Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Austino Galaxia...Wayne???

"A long night, Master Bruce?"

Hello, Alfred...yeah, it's another one seemingly.  But tonight is....different.

"But how so Sir?"

Well, if you may ask.  I've been thinking a lot about my life.  I've been thinking about...hanging it up.

"But Sir, you've still got some years left..."

I'm not finished.  Yeah, its been crazy dealing with legends as The Joker, The Riddler, Poison Ivy, and the list goes on and on.   But now even many of them have retired.  More importantly than this 'Caped Crusader' thing, is that I feel like it's time for me to have a successor to my Wayne Enterprises brand.  And who can represent Bruce Wayne to tha max, into the future, and shall I say, into the next...Galaxy.

"If that's how you feel Master Bruce, then you need somebody who has been groomed, used to some things, a man about the town per se...someone who knows what u've stood for, and has a heart to act upon the well desires of the whole and not tha select few....I think there's only one person for the job."

I agree.

"But Master Bruce, u've been following him for awhile now, do you think he's actually ready?  I mean, just a few days ago, he was thinking about how it's not worth it anymore, and how he's tired of using pain to fuel his fire.  Are u certain about this?"


"How certain?"


"Alright, so what do you want to do?  Is this gonna be an open tryout, or is this gonna be..."

I'll handle this one.  Alfred, when was the last time you've had a vacation?

"Oh, if I must say Sir, it's been a mighty long time, when tha Rat Pack was around, if I may add."

It's well overdue then, my friend.  Pack up...where heading to pick out my new successor...We're heading down to "The Land of The Beautiful People".

"Truly, that'll be my pleasure, Sir."

(Meanwhile in the neighborhood of South Beach.....)

'Dude, honestly I don't know?'

U don't know.

'Look man, D. Wade's pivot foot didn't move alright.  They call travelling and cost us the whole game.  Then did u see the calls tha refs made on 'Bron last night?  I mean, in the first half, he didn't even touch homedude's name...'

David West.

'Yeah, West, I mean, C'mon.  And then they called that Mickey Mouse offensive foul on LBJ in fourth quarter, I'm from Indiana so I know how them refs can cheat.  I'm still mad about this call against my high school back in '98.'

'98?  Really...

'I'm serious, our Varsity team had a squad that year.  We shoulda won State.  But we was hooping, and all of a sudden, these refs start trippin'.  Long story short...Bogus 5-second call, dude hit a game winning three, I drop to my knees, and laying face down on tha court as cheerleaders in black and orange celebrate around me.  Telling you, Game 5, the Heat better come out shooting, or tha refs gonna stir up some trouble...Watch!  Just watch!'

This fool is crazy...Hey, let me ask you, what about tha honey's son?  

'They alright.'

Alright.  Word is that one girl you had an interest in, is looking mighty fine nowadays.  Hitting tha gym, got herself all tanned up, smile looking glistening white...

'Stop it bro!"

Naw for real, she's looking right.  U need to get at that, for real.  Then my boy done seen u in this one store on yesterday, and said that you were like surrounded by nothing but nines and tens...It was like God was shaking a KFC Family Meal dime pieces and they were all landing near you...For you to eat!  I mean can a brotha get a little cole slaw for himself?  But for real, Am I lying?...Tell tha truth...Am I lying though?!!

'Yeah, u right.' (Shyly Spoken)

Told you!...Told you! 

'I'm just letting things come to us...and...'

Uh-huh!  What about that girl u were in the elevator with at Target down in Midtown on yesterday?  Huh?  See...

'What about her?' (Smiling)

What about her?  What about her?  Dude, she was fire.  She had on this tan skirt with this blue blouse that was cute and all, then she had on these like stiletto tan pumps.  Held her purse above her forearm just like you like it.  Had her blond hair pushed back, sexy skin, with pretty legs and a walk to match.

'You need to stop bro.'

Then u get into the elevator, and talked about like 'the silence of elevators' (Fingers in Quotations), and all that small talk.  Get tha #$%! out of here, u wanted to get with her I know it...I know it.  And she totally was excited that you talked to her,bro. just how she responded to you...And then...And you two left your little love bird nest in tha sky, she dag gone near was walking side by side with you into the store, like them 'Simon-a-Sez' twins do.

'First off, it's Siamese Twins.  Second of all, I'm...

There's isn't a second of all, part-ner!  You shoulda got them digits...Homey, she was so distracted by you, that as she was walking with you, she totally forgot where she was going!  Then she tried to play it off by saying, "Have a Nice Day".  Pleeese...Bro, she was into you...Plus, I hear them Brickell girls can get a little freaky during Happy Hour after a long day at tha Law Firm...I wonder if she had a sister.  Man, we need to go back, I think I need to pick up some toothpaste or something.

'Dude, relax...and everything will work itself out.  I'm not trippin' bro, we're around beautiful girls all the time, so they are just people, not a piece of meat or booty.  If it's meant to be, then it will be.  U guys are freakin' nuts...Besides, seemingly it's like somebody new every...'

(Remember The Time...When we fell in love...Do you Remember The Time...When...we...first...met girl...Do...)

'Hold it guys, I have to take this call...Hello.'


'This is him...who's this.'

Bruce....Bruce Wayne.

'Like The Bruce Wayne, or like Bruce Wayne I seen from my homegirl's Halloween Bash last year?'

Not funny.  This is Bruce Wayne of Wayne Enterprises.

'Of Wayne Enter..'

We need to talk.  I'm in town.  Maridarin Oriental.  8pm.



'Fellas I got to go...I'm about to meet this dude, Bruce Wayne...'


(Later That Night on Brickell Key...)

'So this is what a five-star hotel looks like, huh?!  Not too bad, I've been in the Four Seasons down the street, but this...this is alright.  Yes, I'm here to see Bruce...'

"Take the elevator to the top floor, then take the  first door on the right."

'I guess he was expecting me...the elevator is???....Oh, there it is.  (Bing!)  Here we go...this is wild, I hope this is the real deal, and I'm not part of some "Catfish" scheme that I've been reading about.  Folks meeting folks online think they are about to get it on with a Hallie Berry, and next thing u know it they are meeting Hallie Scary!  Tha Kid don't got no time for that...(Bing!)  Alright, we're here...first door on the goes nothing...'

(Knock, Knock, Knock)

'Yes, I'm looking for...What Tha...!  I'm sorry madam... you're like totally naked....And you have friends... Ok... Um...Is Bruce Wayne in here?'


'Yes Sir.' (With a head turn.)

Over here.  The first door on the right.  Not left.

'Sorry, Hey after this chat with BW can all of us play "Uncape the Crusader?"'

(Door Slam!)

Sit.  You can lose money chasing women.  But you can never lose women, chasing money.  Always remember that.

'Yes Sir.'

So you know who I am.  Is that correct?

'I have heard some things.'

I've heard some things about you.  Let me see...U just met with Aimer and "Fun" the other day.  We're close friends.

'How clo..?'

Close.  I told them of my situation.  And they agreed that you are the right person for the job.  What I say in here, is not to leave this room, understood.

'Yes, Mr. Wayne.'

Good.  I'm considering leaving my position at Wayne Enterprises.  Being that I'm not married, although that Selina Kyle still tickles my fancy.  But I have no children...that I know off. Meaning, I have nobody to follow in my footsteps.  I've been following you for a while now.  Through high school, through college, through every stage of your life, I've had a side eye on you, because I felt like you were..."it".

'Thank you, Sir.  But I've been through so much, I mean you could choose anybody why me?'

A Great Path has no path.  U wrote that some time ago.  Everything that's been going on, from u learning the value of money to how to deal with people...To how to sacrifice time and effort...Social lesson innumerable...That has all been a preparation for...this.  I want you to succeed me with my company of Wayne Enterprises, and I want to teach you every thing I know. You are already well-equipped, but there's another level to where I want you to go.  You want the Galaxy...You want to be the best...You want your own era...There's a process to everything.  And it begins one step at a time.  This is tha first step.  What do you think.


Will Austino Galaxia take Mr. Wayne's offer to become a successor to Wayne Enterprises?
Will this be a beginning of a collaboration like no other?
Could this be the opportunity of a lifetime that comes along well...once in a lifetime?
Should Mr. Wayne and Austino Galaxia go across the hall for a little "Cape Crusade" fun?

All these questions will be answered, and more...

As Always...

Same Bat Time....
Same Bat Channel...

Til Next Time.
Austino Galaxia.

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