Monday, July 22, 2013

"Tha Best Day Ever."

(Huge Blow.)

Milk, milk, where's tha milk in this hear place?  This woman got me shopping in this uppity supermarket.  They didn't even have any lotto tickets in Customer Service.  Whatever it's tha closest thing to home.  How ya doin'?....Alright, here's tha diary section.  They stopped making Smart Balance, so I gotta settle I just am looking for something basic.  Here we go...that'll do.  Nothing like some good ol' 2%.  Is it me, or are they some lookers up-in-here?!!  Boy.  It's like a South American Novela up in here.  And this girl just flashed a smile, see that's how it's it's always been in a way.  Let me find the check-out line.


'Dude u have to read it.  Right now I'm at this part where he just met this girl, who reminded him of some young Marilyn Monroe, whoever that is.  But it's wild, cuz he like froze up, and I never knew a guy who supposedly had so much swag, could basically...choke.  It happens to us all evidently. The stories are wild though.  Its the best.  Will this be all Sir?'


'That'll be $6.20.'

For some Milk??  Boy u shaving some off the top for you and your friend.

(Laughter)  'No Sir, just doing our job.  That's all.  Trying to earn some money after school.'

I couldn't help but overhear you and ur friend talking...Sounds like ur reading a good book.

'Yeah.  Our Pscyh teacher told us to read this book on this guy Austino Galaxia.  It's was published like 30 years ago, but anyway, this cat was like writing his life in a diary form.  With all these stories, and lessons about life and just having fun.  He was ahead of his time.'

Do you have a favorite of min...I mean, of his that you read?

'Ahhh...there's so many.  He wrote this one called, Galaxian Lessons, like #2 or something like that.  Where he talked about his thoughts on love and relationships....

(Didn't u tell me about, that one when he told multiple stories about girls in one post?)

'Yeah, Dino, that was a good one.  I just like the love stories.  I can relate...too well.'

Well, ur an handsome young man, and I'm sure you're batting tha ladies away with a broomstick.  Well, I gotta go, nice talking with you guys.  No, no, keep tha change.

'But Sir, it's a $50 bill.'

Life is all about having fun, right.  Enjoy urself.


Yeah, it's amazing how life can change.  I never thought that I could...they say tha journey is tha destination, and boy, has my life been one crazy ride.


I like to play with my car alarm just to mess with people.  Now folks stand outside of ur vehicle taking pictures.  Whatever happened to that Vine Social App?  Anyways.  I guess my car is one of a kind.  A vintage Ferrari my favorite color of purple of course.  That's old school for real.  Hi, y'all doing.  Alright.  But I've learned to get used to it.  Let me peel out of here.  Let me turn on tha radio...


Oh, shoot! He scared tha mess out of me!   They going waaay back tonight.  This was my jam back in tha day for real.  This is my part right here, 'Balling so hard/I deserve an And 1....I'm gonna be fresh as...if the Feds watching'.  Heck Yeah!  I used to get amp'd to that.  That was that club banger, right there.  With Pharrell on tha hook.  These kids don't know nothing bout that.  That Summer of 2013 was something else.  Pharrell was everywhere that year.  Working with Daft Punk, and of course, that Summer classic 'Blurred Lines' with Robin Thicke.  I don't think I'll ever forget that BET Awards Performance. All this dancing, Tee Eye definitely got loose!   Boy everybody used to party to that joint.   I still bang it at home.  "YOU'RE A GOOD GIRRLLL!"  Good memories! Those were tha good ol' days for real. Yeah, that's when good, wholesome girls were in style.  Girls who had hot style, and none of tha drama. Amazing how time goes by.  Alright here we are, at tha crib.  Wait, I like this part.

(Cough, Cough.)  Open Gate.


I really don't need a gate, but I got one, just for tha heck of it.  I wanted something simple, and but ultra-contemporary.  Every other year or so, I've moved around.  Was in London for a little bit...Ah, my girl, or wifey always loved Rio, so we stayed down there for awhile.  Miami is our Winter home.  Always will be.  So we got a place down there in 'Tha Land of Tha Beautiful People', South Beach.  Live right on tha ocean, South of Fifth.  Will always be home.  Where else...Montreal...Tel Aviv, which is such a slept on party town...Ibiza, was wild as well.  Monto Carlo, tha Galaxia's don't play!  LA is where we're at today, so let's get out this car.  Still getting used to tha car doors sliding up...


That's so sick.  You look over there, and you see my personalize Vespa.  I did a little advertising for them, so they send me a new one, like every year.  I still remember putting 25,000, and I do mean thousand, miles on my 2006 LX 50.  I used to call it 'Tha Grey Ghost'. Such a cool way to see any city.  Now look.  Black rims.  Just spells sexy, and when I wear my Hugo Boss suit...let me stop.  I'm a star-stop...

(Woof!  Woof! )

Down, Down...How's my little one doing today?  Good...I tell ya, nobody in tha world could have told me that I would have a dog in my house.  But living down in South Beach, years ago, I realized that just about 95% of all tha hot girls had some kind dog.  So either I would have to get wit tha times or I'll have to learn how to play dominoes by myself.  Our dog is a Yorkie.  I said that if I would to ever get one, that's tha one I would get.  Tha Wifey named her, "Sofii", with two I's.  Whenever we introduce her we always say that, 'Her name is Sofii...with two I's!!' She's gonna be such a diva when she grows up.  We have fun, though, lots of fun.  Ready to go inside, Sofii.  Huh...Put my hand print on this here machine, and open sesame...Whah-lah!!  This is a cool place.  It better be for...well, let's just say that it would have been overqualified for that old show, Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles.  Take off my shoes.  Still got to keep tha place clean...Angelica?  ANGELICA!!!

"Hey, Papi..." (Long kiss on lips)

Gurl you gonna make me wanna sop you up!  You know I got some unopened honey packets from KFC down in tha cupboard.  U know that's ur favorite type!  And you remember much fun we had last time...New Year's Eve...On your legs...thighs...and when I got to cascading on ur biscuits...

"Boy, you better stop.  How was your day?"

Excellent.  Couldn't have been better.

"Well, Boo, I didn't want to bring this up, but u know day this is don't you?"

(Quizzical Look?)

"I know you want to forget about it, but 30 years ago today..."

Yeah, I remember.  Come here, Sofii, Come here!!  That was tha day that I wanted to give it all up, right.  Like when I just didn't think it was worth it anymore.  Is that what ur talking about. 

"Yeah.  Aren't you glad that u didn't?"

That's an understatement Angel.  Tha funny thing about that day, is that I can still picture it as clear as day.  I had like 2 dreams early that morning.  One involved me losing some Heat tickets on tha way to tha game.  Then another dream that was all fuzzy.  I woke up around 3am, and my eyes were totally in a fuzz.  Like a dreaming I was having a dream.  Weird.  I couldn't get...

(Ba-Doom Boom!!)

Girl you, spilling milk all over...Woman I spent $6.20...well, really $50 for that thang.

"$50 for some milk?!!!  Estas Loco?!!...Oh No...And you were tripping over me spending $2,000 for a vintage Marc Jacobs purse?  But...Really...$50 for some Milk..."

Honey...Babe...look, it was for a good cause.  (Smooch.)  Trust me. (Smooch.) But yeah, that was a wild day.  Just tha whole day, I felt just like whatever dude.  I had that feeling like I'm doing all this to only get so little.  Why keep on, then.  People think excellence comes easy.  But striving to be the best, trying to stay true to yourself, and then remaining patient when sometimes you have nothing positive to be positive about, just all in

"Hey, watch your language Papito?  Sofii, is around..."

Then I wanted to buy these Nike shorts that I've been eyeing for some time, but something was telling me to hold off...some more.  I just felt like all, and Mom-mee, I do mean ALL of my patience had just run out.  Finito...Like tha end of Austino Galaxia...aka 'Tha Kid.'

"But you didn't give in did you."

No, I didn't.  Later that day, I went Nic-Nak shopping at that Old Big Lots store over in, hey what was tha name of that neighborhood nobody knew tha name of, off of like Flagler near tha Palmetto Expressway.



"Sorry, Babe, but I've been craving this Greek Yogurt all day...Westchester."

Yeah, that's it.  I still don't know how you eat that stuff.  They say it's good for tha body, but...

"It is.  Can't you tell?" (With a slow turn and shake)

If you....I promise you I'll...carry you up these stairs, and put it...u better stop playing gurl.

"Well, Honey, just think if you had of gave up on that Hot July day, then you wouldn't have all this.  Now all of your dreams have come true, especially the biggest dream of them all..."

Yeah, to have a full indoor basketball court was like a fantasy come true.

(Eyebrow glance.)  No, El Stupido...Me!  Yours truly.

U a'ight. 

"A'ight?  Just A'ight?!"

You are and always will be the most beautiful girl I've ever met.  How's that?

"It's A'ight!!..(Pat on Butt)  Time for some Din-Din, what do you have a taste for?"

How about some whole wheat pasta, with some baked chicken, some almonds...I think there is some Sweet Peppers pasta sauce still left from tha other night.  And while you do that, I'll go into the living room and  dust off this old DVD player and go back some years...




She knows everybody on these shows...anyways...30 years ago today huh.  My how my life has changed from that day.  And just to think, I was about to walk away.  Sometimes you're closer to your dreams than you really think.  I had and have such high standards.  I used to think and wonder why I gotta go through so much, when it just shouldn't be this hard.  For real.  But as I look back, it was all a preparation.  Test of patience...Test of faith within...Test of how bad do you want it.  It was mad tough, but now...Come here, Sofii....Now, Sofii, I can finally say that it was all worth it. It took some time, but it was all worth it.  When Fun and true Love comes, it arrives with a bang.  And believe u me, those were two shots I was waiting to hear my entire life.  And now, I'm living tha dream.  I should write something just for old times sake, since I don't write anymore.  Title it..."Tha Worse Day"...(Woof!  Woof!) Naw, Sofii, with two I's?... U're right...I'll title it...

"Tha Best Day Ever."

Mr. Galaxia.  (Wink!)

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