Thursday, July 4, 2013


(Parental Discretion Advised)

My best.

(Huge Sigh.)

What else can we right about tonight,
I mean what else can truly be said.
Our diary is getting redundant I know,
But somebody's soul seemingly needs to be feed.

Today I think we're gonna crank it up a notch,
Why not since this is supposedly Independence Day.
Tired of just laying low without putting on a show,
Like Sinatra and Usher...I'm gonna do it "My Way."

Earlier on this Fourth, I did something different,
Something years before I wouldn't have done.
I looked back at some of our previous entries,
All these diary posts of unlimited fun.

This life of ours has been quite a ride,
One that I hope one day would look upon with a smile.
A lifestyle that isn't always so queaky clean,
Lately, I've needed a lifetime supply of Dial.

It's part of tha journey though, it's how u grow,
Like going from Double A to tha Major League light.
U're gonna get tested, gonna have to look within,
Yet u still gotta..."Go...Win...Fight!"

Thinking about those cheerleaders from USC right there,
No disrespect to my UM dolls, but they still leave me a little frozen.
That's why whenever I think about pulling out "Tha Grand Daddy of them all",
Especially at the club, my head thinks...'I wish I had My Trojan!'

Oh yeah! We on our "A" game tonight,
So buckle up, cuz we're gonna do this like tha days of past.
Yeah, we can get all philosophical like I'm a Greek,
Tonight though I want us all to have a blast.

Like how we were in 2011 or 2012,
Or before I met that girl with tha pretty feet.
Grab a cold one, or a hot one,
Read this Indian style on the floor of that Barnes and Noble seat.

Tha dream is now realized, I hope this is all fun,
For tha goal is for at least 5 minutes think this is tha best.
No more talking, no more bragging,
Just gonna let these words separate us from the rest.

Some stuff has been on our mind a little bit,
Just go with tha flow, cuz I must speak.
Don't ever, ever forget this IS A DIARY,
These things have been on our mind...all week.

For instance, in my life and in others I simply wonder,
Is there a double standard between a guy and a girl?
Like if guy bags a few girls, he's such a ladies' man,
But if a girl bags several guys then everybody's toes then curl?

Like, this one girl I know is mad cool and sexy,
Hearing through the air that's she's been a little freak.
Yet, I'm having to deal with should I go in like 2 Chains,
Or think it's only the angels with the halo's that I seek.

If my guys have sex, and I shouldn't be saying all this,
Multiple times with different girls, we're still homies for life.
Now that a girl, that I kind of admire, gets it in from the female side,
I'm wondering if I have to call up Bollywood to get my wife.

Even for myself, this is a new one,
Which on today, I'm more adapt to be honest you see..
I'm learning that tha past is tha past, ya understand,
The only thing that matters is tha mask and whip she uses on me.

Tha past...Tha past...Huh. Wow.
Could that be tha goal of this poem of the July noche.
Should I get into that topic, and embrass myself some more,
That would be so criminal like Gabbana & Dolce.

Go in, is what I'm feeling, so we must,
Today is a new last.
U might hate me for even trying to write on this,
It's time to leave all those ghosts of Freaky past.

All of us have histories, my brotha,
If you don't, ur's just simply is a page blank.
I mean, homeboy I saw you stand up that girl two nights ago,
Saying u were busy, when u were really out with Frank.

My life has evolved to such,
Where truthfully I don't give a hoot about ur last flings.
Only thing that I'm concerned with is if u are clean,
If u are, u'll sign my contract of cleanliness...Go ahead it's a one time thing.

Who u've slept with, or who was your high school sweetheart,
Or who u've Katy Perry kissed last summer, past stuff.
I mean, girl if u tell me that u've been with a girl,
My only question would be if her boobs were Silicone or full of fluff?

I say that cuz we can put somebody's reputation before the person,
Basing our opinion on what happen before u met.
Somebody will say, "but a leopard doesn't change spots",
Alright, but what if a leopard once wild, now only wants to be pet.

Rumors, and the false concoctions, good or bad,
Are all mirrors that prevent Love from simply flowing.
How can you really grow as a person, and open up,
When ur are criticizing without actually knowing.

So many have I seen in our days,
And I've thought this person is so ultra sweet.
Then I've walked in on tha same doll,with her hair all every which a way,
Shaking my head like, "I always knew she was a freak."

Which I don't have a problem with, and neither do you,
The problem lies when somebody doesn't admit tha truth.
Like somebody cheating, and lying they are faithful,
When they have a change of clothes inside the corner phone booth.

Guess tonight is just a cleansing of sorts,
Since I am like a single guy in tha land of beauty.
Miami is a town who doesn't open up as easily as I wished,
I see ur body, but the opening of ur mouth proves that ur a cutey.

Promise some other girls and guys feel tha same way I do,
I mean, being hot in South Beach isn't like something new.
This is tha trendiest of neighborhoods, perhaps in the world,
I might flip out if another guy has a mohawk 'do.

But when physical beauty is so apparent,
Guess what u have to do something that stands out.
Become a conversation starter, or a good listener,
Do something more than stand in tha corner and pout.

There's this other girl, I simply know of,
Who in passing I've just said a simple this or that.
The other day, I tried to open her up like a Tiffany box,
All my efforts just when down like a Wile E. Coyote splat.

Just because a guy or girl  asks u a question,
Doesn't mean that he wants to know if ur panties are camouflage.
They just want to get to know you or stimulate a good convo,
If I wanted u, I'll tell u straight up...I got this Groupon deal for tha Econo Lodge.

That's what excites me, and others as well,
Cuz sooner or later, u need more than just looks and sex.
Can u continue to climb when things get tough,
Or do u find Family Dollar ur Shopper's Apex?

There's another level, there always is,
Been prepared for what lies ahead.
I thought I've seen all the finest girls that I would ever meet,
Many of which I wanted to nail in my broken Ikea bed.

What I'm learning though, is it takes more than looks,
Even though they are nice, to get this kid's glow.
When everybody is beautiful in their own way,
I have to look for subtle signs, or how would I know.

A person's history is one thing, I'm trying to eliminate,
Like Hedi Klum does beauties on Project Runway.
That's a good example, really, now that I think of it,
Separating the ultra cream of de cream from tha everyday.

When I meet somebody, I want who they are that moment,
And then I might proceed to do my FBI check.
I rather be honest with that person, instead of using hating sources,
That's like playing a game of Poker without shuffling tha deck.

One thing I've learned, and I'm almost done,
Is people aren't really honest if they want you for themselves.
I've yet to meet somebody who will be honest with real info,
If they aren't dreaming of us two meeting under Mistletoe bells.

They may be out there, I've just yet to meet one,
You might as well ask me how do I know?
Cuz if I'm single, and a guy asks me about a girl I like,
I probably say, she's a flirt, and carries around a red light to make her dough.

It's just natural, when u see something or somebody u like,
To have a solo eye on them like CBS.
But if u take 60 Minutes to really know them,
U may learn, it's not me, but my BFF who "fits" them best.

This poem is long, I know, but I want to make a point,
Especially when my life begins a new.
A lot of my past is written in this diary,
Now we're gonna let it write itself, that's tha best thing to do.

From first-person perspective, I gotta be real,
I can't let what happen in tha past affect my future friends.
Or lovers...Or wife...Or whatever u may call them,
Or perhaps, "Galaxia's Love Dividends".

That's what I'm trying to say, just because a person did some things,
Doesn't mean that they haven't change for the better.
Yeah, they might have been in threesome before,
Even on a VHS screaming out, "Nobody's done it better."

How you two connect, that's all that matters,
Cuz if you two can handle each other, then that's mad fine.
What I'm going through is teaching me the year on tha bottle doesn't matter,
The only fact that matters is that ur actually enjoying tha wine.

Forgive me for being so honest this evening,
I just have a feeling that others feel me on this issue at hand.
Let's just start this relationship or friendship from scratch,
And not use a pail to dig up old bones in tha sand.

From here on out, when it comes to my love life,
We are gonna be at our Zenith and nothing less.
Just because other guys worry about who u've done,
The only thought in our mind is how ur wearing that dress.

Somebody may think, u're gonna get thinking this way,
Eh...I don't think accepting a person 'as is', is such a sin.
I'm tired of just going through these same mundane feelings,
When I've survived crazy episodes...Now my feen is to win.

This is my new way of thinking, and my thanks go out,
To this one girl who taught me more than she'll ever knows.
Teaching me to accept her for her, and not just rumors or past screws,
Or even if she had something stuck in her nose.

She taught me that, the next level Galaxia is this one,
Get to know people for urself, and then u can think.
Have a convo, share some laughs,
Even take a sit or sip, and let it all sink.

Once u realize who they are,
Then proceed if necessary knowing what u learned.
Others my criticize you, may tell you to leave them alone,
U have to have a clean slate though for love to yearn.

This is how I do things, how I date...
My life is now ready more than ever.
The ultimate fun is now upon us,
It takes hard lessons to make u better.

That's it, that's all I have for tonight,
Whoever reads this can think what they may.
Just know if u wanna be with me, I'm solely looking on tha present moment,
Hoping that our 'right now' will be so much better..

Than any skeletons of yesterday.

Austin Galaxia.

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