Friday, January 10, 2014

Galaxia Behind Bars.

"Dude, did you hear what they said about you son"
Talking about how ur threw, and are just a fake romeo?
I know you ain't gonna take that from some haters, are you?
You need to drop those walls, like in tha name of Chris Jericho!

Then guess what I heard?"...What did you hear dawg?
"I heard that they think you are a fake?"
Word..."Yeah, how all this Love and Fun stuff is a front,
And how in reality, you are all about tha ta-ta's and booty shake!"

Huh..."And you wanna know what else I heard?"
Go ahead, seems like tha streets are chattering like Twitter after an episode of Scandal.
"They say, tha reason this is your last year is because u're washed up,
No more stories about making it big...Just dumb ones about chicks that you can never handle."

Bro, why are you telling me all this junk and heresay,
You know that I get wound up when I got motivation.
Washed up...Yeah, right, dude if only they knew,
I shine super bright, that's why there are so many fellow Stars in my Galaxy Nation.

There's only one thang left to do, my Homedude,
Let's head down to tha basement, have some fun like old times.
Go down to ur home studio, where's there's nothing but one sexy mic down there,
Tha place where I can close my eyes and dream, while spitting some mad key rhymes.

"Galaxia, u ain't said nuthing but a word my homie,
Me and tha rest of tha Galaxy have been waiting for this forever and a day.
It's cool that you write poems, and give "Must Read TV" stories for fun,
But u need to set these cats straight, on who's the best to ever step on Fun's court and play.

I'm just gonna grab me some Malibu and some Coca-Cola,
Along with pictures of every gurl that has given u an added push."
Dude, why u bringing those pics of them gurls...Man, that's so yesteryear...
"I know, but it was either bring down tha girls, or bring "Jenny" down...u know...aka my kush."

We don't need to get high on tonight, you've got me wound up enough,
So much that all I need is some Pixie Stix and some crispy M & M's.
"U still eating those Crispy little critters like it's back in tha day huh,
I remember u used to eat those at JV halftime's before u played Varsity later...and used to no-look them."

Yeah, man, those were tha days for sure,
I still got me a few moves on tha basketball court yet to be seen.
"Ah-ha!!! That's tha funniest 'ish, I've heard all day,
Next you gonna tell me that ur that pretty boy cat whose first name was Dean."

Man, let's go down these steps...Aww Shoot!!
U still got them Platinum Records all shiny and hanging from tha wall.
"Don't touch them dude, those thangs are worth a lot of money,
I might need it cuz my Baby Mama needs those Euros since my shorty begins school in tha Fall."

Bro, I still can't believe how u ended up with that chick,
She was tha hottest model in Spain, I mean she even has her own Stiletto.
And here you were, broke, just dropped outta college after first semester,
Hitting up every strip club in tha 'burbs..."Hey, Galaxia, don't forget tha ones in tha ghetto."

(Hi-Five Exchanged) You my dude, for ever man,
So many folks be hating on us, not knowing how we get down.
"Forget them busters, Galaxia, just do your thang, and u'll reach tha top,
U know how long it took for Lucy Van Pelt to finally give in to tha desires of Charlie Brown!

I see you doing your thang all down in South Beach, living tha dream,
You went down there in 2005, and now look, every celebrity has now followed you.
U got 'Bron, Jigga and Beyonce, Kim and Yeay..."
I don't think it was me dawg, it was because of tha sexy vibe, and cuz tha ocean is so clear blue.

"Right....Right...The came down because of tha ocean,
What about tha Vespa's and holes in tha jeans...Didn't u do all that first?
And your ride, now u literally get letters in tha mail about people wanting you car,
Now ur in tha hottest ride, when back in tha day, people hated it as much as a Funeral Hearse.

Your a trend setter, and you need to prove it tonight,
We talk like homeboys and I know that you have a lot on ur mind besides a girl's rack.
Walk with me over to my classic Vinyl collection, so we can grab a beat,
We got some Biggie, some Kid Rock, heck even some Shania Twain is over in that stack."

Dude, that's what I luv about you, u got everythang over here,
I need a beat though, that's gonna put me into a state of something...magic.
Something's that's gonna get me so hyped that every emotion I have is gonna come out,
So that when they look up Galaxia on Antonym will be tragic.

"Alright, I got something, just step into that booth over there,
First though, u have to flick over tha light switch, cuz it's so dark.
(Woof!- Woof!  Woof!-Woof!) Asteroid, get outta there, and go back upstairs,
I apologize Galaxia, but I had to cave in, every supermodel girl has to have a puppy who always barks.

Also, you must forgive me for all of tha dust that is in there,
As you can see, I've been living off of my fortune, and haven't been producing as much.
But don't get it twisted, don't forget we made hits for Fitty, Weezy F., and Luda,
Just because it ain't super clean...please don't slip, cuz that silver microphone still has tha golden touch.

Now just like old times, put those big headphones around ur big head!
Except no longer are we using Sony, but those new ones from Beat By Dre.
Do I need to dim tha lights a little darker, how u used to like it?"
Yeah, Dawg, make it pitch black...there's been a dragon in my life, and now it's so time 2 slay.

Before we begin, I need a little inspiration before we begin,
Can I run to get my phone, to admire a sexy photo pic?
"Bro, I brung down all tha pictures of the girls u've known present and past right here...
From tha girls from Canada to France...even tha one from Columbia...u know blond hair, kinda thick."

I remember her, she used to get dressed up just for me, on tha real,
Lived out in Doral, with a sexy accent, and was mad cool with some curves out and in.
"Dude, why didn't you hit that?  I keep telling you...don't pass up on tha fa sure's",
Same old story Homie...Freakin' hot gurl...with a JPEG attached to her...Titled 'Boyfriend'.

Man, I'm about to blow, but only one thang is missing,
Bro, I need a beat outta this Galaxy, to make this an all-time classic freestyle.
One that's gonna shut up tha haters, while attract props from tha Fellas,
And definitely one that's gonna make every hot Senorita go buck wild.

"I gotcha, I gotcha...Not this one, Not that one,
I guess this one, since u've been writing everythang on how you ur about to take flight.
Why don't I dig into tha perfect beat for tha players and tha ladies...
How about we throw in a classic one I heard at tha club tha other night.

Galaxia I know that you are ready for tha big stage,
But sometime just got to shut up all tha holla, and all of tha hateful diss...
Brotha, u gonna get loose in this studio tonight,
Why don't I hit u with that old Jigga...'Excuse Me Miss.'

(Music Playing)  Oh Snap dude!  U done messed up,
U know that this is one of my all-time favorite joints.
Just let me get my throat together, this is gonna be good,
Everybody be reading my stuff Dawg, and its like they still don't get tha point.

"Whenever u ready, Galaxia."....Alright...
Whah....Whahh...Whahhh....One-Two, One-Two....
I feel this...I feel this....Here we go Dawg...
Gonna be hot and we owe it all to you!!

(Huge Blow!)

People think its weird, cuz I wanna be a star/
It'll never happen, cuz he gotta go too far.

U never know, what may happen soon/
Go from doing stock,  to eating with a golden spoon.

I write 2 much about love and date/
Not shy about it, I mean no need to wait.

We sumthing different, wanna be outta sight?
Like a KO during a Iron Mike fight.

2nite its time, to clear tha air/
On whether I like what's on top, or tha rump in tha rear.

U ready for this, like a party at LIV/
Gonna make u drool, so u betta get a bib. 

No more playing, times for games is over/
Let's go down tha list, first tha Pintos then tha Range Rovers.

I get tired of, tha same ol', same ol'/
Marc Jacobs jewels, shining futuristic Rose Gold.

Money ain't it all, I've said that before/
When would somebody open, humbleness' closed door.

See I'm different, and I mean what I say/
Who else u know can sing, Tom Petty and Marvin Gaye.

Am I Gay?  Somebody probably wish I was/
Sure if I come out now, tha Sobe hotlines will light up with mucho buzz.

But I'm not, surely you see how we talk/
About girls who giggle, and show tha bowlegged walk.

Tha things we write about, come from our heart/
May be old burritos 2 you, if so, then gladly fart.

I'm running for tha border, like Carl in 1992/
Knowing this is it, providing a diary that's so sky blue.

Days that are sunny. with others we wish never came/
Nights where stars went dim, O how I hate that Midnight dame.

Lately things have be wild, I thought you knew/
Telling everybody u know, matter of fact I should sue.

Let me tell you how I really feel, homedude and girls/
Since people want to know, here and around tha world.

That was tha warm-up, now let's really diverse/
Gonna do this one time, 'Beep' tha need 2 rehearse.

Turn me up, some dawg...Yeah, right there...Ok....

So u probably thinking why doesn't he shut up talking about fun/
Go lay in tha sand, and enjoy all tha sun.
Won't stop until I have what I deserve to have won,
Or until I'm in Jamaica with tha locals shouting, "Hey Mon!"

Recently been talking too much about One More Year,
We seen so much though that our eyes are big as a deer.
Getting so close, we wonder if we are beginning to fear,
Even if we ever find a cool doll, who also knows how to steer.

Dating you know it was coming, probably this diaries benchmark,
U read a post, and it's so boring, then a love story gives it a spark.
Have a lot of them, too many, our soul never remains in park.
A lot of hot gurls...then again everybody looks good in tha dark.

Was that just on my Grandma's birthday, on this I should speak.
Talking about this one beauty, I still can't believe it's been over a week.
Telling stories, that only she would know, and everybody else must identity seek, 
Wondering what's going on...Has Galaxia now met his dream freek?!

Can't stand anybody passing us, without us saying ur a dime,
NO shame in doing that, even though in writing it, we definitely took our time.
Wondering if I should've been silent, and gone tha way of tha Mime,
If I use my hands it woulda be tha french sign, hands cupped 2gether like "so fine".

It ain't nuthin' in being just friends, a relationship I won't break,
Our lifestyle can add some pressure, thinking about how our Galaxy is so great.
Fun everywhere, finally somebody who's just being themselves, for God's sake.
A five-star would be nice but I sometimes wonder how would a McChicken taste on a first date.

Sure it would be worth a whole lot more than a dollar,
Tha cheese won't matter, that's not gonna be what brings tha 'I want more' holla.
Trust me as I write this, I began to loosen up my collar,
Just realizing that sandwich is tha dream choice of every single Balla.

I thought about taking a year off, meaning just dating with Love being no chance.
Like this entire 2014 campaign, just standing on tha wall with no dance.
Just 'Frenching It' through life, standing like tha Eiffel in France.
Thinking about hitting tha road, all I need is $143 in two cans.

But something told me to stop, like everythang is right now, super hot.
Ur in tha best shape of your life, been awhile since a pimple u had to pop.
Got fresh new bed linens, still may have to pull out our mop,
Have a perfect wardrobe too, there ain't nothing else I need to cop.

So this is tha best time right now, to enjoy life and cool peeps.
Bring tha coolest people I know into my Galaxy which is no longer so steep.
I only hang around tha best, and only date pure '10's, tha rest you can keep.
2 be with me, even as a friend, means that u gotta somehow take a leap.

This has to be too good, u telling me, u don't even want no sex.
My mouth is covered, even as I write this, the answer to that is so complex.
Almost can't write what I want to say...too X-rated so I think I should text.
A Professor always wonders...while standing up, or while sitting behind tha desk.

What's next?  I don't know, but it's full of good things.
Friendships that are real, and not those, 'I love you in tha Summer' type flings.
Matter of fact, even on tonight, I can already hear tha voice of a bird sing.
It's saying, 'Galaxia, ur gonna be larger than life...I'm gonna call you Yao Ming!'

Seems like this rap game, is like the definition of my life.
So many Video Vixens within reach, but yet to have found a perfect wife.
Sometimes feeling like u need security, somebody call up Barney Fife.
Thinking if being too honest is a bad thang, and later when I'm famous it causing so much strife.

You have to be you, the entire you, take tha good with tha bad.
When they call you a loser, or when ur fantasy is screaming, 'Who's Your Dad?'
Have a feeling this is gonna last forever, not just some passing fad.
Bringing a joy to somebody's face one day with tha thought of....'Galaxia actually wasn't too bad.'

That's it, signing off, cuz I'm working on my next album release.
Please tell somebody so these record sales will increase.
When I make it big, I promise you I'm gonna throw a huge and grand feast.
Rocking my GQ outfit...suit coat, sexy girl on tee shirt, and jeans that never crease.

Remembering that one Friday night when Galaxia re-hit tha button Mute.
Spilling his soul one more time, with acid that has no need to be dilute.
You may be missing out on tha next icon, who thinks he's Tha Ultimate Coup.
Just remember I told you so...

And those simple words began in a South Beach Studio Booth.

Love with no Color.

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