Thursday, May 9, 2013


I look into my mental black book,
And what do I once again see.
Names with stars next to them,
Oh, how those memories bring so much glee.

I remember her, I remember that dish,
Seems like yesterday, we sat and came.
I had it going on so much back then,
With a simple snap, stepped another sexy dame.

What's going on tonight though,
These pages now make me want to puke.
Tha names don't get me tingly any more,
If I'm UNC, then they must be Duke.

C'mon let's get it together right now,
You still have the best of the best.
Diamonds, Pearls, u've dugged them all,
Great, now I sound like a diver on tha old show Seaquest.

Have I lost a step, this cannot be so,
My Mojo is still working at a high 10.
Why am I looking at my black book with awe,
Huh, let me do a little reminiscing then.

Music, I need some music,
U know to get tha mood very swa-vay.
Tonight is gonna be super special, I know it,
Haven't felt like this since last Christmas Day.

Tonight we're pulling out our albums, let's see,
Will it be The Bee Gees, or those Motown hits.
Marvin Gaye with get the night very sensual,
So would Sinatra, or even Gladys' Pips.

Man, Frankie is sounding good to my ears,
Yet, a trip in Black Book, calls for one.
Smokey Robinson, yeah, even tha names sounds sexy,
I love tha sound of that record let's have some fun.

Oh, wait, I need something else, something cool,
Something to make my mind clear to just make me think.
Some orange juice, yeah, that's cool, but...
If I was T-Pain or Luda, they would tell me to dig for...
"One More Drink".

Dude, I haven't drunk anything for a few months,
Not since this beauty force me some Vodka dead straight.
That trash was something like ugly gasoline,
Amazing what u do, when a girl throws u her curvy bait.

Can't do it, tonight I need to be sober,
Tonight is gonna be a look at love ultra level.
The stories and lessons are gonna flow like popping VIP bottles,
Yeah, I wanted only one, but somehow I ended up with several.

Alright, only one thing left to do, before I get started,
Let me grab my Galaxy 3 for a photo op.
Click.  I like that, this is for my Instagram,
Do it now, cuz once I get going I won't stop.

Haven't opened this baby up in a while,
Shouldn't even do it on this Thursday night.
Just seeing some of those listed can bring me pain,
So much that I don't want their name printed in my sight.

Nobody knows I have one,
What if my future wife knows that I'm doing this.
Who she walk away?  Will we go out again?
Could it be her sexy laugh that I'll miss?

Whatever, she's not here, I'm just by myself,
This is tha last time I will ever do this feat.
One huge breath, let's open up to page one,
These girls were so fine, like a prime cut of steak meat.

These lessons have made me stronger,
Enough talking let me just randomly flip.
Ah...Stop!  Right there, I remember her,
She was tha one who showed me what not to sip.

How could I not want her?
Tan, curly hair, and cool as a Winter Pillow side.
Was her smoking excessively really a problem I couldn't handle,
That couldn't stop our kite from taking a simple glide.

Her dancing at tha club, to my club favorite,
"Face down...(Butt) Up...that's tha way I like to..."
Then she had these crystal blue eyes that sparkled,
She had her own money, she didn't even need my two bucks.

The timing wasn't right for us to be together,
Heck, I should write that in my diary for people to see.
I'm not gonna write in my diary, at least not tonight,
But if I did, lesson number one is...
Sometimes it's simply not meant to be.

Love is talked about too much in my diary anyway,
Why have I gone through so much, u know.
Look a here, this was another lesson to be learned,
One about love and tha allure of dough.

This girl was sexy too, amazing as I think about her,
These Megan Fox features, and a little tall.
A smile that was flawless, and a personality to match,
How often did her presence almost make both of us fall.

She had a man, or lived with somebody,
I don't know, somewhere off of like Brickell Key.
The stuff she would tell me, all in private,
Made wanna tell her, "Girl, u simply just need to flee."

Another girl, told me straight up, "Don't mess with her",
But she didn't see how we both had rhythm like Connect Four.
Just because u know that something is locked,
Doesn't mean u still can't knock on tha door?!

It seems like all the good girls are always taken,
And if not, then somebody always has that, "but...".
Not talking about those Miami curves,
Just tha deal breakers that once made me close love's opening shut.

Let's see...she's beautiful, but she don't speak no english,
Ah, that girl was like from Iran, saw her at breakfast eating like a Danish.
My boy told me, "Bro, she only knows like four words of English",
I said, "We're a perfect fit, cuz I only know four words of Spanish!"

Oh, these memories going threw this Black Book,
Seems like yesterday, but one thing is certain.
You have to go through all these steps, it's a must,
If u wanna see who awaits behind Love's last curtain.

I think that's what we've been trying to share, yeah,
It hasn't been a brag or a loud boast.
It's just that u have experience lessons, whether u want to or not,
And those lessons can take you from coast to coast.

Wow!  I remember this girl from up like near Portland,
We spoke via email and Skype, except with no picture feed.
Knew she was cool, but was hesitant about getting to know her,
Thinking, "Shall I proceed...Yes indeed!"

Have u ever communicated to somebody like this?
Like talking on ur Vaio, simply to a dark black screen?
U knew she looked good, long volleyball legs, and a smile,
I wish I had that crystal ball made by Keane.

That would have told me that time difference is difficult,
Not impossible, but it's almost like night and day.
When she's just waking up for work,
I'm already at the beach for play.

But, once again, u gotta go through it, for urself,
For a possible long term friendship to end can be murder she wrote.
Yet, "To win some, u gotta lose some."
I wonder who came up with that very true quote.

This book is wild, so beat up too,
Yep, I knew I will come upon this girl who was a five-star.
She was the first girl I even wrote about in my diary,
"A Columbian Beauty", can some of u even think back that far?!!

Took me awhile to get over this one,
One of the few who I can honestly say looked like a future Ms. Galaxy.
We both, not kidding, fell hard for each other,
Hers was the only face that I could even see.

Smarts, Charisma, Attitude,
All three up to tha upper max.
Then she was flat out a beauty, like a video vixen,
Just thinking about her now makes me wanna do 50 jumping jacks.

She had a man...yada, yada, yada,
They'll have to read tha story for themselves for the rest.
I think I left it open, but we didn't get together,
Honestly, that was Galaxia's greatest test.

Or was it this girl, whom I also wrote about,
One that told me "I Love You" on that unforgettable day.
Another girl whom we shared some strong feeling for,
She has four stars next to her name...and tha funny thing is,..
This chick was gay!

Could you fall for somebody who said they like other girls,
Yes u can.  And I'm not just talking some fake bliss.
We saw movies, went out to dinner on some nights,
This doll even gave me my first 3-in-1 kiss.

I'll let ur imagination run on that one,
She was one of the coolest gals I ever met.
Electricity filled the air whenever we were in each other's presence,
But I had to move to Miami, and God's date was stone set.

Ok, now!  We're cooking now,
Smokey is now humming out "Tears of a Clown"!
Why did I have to see this girl's name in this book,
Now my mood has gone from up to down.

This one wanted me to simply get to one of my boys,
How can u be so cruel to this fun kid?
Did everything right, yet she played me for a fool,
I didn't even wanna bring out my Sex Pistol...btw its named Vicious Sid.

U live and learn, that's life,
No grudges are need to held for years on end.
All that does is have you drinking Boone's Farm,
While watching No Ma'am meetings ...all in tha comforts of ur den.

Then u have this girl, named Maria.
She holds a distinction like no one else in the world.
For this girl is tha only one to put me in temporary retirement from love,
It took me like a year before I could even trust God or another girl.

U ask God, well I'll tell you,
Because before I talked to her, I wanted to be super sure.
Asking God, "Is this who u want me go after."
He told me, "YES!", and my plans began to hit tha floor.

After she drugged me through what she put me threw,
Tha Kid was left teary eyed, and in absolute total pain.
"I'm tired of this BS" was constantly in my heart,
It's no use in putting forth the effort with no future gain.

2 make matters worse is that she began to date this guy,
One that I worked with, and even knew.
I had to listen to him talk about how awesome this girl was,
Just to hear his words made me wish I had tha F'ing flu.

Yet, after all that madness, something happened,
I got stronger, and could even look her dead in her eye.
Now she began to not to even want to look at me,
Ain't it amazing how tha guilty ones can turn out to be so shy.

If I could survive that, I could survive anything,
And our confidence began to...weirdly grow strong.
Patient, and let it come to you, was our rallying cry,
If u're sexy, love will find hit me on tha head like, "Ding Dong!"

Let me pause to put on something else on tha speakers,
Mya...Usher...I'm in tha mood for Britney's Blackout, which is great.
"Gimme More" is my all-time anthem for life,
Going through this book shows me I have many types that I would date.

I cannot stand for somebody to be close minded,
Not to sound conceited, but u limit tha field by 75 percent.
Its tha person, not tha color, or even tha shape that matters in tha long run,
Perfection is ideal, but sometimes u might just get a Ferrari with a small dent.

Dang.  I forgot about these girls here,
How could I when they came at me in packs.
What is a guy to do when not one is gawking at you,
But when two...three or four wanna put u in tha sack.

Let's see, that foursome at tha Triple A, were cool,
Been awhile since I've beheld the attention of a quad of queens.
For real, they were super cool, and beautifully made,
I have to laugh cuz they might not been the best group I've seen.

How about on Meridian Ave., that steaming hot day,
When I was going to work out, until I heard a dames in distress call.
They locked themselves out of their apartment building,
All four of them looked like mannequins from Aventura Mall.

So I got all sweaty with them,
With tha only way up into the tall window was by push.
I'll never forget that beach babe, simply for tha fact,
She so willingly let me put my hands on her toosh!

Wild, man, if I was writing all this in my diary,
Somebody would be getting all bored from this talk.
Whatever, its what's gone on in our life, not made up,
I gotta laugh, this was another all-star that I met on a walk.

Walking down here in South Beach, I was heading home,
Until I came upon this girl who needed help moving a couch.
Her man was right there with her, but she was all up on us,
To be her boyfriend and see this go on...."Ouch!"

So after we helped with tha couch, this brunette babe walked on me,
Told me "Thank You sooo much", all with a smile.
Next she put her boobs on me, began to rub and feel on my abs,
And kissed me for real, and truly it all raised my dial.

As my guys would say, this girl is "hot as ----",
And she's putting me in this tough ordeal with her boyfriend.
That's not tha only time I've had a female come on me after some help,
For this 3-star dame, where do I begin.

This woman caught my eye from a block away,
My mind wandered like, "Who is That?"
Coke bottles, and Suzy-Q's is what ran through my mind at her sight,
And I guess also, "Why does South Beach have so many black cats?"

I hit my block on Jefferson, and she yells to me,
To come over to give her some help.
We put our things in our place, and went back out,
Wondering how Cupid is gonna review this episode on Yelp!

This woman was older than me,
But I could only imagine here in her Miami Party prime.
How she talked, and how she smiled at us,
She's been through tha game...and I know she was a pure Dime.

We help her out, inside her apartment, and then,
All Temptation Island broke flat out loose.
She told me if I needed help let her know, and how handsome I am,
I had a tough decision to make, especially as I peeked at her caboose.

I declined, but not as she kept coming after me,
Running down the stairs asking, "Where I'm from?"
Dude, I had to get out of there cuz she was on me hard,
Remember guys to ALWAYS call Jimmy before u come!  (U better smile at that one!)

This black book, I tell ya,
Why did we have to go through all this carrying on?
We just wanted to find a simple girl who loves life,
A marathon runner who also knows how to handle tha baton.

These names bring back memories,
With stories that are now becoming something of epic nature.
We've told a lot in our diary, but we STILL have some left,
Our life is better than any Jackie Collins pager.

I think I know why, and I might need some paper for this,
Let me tear out a sheet or two.
This has been a wild night, just me and our little black book,
Ain't it funny how time has just flew.

Where's my black pen, that's all I can use for this,
This is something that I need to remember just for me.
Love is more than sex...Dating is more than a kiss,
Height or weight is not tha end all, nor is a cup that ends in "D".

Found it.  Ok.  Now I'm where I want to be with Love,
So let me gather a few lessons, to never be shared again.
This is private, and not to be shared with others,
Let's make it true to women and men.

Timing is everything.  Love is in the eye of the beholder.
U can't make somebody see the beauty in you.
Just because something's good for you, doesn't mean somebody still wants it,
Nobody eats apples everyday, even though the doctor says just one will do.

What else?  Oh yes, I used to want somebody who I can glaze at,
Somebody who's attention I can always have.
Now I want somebody who looks not at me, but in tha same direction as me,
Glazing eyes sometimes blink, but looking together outward are where dreams grab.

Pain is good.  Tears are necessity.
If u don't know how bad it is, how can you appreciate tha good?
U learn about things u don't even wanna know about urself,
To ace tha exam, u first have to have long nights of least u should.

I've made, I wouldn't say mistakes, but certain moves,
Ones that I wouldn't do ever again.
Since I'm hear writing on this paper,
Might as well confess, shyly about me committing love's sin.

Don't grab a girl by tha hand if u don't know her,
That mistake can cost you and u look like a slob.
Also, don't beat around tha bush when u wanna get with a girl,
Be honest, tell straight up, "My name isn't a surname for's actually Bob."

Here's another one, don't try to impress a girl so much,
In that she has to think too hard to make up her mind.
I once came at a girl, by writing a love letter, backwards,
She declined the invitation, but did keep tha letter, which was fine.

Be open to age, race, and any other barriers,
That can prevent u from making friends and finding true love.
I remember being in College, and interacting with this High School chick,
It was like into her arms I was being pushed and shoved.

A sexy dance here, seeing her in her cheerleading outfit there,
Was I gonna become a part of La famila de Italiano?
Stephanie if u ever read this, got nuthing but love for u gurl,
To see how u move, makes me want to watch reruns of that MTV Hills show.

Don't be afraid, cuz u never know who's been checking you out,
Many times I've seen and heard of this being so true.
I always believe, there will come a moment where it's just you and that person alone,
From there, only you can tell you what to do.

The "In a relationship" thang...Ehh...I've commented before,
In our diary, I think I talked about this last.
Be real with folks, don't try to break up relationships or what not,
But a simple appreciation and word can make a sour attitude turn fast.

Now I recall this one woman being in a relationship with her man,
And I was asking all the questions short of, "Are ur panties blue or pink?"
She knew where I was heading, could feel it in tha air,
This woman, may I add, knew what to say and think.

Absolutely a gem of a doll, I knew that already,
From the moment I met her I didn't even have to guess.
Little did I know that my conversation would have such an impact on her,
Get this...after we talked, she changed her ENTIRE STYLE AND DRESS!

Like the change was immediate, and I believe,
Even has she talked about love, she was having some doubt.
If I could make somebody's else's day, and make her feel like a woman again,
Well, Lord ham mercy, that truly deserves a shout!

I don't know everything about love,
We've just been forced to tell our story.
Through diaries, through conversations that's all,
It's tha lessons, and not me that gets all the glory.

That's it with this piece of paper,
I now have to get some rest.
Let me pick up this thang one more time,
There have been others before, but I think this black thang is tha best.

All I've learned through you.
As I flip through these pages one last time,
How many Amy's are in here, there's let me

These girls have given me inspiration, and lesson unknown,
And now I hope somebody else doesn't throw in tha towel.
It can be crazy I know, but just hold on a little longer,
Before u hit a home run, u may have to hit a few balls foul.

The day is coming soon, where these words I say,
Won't be so accessible, as in from my heart.
One day u'll open up my diary and see, "I'm done.",
With me moving on to that well-prepared next star part.

Remember u have to go through whatever u're going through,
Consider urself special because u've been chosen to be tested in this manner.
Last I checked it took Jordan seven seasons,
Before he finally was able to hoist that Championship banner.

Ur right there, and now isn't tha time 2 give in,
Not before the whole well is about to open like never before.
Recently u've been simply getting in shape for ur future, that's all,
Sometimes when u life weights, and get better, afterwards u end a little sore.

Now me personally am going into the next stage of my life,
Which is why tonight is so special, like a celebration of sort.
Could be deemed a long process to some, but...
Don't forget, cherish this when Galaxia holds court.

For when it ends, it ends, and let me tell you right now,
When I walk away, you'll be turning u head,
Just to get one more look.
I've given u my soul....And poems galore,
2nite though I've given u the most personal thing in my life...
With honor, I now give you...

My Black Book.

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