Thursday, January 30, 2014

Breaking Off Dawn.

Really don't know why I'm even writing on tonight,
Got my pasta with Turkey bowl in front of me to be had.
But despite all my wrestling with myself on should we type or not,
Here we go again, with another post that can turn our bad or...glad.

Let me go through my files, just give me a quick sec,
Love, Sex, Money, and oh yeah, being a shopaholic are all on tha table.
Perhaps I should talk about my number one topic that I want to give to Washington...
How come I can't get A La Carte channel choosing when it comes to satellite or regular cable.

We have revealed ourself so much, that I sometimes begin to cringe,
Cuz what we have talked about are things that a particular to my heart.
Whether that's about us becoming a "Star", or helping out tha homeless,
Or flipping a coin asking 'Blonde or Brunette', 2 who's gonna play lead as my opposite part.

There's an energy in tha air, and I can feel it,
So this post is especially for that one special somebody.
I'm putting my food in tha microwave to sit, cuz I need complete concentration,
Please twinkle ur fingers as I do this...Lah.. De...Da...Dee...


Ok.  This may be our last time, no one knows tha future,
Meaning I have to write on tonight as if's our last, cuz who knows.
Come on fingers, don't let me down, please not tonight,
Let my soul's thoughts on Fun and Love, so easily....flow.

Does anybody else just wonder, Why the do what they do?
Or how come things happen to them, and it all feels like a curse?
Like, u look at ur life, and u just think, 'This really don't make any sense...,
I mean I shoulda got Homecoming Queen, all u got to do is look at my Michael Kors purse.'

Or u wonder when ur time is about to jump off,
Just like a cow who's jumping over tha moon.
Maybe that was tha wrong example, but u get what I'm trying to say,
For tha sake of tonight's post, hopefully that cow will jump before the month of June.

As u've been reading our recent diary posts, we've been fired up,
One moment feel like conquering tha Galaxy, tha next we just want to puke.
Thoughts of this journey has just been tooo's just not fair,
Why won't tha DJ in tha Sky finally put on a song, so I can simply, for once...Juke!

Depressed?  No.  Still have confidence and ultimate faith,
Now we have been feeling like when is doing ur best finally gonna pay off.
Am I doing something wrong?  Is everybody else right, and I should just be a poser?
Have all these hot gurls around me, but when it gets real, they act like they want to barf.

U know what, I feel this tonight, so I got 2 get loose cuz it's our diary,
Might as well let nothing slip through tha cracks...I mean, I ain't no roach.
Been going through so much, good and "good" that it ain't even funny,
Honestly in this game of Love and Fun, we're being force to not only be a player...but tha ultimate Coach.

First off, let's talk about Fun.  Ahhh...
My favorite three-letter word, that I first uttered after "Gah-Gah Goo-Goo."
Tha word that's been on my lips ever since Janet and JT had their Super Bowl mishap,
And every since tha words, 'Swagger' and 'Cray' became an addition to lingo talk brand new.

We're a goofy fellow, for those of u who don't know me,
I mean, when tha music sounds I'm just about tha first one to hit tha dance floor.
Then again, if we're at a Strip Club...Cough, Cough,  getting waaay too personal,
According to my friends, I might be tha first one to hit tha door.

Maybe because I'm not into paying to see tha flashing of headlights,
When I know that I have a lifetime coupon in my pants that says I can see it for free.
Like paying $30 dollars for a meal, that u know u gonna have to stop afterwards cuz it ain't filling,
Heck, u coulda just cooked up ur own recipe, and probably coulda got it under Ten minus 3.

This Lust or Love topic is coming up in a bit,
But I just feel like my life all depends on me having fun.
Talking with new people, seeing new things, ya dig,
Sometimes just taking a quiet walk to enjoy tha shining...

See, u thought I was gonna say, "Sun" right there didn't u,
Nope!  Let ur imagination come up with something 2 fill that phrase.
That's tha type of person I am, always super spontaneous,
Yet...recently even I have been having some "Woe Is Me" type of days.

When u really want something, I mean really want something,
I'm not talking about a person, I'm talking something bigger than a burger.
U dream about that "ish" freakin' day and night, 24/7  like CNN Headline News,
Dream about having Cheese, and being all melted inside, tell me that ain't tha ultimate merger!

That feeling of "I gotta have it" takes over you, for real,
Tha life u have is super great, but still something's missing to make u feel complete.
U think about those rejection letters from jobs, or those Facebook messages girls never responded 2,
Tha want to 'let go' is there, but for some reason ur mind just won't hit tha button of 'delete'.

Maybe that's how u need to live ur life...Huh.
The need to live ur life as tha underdog, no matter if ur tha best walking around.
Perhaps certain things occur in ur life, to keep u humble, or more important hungry,
In order 2 keep ur nose from hitting tha air, something has to keep ur knees to tha ground.

Let's get loose....Right now, there are two things that are humbling me,
To be honest, they are tha things that I want most out of this world.
One, is to have tha ultimate job, where my presence is felt from South Beach to Jupiter,
That's tha planet, not Jupiter, Florida...although Palm Beach County has some smoking gurls.

Tha other is tha ultimate...Don't get personal, Galaxia, don't get 2 personal...
Tha want of knowing there's somebody else who's at our level of Fun and Love.
Like somebody who's crazy enough to party and act stupid til tha break of dawn,
And then somebody who's quietly wanting to change the Galaxy like a soft peaceful dove.

That's what I feel like is gonna make me feel like "Life is worth living."
Goes way beyond my super-closet with items that have price tags that are beginning 2 fade.
Deeper than any thrill of being tha most "famous", though I think that will happen,
But my goal is Tha Galaxy, this thang goes way beyond tha county lines of Miami-Dade.

Now I have to make a confession and I hope I don't regret this later in life,
Matter of fact, I hope I don't regret this later this week, but u gotta write how u feel.
We say that everythang happens for a reason, perhaps even as motivation,
And for several weeks, although I thought I had it all, I realize that my cards need to reshuffle its deal.

Ladies, let me just say this, and I hope u'll never, ever 4get this,
There ain't nuthin' like a guy who has it all, but realizes there's something he's yet to obtain.
And if that guy has a competitive spirit such as ours, with a Ego big as Eggo's Thick and Fluffy,
U must let that man vent his soul, as he tries to get what would make is mind go back to being sane.

We've been blessed in so many ways, it's beyond words,
South Beach lay, pretty good workout regime, and others we won't brag.
But whenever we think that there's nothing else to obtain, it hits us,
You don't have "Such and Such", and like Paco Jeans, in a moment's time our face briefly begins to sag.

That lifestyle is what we want, tha creme de la creme,
Recently though, our motivation has come way of a...girl.
No matter how many times I think I have it all,
Her name pops up, and I realize I'm just a pimple in her world.

It's almost like the ultimate slap in tha face, u know,
U can have any female around, but guess what u still ain't got...her.
So u can go all around Miami, looking for Armani 3-Pack Hip Briefs all u want,
But what u really want u don't stop living in a stupid and conceited foggy blur.

See, tha thang is, it's not necessarily this one girl, per se,
Tha motivation comes in tha idea that u can have her...almost like a mirage of sort.
Sometimes to keep on going in life, u have to mentally make things interesting,
How come u think so many celebrities are always ending up in somebody's Judicial Court?!

Not saying, u got to go steal something or rob somebody,
Just u sometimes have to use ur situation as fuel to ur fire.
I look at this gurl, and a "tinkle" comes inside me, like "She's tha goal",
My ultimate dream is to have her dress up for me like tha sexy dame from tha movie Barb Wire.

Now will we ever hook up, u know what I don't even know,
One day I feel like we're just gonna tell her, "Look, u've taken me to tha level of next."
Seen u from afar....Seen u from very close as well,
And u really don't know how much lift u gave me from a simple text.

Tonight, to put plain and simply is about finding ur motivation,
What is it that's gonna push u higher, even when u or others "think" u got it all.
Tha last two weeks, I felt like I was running on empty, like I've given so much to tha game,
In tha Gold digger's dictionary u'll find nothing worse than a Baller who no longer fills tha want to ball!

So when u reach that point, u have to dig for something or somebody...
Like my parents don't think I can do this, instead of getting a 'A', I want a freakin' 'A Plus'.
Or u may have to start digging threw ur old memory bank of old boyfriends or girlfriends,
Those who once told u that 'U ain't sexy enough' or 'I wanna talk'...which is simply translated "Bite my dust."

That's why its so important to take risks in life, no matter what,
Cuz even when u do reach a certain level, u still may need to reach back and feel that old pain.
Back to tha days when nobody knew who u were, or when nobody "Like" ur Instagram photos,
What u feel is working for ur bad, in tha opposite is creating a fire within that nobody can tame.

Almost done, but we need to make a point on tonight,
Just because I know I ain't tha only one who's won MVP but only wants a Championship ring.
It gets old waiting for ur turn...It gets old sleeping next to a Hong Kong Phooey teddy bear,
U have learned every single aspect of being a backup, now u know its ur turn to lead sing.

It's about developing a standard of excellence, creating a habit,
That's why we say in terms of relationships, don't just do thangs on certain days.
Valentine's Day...alright...Or playing Hide-Go-Peek just on certain anniversaries...that's Amateur.,
True professionals of Love begin everyday, with a spoken word that goes, "Let me count tha ways."

I talk so much about love in our diary, cuz somebody has 2 say something,
And evidently, God has put endless episodes in our life to write about and keep us humble.
Said this a million times that this 'Relationship' topic has been with us since we were even a small lad,
Matter of fact, my first rap was in Kindergarten when I ask this chick, "How can I make ur cookie crumble?!"

So saying all that, and trust me I can go on,
I have two ways of using my love experiences...Hate or Embrace.
We can go on as we have tha last two weeks, wondering why Cupid's lost son is dealing with such,
Or use every single ounce, of every episode to push us to tha level from Tha Chaser to...Tha Chased.

Life is about having fun, and don't let nobody ever tell u any differently,
It's amazing how many moping faces I see like...dude, u have two legs and a roof.
Today, I came to tha stoplight at 5th and Alton Road, and to my left I was stunned,
This body was wrapped up sleep under tha overpass seemingly homeless...and I wanna act aloof???!

Tha thang that has gotten to me recently is this,
Freakin' A, doesn't anybody else want to enjoy life to tha max?
Is there anybody else who's into finer things of life, like convos or true hugs,
Or has everybody gone tha way of waiting to post a pic on Twitter of there return from their Income Tax?

That's why I've been feeling a little isolated,
Even though I have some of tha hottest guys and definitely gurls on speed dial.
Being urself can make u seem like ur...In tha wrong, I mean let's be honest.
Now I understand tha preparation from my grade school teachers when they said, "Line up, Single file."

It's in these moments that u have 2 find something to motivate u,
Whether that's a job, or even a pretty doll that U MAKE to feel like she's beyond compare.
Something just to get ur juices flowing in tha morning,
At least to get u through tha day, until later that night when all ur drunk friends are playing "Truth or Dare."

Gotta stay focus, and we mean that with all our soul,
Whether that's with schoolwork, or on tha job, or relationships in love.
Once u got some things, u now want to per-fect tha tee,
I'm still looking for my perfect diary post...won I don't missspelle uzing Amur's righting Gluv.

Now things are finally starting to turn our way,
January has really been one I would like to forget.
All work it seemed, minimal was,
And on top of all that, I literally had some days when I was just feeling sick.

Perhaps though, this is tha month I can remember tha most,
When it's all said and done, I look back and wonder what if I hadda stopped.
Right when it seemed like tha rock was never gonna break,
We learned it wasn't an act of one hit, but tha previous years of hammering away, that made it finally pop.

We're weird, and it's gonna take a weird gal to be with us,
Just because our greatest gift can sometimes feel like our greatest downfall.
Having tha feeling that tha impossible still is possible, or that a good laugh does make tha doctor go away,
Huh...Or maybe our greatest gift is tha one we whip out everytime we go into a bathroom stall?!!

No matter what tha case is, we, and all of us, have to push on,
May get tired of doing what we think is tha way 2 success, but it'll pay off for sure.
As my homegurl, Ms. Christina told me as I texted her opinion of me getting my belly button pierced,
U got to do what 'Floats Ur Boat'...And...Oh, I forgot to add tha ' :)' symbol!! Just live a life that's so pure.

If this is our last post, please just remember to Have Fun and Love,
Life is too precious to waste time on things that don't matter.
Somebody may say, that's easy for u 2 say, u gonna party this whole upcoming month and weekend,
And ur right!!!  But tha party is just tha desert...U can only enjoy desert after tasting tha main platter.

Just don't give up, because the best of times are right around tha corner,
I'm holding on by a freakin' shoelace, but tha key is that at least I'm holding on.
It's 10:30 on tha dot, and I mentioned these three words earlier on tonight,
Tha Sunset of our life has now ended....and I can without a doubt say...

It's now tha Break of Dawn.

"Enjoy Tha Process"...Thanks for tha nugget P. McGizzle!!

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