Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Whining And Dining.

Alright.  This is gonna be short...for real.

Lots of stuff going on with our life.  Things are beginning to pick up even more, and we'll do our best to make sure we bring u into our Galaxy which is becoming more special by tha moment.  

So many decisions to make...We've been looking at upgrading our pantry and diet some.  Looking for the edge into getting into tha ultimate shape.  We're not into supplements, except for our Flintstone's vitamins, but we do pretty well.  The other day researching on some Pro Athlete, more specifically The LA Lakers like changed their diet middle of tha season, so we were looking to find what they did.  Word has it that they went to a like "Pasture-fed" type of diet.  Not Pasteurized but like "Grass-fed" diet where the cows and animals eat and smoke only grass.  (Wink!)  Some great info, and it sounds like a  real try.  The downside is the expense of it all.  It's really for the wealthy and well off.  And even though we we've been blessed and have a few nickels in our socks in our shoebox, paying like $5.49 for milk and like $9 per pound for some meat, can have me bug eyed like a Roger Rabbit film.  Plus u have to have tha time to cook it differently and stuff.  So, we shall fridge is empty right now, as is tha rest of Miami, I mean doesn't everybody plan their week around Thursdays since that's when the Publix Supermarket weekly ad goes into effect!  

Huh.  A thought just hit me...

I cook a lot, but yet and still go out on tha town or even back up north with my boys a lot, and have seen and heard of some wild stuff.  Like this one pizza joint like spitting in tha middle of tha pizza as their tradition.  Yuk! No hobo that was true....Or this other pizza joint dropping pizza on tha ground picking it back up, and serving it.  I actually ate a pizza from Little Caesars that tasted straight up like Mr. Clean.  I think my hair even went bald after I ate it!  So much...

Two incidents in regards to fast food joints come to mind...One being at a Wendy's and having a Double-Stack burger being filled with ketchup, mustard and a Press-On Fingernail.  I don't know if it came from this chick's middle finger or not, since I do have a tendency to be ultra-specificity in regards to my ordering habits.  But still, I don't want that, at least if it was Purple I woulda known my homegirl was working and could have asked her for tha hookup on sum Biggie Fries! So that was one...The other was going to Mickey D's and getting some Chicken McNuggets and them giving me a Chickenhead literally, sans the bikini and wedge shoes, as one of the nuggets.  I was like, "Are u kidding me?"  I don't know who was dumber them passing out chicken brain, or me not suing Mickey D's?!! Folks make a killing suing over hot coffee or for McDonald's not having any ethnic characters, although I do question what box The Hamburglar checked on tha last Census.  But "Tha Kid" aka Me could have been rolling in my purple Fisker luxury ride with plans to go to Ibiza in tha morning.  Oh well...Let them do that again...

Yeah man...Eat-ting out!  Had some wild experiences with waitresses as well...This one steakhouse one of my dudes I was with thought the service was so bad that he put tha tip down, and then as the waitress turned around, picked it back up.  And I think he wrote, "Look both ways before u cross tha street" or something like that...Wild.  This one waitress was like an undercover gangsta who talked about "putting it on tha boss" like she was a Queenpen or what not...While these waitress at Olive Garden...I'm not gonna talk about them tonight, cuz my crew and them had some "fun".  Service does matter though...

I wonder if anybody is as wild as I am when it comes to looking at tha menu, and actually ordering.  Besides coming short of asking if the chickens were born pre-Bird flu or not, I can be a trip.  I usually start with water.  Then tha server would come back, and I'm almost mouthing out what they are gonna say, as they say it, "Do-You-All-Know-What-You-Want-To-Order...Or-Do-You-Want-More-Time."  Same script whether u're at Chili's or if u're on Ocean Drive. The even say that at Burger King.  So of course, u tell them u need more time...Just like any sexy dame does to any guy, never tell him 'Yes' on tha first try, right?!  When they come back, I hit 'em up like they on Top Chef.  

"Can I get this with wheat bread?"

"Is tha Chicken Fried or Baked?"

"What's tha substitute for Rice?"

"Rice is tha main dish...Whahh??  I want Chicken Fried Rice steamed and without tha rice, fool!"

And then, don't be that friend who has a reputation.  Come on somebody, I know I'm not tha only one.  Like, in a group, u know who not only is a trip in ordering tha food, but is also a trip in that they watch what they eat.  Meaning u go to like Shake Shack, and raise a fuss cuz the Ice Cream has too much sugar...Or go to a nice formal Sake and Sushi joint, and be all p'd cuz the don't get their fish from California, and then go into a 10 min. spill why California water is tha best...Then to make matters worse, right when everybody is about 2 order, u can feel like all eyes turn toward you, and u even see a kid pointing his Iphone towards you, cuz he knows this order is gonna be epic!  Funny but true dudes and dudettes...

The most upset I've been eating out...Well, that freakin' Dave and Buster's at Dolphin Mall, had me almost tossing chairs up in there.  I'll tell you why, so it was a group of us, guys and girls, and I was like dude I'm gonna get my eat on, and then try to win this Miami Dolphins stuff animal in tha Robo-Machine that I've only seen one person actually grab something my whole life.  So we get there, and wait was "Eh" and so I seen..Sorry Ebonics kicking in...I saw tha menu, and this steak.  I was like this 'ish looks good with tha corn on tha side, and mashed potatoes, and and it comes with like a $10 game play, shoot, I hadn't felt that good since my Pops told me and my brother to grab all tha free Glory Foods Hot Sauce bottles we could get our hands on at this one Expo up north!  We had hot sauce bottles for years, man, and I was, "Nuck, Nuck, Nuck-ing" it on everything.  From baked potatoes to fish to borderline putting it on my Funfetti birthday cake!  It was out of control...Ok, back to this fiasco...

So I server, that sounds so downgrading...the waitress comes over, and I point to this picture of this juicy steak, and say, "I'll have that."  And I said it with attitude and swagger like I was at Red, The Steakhouse or Mr. Chow, like I'm gonna put this on tha AmEx tonight baby doll, and u can play all tha Dance Dance Revolution u want gurl!  Alright...That's what I ordered...I chatting away with my guy, and it was late if I remember correctly which, if ur a professional diner-outer (Made up term) u know only one thing.  Ur deducting from the check, like, "He's 10 minutes late...Carry tha one...Oh, and this kid at tha next table, ordered after me, and he got his before me...Let me see...Kid's tax...This guy is getting $2. 45 no matter what!"  

This guy brought out my food.  Whooo-wee!  This steak was so small, I think my fork overlapped it as I tried to stab at it.  I had never ever seen anything like it.  That's another ain't nothing worse than having ur order Cracker Jack'd  up, while the rest of tha party is enjoying theirs.  Everybody else tries to be sympathetic, "It was photo shopped." or "U want some of mine.", when deep down they are thinking, "That stinks for him, but I was on the 826 for 45 minutes at a stand still, and I'm gonna eat with or without him!"  Am I lying?!?!

Man, I feel like telling some more, but I gotta go.

Believe u me, there's more I can say...Hmmm, is that prelude to a Part 2. 

One never knows.

Bon Apet...A-P-E-T-I-T...Anyways...

Good Night.

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