Saturday, November 30, 2013

"I'll Take Tha Stairs!"

Oh boy!  We haven't done this in awhile.  A seemingly good old fashion diary post, where it's just us.  Period.  No gimmicks.  No poems.  No stories...well, sort of.  But...I think this trail mix, I just ate, is making me sick.  Freakin' Target...Anyway, a whole lot has been going on.  And I can write for days about our "Galaxian Dream" lifestyle where everyday there's a party or money spent or episode with tha opposite sex, but tonight, there seems to be somethang hanging in tha air on this Saturday night.  So...we aren't gonna fight tha feeling, we're just gonna relax, relate and release (I totally need 2 get into some Yoga and Pilates classes really soon.  Can't wait 2 do those Tom and Jerry stretches...that's a cute joke for u Yogis!)...And let tonight speak for itself...There's only one question though...What shall we talk about? As Austin Powers would say, "Hummm?"  (The finger to tha mouth motion is totally sold separately!)

Today is tha final day of tha month of November.  But we've been living in fiscal year 2014 for about 8 weeks, , 3 hours, upteen minutes and 69 seconds now, so...Yeah, u read that right, we have our own time zone as well.  It sounds good, so just roll with me, Ok!....This is our diary, right?!!  So I can just say whatever comes to our heart cuz nobody but u and me, is ever gonna read it anyway, right?!!...Right?!!!...I said, Right?!!!  Now that I've made four square turns into tha full circle where I wanted to go with this thang, we are gonna make a statement that a lot of folks want to say, but may not want to admit...Please, I mean please don't let any 12 year old kids read what I'm about to say...

Up to that aforementioned October 1st date, this year has totally S-U-C-K-E-D!! It was like time was moving and u were standing still.  I know for us, we had a lot of fun times yes...but a lot of our focus was on this just ain't fair what we got to go through, just to take a small step.  U know. Now I know a lot of folks will be like, dude ur blessed, u live in South Beach, got this, that and tha other...But dude, there's another level to living, kid.  I mean, I want to be able to buy asparagus my friend, at Fresh Market without having to sacrifice buying me a Marc Jacobs bracelet.  Or I would luv to gas up at tha great Fill 'er Up, and not worry about, if me splurging on these 2 xtra gallons is gonna not allow me to take a shorty to P.F. Chang's and instead we're gonna have to split a box of Ramen Noodles, and some leftover chicken nuggets from Ronald McDizzy from 4 days ago.  By tha way, don't cold McNuggets taste tha best?!!  U feel like ur going against everythang society, and tha FDA tells u, when u revolt and chomp down on a cold one.  But, and I even told my Mom this tha other day, I think myself, and others feel tha same way, like, "Was 2013 just a wasted year of my life?!"  Well....I guess that's what tonight is gonna be about.

"You have to go through tha process, even though u feel like tha process is over."

No, I did not get that quote from a Turkey Farmers of America pamphlet.  And...No, I didn't hear that at a beauty salon where somebody was getting their 1970's hairstyling on...It was made up, right now!!  But nothing describes how I felt earlier this year than that. I keep having to go through this hula hoop when I did that 2 years ago?  WHY...can't things come together when I've been more patient that anybody, including friends and family that I know, can even dream about?...HOW...come this girl not realize that one night with me, is more than a whole Spring season at New York Fashion Week with somebody else?  I mean, I usually don't cuss that much, but this whole year it seems like I've been dropping F-bombs like I was part of Snoopy's Red Baron squad!  I wonder if I make 2013 tha Chinese Year of Tha F--K, what would that symbol look like?!!  Or what position will that symbolize?  I won't even get into that...Just tha fire to keep pushing until things turn into tha direction you want them to go.  That's why some things were said, cuz I know that I'm close...Yet and still, there are still some things you have to go through, even though ur like, 'God, I passed this test back in like December of 2012, so like "What's Up?"'....

One never knows what awaits them on tha other side of a storm.  That could be a storm of working too many hours...Working too few hours....Not being able to be around family or boyfriends or girlfriends...Having ur resume constantly be rejected...Nobody realizing how sexy you are, when u know that u for dag gone sure are better than the person they choose to go out with on a Friday night on Collins Ave., and they got tha nerve to sit right outside when they could be inside, but they want everybody to see them, and then they got tha nerve to giggle and laugh out loud so that somebody like me  has to witness all this Mickey Mouse interaction, and get tempeted to pick up a orange construction cone on tha street corner and toss it at their table in tha name of tha TV show Cheaters, and....I aplogize, I'm still recovering from tha Kayne's 'Discussion' last night...Good concert by tha way...But all these storms u got to deal with and u wondering WTF.  Ooops!...WTH...Man...How about...just WT

Then society doesn't help either, cuz certain....This might be a long post tonight so if u need to get ready to go out, u might want to stop right here.  But our free time is very limited, so when we write, we gotta make it count.  Alright...

Society can place certain standards on you as well.  You need to find a career by tha age of 30.  Or somebody might say something 2 a hot chick like, "Julie and everybody u graduated is married with kids, time ain't getting shorter baby."  Then, even with all that my affluent lifestyle presents itself with, things are said and done, and u look at ur friends like, "He's hooked up with a wife and some shorties, how come I got to deal with these girls who ain't about nuthing, even though I'm being as real as possible."  Or this guy just joined tha company and got promoted, when I've got every accolade (There's my Big Word quota for tha day!) one can imagine, along with working longer with this company, but I still got to pay my dues and get passed over?  It can get you to eating your pillows late at night, I tell ya!  Then if u throw in a personality with tha ego and competitiveness such as ours...They talk about late night snacks, but when u got all that going on in ur life, I'm telling u, u'll having nothing but a mattress and a tall glass of Strawberry milk left after u get done getting ur grub on inside of ur bedroom!  They say don't tear tha label from a mattress, but I never heard them say don't eat it!!  Ahhh....once again, another joke that indicates that I need my own late night show!!  Next!....Paragraph...

Gotta say this...When u really, I mean really want somethang in life, and I'm not talking about dressing up in a Hugo Boss suit or Jessica Simpson Summer dress to make a good impression....Forget that!  I'm talking about when u really want something, and u rocking nothing but one American Apparel red stripe sock on one foot, with some scissored off Gap shorts, and some ghetto house filp flop slippers (U know what I'm talking about, don't get offended!) on ur footsies, and ur willing to do anythang to reach ur dream or get ur man/girl, sometimes that's why u go through tha tests that we all have to go thr...

I'm about to get personal.  Once again, embarrass myself.  Just gonna use Love as tha topic simply for tha sake of discussion.  This once again, is really, I do mean...REALLY personal.  I recall it like it was yesterday, being a chubby kid who wore husky jeans thinking a lot about our love life to be.  I have a special part in my soul when it comes to relationships and love.  Don't know why, we always have.  I used to LOOOOVE dating shows back in tha day, not just MTV's Singled Out or Love Connection, but of course, Blind Date, seen a few elimiDATE's, Lifetime used to have a good one where guys and girls would sit across from each other on a couch, that was good.  And I used to really like that slept on show called, Bzzz! that always had tha hottest chicks and dudes, hiding behind tha wall, with u seeing nothing but curves and...Whew!  I miss those days!  And I've already spoken about our love for talk shows, more specifically those where guys and girls who were geeks or picked on in school for stuffing Twinkies and square plastic wrapped Carrot Cakes in their pockets to eat while watching Channel One in Social Studies class, later in life turned out to be these heartthrobs and dime pieces that  everybody wants.  Huh!  Wonder why I luv those shows at a young age...Huh.

Even beyond that though, for some reason we used to pray for like, "Tha most beautiful girl in tha world."  I hadn't moved on to having my own Galaxy just yet!  We kept on saying that, and when ur young playing with egg shells with J.C. Penny pantyhose inside, u don't realize what u are uttering.  Hey, they make great footballs ok!!  And more importantly, all that tha future might hold with u wanting that thang.  I mean, ur not talking about town, or county or province, u want tha cream of tha  Heck of a request, bro.  So as tha years have gone by, as u've read in our diary, or with daily conversations and chats, we have seen so many weird episodes.  And we look at our life with ALLLL these beautiful girls and women, and we looked to some of my friends or strangers walking down tha street, and we used to wonder, how come I'm going through all this?  A lot of people say sexy things to us, and they know that we're a once-in-a-generations type of fellow, but still, how come I keep on running into or liking that 1% that's either in a relationship or doesn't feel you like u think they should.  For a long time, I thought it was some chips from Buffalo, New York.  And for awhile, especially like after this one instance in like say...2008 or '09ish, I just retired or as tha anchor people from NBC would say, 'took a long sabbatical' from tha game of love.  I didn't believe anymore, I didn't think about turning gay in a "Same sex is better than no sex" type of way, I simply was just like it ain't worth having to go through tha steps anymore when there's no guarantee of success or even a real...friendship.

But a funny thang happened...and it has continued to play in my mind, and that is, "Don't forget what you asked for."  Notice, I didn't say, "Be careful for what u ask for."...That would mean all this would be negative and impossible to occur.  But I heard, "Don't forget what you asked for."  Once that finally sunk in, we began to realize that just because Johnny or Susie is with somebody, doesn't mean that they are looking for tha same type of mate or friend or partner, that you are.  Like Johnny may just want somebody he can bang headboards with and leave in tha middle of tha night...While I might want somebody who I can bang headboards with, but also somebody who's willing to accept an omelet and a glass of Orange Juice being brought to her in bed tha next morning.  You see...there's a difference.  And we can get caught up with how other people are living...(Insert Two Claps right now....Clap!  Clap!  Cuz I'm feeling it....)....get all caught up in other people's relationships that we fail to realize what goes on behind close doors.

Here's a tip from my Grandpa:  You can tell how close a relationship is, by tha distance that two people walk with each other when they are with each other's company.  Like, is tha girl walking four steps ahead of tha guy...Or is tha guy walking 5 steps to tha left of his gurl.  And even with that, everybody can look happy at tha Wedding reception, but it's in tha Honeymoon suite that defines what that relationship really is gonna entail.  And that's so good, we're gonna leave it at that....

So getting back to our once embarrassing point...Sometimes things are happening while ur going through tha process of ur dreams actually coming true.  If you want tha best of something, u may have to go through...Well, u do have to go through each step, whether u want to go through tha guy/girl who lied and cheated on you...or not.  That's why they say that best bosses in business corporations or in sports or just in life, are tha ones who started from tha bottom, and....Now we here....Started from tha bottom, now my whole team "Freakin'" here!  Luv that cut from Drake.  But some of tha best bosses do start in tha shoe department.  But that concept is so blinding when u having to deal with unanswered phone calls or emails...or misleading and not honest text messages that seem so pre-schoolish when u talking to a Valedictorian...But u have to go through that to get what u want...or need.

Once u realize that crazy rejections or unfulfilled relationships and friendships are just a part of tha journey, that's when u feel like things are actually GONNA happen as u dreamed.  Cuz u know that u life has so much crazy drama, that there's no way that ur going through all this for nada.  Huh...From Prada to Nada... Camilla Belle is so hot in that movie.  Luv tha geeky eyeglasses yet model look.  Sorry...just saying....Good movie, though....That's why I preach and am ever so happy when people take risks in love, or on jobs or heck, on tha athletic field, cuz even if things don't work out as you hoped, that might be tha one experience that u need deposited in ur bank account of dreams, and u never know when u gotta make a withdrawal to make a down payment on tha new lifestyle that u always wanted.

Tha Publisher in Tha Sky is leading me to stop, so we will.  But even right now, if u dealing with some flat out silly circumstances, or if u feel like 2013 is just some BS, hang in there.  Earlier this year, I had some high hopes.  But as tha year turned, things were happening that may me question this whole process thing like never before.  Off nights at parties in which I didn't get that girl, I "thought" I shoulda just because I didn't approach...or applying for certain gigs, and still not getting that opportunity to come home and make tha choice ourself.  But also as tha year went by, I felt like I was getting better, and everythang was being used for our good.  Ok, u don't want me.  I'm gonna get better...and sexier...even though I thought I was at a level Ten, since u don't understand English, I got to get on "Nivel Diaz" just so u know.  Which is good, and u become more appreciative of tha steps u had to take once u finally get there.

One day u'll look back and laugh, and just think.  I'm glad I didn't get tha job, or end up being with that person I once wanted.  There were better thangs in store for me.  And now that I went through it, I'm reaping tha benefits being patient and enduring.  They say that good things come to those who wait.  Which is true...But I'm also a strong believer in this...

"Tha Best Way to tha top, is by taking tha stairs, and not tha Elevator."

It may be longer...and nobody else may want to climb, but there's something exhilarating about reaching tha top when u know u went tha long way.  U may be huffing and puffing, but u'll be in better shape for it.

Matter of fact, u'll be in tha best shape of ur life.


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