought of That Sandwich took u back to When U hooked Up With Those Twins at Last Year's Brew at Tha Zoo.
But These Looked More....Mathematical...They Were "Equal Signs" in Bold Print.  A Confused Look Cross Ur Face like, "Now What At I'm Supposed 2 Do?"

You Shook Ur Head, as U Pulled out Tha Next Cue Card...But This One Had Some Kind of Marker Attached...Like Top Notch...Crayola's Best.
U used 2 Be into Magic So U can only guess that This was of Tha Invisible Ink kind...So U began To Scribble As if Ur Life Depended on it...Onto This 2nd Cue Card...Another Test.
After 21 Minutes of Rubbing as Hard as ur Can, Finally Three Letters appeared...And Joy just overfilled Ur Soul...Almost like after dreaming about tha Bra...Now U get 2 see tha Bra up close with Tha Breasts!
You stood Up, but were still a little Leery...Just as If U've Thunk U've Hit Tha Powerball...U See it, but it takes a Minute 2 Register...But it's for Real...Inside Ur Purple Box was a Cue Card That Read..."YES!"

That's only 2/3rd's Though, and U put them Both on Tha Table, next 2 each other...Wondering if Ur Gonna Need The WB's Smart Guy To Figure Out This Puzzle.
Tha Final Piece was in Tha Form of This Picture...Tha Contents Look Familiar, but somehow Tha Connection has Gotten Ur Brain on a Muzzle.
Your Mind and Soul begins to wrestle with this thang...Like an Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan Wrestlemania Tussle.
Maybe U should Holla at Ur Homegurl Maggie, this Thang is More Harder Than a Nas 16 Bars...And I know She'll Understand All Of This Flow and Hustle.

As U Lay That Photo on Tha Table next to Tha Other Cue Cards...Next Thang U know It, A Voice Yells, "H.A.M. Mercy"...Not knowing if it's Yay's Watch Tha Throne talking or a Jam with Pusha and 2 Chainz?
Either way U don't Care, cuz No More are U Gonna have These Types of Nights with So Much Pain.
It all Makes so Much Sense...And U Giggle about how Much Confusion has occurred in Ur Life...To Tha Point of Driving U Insane.
Just a few minutes ago you were Leaning and Cripple, Now Tha Whole Game Has Changed now That Tha Cue Cards and Photo is Lined Up 2 Each Other...U Can Now Heave Ho Life's Unwanted Cane.

See People Wonder Why I Do What I Do...Why I Talk As If I'm Gonna Be The Biggest Star of Tha 'X' Generation.
Cuz I know That Fun and Luv is Cool, but There's Something Else U or...I needed, somethang only obatained by Patience.
It may be strange When I talk in reverance about Certain Gurls or Am Willing To Ask A Doll For A Hang...Cuz I'm Willing To Do Whatever To Give My Dream Liberation.
That May mean Go All Out, Even if Nobody Else is...So Be It....See...I Want 2 Be Tha One...And I'm So Tired of Being Left at Life's Station.

There's a Fire Within, That Cannot Be Described...By No "F Word" or Even By Tha Words That U Are Reading as I Speak.
I Dream of Having a Galaxy filled with Others who Want 2 Become The Best Them, and Who Look so Good Doing it, That People Magazine will give Us a Feature Called, "Galaxy Star of The Week."
For Some Time I've Been Hoping for Change in Our Life...It's Now Come...And It was From Tha Mirror That I First needed 2 Seek.
Cuz Now...This Season of Want is Opened To Where We're Gonna Get Everythang We've Ever Wanted...And Tonight's Post is More Than a Sneak Peak.

Somethang Special is In Tha Air When It Comes 2 This Thang of "Fun and Luv"...Now I realize That This Thang is Way Bigger Than My Account Full of Dough.
My Strength has Reached That Where I'm Willing 2 Accept Failure Knowing That Success is Right around Tha Corner...And With Each Cigarette Puff...Uttering Tha Words..."Catch This Once in A Lifetime Show."
See...U Want 2 Know Why U Can Be Confident when Ur Still Climbing...Or Why U Can Have Tha Swagger of A Celebrity or Champion Despite Ur Past...See Tha Final Pieces are Here in This Photo...

No Matter What Don't Every Forget This Equation...

....One "YES"....Is Worth....

A Million Boxes of 'No.'

Austino Galaxia!

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