Sunday, November 24, 2013

Why Tha Poker Face?!!

Here we go....

So I was talking to my Mom last night,
Discussing how so much of my life has been a dream.
Been places that not 2 many people could imagine,
Time has gone by so fast, at least that's how it seems.

Yet, even I, must admit that things have been tough,
Nobody could prepare u for tha journey 2 tha top.
The choices of stay in or go out, be quiet or speak up,
Not even gonna discuss the pressures about drinking water vs. drinking a pop.

Tha last few weeks we have been just what's tha word,
Finding meaning to all tha comes with future success.
Everythang has been used as motivation, which is good,
But u sometimes wonder maybe I should just cheat to pass this test.

(It's about 2 get really real today, so if u ain't ready...stop reading...NOW!)

I read a really good LA Times article discussing life and love,
One that I that I think everybody should read.
Just because me personally can relate to alot of what's being said,
We'll explain in a moment, so just give me a second to breathe.

Austino Galaxia is a very unique and different person,
If u haven't met us before, by our writings u can truly see that's true.
We have a personality that very colorful and outgoing,
Yet so egotistical that I want a bracelet that reads, "What. Would. Galaxia. Do."

There are moments when I feel like I want to change tha Galaxy,
End homelessness, and give society a strong kick in tha pants.
Then there are others where my "MTV" life just is too much,
Like where tha shower is tha only place I can sing, and truly dance.

Is it a crime for wanting to be tha best...ever?
Or for just wanting to show love and nothing but fun?
We are about to LT tackle some things on tha real tip,
After this, tha question of 'My favorite' will be answered...There's only one.

How much rejection and disappointment can one person take?
Before u realize that maybe I should walk away and realize it ain't to be.
Does it take a spouse 2 give you a bloody lip for it 2 sink in?
Or how about another "F" on an exam, when u've already flunked three?

What about when u put in a resume for tha same gig over time,
And u keep getting that call, "Sorry, but we've found somebody else."
Ur cordial...Wow! I can't believe I'm pulling out proper English for this post,
Maybe tha use of tha word is needed to turn my resume from an 'A' to an 'A-Plus.'

But as that article was mentioning from this lady in Cali,
Is it impossible to find anybody, lover or friend who can truly relate.
Somebody who's like I don't care where we go, Mickey D's is cool,
Or even tha deli at Whole Foods...I mean it's only tha first date.

Sometimes u can become a victim to life's lemon toss,
U've made lemonade so much that u got it now all down pat.
Yet u feel like everybody else is tripping over tha smell and color of tha lemons,
You're left shaking ur head like, just hold down tha presser, and make tha thang go "Splat!"

Seen a whole lot, and perhaps too much, for life's sake,
Cuz with experience comes tha bar that natural rises like a Pizza Hut.
U've been tha 'It' guy, like Prince back in tha 80s,
U attract tha finest treasures in tha world like ur name is King Tut.

So when things don't go according to plan, I cringe with wonder,
Like 'These People' don't realize what is happening...what a golden chance.
You're getting a South Beach boy with a Manhattan bank account,
With a London style mixed with LA swagger...maybe I should hold a mirror to glance.

But we don't, cuz it ain't all about us, u see,
It's about touching lives whether it's a stranger or even a future foe.
Been through so much in our life, that I JUST WANNA HAVE FUN,
Listen when I say this...It's not all about sex and having some dough.

Speaking on those subjects, our love life is beyond words,
Meaning every week it's like I'm going through another lesson of future bliss.
Mentally I can see God up in Heaven, with tha Saints football game on,
Eating Popcorn, and with every 'I'm too busy', crossing a name off my luv list.

What happens is simply this, and I've giving some insight,
Ones that I wouldn't tell a least not face to face.
I take tha lessons learned, pocket them, and tha level then increases,
Now instead of wanting to buy out tha bar, I want to buy the entire freakin' place!

Then another part of me is like, this is eerily happening for a reason,
In a "You got everythang in tha Galaxy...But u can't touch this."
Sometimes things can be bestowed on u, without even asking for them,
Yet ur strongest drive, comes from tha unfulfilled desire of ur greatest wish.

You can have entrance to every club, have pockets deep as Monopoly,
And have every piece of clothing tha ends in a vowel.
But it's those things that u wonder, "Will that ever come true", that gets u,
To thinking, and continually makes pain come to ur perfect abs and bowel.

Zion tha other day, told me to just begin new,
He's a cool guy, but I think sometimes tha heat goes to his head.
I mean, does he know how hard is it, for a guy of our nature,
It's like finding a corner shop here in Miami that makes a Cuban Sandwich outta wheat bread.

But since he's a survivor of tha Safari lifestyle,
Maybe what he's telling me may have some successful twist.
With that being true, right now on this Sunday Morning,
I'm about to write about our remix lifestyle...Perhaps I should write a list.

I think I'm tha only one who's gonna read this...right?
Even though according to tha numbers, this may be more read overseas.
Much love to those abroad who give us a needed boost of energy,
We gonna do our best to make sure it's worth u missing ur daily night of Zzzzz's.

This is gonna offend somebody, perhaps,
Today though, is not for tha masses, but for Galaxia, Perry-ree-odd.
Time that we get real about our own life, for real,
Got nothing to lose, so let's get 2 it, can somebody give me a head nod.

A pencil might be needed, cuz ur life may need a change,
There's nothing wrong with having a Bad Boy remix.
Gonna hav a lot of fun with this, believe u me,
We about to rock this thang like I'm in tha 70s band named Styx.

First off, we are not gonna settle for nothing but tha best,
U know like when u go to tha Dollar Store for a curtain for ur shower.
If that's all that u can afford then do it, but sometimes u gotta be patient,
$5 on tha corner is cool, but I want a pro trained florist to send my flowers.

When I say settle for nothing but tha best,
Even myself can fall into doing things just because that are a comfy option.
Eating tha same foods, Not driving to a never seen part of town,
Wanting to make a difference in a kid's life, yet always ruling out tha choice of adoption.

Sometimes tha best things come from tha weirdest places,
That's why I hate when somebody says u can't find love in South Beach or at a club.
I actually know folks who have found love in a club,
It wasn't Usher either, and these folks met back when Cube had hydraulics on Dubs.

Price doesn't mean something's necessarily better or worse,
Just because I shop at Bal Harbour doesn't mean I won't hit up tha Market Flea.
Now though it'll be tough to figure out where I got these particular items,
It's tha quality...Nothing like getting a Chanel bag for a retail price that's minus a percent of 83.

Secondly on this list...

(Galaxian Note:  Just got done talking with my homeboy Billy Boy.  Talking about life, our days playing together on our college basketball team, as well as some music and 'talent' discussion...great talk.  Now, let's see where's this is gonna head after that classic convo!)

Secondly on this list, we have to be determined to live life,
That's means if anybody understands or wants to come or not.
U be thinking, that would be a cool thing to go to, but my friends are working,
Sometimes if u want a garden of fun, YOU might have 2 be tha first to bring tha pot.

There's so many things going on, and this and that,
I know a lot of people, but there are some things that tickle my toes.
That could be a book reading, a concert with a unknown artist,
If nobody else is down, I gotta go...u might just find a unknown gift with bows.

Thirdly, and I know a lot of folks can relate to this,
But I have been making my schedule too much of an excuse.
Yeah, I work double-digit days, and gotta deal with MIA traffic home,
Now we have enjoy life, at a higher level, that may mean giving sleep tha deuces.

Life is way too short to just be partying on tha weekends,
Or even every two weeks when seemingly everybody gets paid.
Things are jumping off all over town during tha week,
Besides...Weekend girls aren't tha only ones who want to get laid.

That was kind of freaky, to say that, but it's sometimes true,
We haven't even kicked it out in Hialeah, or even down in Key Biscayne.
Might as well explore life to tha fullest, and not just wait for it to happen,
My curiosity needs to be filled...It hasn't and that may be why I've been so insane.

Next, we got to make sure that everythang we do is for advancement,
Meaning, every purchase, meal and event expands our horizons for tha good.
No more cheating or doing things just because u don't wanna stand out,
Time to rev up tha motor like The Little Engine That Could.

It's obvious from all that we've been through,
Our life is way different from anythang that we've ever seen.
So if we are making tha blueprint for love and having sexy fun,
Might as well set it off, I mean our life is gonna one day be up on tha Big Screen.

Tha next one is gonna come hot straight off tha press,
And it has to do with our life of dating...where shall I start.
What's about to be said, is gonna be a little conceited but...
This comes from one who's love life feels like a game of Mario's Kart.

How shall I say this...without being too much of a snob,
Let's just say, when it comes to our heart we're only interacting with tha very best.
You can put very in italics, cuz there's an emphasis there,
Want a rodeo girl who's tha best rider, and also knows how 2 handle tha sexiest Gun Slinger in tha West.

When I say, tha very best, that doesn't just include curves,
Or even money, or girls who have been on numerous fashion covers.
It doesn't take a whole lot to impress me, but then again it does,
Blame it on my days working on tha sands with all tha beach lovers.

Time for me to be straight up honest about this thang,
It'll be tough to date somebody who don't have Pharrell or Madonna on her Ipod.
Not even gonna discuss working out, or knowing how to dress like a model,
I love a girl who can party, but also has a place in her heart for...God.

One thang being exposed to so much has taught me,
We've been told this but it's taken me sooooo long 2 finally understand.
"Not everybody is made for you.", now it's clicked into our head,
Every girl doesn't want 2 mix Marvin Gaye to tha sounds of tha Foo Fighters band.

We've been through tha steps, and I can truly handle it all now,
Friends...Yes.  But to be my future lover, you got to be nothing but a flat out ten.
Full-Figured, Blasian, red haired,  a "Ten" comes in so many forms,
Just now I'm living a Penthouse lifestyle, and I refuse to go back to tha futon in tha den.

Enough about love, could go on, but u got tha gist,
What's tha next move then for this life of luxury galore?
Think the next move is to simply turn tha knob, ever so easy,
Been trying too hard to prop open or even kick down this Fun Door.

A lot of things are about to happen in our life,
Which is gonna make people say why him, and why not me?
Our diary has shown that it ain't been no easy ride, by no means,
We've been motivated by a lot...including some girls...particularly three.

It's tha thought of living this dream life, that hits us tha most though,
More than a scent or any measurement of tha opposite sex.
Tha thought that we have changed this Galaxy in some way possible,
Then on top of that somebody shares tha fun, via voice convo and not a lucid text.

Today may be tha end of someone reading our stuff, which is fine,
Learning that sometimes it's ok to be alone.
With tha TV turned off, or walking around talking to urself,
Trust me, I'm a "G" like Warren Buffett...I have no problem turning off my cell phone.

All of my cards are put into this poker game of fun,
I have just slid over my chips and now I'm all in.
Not paying attention to any distractions going on around me,
Although that girl wearing lace looks so good, that it should be considered a sin.

My guy to my right, has two pairs of diamonds,
That's pretty good, but still ain't good enough in this game.
Diamonds can only get u so far, but sooner or later,
You'll find out that that u need more...tha heart can never be tamed.

Splat!  A hand full of Spades is very good,
Even better if your name begins with David or tha doll named Kate.
But, no it's not ur night either, sorry Charlie,
Don't blame it on cheating, but on tha eyes of Fate.

I'm a little concerned about this girl next too me,
Her cleavage is showing everythang, and her tatic is doing its part.
Now she has tha nerve to lean over, and show me her assets,
While uttering...'9-10-Jack-Queen-King...In Hearts.'

She now sits down, although I wish she coulda held that position longer,
That was a sight that coulda made my computer's wallpaper for real.
I tell her, 'Hold On', because the game ain't over just yet,
Her perfect manicured hands are pulling in tha chips like it's a done deal.

The next thang she knows it, I put down four cards,
Miss Sexy, tells me that in Miami, those  will never beat my cards of allure.
Everybody at tha table is laughing, like I don't know how to play this game,
Never knowing that in any game I play, I always know tha rules and tha score.

Following all tha confusion, I put down my 1980 Havana Cigar,
Reach through my threads and pull out my other card ever so hidden.
That completes tha hand of every Poker players fantasy,
With one move they realize that history has no been made, no longer forbidden.

See today was tha core of who I am as a guy,
Minus all tha semi-fiction stories or even poems of funny talk.
Today I wanted to show that I want this thang more than ever before,
And how that I don't even give a care how long or how far I gotta walk.

This Poker Game was also symbolic of who we are,
People really don't know who we are because we are so low key.
Now, I'm not holding back any blessings that we have tha pleasure of having,
Cuz I know that a price has been paid to live this life of luxury.

As I walked away from that table, I can still see those faces of disgust,
Like they thought it wasn't possible but Galaxy has officially won.
Tha thing is, I knew I was gonna win, before we even shuffled tha cards,
Confidence is what brings good fortune...I learned that in Success class 101.

Welcome to tha next level, and our life will truly speak,
And it's about to speak at a level that nobody could ever, I mean ever conceive.
See, I've been quiet, but I've always been holding a "10-Jack-Queen-King",
Everybody has had their fun, but now What's up....Now that I've also pulled out...

Tha Ace Hidden in my Sleeve.

Austino Galaxia.

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