Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Power Couple.

Is this tha right address?  This building kind of looks run down some.  I wouldn't expect this from...Whatever I guess...Alright, here's a broken piece of glass here on tha sidewalk, got me messing up my Cole Haan shoes.  This is the first time I'm wearing them, we wanted to save them for a special occasion.  These are some sick rides parked out here.  A red Ferrari...and a white Range Rover?  In this type of neighborhood?  Parked right here in front huh.  Hope they have security watching it somewhere, cuz I know where I'm from those are as good as got.  Let me check myself out in tha passenger side window.  Yeah, I'm looking like a hundred bucks, the Big Face ones, not those old New York 1986 cringly ones.  Tie looks straight...Our shirt is crisp without any wrinkles.  I still can't believe I payed $6 for this Hugo Boss shirt, when the regular price is like what...$96?  People need to hit up vintage stores for real...Pants are clean. I love these Michael Kors slacks. These cost like $149, and I got them for something like eight dollars.  Nordstrom Rack has some good deals if ur patient and look.  I look and feel alright, and I better go inside this place cuz it looks like it's about to rain...


That sound of thunder is a real sign.  The door is locked.  They have a buzzer outside of this dumpy looking place.  Let me all these slots have empty names next to the buttons.  Except for this one.  Who's this company...Dupic Arrow Company.  This is the right address, but who are these guys?  Whatever...

(Buzz! Buzz!)

I wish they come on, it's starting to sprinkle out here...

(Buzz!  Buz...)

"Dupic Arrow Company...How can I help you?"

Ah...Hi.  My name is Austino Galaxia, and I have an appointment.  This was the address that was giving to me, but I'm not familiar with this neighborhood or area, and don't recognize ur business, so I don't know if I have the right loca...

"Hello, Mr. Galaxia, you have the right place, I'll buzz you up."


Thank you.  What tha fizzle?  This place is like awesome.  I've never seen a joint like this, but on the outside it looks all crummy and like a dump, but on the inside...I'm impressed.  Now this is what I'm talking about! Alright, where should I go, I can either take the elevator or over there they have some stairs that are enclosed by clear windows.  I enjoy walking stairs for the exercise, so let me take those.  Look at this couch...All these pictures on the wall.  Let me see there's a picture of James Bond...George Hamilton...Elvis...Eddie Murphy...Brad Pitt...Oh, then over here you got..Elizabeth Taylor, man she was so hot, dude.  There are eight pictures of her on this wall...Who else?  Jennifer Lopez...Sophia Loren...Pam Greer...Hold on, I know I gotta get up from here.  They got these never seen photos of Marilyn, and I know this ain't my girl...Raquel Welch!  Oh snap!  People just don't know how big of a crush I had and still have on her.  So fine.  Man, this is tha spot!   Everybody's been in here...Ok, let me walk up these steps.

There's a lot of them.  Where did they get these see through windows from?  This ain't no Ikea stuff, I can tell that.  I wonder if I can get these from that CB2 store back home off of Lincoln Road in South Beach.  I'm really stunned.  This place is so beautiful, but considering who I'm seeing, I guess it should be expected.  It looks like we're here, at least there's only one door, so it has to be it, right.  Relax, "I am Zen...I am Zen...I am..."  Alright here we go...

(Click, Click)

(Man, this is girl is smoking h-o-...)

"You must be Austino Galaxia."

Yes, I am.  And your name is...

"Angelica Julia Guiterrez."

Say What?!!

"Did I say something wrong?"

No,'s just.  I once knew a girl named Julia Angelica Guiterrez, I wrote about her in my diary back when my life was like a reality show drama.  Guess what a coincidence huh.

"Yes, it is.  Have a seat.  I'll make a call in to my boss to let them know that you are here.  We have some snacks if you like.  There are some Sweethearts over there in tha bowl, and don't worry they are fresh and aren't leftovers from Valentine's Day.  Over there we have cupcakes with sprinkles on them and inside of them...Water, Champagne, Kool-Aid, whatever u wish, help urself."


"Hello, Boss, I have your 1:43 pm appointment in right now...alright.  Uh-huh.  Ok."

They got everything over here.  Pixie Sticks, like the giant ones.  I remember getting those at that corner grocery store up in Union Pier, Michigan when I was just a youngster.  Look at this stuff...Ring Pops...Now & Later's...And...

(Click-Click, Click)

"We got everything over here.  Just want to bring back memories of enjoyment u know.  Oh!  You are our only appointment for this month, so I ran out to that place down the street that has like a bulls-eye as its symbol?"

Oh, ur talking about Target.

"Yeah, so I saw they had a box of these on sale, and I bought them just for you."


"Why yes!!   I know that you like them, but I got tha strawberry kind..."

It's even tha Lower Sugar variety, because you know how I like to watch my face and can't have any...

"Pimples.  Yes.  I thought you would like."

Thanks, Angelica.

"No problem.  And please call me Angel.  All my friends do.... Alright, The Boss is on another call.  So let me show you around the place.  He's been really busy as of late.  The Co-Owner has been out in Ibiza the past week doing his thang, while The Boss has been busy with all the work here in the offices."

Angel, let me ask you what did you do before this?  I mean you are beautiful.

"Thank you.  A lot of people tell me that, but coming from you...I'm actually the daughter.  I was born from the owners of this place.  I wanted to do some other things.  But to see the smiles on the faces of all the people we help.  Not just famous people, from what u saw from the photos on the wall.  But just knowing our line of work makes a difference is so satisfying."

So I take it that you haven't met the perfect one just yet.

"There is one person who I KNOW my parents would approve of me being with as would I..."

And that person is...?

"So over here you can see we have an arcade room.  All of the classic games like Pac-Man...Sonic...We got the Wii and even the new Playstation 4 in the corner over there.  The latest XBox is still in the shipping box, but it's over there in the corner."

You guys get the stuff before they hit the market?

"We do...We do.  Everybody wants to get our opinion of what's gonna make people happy.  They respect my parents opinion a lot.  I mean like President's of countries, CEO's of Fortune 100 business, we're very popular with everybody.  But we only meet with a select few.  Those who we feel have what it takes to make a difference, and carry on with tha same philosophies my folks share. Not too many do..." 


"Over here, and I shouldn't even be showing you this, but this is my Father's I guess...Man Cave.  It's filled with hearts and an unheralded collection of music.  I know u love music Austino.  Let me see if I could pull something out for you...Ah...(Flip...Flip)  Sometimes I just come in here and relax, and put some tunes on that gets me in tha mood.  Ok, here's a little something for you..."

("...Something about you that I can't explain...And it's driving me crazy, and I've gone insane...Something...")

Girl...What do you know about that Keith Washington and Chante Moore?

"Hey, just because I'm South American doesn't mean I ain't got no soul in me!"

I see...Babyface...Kenny G...Luis Bofill...Trey Songz...Maxwell...Robin Thicke...and Jon B.?!  Girl, u guys got it all!

"That's my father for you."

(Beep, Beep!)

"Alright, we gotta go upstairs, The Boss wants to see you, so let's go.  We'll take the elevator it's faster, and whenever The Boss calls for you, you answer."

(Elevator Door closes)

"Are you nervous?"

Just a little bit, I mean, I've talked so much about him.  Never met him though.  Just hoping that he won't be upset at some of the things I've said or even written about him.

"Don't be...He might not admit it, but he's an admirer of you.  He sees a lot of himself in you, that's why he wanted to meet you.  So just relax, and we'll talk afterwards alright."


(Elevator Door Opens)

"We're here, just go on inside, his door is open over there..."

Thanx Angel. Well, this should be a moment in life that won't be forgotten.  Ah...Hello, Sir, My name is Austino Gal...

'I know who you are, take a seat....So I've heard that you talk about me all the time huh?'

Yes sir.  I do.

'Did you ever think that you would meet me face-to-face?'

To be honest Sir, I didn't.  So many people talk about you, and I've studied your philosophies seemingly all your life.  I thought it I knew everything, heck, I thought I was a mirror image of how you lived backed in you hey day.

'Go on..'

Then I remember that one day back in the year 2000, when I received this package in the mail.  It was from you.  It was a packet full of handwritten notes.  They spoke of some of you most intimate lessons about how "the timing has to be perfect" or how you can be "blind" yet still see...or even how the true version of you can "endure through all storms".  And then...

'Let me interrupt you.  I thought that you were the one person who could really understand or be, not a disciple or follower, but somebody who I wanted to mold in a way that could really carry on the tradition and teachings of me and my wife.  Angel, whom you met earlier, follows those thoughts from a female perspective, but I wanted a guy who could represent so to speak as well.'

Sir, let me ask you, how did you get the idea concerning the pictures and stuff?

'Well, I was watching an old game show with that one guy with that funny guy Chuck Woolery, and the thought hit us to send you a little homework I guess you could say.  So, matter of fact it was New Year's Eve 1999 when I decided that I wanted to test you.  Each year I sent you some photos of some girls, and you didn't know if they were gonna be a friend, a mate or a lesson.  You had no idea of how you were gonna meet this girls, but you were.  Tha thing was, u didn't know what to expect from them, so you had to go through them even if you didn't want to, simple because they might be somebody special.'

But it was like...I'm just a kid you know.  Each of these "assignments" left me with so many empty feelings, and the wondering of "This is just a waste of time."  Like one sad love song after another, Sir...

'Yeah, but u grew, and that's tha point of me and my wife's philosophies.  You have to go through it some, to be able to live at tha ultimate level.  You have dreams, I see that you want your own era and rule this Galaxy that you keep talking about, but u need to be grinded into the right mindset for that.  Plus, everything that you are gonna have, and that u now possess, needs to be shared with others, if they accept, so be it, but u must have a determination within urself to keep on going, cuz now you're right there, and things are gonna be happening like never before.  Trust me.'

You know, it's been a wild last few hours...I've been busy at Heat playoff games, riding all over the Miami area, up for 22 hours straight, girls checking us out and trying to talk to me as I'm rocking my headphones, plus it's Memorial Day weekend in my 'hood, so the cops got it all on semi-lockdown.  This year is actually cool, Boss, cuz the like put up signs and gates or whatever so that the locals can still have their area and parking spaces and stuff.  They looked out for us big time...

'Get to tha point.'

So early this morning, like around 3am or so, I was in my place, getting ready to meet you later on today, and a thought hit us, how perfect your plan worked.  Like each person was a step towards the next.  Each lesson of what works or how to appreciate even your outlook on life even tha more.  You got me to now I can share different things with others...Plus, I completed the final assignment of sorts a few days ago.  I put her face up with all the others I have hung up in my board in my place.  The first person you sent to me was a Kristina, and now you ended with the same name only with a 'C', I mean that's amazing that you would bring everything full circle.  Now I know that a new era has dawned, and that I'm now ready.

(With hands out, and palms facing up)

'That's what I do.  Lessons have to be learned, and we have to weed some people out so to speak.  Because with your next assignment, you need to know if folks really believe in not only you, or what me and my wife stand for.  Right now, you are our loudest advocate.  People have lost faith in what me and my wife tried so hard to build so long ago.  It ain't like in the 60's and 70's.  Now people are more selfish, aren't so willing to share not just money, but time and just laughs.  I know our journey was tough, but I wanted to make yours even tougher.  U accepted tha challenge, it may have taken you 13 years to get through our list, but you did.  Now you get the fruit of what patience can get you.  We want our beliefs and doctrines to last forever.  Speaking of which, this is for you...'

(A Manila Folder is given.)

What is this?

'This is your final assignment.  But don't open it up until you walk out this door.  Consider it a reward for hanging in there, when u didn't want to, and for sharing who my wife and I are with others.  It means a lot to us.  Now get outta here...'

Thank you sir.  Alright, Ms. Angel, I have to admit that you have a special father.

"I know.  Whatcha got?"

Well, this is like a gift from him, and he told us not to open it up until I get outside of this place.  Let me be honest...

"Sure, What's up?"

There's no doubt that you hear it all tha time, but from how you present yourself, and from how you dress, and the aura that you give off, you are easily the most beautiful girl I've ever met, Angel.  I hope that I would get the honor to meet with you again...I was wondering...


"Sorry, Austino, my father is calling me, I...I...I gotta go."

(Click-Click...Click Click)

Oh well, boy I would do anything to be able to get at that.  Let me go back down these stairs.  This is a cool place.  I would love to...


I'm so sorry, let me help you with your luggage, I'm so sorry...

That's ok.

You have some cool stuff.  Is this tha new bag from Louis Vuitton?

Yes it is.  I picked it up at the airport in Ibiza.  Wait...aren't you...

Austino Galaxia.

Yes...Yes.  Well, come here boy.  Give me a hug!  My name is Phuncia. 

Phon...or Phun...or....

I apologize, I know my name is tough to pronounce.  Everybody calls me "Fun" for short.  So I take it that you've met my husband, u know he was really looking forward to meeting with you.  He thinks you're are one of the last people who follow the thoughts and philosophies of me and my husband.  Did he give you the folder?

Yes he did.

Well.  You've earned it.  Keep being who you are.  Believe in urself.  And always remember, one of our ways of life...Different is sexy.  Be you.  Share what you matter what.  Alright, The Boss is upstairs waiting for you.  It was nice meeting you, it really was...Check out that folder, u'll gonna like it, I promise!  

Nice to meet you..."Fun?".  Wow, this was a wild day.  Alright, where did I park, yes over there.  Let me open up this door.  It's been one of those days, plus it's a sunny 80 degree day so let me drop tha top on today.  I just wonder what's inside of this folder.  Gotta turn down the music for this...

Alright, we just gonna open up this bad boy...Ok.  Here's a picture of me on top of a photo of stars and planets.  And here's a envelope as well.  And a note, what does that note say.

Here are your future assignments.  They will surely be yours if you continue to believe in what we stand for.
"Fun" and Aimer.

Oh, I get it, this is a picture of a Galaxy.  Oh boy!  What's in this other envelope.  Hey, wait a minute, this is a picture of Angel, whom I just met, who I think is tha most beautiful girl I've ever...with a phone number attached.  I don't think an assignment has ever looked so beautiful.  Aimer...Aimer, that can't be his real name.  Let me Google that, that has to be a nickname for something.  Yep! That shouldn't surprise me at all.

To own the Galaxy, and to have the most beautiful girl around.  The future can't look any brighter.  And I owe it all to following the philosophies of my favorite "it" couple...

"Fun" and Aimer...who's real name is known as...


Enjoy tha moment.

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