Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"Huh?? I Can't Hear You!!!"

U know I'm learning a lot about myself...And This Life of Big Bucks.
This lifestyle where our way of looking proper is rocking Jeans and leaving a V-Neck Tee Untuck.
Or that U will do Anythang 2 get what U want...Even if that means go through all Tha Dirt and Muck.
Seeing...How can I put this gently...Let me think about how 2 say something so from this Post it won't get cut.

Today I can talk about a lot of Thangs...Sum I haven't talked about in awhile.
Ain't it amazing how u can feel a tad tired or down, but 'Pep Up' when u see a certain somebody...It makes U Smile.
Searching for those Lost Times of Innocence, when U were playing Hop Scotch on Tha Sidewalk as a Child.
Remembering getting 'Them Digits' of That Special Somebody, and have them write tha #'s on Ur Hand...And U don't wash Ur Hand until That # is Dialed.

Tha last...Ah...Week or Two, I've had Sooooo many people tell me....'Relax!'
It's coming from Tha Most random of people too...Like they've seen Our Journey begin to become A Tax.
Perhaps it's This Aura of Wanting 2 Prove Something So Hard...Wanting Our Name in Lights 2 Tha Max.
OMG!  I literally just pulled one of my Curls from my Hair...I'm going Mad in a Flash Like Jumping Jack.

I need 2 Enjoy This journey a whole lot more...Sometimes it's tough when u've been dealt certain cards.
It's like U have A King and An Ace in Ur hand...But U know Tha Joker is still out there Laughing in Life's Bar.
I've been holding  2 these cards too tight...Like two hands driving on Tha Steering Wheel in This Sportscar.
Just let go....And Let Tha Wind Blow Through our Hair...To Put Plainly...It's Time 2 let Tha Butterfly Out of Tha Jar.

Perhaps I'm Tha Only one, but its so Easy for a Egomanic like Me, 2 be Psyco-Focused, when U don't feel like Tha Chips Have Fell Your Way.
U think about All Tha Blessing U do have...And There are a lot...But looking at Zero's in Ur Bank Account doesn't always Add Up 2 a 'Good Day'.
I know, and I've always discussed this in This Diary, That Our Career and Luv Life, have been Tha Most Challenging aspects for me 2 Play.
Which kinda blows my mind....I mean, it's amazing Tha Things I would do 2 Myself If I was Gay!

Actually, That's Hilarious...Cuz Get It...First I would 'Blow My Mind'...and Then we said, 'If I was Gay'...And...Guess I'm Tha Only One Who Loves Good Brain.
Which is timely cuz Tha Mind Can Play Tricks on you...2 Tha Point 2 Where Ur about 2 go Insane.
You have all Tha Tools to Be A Success, Right deep in Ur Soul...Yet, Tha Doubt keeps on creeping in, and Making Ur 'Action Bone' Come Up Lame.
Boy, I'm gonna get too real 2day, but it is a Diary of Somebody going 2 Tha Top...Guess it's Our Swagger, Confidence or even Those After-School Specials U can Blame.

(Ok...I usually don't do this, unless U happen 2 read one of Our 'Must Read TV Drama's' but I need to just Let Tha Feelings Go on Today....Whatever is Said...Is Said.  But I need to just release....So Where gonna switch up Tha style on today and just speak from our heart....Have No idea what's gonna happen but...(Huge Blow!)  Ok...Here we go...)

Reaching Ur Dreams Can be Filled With Doubt, 
Lay in Ur Bed at Night, Constantly Dreaming About, 
Getting That Diploma or Recognition, Erasing Every Pout, 
Wondering If Miss Success can nudge Ur shoulder with a Joust.

Tears can stream down, like..."Why Me?...Again?"
This person ain't attracted 2 me?  Oh, That's #8 on tha List of Deadly Sins.
Be real, U rather not be with Me...2 waste another night sipping Juice and Gin.
When in reality, When U get down and out...I'm gonna be Ur only Friend.

That voice keeps on saying, "History shows...U'll never win."
Remember when U applied 2 That Job, and They hired a Next of Kin.

Or How They put U through Tha Process...Citing how U don't kiss Booty Skin.
Thinking how Ur Type just don't fit...And for their Rules They Refused 2 Bend.

That voice keeps on saying, "That Person is Outta Your League."
She only digs True Soldiers...When was Tha Last Time U put on some Fatigues.
They prefer somebody who shoots out Mulah When They Bleed.
Somebody who's Already A Rose...Right Now, U are still at tha Store looking for Seeds.

That Voice keeps on saying, "Why Not Give Up?!  It's Over."
Look at where Ur at Now...U'll never get That Mansion or Range Rover.
Heck, U have a tough enough time getting Stove Top Stuffing Made from Stouffer's.
U come from 2 small of a Town...Better call up Mr. Lucky Charms and have him send a 4-Leaf Clover.

That Voice keeps on saying, "Ur Body isn't Sexy Enough."
Don't U know All of Miami have bigger Arms, Butts, Poom-Pooms That Dr. 90210 surgically went 'Puff.'
How can U audition for a Celebrity Gig when Ur body ain't even Buff.
Or Toned or Defined...And any other word U can find in Webster's Dictionary of Stuff.

That Voice keeps on saying, "U know What...U are Too Old."
Like, U only meet Tha Hottest People in Ur College Years...When all Tha Co-Eds are so Bold.
Now when u go out 2 Tha Bar or Club...There is a Sign on Tha 'My Name Is' Tag...It reads...'Sold'.
Then everybody has Kids too...Looking at Ur hand, I'm telling U...U should Fold.

That Voice keeps on saying, "Remember How Tha Person Broke Ur Heart."
Them Cheating On U showed, U are a Nobody...They Left cuz They saw U Futuristically Falling Apart.
U said, "I Luv You" as U held Their Hand...They smiled in Ur face and took all of Ur Luv Darts.
Yet They took off their Bulls-Eye Vest as they left you...And as a disgrace for you...In Ur face...They Fart.

That voice keeps on saying though..."Nobody In Ur Family Has Made it Big."
How come Ur trying to Become The Best You...Have U Flipped Ur Wig?
Tha more money U spend on Books and Looking Good...A Bigger Hole Ur Pockets begin 2 Dig.
Plus, U can't resist temptation...So U'll never make it...Look at how Ur Looking at Tha Newton Bar of Fig.

That voice keeps on saying, "Ur a Flat Out Phony."
All This Talk about Fun and Luv...Give me some Bread Cuz it's Pure Baloney.
U want Tha LA Lifestyle...Yet U've Never Won a Championship...I should call U D'Antoni.
This Table is only reserved 4 Winners...U should Leave...Just like Seinfeld When He Said He Hated Ponies.

That voice keeps on saying, "Ur a Geek...And Nobody wants 2 Be With a Nerd."
Staying Up To Read a Book or Write a Poem...In Tha 21st Century??? Absolutely Absurd.
See...U keep trying to let somebody understand you...But their 'No' is equal 2 Flipping U Tha Bird.
This is a "Right Now" Microwave society...U better get back 2 Facebook...Nobody has Time to Look 4 a Pearl.

That voice keeps on saying, "Ur Closet is Good...But it ain't like 'Bron's or D. Wade's."
Look at You...U have all These Clothes, With Nowhere to go...Those Burberry Khaki's are starting 2 Fade.
Have over $400 worth of Sunglasses...When was Tha last time tha Sun has shined Ur way 2 erase Tha Shade.
Matter of fact, that leads me to another thing I should tell you...Of This You're ranked #1 in Miami-Dade.

That voice keeps on saying, "Ur Overrated and Why would somebody want 2 Be with You."
Ain't No Way in Hades, a Hot Gurl wants a "Nice Guy"...Rule #1 in Pimpology:  All Hot Gurls Wanna Screw.
People only approach other people who are currently in a Relationship...Single=None.  Married=Flirts X 2.
And U don't speak Spanish?  Dude, just give Up...Tha official Language here is of Cuba..Tha Other Red-White-And Blue.

That voice keeps on saying, "Your Just Wasting Your Time."
Sacrificing for Tha Good Of Tha Team...How Can You See So Blind.
Right now, it's about What Can You Do For Me?...U won't even get a Smile for being so Kind.
I mean, U just heard in a Girl 2 Girl convo, "Does He Have Money?"...See, it's all about Tha Wine and Dine...And U don't have no Shine.

That voice keeps on saying, "Ur Prayers Don't Get Answered Anymore."
Like, How Many Gurls have u hope for their Goodness, and They still haven't opened Up Their Hearts Door.
U want Better for Them, Than They want for Themselves...Yet, they bypass you cuz u have 'Zero' on Ur Board of Score.
How many times have U mentioned Carly Simon, and Sheryl Crow 2 show Ur Diversified...They even say They hate Britney...Giving Tha Middle Finger while saying, "Gimme More".

That voice keeps on saying, "How Can U Say Ur Gonna Be Tha Best...Ever."
Cute words, but You know That's Impossible right...So many have Died in this endless Endeavor.
We're talking bout Einstein, Mark Twain, even Martin Luther King... I mean, "I Have A Dream" is quite clever.
Why not just be satisfied with being Normal...Mean, Nobody even knows who U are...Don't believe me, try 2 get a Hot Dog at Arbetter's.

That voice keeps on saying, "You only attract Hotties That already have a Man."
Didn't U hear Joe when he said, "All Tha Good Gurls are always Taken", u'll be better off asking out a Man.
Yes, You may have an audience, but That Engagement Ring is gonna prevent U from getting a #1 Fan.
You keep on attracting That Type, Cuz They see you After They're Caught...Tough 2 Turn a Pancake when They're Stuck 2 Luv's Pan.

That voice keeps on saying, "Shouldn't You Have Had a Kid Already?"
How can All Ur Boys Have Shorties...And Ur still wondering about Who To Take Out Steady.
Talking about Dreams coming true...How About Nightmares Coming True...Now wonder in Ur life Ur always surrounded By Jason and Freddie.
Tha Longer U Wait, Tha Less Chance U'll Get...No Peas In Tha Pod...That's ur recipe for Ur Vegetable Medley.

That voice keeps on saying, "You made Tha Wrong Move Coming 2 Miami in Tha First Place."
Didn't U realize coming down I-95, That nobody cares about that End...Just tha drama of 'Tha Chase'.
Ur Boy told U a long time ago...U didn't listen...Tha only things that matter in that M.I.A. are:  Sex, Drugs and Real Estate.
Matter of fact, U can have This For free...'LUVLESS'...U Can Put That On Ur Freakin' License Plate.

That voice keeps on saying, "Ain't it time to stop using 'That One Girl' as Motivation."
Didn't u see by her Social Network pictures, she ain't thinking about U when she's on Vacation.
You're never gonna get her anyway...She already has somebody That makes her heart flutter when she hears Bono yell... 'El-e-vation.'
Mean she wants somebody who's already has a Mansion on Tha Hill, not somebody dreaming on Luv's Plantation.

That voice keeps on saying, "Stop writing This Poem...Nobody Cares about What's Real."
You can say and do all u can...But you are gonna be one orange, nobody ever wants to truly Peal.
Claiming That You can give Tha Best 'Kiss From A Rose', but I asked Heidi Klum, and her lips are still Sealed.
People want to hear about Success stories after They've arrived...Who cares about Tha Trials U have 2 go through when U still on Tha Grinding Field.

That voice keeps on saying, "Don't U Regret Your Past?  Your Chance Has Passed."
Pops told U to take a Retail job earlier in Ur Life...Now it's Sales Experience That has U Gassed.
You missed out on Ur Best Shot With A Gurl...She was right there...A "10"...With a Curves from Her Neck Down  2 Her...
When are U gonna realize That Being Focus on a Workout ain't important...Tha Body isn't important...I just told U it's All About Tha Cash.

That voice keeps on saying, "Why Don't U Just Settle...Everybody Else Does."
Ur holding out for That Dream Job or Dream Relationship...U've been waiting 4 so long...That Ur Dreams Have Lost Their Buzz.
Let's be real, U've been writing about Luv and Fun for Three Years...Yet when U say, I prefer Waxes of Brazilian, Tha Gurls look at U crazy, and Keep Their Hairy Fuzz.
Then How are U gonna date an Hispanic Girl when U don't eat Rice...That's Ur problem, who wants somebody who doesn't enjoy a dish beginning with 'Arroz'.

That voice keeps on saying, "High Dreamers usually Die Alone."
Bring U standard down some, I mean, Everybody can't be like you, and live for 5 minutes without their Cell Phone.
Hold On, U Call Urself Having A Galaxy...Nobody else thinks like that...That's like eating Blue Ribbon by first eating Tha Cone.
Then U have George Michael indicating a call...Dude, Who wants to be associated with somebody who has an old 90s song like "Too Funky" as Their Ringtone.

That voice keeps on saying, "That Beach Hottie was right when she said, U are cute...For a Black Guy."
U think that somebody is actually gonna date outside of their race? Ha-ha!  Ha-ha!  Nice Try.
Everybody wants comfort, and U make people...Uncomfortable...That's why U shouldn't wear Ur 50's Reader's Glasses and a Tie.
Mean how can somebody want A Dude who talks about Fashion, Dreaming Big, and Wanting 2 Lick Kat Von D up and down until Every part of her Miami/LA Ink dries.

That voice keeps on saying, "This Too Long...Wrap it Up...Who Cares About Your Thoughts."
I'm willing 2 bet that when u retire later this year on Dec. 31st, U still haven't Mermaid Caught.
Then what are U gonna do?  U won't be famous by then...Tha Tabloids ain't gonna list you has Every Female's 'Most Sought'.
I can see Tha Headlines right now...."Galaxia..Tha So-Call Star Who Never Won...And was Over Fought."

That voice keeps on saying, "Ur Embarrassing Urself with these words...They'll never come true."
I can make Life so bad for you, That U'll crumble down to Ur knees and cry...I'm Through.
U think That U know everythang Bout Dating and Relationships...I can bring a Senorita That Can Make U Go Crazy...Literally til U won't know what 2 do.
Taking Ur Money, Taking Ur Time, Messing With Ur Mind....Yet have U wanting her so bad...Just because of a Pic of her Yellow Bra, and Low Hip Thong of Sky Blue.

That voice keeps on saying, "Believing in Tha Impossible...Don't U see Ur Life is a Curse."
U'll get a Gurl, Just like Tha Cubs win Tha World Series...Be real with Ur Stupid Galaxy, Tha Pain is Overwhelmingly Immerse.
Seeing People on TV doing something U'll never be able to do...How can U be Decades in, and still looking for Ur Love Titled Ur First.
Ur just writing this Just Because...Deep inside U know it's over..."Death of a Salesman." Ha!...'Death of A Galaxia'...And we are witnessing Your Funeral go down in this Diary...Unrehearsed.

That Voice...That Voice...
I'm sorry I was dazed out like a Mug.
Whahh?  Where did all of "That Voice" come from...A Poetry Writing Bug?
Or Was All of This Sent Suddenly... from Tha Galaxy Up Above?

Just glad That I didn't listen 2 "That Voice" seems like My Grave He Has Already Dug.
Wanting 2 Sweep me Deep Under in Tha History of This Galaxy like Dust Under Tha Rug.
I'm Tha Hottest and Freakin' Best 2 Ever Do This Thang...I'm Gonna Share My Best when it comes 2 Fun and Luv.

See, for tha Last hour or so, I can picture these lips moving...Yet Couldn't Hear What was Being Said...Seemingly In a Mean Manner like in a War of Tug.
See in This Galaxy... I'm learning..U need 2 make an investment worth more than any Live Nation Sold-Out Ticket Stub...
See In This Galaxy, In Order To Be Tha Best...U Better Invest Yourself Heavily in...

A Nice Pair of Earplugs!!!

And Luv Always.
Austino Galaxia.

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