Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Grand Opening.

Galaxian Note:  Alright we're doing something different on tonight.  This is more like a story.  And it's long.  (Sorry!)  The usual notes on our daily life will return soon...if we're still writing, u never know.  But tonight just getting this out there in a different tone.  Thanx for all the love reading our stuff.  And hey, tell somebody about our diary's website, if u likes.  Something..."weird" is happening on here.  We just want to share tha love and fun, that's all.  Have a fun one!

Honk, Honk!  Will these people hurry up,
This is supposed to be a very special occasion.
Been waiting to get into this place for years,
Done everything short of some groupie persuasion.

C'mon, I'm gonna be late,
All this traffic backed up here in Tha Magic City.
Construction everywhere, people who can't drive,
To miss this opportunity will be such a pity.

Nights like this I wish I was on my Vespa,
By now I would've hopped on sidewalk and been dipping.
I did that once downtown circling around Miami Dade College,
Folks were looking at me crazy like 'this dude must be tripping!'

But u gotta do what u gotta do, Honk! Honk!
Bunk all this, I'm about to go straight gangsta style.
Screeechh...I aplogize if I cut u off on glass filled shoulder,
It's just that ur's truly has been waiting more than just a while.

Let me see, a run through a red light here...a semi stop there,
Forgive me since I'm breaking every law I usually abide.
Just when years have turn into that one night of anticipation,
I have to let all those laws of tha land, for one night subside.

There, now I have some air, just me and tha rode,
A perfect night to have my top drop in tha car.
Who knew that I would now get what I always wanted,
As I look back...the near seems so far.

Oh...yeah, I can't believe they playing this song right now,
Boy, we better turn this bad boy up and let it bump.
This takes me back to 2005, when I first came down to Miami,
Amazing how Madonna changed my life by simply saying..."Jump!"

So I did follow the Material Girl's advice, why not,
If nothing else u gain an experience right.
She told me about the leap of faith,
Yet left it up to me to tell about the landing's fright.

Cool night, no humidity in tha air,
Love it when the air just blows all through ur hair.
Look at that spot over there, where I took that one girl,
That didn't work out...leaving me thinking is life really fair.

That's why tonight is like the ultimate thrill for me,
Others may wonder why but this has been my dream.
Everybody is gonna be a part of this special event,
All are welcome...this isn't just for tha cream of the cream.

Some reason I feel like I'm being followed right now,
Ain't talking about no Twitter social feed either.
Nor am I talking about those stalkers on Facebook,
I had some bad experiences...which is why I'm on a permanent breather.

But this car is like mirroring my every move,
Like he's studying Usher for his dance class.
Don't like those freakin' headlights either,
Homeboy's all behind me so close I can see his Sun Pass.

Here we go, they are pulling beside me now,
These are nothing but girls, that could fit tha bill.
"Hey, Are you Austino Galaxia, that guy who writes?
Like Half Daffy Duck, and Half George Will?"

That's me, what are you ladies doing tonight,
Follow me, I'm headed somewhere very unique.
Whatever happens tonight is just between all of us,
Whether good, or if it lands u behind bars that go "Clink-Clink!"

Awesome, just follow me,
Now I know this is gonna be a fun adventure to talk.
Let's slow down a little be here on I-95,
Been running all our life, let's enjoy this memorable walk.

It's so many steps you have to go through,
Don't think people know how many days I just cried.
How come people just don't see this is something special,
Like blinders were covering faces, no matter how hard I tried.

Inside, u think, it just can't be this hard can it be,
Why or how did I even end up in this mess?
Is this tha price of being you, or wanting to be tha best,
If Love is a crime, I'm guilty, I mean...I confess.

That Lambo is zooming hitting about 120,
Hope these girls behind won't lose track of me.
But yeah, all those loops that nobody tells you about,
Visions of being not heard, despite all tha criminal pleas.

They call it "Tha Wilderness Years",
And that might be too deep on this special Hump Day.
In order to celebrate how we are going to,
Have to think upon all those trying ways.

See, others may know what I'm talking about,
When it seems like nothing u do is going right.
Jobs don't call, friends leave town unannounced,
And ur bumping to every Ex crush imaginable on Heat game nights.

Being in tha presence of somebody u been hurt
Sorry for tha term, but let's just be honest here.
They did u wrong, yet u are forced to take tha high road,
When all u want to do is Instagram them an ugly sneer.

Anything worth having doesn't come easy,
Now looking back, I see that they were true.
See, if I could change one thing about my life,
Honestly, it would be nothing...nothing I would do.

Cuz every step helps you in some way,
One broken heart allows you to handle one of good.
If you don't know what's it's like to go through,
Watch Ugly Betty, tha Spanish version, and 'never' will turn into 'could'.

Which brings us into tonight you see,
For a few years I've been quietly thinking about this new venture.
The one where everybody can have so much fun,
Talked to some youth, and those who drop their dentures.

Something where people could get lost from tha daily life,
Where they can just say they are now a part of tha next big thing.
Competition is tough, especially here in South Beach,
Yet, tha seeds where planted for more than just a fling.

Somewhere in which ur mind can imagine,
And you just get caught up in the joyous flow.
Not stressing about tha kids, or who to ask out,
Although the topic of love is talked upon through and through.

Now it's happening, better than ever,
We gonna bring you on an even better ride of all of our lives.
Tha feeling is gonna taste like pure honey,
Or like skinny dip, where u just have to take a dive.

Almost there, not too much longer,
Those girls behind me are really dancing to tha groove.
Nothing wrong with that I love it matter of fact,
When tha feeling hits you, u got 2 move!

Tha diary that we have kept,
Was a great sneak peek into what this night's all about.
Perseverance, the growing pains of true success,
Trial and error to where's tha invisible G-Spot.

For some it's above the butt, other's tha neck,
But you learn that everybody has their own button push.
I used to take it so personal when somebody didn't dig,
It's defined different for making love, laying pipe or hitting that kush.

Guess what I'm saying is that u gotta go through it,
After you've endure, u can have u own bundle of joy.
That can be a dream mate, or a position you've always wanted,
Or heck if you're smaller, that could be that Yo Gabba Gabba! toy.

Let's take this exit, right here,
Been awhile since I've been over here in tha dark.
Like, since construction really,
At that time tha only security we had were pit bulls that barked.

Now look, this prime location,
All these lights are flickering in tha air.
A Batman signal is even showing left to right,
His invitation was direct...I WANT YOU THERE!

Who else may show up,
This is gonna be a who's who of tha M.I.A.
Just tha feeling that everybody is enjoying themselves is enough,
Security knows to keep all Paparazzi far at bay.

Alright, would you look at that line,
Guys and girls dressed to tha hills for a simple glance.
Love it when people actually dress up,
I know I didn't come to look cute...I came to dance.

Here's Valet parking, but we're going to tha back,
I know these girls behind me are like "What Tha Fudge?"
No need to worry, we'll be safe where we're going,
And all that MAC and Chanel makeup won't even have a smudge.

Going to tha back, for my own personal spot,
What up Leo, this Benz behind is with me.
"Dude I'm gonna call you 30 Cent,
Cuz you got all these Dimes times three."

That guy is so funny, I knew he would be,
From tha first interview, he just had that spark.
He had that enthusiasm, like he wanted to be a part of this,
It was tha last day so I told him only one job left...Owner's Spot Park.

He took it, and now here we are,
Let me put this top up, cuz it might just rain.
Got my Herschel bag in tha back, came from tha gym,
Work before pleasure, priorities is and  will always be tha main.

Let's go...Ladies I hope I didn't bore you,
I was driving a little slow, and just reminiscing on tha past.
On how I never thought I was gonna break through ever,
Days and nights wondering if I ran out of gas.

We're here, and my boys are inside,
For you, you and you...the nights completely free.
Just mention my name, "Austino Galaxia",
And every door will open for you...just wait and see.

Bruce, and Julio, can you believe it, after all this time,
After all those years we are finally here dude.
I know u got security really tight up in here,
I'm sorry, here are some lady friends...sorry to be rude.

What are your names, I didn't get them?
'Jenny.' 'Stephanie.' 'I'm Barbie, and yes I'm half South African and Cuban.'
Alright, now that that's out tha way, just enjoy this special night,
Like I said, u all are on my tab, just don't be ordering too many sandwich Rubens.

Before you get too comfortable, and too bubbly,
Let me show you tha place.
All tha blood, sweat and tears that were put into this joint,
Just to get this property involved five court cases...make tha seis.

Right now we came through tha back,
Over to your left is where tha kitchen lays.
Anything you can think of, can be made at ur order,
I can get Sushi from San Francisco shipped in less than a day.

Ribs.  Chicken. Pork.
Everything from Soul Food to upscale South American.
Nothing is excluded, we want everybody to be happy,
The other day I tried some Chinese Shark Fin.

Keep your eyes on the food, y'all,
I'm not paying you to look at tha eye candy.
Everybody is still in the probation period, got it,
Even though ur a girl, I know what ur taste is, Miss Sandy.

Continue on and you see some pictures on the wall,
Of some of tha people I met not too long ago.
'Hey, that's Casanova, and even Cupid,
Those people u met...I didn't know.'

Yes...Yes...It's been quite a last few weeks,
I'm meeting so many people who come to meet and greet.
One day I will get into them all,
For now though, let's continue to where the move their feet.

Look down, and that's tha dance floor,
Tha DJ booth is over there on tha side.
I wanted tha music to speak, and the DJ be invisible,
Create an atmosphere where the rhythm just glides.

As u can see the best sound system you can buy,
Had is shipped from the Beats by Dre warehouse.
What I wanted was easy...and one of specific details,
It had to handle the sounds of Babyface, and bangers of Deadmou5.

Let's take a break, and just enjoy this event,
Take a seat here, ladies, in my private Skybox,
Anybody is welcome to visit to say hi,
From the guy who just graduated to the housewife finishing up Detox,

Excuse me Sue, can you start us off first with some water,
And a few of those BBQ Chicken Wraps...grass-fed.
I hope she can get that order right,
A mother of 4, so I know by this time she's used to being in bed.

But that's what this is all about, our dream,
Why we've turned into what you can now see and touch.
Still amazing that we are sitting in this spot right now,
We moved on, but all those's just too much.

'Tell us, Austino how did this all come about?
I mean you can do anything... why this?'
Glad you asked that Jenny,
Say this and then I'll have to mingle with my client list.

Our diary was something I wanted to be visited,
Something truly one of a kind.
Felt like our life was going to be talked about for ages,
Why not get inside a weird kid's mind.

Not just tha usual, but stories of a lifetime,
Ones that could help someone just keep going.
Still I don't have an idea when it's all coming to an halt,
Just write and push all without knowing.

Sue, thanks for tha water,
Some time ago we figure we'll just give our best.
Holding nothing back from crazy love stories,
To even some of our toughest and most personal tests.

All this wasn't created to be selfish,
Only on a tip where people could just be who they are.
Trials and Tribulations are gonna come,
How you react in those times will determine tha mileage on ur car.

I've wanted to give up, flat out,
Couldn't admit that a few months ago, but now I can.
Get frustrated, and you get tired of being sooooo patient,
Wondering if being a Toys "R" Us kid is outdated, and I should become a man?

It then hit us, why not open up this spot,
Which has our fingerprints written all over the walls.
Everything in here, is so precise and detailed u'll be amazed.
There are 100,726 bricks in here...each one represents a destiny fall.

How you get up though is what's important,
This place is for those who dream for tha stars.
Real people, who love real things.
U know life is more than about fancy cars.

Now we have it, this grand opening,
For you ladies, and everybody to enjoy to tha max.
The finest staff works in here, music is bumping,
The best feature is that everything is served without tax.

Life can stink bro, if you let it,
It can bear down on you, and make u hide from tha show.
5 minutes in here though, will change ur mood,
Speaking of which...girls I got to go.

"Muah." "Muah." "Muah."
Barbie, I must say I will definitely come back for you.
Have a good time ladies, be back up here,
Just don't leave whatever you do.

This is awesome, this is awesome.
The first night is always something never to forget.
Tonight is one of those nights where I'll be on tha porch,
Thinking about those three ladies who talked and was down to sit.

Gotta go outside, for a second,
The euphoria is becoming too much.
So much fun, So much energy,
And it's all being had without somebody passing tha dutch.

"Bro, ain't this club jumping!
I'm never ever gonna leave!
Flew all the way over from London with my guys,
A rumor on tha wings of the air, I had to cleave."

That's..."Whoever owns this place,
I tell ya Charlie, they have something never to be seen again.
Like cool people, beautiful people,
They even got kegs of Guinness and Heineken."

"If only I could me that fellow,
I would let my girl give him a wet one on his lips."
Huh...I must admit that would be nice,
Especially judging by how she's still shaking her hips.

Should I or shouldn't I?
Mate, I wish I knew just like you.
Have a good one my friend, and  stay safe
If you need a sober driver, go inside and tell the bouncer "Code Blue".

This isn't about me, it's bigger than me,
Which now is fine by my terms.
Don't want our Ego getting in tha way anymore,
Nothing but positivity flowing from our germs.

Such an awesome night, here in Miami,
Thankful for the opportunity to share.
This could be termed 2/3's nightclub,
With tha other third County Fair.

As I walk around to the front though,
A sense of my best has been giving runs through.
Hopefully everybody will enjoy this,
I've just done all that I could truly do.

For now though, let's just sit back,
And from here on out, enjoy what happens next.
Our life is now in a new position,
Now u're seeing I'm worth more than any 140 character text.

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the next level,
Tell your friends cuz it's really about to be a takeoff.
To a whole new dynamic, we've been prepared for,
Even though it's has some hiccups and coughs.

I'm ready for what's about to happen,
Our goal is to bring you in stronger than before.
Leave it all on tha line, and do our best,
Before "Closed" hangs diagonally on these doors.

A Championship lifestyle is what we've always wanted,
Now we can taste it like it's already been won.
This story was a representation of our diary,
Somewhere where it's nothing but love, son.

Thank you all for coming, and if u're reading this,
Ur already a part of the next level in our life's hub-bub.
This is for those who like to party after tha struggle,
This is "Galaxia's"....The Ultimate Fun Club.


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