Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Crying Over Love's Checklist.

That was a waste of 3 hours,
I had something that I wanted to post.
Had me singing Country music, can u believe it?
If I'm jam, those songs woulda been my toast.

So now, I'm more P'd off as ever,
Cuz I got a stack of clothes that I just dried.
I haven't ate dinner either, which stinks,
Maybe just some Eggo's, Ohh, I think I'm about to cry.

No protein, just 2 grams of fat per serving,
Like I'm some kind of South Beach model doll.
Eating a half of bagel for breakfast,
All before running on tha treadmill for three miles.

As you breathe, u can feel ur bones exhale,
And you stomach growl, like u need some rice.
Or rib sandwich or a $5 from Little Caesars,
If u go to a street vendor, check tha badge or else think twice.

I'm about to cryyyyy, y'all just don't understand,
My time is so valuable, that I have none to waste.
If a girl would to come to crib right now, I'll be like,
"Just let me go ahead and pour...We got no time for tha test taste."

I talk about love and sex wayyy too much, huh,
Like people may be getting tha wrong idea about Tha Kid.
Just being me, I'm a sucka for love and romance,
Next Year they're gonna have a Love Summit...who u thinks gonna get top bill?!!

There's a see-saw, yeah, that's what I'm looking for,
About me keeping this diary 100 or go fake.
Like should I talk about how I really feel about thangs,
Should I blow dry life's leaves, when in actuality I really need a rake.

Can't believe that I'm still writing right now,
I should be in tha shower, in tha motion of my last towel dry.
That's it, we have to tell it like it is, no matter who reads this..
Three letters sum up this entire post...C-R-Y.

So what makes you cry, let's be real,
Could it be not getting what u truly think u deserve?
Like standing in line for that new PS4 or Iphone,
Then having somebody cut you...I mean, What nerve?!

Speaking of cuts, I feel like everybody is trying to outrace me,
It has gotten to tha point where I don't even wanna drive.
Why do people always feel like they got to prove something around me?
Is this tha way to unleash jealously or how u want to....Cry.

Cry...Cry...I shouldn't be saying this really,
But I have cried waaaayyy too much for me being a wealthy snob.
Like my boy Common used to say,
If u want 2 be a heartthrob, shoulda expect to get ur heart robbed.

"I Want You" is tha name of that song,
Should say something just on that title alone.
Not yet, not gonna go there,
Let's eat tha meat before we get to tha bone.

Boy, that has to be one of tha freakiest quotes of all-time,
Read that last line again, and u then u'll understand tha words.
Sometimes things come to you when u least expect it,
Like a beautiful hum, from the loveliest birds.

Life is about having fun, no doubt,
It's just amazing how sometimes u can be brought to tears.
Somethang or somebody so beautiful, that u can't get over them,
Or how ur favorite sports team keeps on losing...year after year.

"Your help is no longer needed", is just tha pits,
Tears can ball up, sometimes outta pure anger of that phrase.
How can they get rid of you, when u worked so hard,
Going in sick, when u coulda stayed home the entire day.

One thang that can make u cry is knowing how close u are,
Like u can feel that ur about to...cover ur ears Little Avery...Bust.
How u've past every test, survived every empty relationship,
And now ur about to get in it, using every trick, all to get that ultimate thrust.

Not giving up, not quitting when it looks so dim,
I had a rough one a few days ago, and my language was off tha charts.
Talking to God like he was one of my gangsta homeboys,
"BS", and "F'ing" bombs seemed to me my voiceful darts.

And you just think, Am I too real for people to really understand me?
Or how come I gotta go through this person...I mean for what?
I've already had tha lessons that has brought me to some unwanted tears,
Why bring tha Long Iron to tha green when we are playing Putt Putt?

Then, as on tonight, as I write all this,
U begin to think, Geez, there ain't enough time in tha day to do it all.
Like if u want to work out, eat well, and party it up,
U need like 3 personal Assistants...Irella are u still willing to take my calls?

My life is so high-octane, which is good,
Cuz we live at a high level, cuz we want nothing but tha best.
Just a simple kid who wants to Love and have fun, dude,
Trying to squeeze every ounce out of Life's toothpaste...just like a tube of Crest.

I wanna cry...cuz I got so much stuff to do on tonight,
Feels like I'm in tha Final Exam stage of the semester course.
Nothing to worry about cuz we've been studying like never before,
If I hadn't been...Trust me, I would be feeling all types of remorse.

I'm just gonna sleep on tha floor tonight, whatever,
Is this pile of clothes kind of symbolic to where my life is right now?
High priced items, just balled up, like I don't really care anymore,
Living life so open that maybe I need to look deep to find my towel?

Come on Austino...Come on Austino...
No need to cry, just think about how things are about to change.
U already have tha dream life, right, so relax...
Even though, it wouldn't hurt to have a new tricked out Purple Range.

My love life....My love life....
I don't know if I want to go there on this late night.
Every week u get a semi-update on this thang it seems,
Guess we feel like our life is about to take flight.

It's been amazing what girls have done, just on today,
I was washing clothes, watching my drawers toss and turn.
This woman, who was pregnant at that time, like walk right through us,
Sneaking through a slight opening, like a cockaroach about to meet it's burn.

She did it on purpose to get our attention,
And I'm like, "Ur a South American beauty, but gurl u got a kid in tha sack."
The funniest thang is she immediately turned around,
With all, and I'm not joking, ALL  intentions on doing it again on her way back!

Shaking my head, like this can be too much some times,
A lot of eyes can be on us, which is why I want a strong girl by our side.
Somebody who loves people and enjoys tha spotlight...sorta,
Cuz from tha attention, we're telling you...u cannot hide.

It's 10:06 pm, and it's late as a mug anyway, so we might as well jot,
I've seen so much in different girls, some have even inspired us beyond words.
I see personalities, I see funky jokes, and styles of dress,
After being around so many sexy dames u look beyond just tha curves.

A thought hit me this year, and I don't know if it'll be true or not,
The thought was this year of 2014, I'm not even gonna try to be in a relationship.
I don't mean that in a pure, "Dipping pudding pops in Ice Creams every night",
Just that...I ONLY want to be with cool gurls who understand how life can flip.

Life just isn't about looking good 24/7,
I mean that in I feel like some folks think that's tha only thang to living ya dig.
But things happen, I mean even Michael Jackson's hair caught on fire,
Still makes me wonder if that was his real hair or a wig?

But for real, I've just about done had it with tha games,
And sometimes u wonder if everythang has been worth it in tha end.
Like u got tha entire world and Galaxy hanging by ur shoestring,
But does it really mean anythang if u haven't got...a girlfriend.

$#%!...I knew I shouldn't be writing this long tonight,
Gotta keep it real, cuz it seems nobody else does tha same.
I think girls feel tha same way as well,
Do u have to be with somebody to feel like ur winning in this unique love game?

Being with us, can be kinda different beyond words,
That's why I hesitate because it really is tha ultimate level of fun.
U can joke, u can flirt, I want a girl to just be themselves,
Never holding them hostage, how they act, determines how I shoot my gun.

That's two...Boy, this post is getting deep into tha freak zone,
Straight up though, I understand the stresses of being just a female beauty.
Having to do this, and take care of family, and being a listening ear for a friend,
Then having to deal with me, who can be like, "Go change clothes, u don't look like a Galaxian type Cutie."

For somebody who wants to just live life and go to tha Spa,
That's a lot of demand for a lot of our female counterparts.
That's why its no act, or us trying to play anybody,
How we are, comes straight from our most sensitive part...Our heart.

Now does that mean, that I'm all pussyfoot,
And won't throw them thangs if somebody wants to Set-Trip in tha MIA?
Fudge Naw!  I'll take care of all the girls I consider homies or great friends,
I'll be Charlie Brown if I let somebody ruin somebody I care about's entire day.

I feel like talking about a situation, but I won't, not now,
Sometimes u just have to let thangs be.
The more you try to do thangs yourself, u can be digging a deeper hole,
And once ur six feet in, believe u me, it's really tough to see.

Ok, I'm about to write this, just because this may be my last year,
Like as we said, if we don't got that certain level by tha end of 2014 A.D.
Then it's curtains for Galaxia, and keeping his diary so open at least,
Hopefully by then, u'll have to pay to read our stuff, and not get all this juicy stuff for free.

I was thinking about these words, "I Love You" the other day,
And how many times I've said that, and meant it to a lady friend.
How u say it, can mean a lot of different thangs,
It could be tha difference between a night sleeping on tha couch, or a night of enticing sin.

I recall this one time, and this is ultra-exclusive Ok,
Like my Mama and Daddy might not even know about this stuff.
Our love life is crazy though, worthy of a reality show,
It can be smooth like a baby's butt, but also can be very rough.

Remember holding this one girl's hand, while the moon was a perfect glow,
And looking into each other's eyes straight down to tha soul.
With nerves bubbling over, like u might wanna call me Jerry Rice,
Cuz this 49er is about to uncover this Little Mami's rush of gold.

"I love you" followed by..."I love you"....
Followed by kisses on tha cheeks and on tha lips.
Man, as I think about her, she was a sexy curly hair girl,
Who wore minimal makeup, and had so slept on sexy hips.

But her personality is what drew me in,
Like that connection allowed me to say and mean what I say.
Things happened beyond our control, which is why she isn't a Baby Mama right now,
Yet u think about how strong emotions can be, but if they are real, they cannot be swayed.

I hope I'm not hurting future loves by saying all this,
It's just that I believe if u love somebody, u love them as an entire whole.
You love them when they are sloppy drunk on a birthday night,
And you love them when they are sick with a thermometer stuck in tha mouth cuz they got a cold.

In relationships, and especially dating we get caught too much into actions,
Alright...this girl don't eat meat, she don't workout, she talks too much on tha phone.
But actions don't always dictate what type of person somebody is,
You might be tha only ear she has, and for tha rest of tha 21.25 hours of tha day she feels alone.

Somebody might say, since u "see beauty in so many girls",
Then how can u differentiate from potential mates one from tha next.
Good question, and we'll try to answer that one from John in Idaho,
Now we're getting really personal in how we know who we want to give tha Galaxia flex.

(Can't believe I'm saying all this stuff.)

From tha inside out, that's tha best way to go right,
So personality wise, what attributes really capture our eye.
I really love a gal who keeps it real with us, I mean REAL,
Like she don't give a hoot, who we are and what we have.

I say that cuz there has been a very select few who has done that to us,
Like call us out on our s--t, no matter if we're Austin or Austino.
I feel like calling out some names, or nicknames so they can know who they are,
Tonight or at least so far, I won't interrupt this somehow Cry turned in Love Checklist flow.

Anybody of our nature, wants a doll who's like,
"U shouldn't take that job" or "U should hold out, u deserve more money."
Or even simple thangs like, "Let me work tha room at this party, I gotcha.",
To even, "I'm rooting for you, when nobody else is...u gonna show them who's funny."

A "D.A.C." to put simply,
Who else seems to be a trend over tha test of time?
For some reason we like girls who are different than us in some ways,
I mean, if I'm tha Full Moon of her life, she should definitely provide the Sunshine.

What can she provide differently that I haven't seen?
And I mean that in a positive way, like what makes her unique?
There has to be something that makes my head tha first choice,
Over what's in my pants, in tha race who I choose to follow in my process of think.

There's a few girls, but this one girl I'm thinking about right now,
One thing I really admire about her is she gives off an Invincible feel.
Like she's seen it all, and is calm enough to handle certain situations that other dolls can't,
Beyond close doors, we all have our moments, but u need somebody who can see what's a big deal.

Another thang that has been prevalent in tha girls I consider Top Shelf,
Is their aspect of being a girl, but also rockin' life like one of tha guys.
There's a lot of super cool girls here in Miami, I get surprised just about everyday,
Like u see sum of the coolest dames discussing about who has tha best fast food French Fries.

Or showing u some love like a homie,
Knowing all tha latest lingo, and on what's hot or poppin'.
That's who we are in a way, just not hiding anythang,
If u find a gal like that...believe u me, there ain't no stoppin.

Physically, beauty comes in so many packages,
From tha full-figured, to tha doll who's petite and of a small build.
That's why its key to take risks in life and love and learn all tha positions,
Cuz u just never know where tha Coach is gonna put you on Love's field.

Personally, probably over the years,
The thang I've been most attracted to has been a sexy face and sexy smile.
Like every girl that I've had an episode with, has a "look",
Or something very unique about them that makes u want to rewind that visual dial.

That can be freckles, high cheekbones, perfect teeth,
Or nose rings or sexy eyes...It's amazing how other girls can spot a "Galaxia Gal".
I've had other girls, point or know what girls I see or dig,
Guess they know how we like that down home model mixed with a style of my best pal.

11:09pm, I don't know what I'm doing writing all this,
But it's gonna be a long night anyway, it's in tha air.
Might as well go down to tha corner store and get me some suds,
Tonight is turning into one of those which u grab a Snickers and a beer.

As I wrap all this up, I just wonder,
Am I too open about love and sexuality and this junk?
I had to go to tha hospital a few weeks ago, and I was all too willing,
To pull my pants down in front of the female doctor and my friend...Hey I ain't no punk!

Guess that's something else that I look for,
Somebody who has no shame in who they are or even their body parts.
In terms of wearing swimsuits, or walking around the house half-naked,
U know why???  Cuz I do it all tha time, rocking no shirt even now as I spill my heart.

All of this is just some real talk,
And I have to say this, just because it's in my vocabulary bowl.
I'm a real stickler for trying to...that's for another time,
Enough of me talking so deep from my soul.

Sorry for being Me on tonight,
With all this writing, I just let out a huge "Sigh."
But u know what's messed up about these last 4 hours,
Its late, I'm gonna get no sleep...and guess what...

I still wanna cry.

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