Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Club Kids.

Galaxian Note:  Don't u luv it when we add these notes to tha beginning of tha posts!  Eye guess we just feel like the post writes itself, and we really don't have no control over it.  So these few sentences are perhaps our only chance to get intimate and personal before all tha madness begins!  Been a wild day!  But let's see what transpires on this evening.  Just got in a little bit ago, have no idea what really 2 jot about on today, so just like u, I'm eager beaver to find out what fun awaits following this upcoming exclamation point...Which is about to come in 3...2....1....Enjoy!

(Huge Breath...)

Tonight is gonna be a wild night.  I've been thinking about tonight ever since Health class earlier today in 3rd period.

"You too!"

Yeah, Man.  I talked to Abby, well actually I sent over one of those triangle folded notes.  I can't believe she read it.  She's like, the hottest girl in school.

"U are so lucky dude."

So she sent it back over to me, indicating that she was gonna bring all of her friends as well.  Brittany, Alexandra, and even Tammy.

"No way dude!  Tammy is coming.  I sit behind her in Math class.  She always has tha hottest pocket protectors, and tha coolest pens.  But those braces just hypnotizes me.  I...I...don't know what I'm gonna do."

Just chill, and stay with me.  Be cool.  Now, how do you do tie these thangs.

"Bro, u don't have to wear a tie."

Yes we do!  We're going to tha club tonight, and all tha sexy guys that I've heard about always wears ties to tha club.

"Like who?"

Well, my Pops told me this guy Frankie Sinatra wore one?

"Who's that?"

Beats me, but I guess he was famous.  Um...Diddy wears one.

"Now we talking, I follow him on Twitter, and he always looking right.  U think we can get a bottle of Ciroc on tonight?!!  Huh...Huh."

I doubt it.  Tha club we going to is only for kids 14 yrs of age and under.  But...looka here!

(Said shaking a small flask.)

"You're awesome."  (Hi-Fives exchanged)

But still I've never tied a tie before.  Whatever, I'll just go with this clip-on, that my Mom got me from Sears.
"Dude, is that tha new shirt from Bennetton Kids?!"

And you know this man! My folks told me that if I had perfect attendance, and if I got nothing but A's and B's on my tests, then they would buy this for me..


Pass me that bottle of Old Spice.  This is gonna drive all tha girls wild.

(Cough, Cough!)  "What is in this stuff?"  (Cough, Cough)  "It smells like some oil from a car or something."

Just let it settle, just let it settle.  Tonight we're gonna be Babe-magnets, just u watch.

"If you say so."

Alright, let's go before my folks get back from tha premiere of Hunger Games.  Now...we're gonna take tha Big Wheels.

"Saaaay....Whaaah?!  You got two new brand new Huffy's over there.  They are like the bike version of Ferrari's, and you already know that when we pull up to this club, we have act like we are a Baller-Shot Caller...A Pimp...Tonight we got to make it rain on these girls...I don't want to be pullin' up looking like some kind of stunna!"

Simon, ur tha biggest dork I know, where did you learn to talk like that?

"Oh, well, I was up watching MTV 2 last night, and all these songs began to pop up.  I had never seen anythang like it before.  Then this one song with this guy who spells his name with letters..."


"That's funny!  But no...Umm.."

Ah...Skateboard P...F-a-b-o-l-o-u-s...T.I.

"That's him!!  Yeah.  He was in this video with a guy who looks a little old to be in tha fifth grade, but he calls himself Lil Weezy or Lil Wayne?   And he's young just like us.  And he be on that whole nother level, he dresses like a Martian, carries lollipops in his pants.  I like lollipops..."


"But they were like...Wit Me!  Wit Me!  Wit Me!...And I was with them, especially after thinking about how tha Carson twins pulled a wedgie on me in gym class tha day before.  Yeah, I'm gonna ask my Mom to buy me that CD.  Whadda think?"

Ummm...Simon, this is tha same Mom who came down to tha school because she heard that the chicken patties at lunch didn't come from local farms.  And Didn't she raise sand because you weren't allowed to carry your calculator with you inside of your pocket because of this 'No Cell Phones' allowed rule?  And when I slept over at ur house, didn't she cook all tha food with tha lights off, because she was trying to save money?  Bro, my pepperoni pizza came to me with buttons on it!

"It was still good though, right?!!"

Whatever.  Let's hop on these Big Wheels, and get it in on tonight.



Now, that was fast.  See, we are here already.  Look at that line.

"I know, every girl that I ever wanted to square dance with during 4th period is in here tonight."

Ok.  So we're gonna park our Big Wheels around tha corner, because I've seen South Beach Tow, and over here, these dudes don't play.

"But I don't think they tow Big Whe..."

Shhhsh!  I got this bro.  Just follow me, and be cool.  See there's a spot.  You pull in first, and then I'll follow.  Now, we're safe, and we don't have to worry about anytha...

(Hey, guys...I know its late, and ur dressed like you are about to have a good time tonight, but you think it's possible for you guys to spare five answers to Miss Lopez's Vocab test.  Can u help me out, I know u guys are smart.)

Sorry dude, I ain't got no spare vocab for you.

(Ok, Ok...How about three vocab words?)

Sorry, Homie.

"Yeah, my wallet's empty of vocab words.  But if you give me your name and number, I can come back and..."

Will you stop it Simon!  If you give him one answer to tha Vocab test, then everytime we come back he's gonna be asking for more.  Before you know it, he'll be ESPN winning that Spelling Bee thingy...Besides, I saw that kid's face outside of the Principal's office.  He made Honor Roll, three years straight.  He's just a Con kid dude.  Let's go...Now look.  What do you see?

" looks like some girls standing in line."

To you...Yes.  But to me...I see...Straight A dolls...Cheerleaders...Student Council presidents and VP's...Band Geeks...Simon we have hit tha jackpot, son!

"Look at those girls over there."

See, you can tell tha girls who are used to being around club guys.  See how they hopped out of that Hummer truck.  Tha cool girls get rides to tha club.  Then look at how they are dressed...

(Gulp!)  "Yeah, I see some of their...Ah...Ahh...legs.  And they are wearing a sweatshirt with Taylor Swift on it, and it's hanging low, and I can see their...their....I need something to drink!!"

(Slap!!)  Will you get yourself together.  If you gonna be hanging around me, you have to be cool, calm and collective.  Now, just follow me, waiting in line is for six-graders, we're in Middle School and I know who's at tha door so just follow me....What's up ladies?!  Love tha sweatshirt....What's up dude!  This is my guy, it's just me and him and...Will I know it's a busy night, and you usually only let guys in who come with some girls, but you told me in Detention that whenever I wanted to stop by, just come and you'll get me in.  So here I am...And...

'Hey Orbit!!'

What's...Up...Abby!!  You.  Look.  Amazing.

'Thanks Babe.  (Air Kiss exchanged)  What's going on Bobby, these guys are with me and my girls, so let them in.'

"Ah....Ahh....Hi, Tammy!"


Don't worry, she'll warm up in tha night.

"Do you see how Tammy is rocking that Pocket Protector."


"So...My friend, that's tha latest from Prada. Totally top of tha line! And it goes perfectly with here outifit.  I love it when she wears that shirt with SpoungeBob on tha front wearing glasses.  And those yellow Chuck Taylors...I'm in love."

Remember be cool.  Be cool.  Now this is what I call paradise.  Look at all these pictures hanging up on these walls.  Tha Jackson 5.  Bieber.  B2K.  Tha Brothers Jonas.  This place is awesome.

'Wait til you see tha Xbox room in tha back.  So can I get you fellas something to drink.'

What do u suggest?

'How about I get you my house special...Hey Bennett, get me and tha boys three Oreo's on tha beach.  And make sure you add a few sprinkles for Simon.  He needs to loosen up a little bit!'

" collar doesn't look right?  I didn't button it cuz I get faint spells, if you think I should un-button it some more then..."

'Hey, Orbit, ur friend is so cute.  So, I can't believe u invited me out tonight.  U know this is my spot.'

I had no idea, but I be checking you out in Health class.  And one time you gave the perfect answer to...

'...Tha Birds and Tha Bees.  I know, I know.  That's tha highlight of my short scholastic career.  Funny how nobody in class knew how to give that answer, but me.  So when tha teacher asked, I figure somebody had to say something.  Now I heard that next week, they are talking about the relationship and effects of Sugar and staying up late.  And if you haven't known now...'

(Money ain't nuthing but money...When you get to tha money...It ain't nuthin' but money...)

'Ohhhh Snappp!  This is totally my favorite song!  C'mon Orbit, let's dance?'

I don't knoooow.

(Love ain't nuthin' but love....When you learn how to love..It ain't nuthin' but love....Party ain't...)

'Pleassse!  I sooo luv Miley and Big Sean!  Besides, are you sure you want to say...'No'...To this? (Said with seductive eyes.)

Simon, I'll be right back.

'Whoo-hooo!  Let's dance!....LOVE.  MONEY.  PARTY!!"

"Great.  Wow!  It's so dark in this place.  Don't they pay their bills.  Oh, there's Tammy over by tha Dance Revolution machine.  She's so cute.  She's smart.  She's a geek like me.  She knows the entire scientific table.  Plus, she's tha only girl who know that pie is not 3.14.  It's actually 3.1459...And she dresses so cool...And she's walking over towards me.  What do I....(Clink! Clink! Clink!) Oh, no, I just spilled my Oreo's on Tha Beach drink.  Oh no!!  Nampkin...I need a nampkin. (Wiping down pants)  Here she comes... Ah......"

To Be Continued...


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