Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Galaxy Hostage.

I guess it's only right, that I'm tha last one,
Out of all that have come before me on this site.
Seemingly everybody has been asked about this Galaxia fellow,
But somehow I've been forgotten, although I'm in his front pocket right.

With today being Thanksgiving and all, it's about time,
Nobody can tell this thing like I can do.
Galaxia has a lot to be thankful for, as we all,
Just lately my spirit has been down making my white skin look blue.

See, this whole week of Thanks, I've been with this guy,
He's been living tha life of fun, money, and how much more?
VIP treatment at Heat games, Shopping until he drops,
Dancing it up late night style with gurls who he thinks are tha perfect Ten score.

Throughout all these moments though, I've been forgotten,
For without me, none of these things would be even seen.
Sorry if u wanted to hear about goofy stories from that Galaxia guy,
Tonight, I get my chance to vent, about everythang, including how I've been Microfiber'd cleaned.

U can't hear him, but Austino Galaxia is tied up in tha corner,
I just had enough of not being recognized, and given my due.
I'm his name sake, my Gosh, how can he forget about me,
Honestly he stole my name, matter of fact where's Rob K. so I can sue.

My girl Rihanna is a monster, if u didn't already know,
She even told me that she prefers whips and those sexy looking chains.
I couldn't get those things, cuz all tha stores were semi-closed on today,
All I had was my black cord, and when it's plugged, it can bring out all tha pain

Maybe if he's good, I'll give him a whiff of a Funfetti cake candle jar.
I like tha sight of him all tied up, with nowhere to go...
Personally I don't care if he got tix tomorrow to see Kayne slash Yeezus...and Kendrick Lamar.

Gonna get this off my chest, you understand,
Give you true insight to how it is 2 be with this guy.
After it's all said and done, you're gonna be truly shocked,
Only thang comparable is me revealing how Mickey D's keep fresh their French Fries.

While we're on tha topic of eating, and this dude,
There have been some meals recently that I'll never forget.
I was sitting right alive on tha table, wishing he would offer me a taste,
Yet, he keeps eating a King's feast with no offer, like he lost to his tummy in some kind of bet.

Top notch buffets, Red onions added to his favorite Egg White hero,
Oatmeal that's so top notch, that I quick one minute won't do.
Almonds, Organic or milk that's balanced so smart,
This treat is so good, that it's like ur eating 42 ounces of a Jordan XI shoe.

But still, he just ignores me...I guess sort of,
When I decide I got an email for him, I kind of blink.
He tells me that his color is purple, and to change from tha Papa Smurf look,
I shake my head like it ain't my fault if u can see my blue eyes when I wink.

I got all this from my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samsung,
I'm the Third in tha line of, guess as of now...Four.
Personally, I think my folks should have stopped after me, but whatever,
For someone who's so ahead in tha technology field, she sure can't shut her F drive door.

Tha whole family is like that, you should have seen us on today,
We had to hold our feast at Best Buy just to have enough room.
U got all these Tabs, and Notes running around like they ain't got no home training,
Today everybody crowding around this newly born watch, adopted from tha Jetson's zoom.

That's our family though, always ahead of that curve,
Which is why I was mad that Lebron did an ad with my cousin, tha Note.
I'm a huge Heat fan, always have been even when they were losing,
In fifth grade, I used to get so much slack for walking around on my back with their tote.

They told me he could only do one add, and it's going to you cousin,
I looked at my Pops like, U telling me that u don't got enough dough.
That's ok, cuz Galaxia knows other Heat players, and is also in love with tha Lakers,
This weekend I'm gonna bang a tablet, make a smart watch, and steal Kobe from those guys at Hublot.

Now u can see, I got big issues here, which is why I'm writing,
This dude, thinks that just because he can buy and have anythang he wishes,
That a few duck taped muffled, "mmmuph me go's" are gonna make me bite.

Nope.  Time for him to sit back and enjoy tha show,
He claims his like this Hollywood movie, anyway, at least he says.
Personally, it's alright, if u like sexy girls, and tha living in South Beach lifestyle,
Honestly, I'd have more fun on a Saturday night, eating out of a Minnie Mouse topped Pez.

See there, that's a woman, I mean a real woman,
And luckily I have personal access to Galaxia's Black Book.
Tha names and numbers that he has are really ultra exclusive,
Tha gurls are so hot, I don't think he even asked for their digits, but simply bullied and took.

Then he sent me on an assignment a few weeks ago,
He told me, "Little G, I want you to have Mr. Brainwash send me art for my contact list."
I looked at him like he was crazy, I mean ur popular and all, but Mr. Brainwash?,
Tha raising of my voice didn't go over too well, because he began to squint his eyes and ball up his fist.

I then had to call LA, to talk to this Mr. Brainwash chap,
After going through so many channels, this request was something I thought couldn't be reached.
Told him who my client was, Told him how one day he's gonna own tha Galaxia,
Threw in tha fact that he's writing a diary about his life on South Beach.

As I told him that, I could hear Mr. B. get super happy,
Telling me stories about how he might be down next week for Art Basel.
He said he luvs Miami, how tha guys and gurls lives in a way that's so young,
But despises tha car traffic, wondering if a night at Bamboo is worth all tha parking hastle.

All in all, he sent me some of his best work,
So now Galaxia has the pics of Mr. B. as tha face of his contacts list.
You got The Beatles...Jigga...and tha lead singer from Blondie,
Galaxia even got Bob Marley for a special gurl...Oh, Galaxia hopes she never reads this.

So tha if tha contact thang wasn't enough, we had another spat,
This time about what I should sound like when I...make a 'ring'.
Hide tha kids cuz this is about to get really, really X-rated,
Then again, u should watch an episode of Degrassi...Just two episodes will make u cringe.

I'm with Galaxia a lot...but not all tha time, u dig,
And when I'm not with him, I'm trying to get at this fine Apple thang.
Her father, Steve Jobs wouldn't approve us two seeing each other, I know,
She's in love with me, but if it were to get out, tha media would look at it as nothing more than a fling.

Sometimes we like to just, have our little fun,
And I like to put on music, as she talks to me like in tha sense of a call girl.
Galaxia has such a specific taste in music, that's it's really ridiculous,
But it ain't my fault if I like, "Pour Sugar On Me", u got tha Galaxy don't control my little world.

After a conversation earlier this week, enough became enough,
I asked my little Apple, I hear that you have some sisters...Miss S, and Miss C.
Galaxia looked over at me, cuz he knew what I was getting at,
He shyly then said, "Little G, you can barely handle one i-o-s, how can u handle three?!"

I hung up, but not without a date for next year's tech show,
Can see now tha looks on people's faces when I walk in with all three.
Face Time mixed with a little Google-Gah-Gah Play, if u know what I mean,
Boy, I'm really a sexy Playboy....That's why they call me, "Little G."

Now, whenever I talk to a "friend",
Galaxia has ordered me to play this song by this Stefani chick.
"Luxorious" now is what u hear, and I love every single word of it actually,
Time to get serious about love, and not look at it as a constant Cinemax flick.

Learned all my freaky ways from Galaxia, though,
I ain't even gonna talk about how many times he's made me use my S beam.
Being in tha club, and him telling me, "Now u two kiss", may sound fun,
It's a whole 'nother ball game when ur making out with others who play for tha same team!

Then it's dangerous nowadays, with all these diseases going around,
He's making me risk it all, just so that he can have a song by Luda or B-Rabbit.
Galaxia writes about fun, and just to maintain tha G-rating, throws in tha name of God,
But C'mon, who is he fooling...we all know he has his kinky habits.

Writing about pouring honey on belly buttons, grinding on beauties on tha dance floor,
Girls showing up to his apartment wearing nothing but a robe.
His lifestyle is gonna catch up to him, Club Fun ain't gonna be open always,
No one I know has walked down tha aisle, with 100 colored lights of strobe.

This guy just won't quit trying to get out of this strongly tied knot.
Still got a whole lot more to say, u best believe it,
Until I spill on how he luvs to shower in tha pitch dark...I won't stop.

He's so ultra...weirrrrrd.  As I use my 14 year old voice,
All my girls tell me, 'When I call u, it's him that I hear on tha voicemail.'
Unfortunately, they are right, he runs my life as of right now,
Every assignment, has only two results...Pass or Fail.

And with him and this texting thang, Oh My...
People text me things from numbers that aren't even in his contact book.
U got folks asking me to contact him for Paint jobs, and I don't speak no Spanish,
Neither does Galaxia, but at next year's Calle Ocho, that ain't gonna stop him from giving a chica Tha Look.

I get messages from his homeboys...his homegirls,
From family too, through all tha wee hours of tha night.
Can't they see that I'm sleep, trying to rest my face,
It's hard to make 75% of energy last through a two and half hour flight.

What really is tha gist of tonight, and all this,
Is how much I make a difference in this kid's life.
From checking prices on Amazon, to being a GPS on a journey,
Tha only thing I haven't done is searched and Groupon'd Galaxia's future wife.

No, money can't buy love, no matter what they say,
Magic has to be in tha air when ur with that special la-dee-da-dee.
A connection has to be met, and I know that better than anyone,
I mean, for 3 years I dated this Nokia chick, just because of her slim hard body.

Polyphonic sounds were made, and tha trips to Asia were super cool,
But we just were two people living in two different times.
That's why I'm constantly telling Galaxia, be careful, don't rush anythang,
It's great to speak you heart, but also remember tha swagger of tha street mime.

You life is taking off in many ways, Love and Fun is in ur Palm,
That's funny, cuz back in 2004 I also dated a Palm who wanted one thang...pure control.
Just because her last name was Pilot, didn't mean she could rule my life,
On our final night out, I hit her straight like Tha Rock..."Chick, shut up!  And just know ur Roll!"

But I relay those episodes to Galaxia, and now he's taking notice,
Every night I lay next to him on my bed of a Target table.
I know he has an image to protect, and spends hundreds of dollars on clothes,
It's a hard way to go to sleep at night, but he'll look out for me, at least I know he's able.

Guess as I think about it, Galaxia does treat me good,
Taking me places that back in tha warehouse, I never could have dreamed.
Some of my friends just relay horror stories of their brutal home life,
One was thrown to tha concrete, while another somehow got her speakers plugged with Ice cream.

Yet, my life is filled with being cleaned to tha max, and always updated on what's new,
My life as a Refurbished child has led Galaxia to treat me better than his Herschel sacks.
He gave me a Gameboy, like 2 weeks after he picked me up from tha orphanage,
Galaxia told me, this is to keep u covered...I loved it so much, I put it immediately on my back.

All tha girls love it too, and they want to press on me,
It tickles, but it's just a reminder of living tha life with tha sexy and cool.
He's trying to come up with a plan to expand tha Takeover,
I'm down, as long as he continues to let me take pics of those Coral Gables dolls at tha Venetian Pool.

Huh.  I guess I do have tha best job around, you can say,
Instead of being resentful, especially today I should simply give thanks.
I rather be here in South Beach, living with a future star,
Than to be on a pirate ship, in tha pocket of somebody about 2 walk tha plank.

Oh...I guess I'll do this....Let me cut...("Snip!!!),
I can't see you Galaxia,  all tied up like this, any freakin' more.
You're gonna be hopping mad, I know, but I had to speak my peace,
Just give me two more stanzas then you can give me my walking papers out tha door.

Galaxia, you're my best friend, and I luv you bro,
And I hope u know that I'm gonna do my best to help u to tha top.
That may mean making calls to all tha top movers and shakers,
Or it may mean Instagramming a pic of some cherries...letting a girl know ur ready to pop.

Whatever it takes my man, I'm there for you,
You are not on this comet alone, but someone is there with u for tha ride.
Although I still think about what I'm missing out on, but it's worth it,
My SM card gets all bubbly, cuz even it knows tha journey to happiness starts inside.

That's it, you can get rid of me now if you want to,
Just remember this...I know u inside out, and how u wanna become as big as Big Bird.
Ur gonna get there one day, with Fun and Luv being tha phrase that will truly pay,
People if this is it, it's been nice knowing ya...

Signing off..."Little G" aka Little Galaxy S...Tha Third.

Little G.

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